InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Goodbye to You ❯ Can't Fight The Moonlight ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes: Some of you thought that was the end didn't you?! Didn't you?! :::Laughs uncontrollably::: Sorry readers, but not quite! I mean, this is gonna be a short story, but seriously. End it there? Psh. Not happening. Anyways, here's the next installment, after such a long ass wait. (Don't worry, already got the next chap, so just review plz!!!!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. I also do not own any of the songs used in this little fan fic of my mine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go cry myself a river for the simple fact that I am POOR! :::Wails pathetically:::

~Goodbye to You~

:::Part Four: Can't Fight the Moonlight:::




Violet eyes.

He had violet eyes!

Um... excuse me, but Inuyasha WAS NOT supposed to have violet eyes unless it was...

Kagome suddenly looked up at the night sky, only to notice the full moon shining brightly with borrowed light. She turned back to Inuyasha and blinked once more as he smirked. His dark hair swayed to and fro as he shook his head in amusement.


Dark hair?!




"You... uh, I... um... huh?"

Was the only intelligent reply that came from Kagome's mouth as she stared at Inuyasha with her mouth slightly agape. He took one step towards her, but frowned as she took one step back.

"You didn't answer my question Kagome. Can I hope... or should I give up while I'm ahead?"

Kagome blinked once more as she regained most of her senses. She sighed wearily as she shook her own head, this one not in amusement but in exasperation. After all this time, the love declaration, the fact she CAME BACK! The boy still had doubts?

"What do you think Inuyasha?"

Of course, as she said this, she still couldn't quite believe her own eyes as they took in the sight in front of her.

Inuyasha was human! HUMAN!

Was the world coming to an end?!

"I think..."

Inuyasha took one more step towards her as she took one more step back, but this time he didn't frown. In fact, his eyes seemed to shine with a new found resolution of some sort...

This only meant trouble for poor Kagome.

"I think I'll take the chance."

Kagome blinked once more as he said this and put her hands in her jean pockets. She just couldn't take it anymore though.

She had to ask.

"Inuyasha... what, I mean... why did you wish to be... I always assumed you would, well..."

Inuyasha smiled wryly as Kagome babbled a bit and took a couple more steps toward Kagome, silently pleased she didn't back away this time.

Instead of answering her half baked question like Kagome thought he would, Inuyasha then looked up at the moon lit sky.

"It was... a night just like this one wasn't it? Exactly one year ago when you left I mean. No one was around, the stars shone with such vigor and I... I really didn't know what to do, much less what I wanted."

Inuyasha sighed as he looked back down onto Kagome's face. It was then that she noticed how weary he looked, how tired his voice sounded.

Just what had she put him through?

"But, there is actually one difference. Even if I don't know what to do... I know what I want. And I'm definitely going to get it back..."

Under the lover's sky

Gonna be with you,

And no one's gonna be around.

If you think you won't fall;

Well just wait until,

Till the sun goes down...


The intense look in Inuyasha's eyes scared Kagome just as much as his 'new' form.

The moonlight shone over him, casting an ethereal appearance to his already surprising features. But... she could tell he hadn't really changed. No matter what he looked like, to her he would always just be Inuyasha.


Why did it feel like she was falling all over again?

Was that even possible?!

Underneath the starlight;


There's a magical feeling,

So right!

It'll steal your heart tonight...


"You know what I want, right Kagome? I mean it should be obvious at this point."

Inuyasha was now directly in front of Kagome. His breath gently fanned her face as he traced her facial features with one of his fingers.

She shivered slightly at the odd sensations. She couldn't give into them though. Not until she had her answers damn it!

As Kagome attempted to step back once again, Inuyasha grabbed her arm and pulled her flush against him.

"Don't... If I can't fight it, neither can you."

"Fight what Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha smirked as he nuzzled her hair in an endearing manner.

You can try to resist,

Try to hide from my kiss,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight the moonlight.

Deep in the dark,

You'll surrender your heart,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight moonlight...


You can't fight it...


"I can't tell you Kagome, but just know..."

It's gonna get to your heart.


Kagome took in a long shuddering breath as she pulled out of his embrace, already missing the warmth. Instead of the surprise he should of have had on his face, the bastard had the nerve to look amused again!

This only confused Kagome all the more. What in the blue hell was going on!? Why was he acting this way? Wasn't he supposed to hate her, or be distant... or, or anything other than this stupid affection!?

"What is your problem Inuyasha?! I've been gone for over a year, I come back expecting to come face to face to some heart wrenching scene, have my family hate me endlessly and to be shunned from the village for just being me! Instead, my family loves me, the village wants me to stay and here you are acting all lovey dovey with me! Let's not forget the fact that you're HUMAN and still on this plane of EXISTENCE! Am I in some freaky alternate universe or something?!"

Kagome stared at the boy incredulously as Inuyasha just regarded her in a calm manner, all affection lost in his gaze.

Now who would of thought that calmly and Inuyasha even belonged in the same SENTENCE?!

"Do you want me to hate you Kagome?"

Kagome crossed her arms across her chest as she turned her head away from him.

That was a dumbass question.

Of course she didn't WANT him to hate her. It was just...

"It'd be easier to deal with than... whatever your feeling right now."

Kagome heard him sigh in exasperation, but she knew he wouldn't get it. He knew for a fact that she had always cared about him.

Hell, she had told him that she had LOVED him. And she still did.

But what about her? For as long as she knew him, he had always been so... rough with her. She could count all their sentimental moments on one hand!

And now, all of sudden, barely a week after she had come back after being gone for one long year, he had expected her to just accept he cared for her and still not get any answers?!

Yeah, right.

Kagome suddenly shivered as a light breeze drifted through the calm forest setting. Inuyasha's gaze softened immensely as he saw this and took off his haori and draped it on her shoulders before she could barely blink.

Kagome looked straight ahead as he stood behind her, his hands still on her shoulders.

"Why won't you tell me anything Inuyasha? Don't you... don't you trust me anymore?"

Inuyasha's hands slid down toward her waist as he nestled his chin on the crook of Kagome's neck.

"It's not that I don't trust you Kagome, because I do and I always will. I just don't see a reason to tell you yet. You'll get your answers soon enough, just as I will get mine. But you're here with me right now, and now that I've got you after so long, there's no escape..."

"No escape from what?"

Inuyasha only mysteriously smiled as he closed his human eyes and held onto her just a bit tighter.

There's no escaping love

Once the gentle breeze

Weaves its spell upon your heart.

No matter what you think,

It won't be too long

Till your in my arms...


Kagome just wanted to lean back and let herself be enveloped in his embrace, but she knew she couldn't.

Too many questions left unanswered.

Too many situations left to over-analyze.

So she stood rigidly as he leaned on her, that little knowing smirk still resting on his lips.

Gods, she forgot how annoying he could be!

"You know, you really need to relax,"

Inuyasha opened his eyes as he pulled her stiff body closer to his in an attempt to get her to calm herself.

"I don't remember you always being so high strung..."

Kagome pursed her lips together as she attempted to walk out of his embrace-

Only to be turned around and reacquainted to his chest.

What a day.

"Why are you resisting this so much? I'm not gonna bite yo-"

"That's it!"

Kagome finally pushed her way out of his tight embrace and pointed at him in anger.

"You just cannot be Inuyasha! He is irrational, loud, rash, thick-headed and too proud for his own good! Now unless you stop acting like, like you actually CARE, I swear I'll-"

Kagome never did get to finish her sentence. As soon as she got through half of her ranting, a pair of lips belonging to a now human Inuyasha crashed into her own leaving no space for argument.

Underneath the starlight,


We'll be lost in the rhythm,

So right!

Feel it steal your heart tonight...


Hot damn...

Was he supposed to feel this good!?

Kagome began to melt in his embrace as his tongue brushed her lips, almost begging for entrance. Kagome hesitantly opened her mouth, losing herself in the feel of him...

Before her eyes suddenly widened and she pushed away from him once more.

Her cheeks painted themselves a crimson red as she kept her stare on the ground.

She did NOT just make out with Inuyasha! Not even for a second!

Before she could try to over analyze the entire situation, (As was it in her nature to do so) a rough hand grabbed her chin and pulled her face up to meet a pair of violet eyes, amusement dancing in their depths.

"I told you, you just can't fight it..."


You can try to resist,

Try to hide from my kiss,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight the moonlight.

Deep in the dark,

You'll surrender your heart,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight moonlight...

He began to move closer to her in an agonizingly slow pace...


You can't fight it...

She couldn't do this with him, though! He was supposed to not care!

Their lips were barely millimeters apart, each person staring at the other through half lidded eyes.


No matter what you do-


Could she really stop even if she had really wanted to?



The night is gonna get to you!

Their lips melded together once again, a new aggression burning rampant through the both of them.

Don't try then,

You're never gonna win.


Inuyasha gently laid Kagome down on the ground, belying the rough treatment he was giving her lips.

The stars twinkled innocently down at the young couple, the branches of the Goshimboku gently swaying as another breeze swiftly drifted by.

Part of me the starlight-


There's a magical feeling,

So right!

It'll steal your heart tonight...


Inuyasha's hand gently traced her hips as the other held the back of Kagome's head.

It was... amazing.


Simply amazing.


The questions still filled her mind.



Is this even real!?

As Kagome pulled back from the kiss after some long, heated moments, she stared into Inuyasha's own gaze. She knew he could see the questions lurking in her eye's depths.

Inuyasha just shook his head as he leaned down for another kiss, but Kagome turned her head away.

"So we're playing that game again, Kagome? I told you, if I can't fight this, neither can you."

Kagome gazed at a root on the ground in confusion.

Fight what!?

What was she fighting?

Inuyasha then kissed her cheek tenderly before kissing her neck once again.

"Just stop Kagome... let it go. Cause in the end, there's just no use resisting, it'll always get inside..."


You can try to resist,

Try to hide from my kiss,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight the moonlight.

Deep in the dark,

You'll surrender your heart,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight moonlight...


"Why do you keep being so mysterious? What EXACTLY is it I can't resist! I just... I-"

"See Kagome? You don't even know what to say. I was the same way you know. I tried so hard to get away from this feeling."

Inuyasha nuzzled her neck before smiling cheekily.

"But I couldn't escape it. Couldn't fight it any longer than 'humanly' possible. So what makes you think you can Kagome? Stop being so brain dead and think about it for a second."

Kagome finally turned to him to glare at him and to, of course, shout her own reproach-

But instead of shouting at him, Inuyasha took the chance and once again surprised her with another mind blowing kiss.


You can't fight it-


Kagome once again tried to break out of it, but Inuyasha beat her to it.

"Anyone ever tell you you're incredibly sexy when you're frustrated?"

What the... ?!

Kagome tried to squirm out from beneath him, but Inuyasha had effectively trapped her to the ground.


You can try to resist,

Try to hide from my kiss,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight the moonlight.

Deep in the dark,

You'll surrender your heart,

But you know-

But you know that you

Can't fight moonlight...


Kagome stopped struggling from beneath him, but tried to lean as far away from him as possible...

Which was pretty impossible considering her was holding her head.

Double shit.


You can't fight it-


She stared up into his lavender eyes, waiting for any sort of response.

And also trying to ignore that annoying little smirk on his face, but whatever.

Instead of taking her lips hostage once again, Inuyasha lowered his head down to her ear, his breath tickling her neck hairs.

"You know you can't fight it anymore, don't you. You finally understand that no matter what questions or scenarios plague your mind, that in the end..."

It's gonna get to your heart.