InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Graduation ❯ Sex Ed ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yay! So here's chapter seven! I hope to get some good reviews this time! Last time I got some pretty half assed ones, I mean, it's not that I'm not grateful, I would just like some feeling put into them, ya know? An exclamation point or two. Maybe a smiley! Either way, enjoy!
And the tallies have been counted! No more voting! Girl-19 Boy-10
Congrats, Inu, it's a girl.
I don't own Inuyasha.
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Chapter 07
The two shards retrieved from Kouga had been fused to the chunk that Kagome possessed and only a sliver was left, meaning that only one shard was now missing. It had been two weeks since her kidnapping and Kagome was scheduled to go into the doctor's office for her second ultrasound. Her stomach had grown quite a bit in the past fourteen days, as had her appetite.
The pup also grew more active as the days went on, especially when Inuyasha would lay his head in her lap and yip at it. Though when he was too active, especially when he was preventing her from sleeping, Inuyasha's quite rumbling purr would help to settle it down.
She and Inuyasha were equally excited about the test, for they would be able to find out the pup's gender this time around. They were quickly taken back into the ultrasound room, but not before receiving disapproving stares from older expecting mothers in the waiting room. They greeted the technician and Kagome moved to sit on the reclining bed as Inuyasha sat on the chair next to it.
Lifting her shirt and pulling the waistband of her skirt down, Kagome prepared herself for the shock of the cold goo. Just as it was applied, Dr. Nishigaki entered and walked towards the ultrasound machine to stand next to the tech. “Hello, Kagome, are you well?” she asked kindly.
“Pretty well. I've just been so hungry lately! I almost rival Inuyasha on how much I consume!” she said exasperatedly with a roll of her eyes.
“I don't eat that much, wench!” Inuyasha interjected indignantly.
“You eat enough to feed a small army!” Kagome laughed.
Before Inuyasha could reply again, Dr. Nishigaki cut in and asked, “So, are you excited to find out the gender?”
Kagome smiled brilliantly and nodded enthusiastically. “I'm so excited! I can't wait to find out so I can finally go shopping for proper things!”
Dr. Nishigaki chuckled and nodded understandingly. “What are you hoping it'll be?” she questioned the couple.
Kagome looked thoughtful. “I hadn't really thought about it,” she confessed. “I'd be happy either way.”
“What about you, Inuyasha?” the doctor asked the half demon.
“A girl,” he answered, reaching out a hand to fiddle with Kaogme's bangs.
Kagome looked up at him and smiled. “A girl would be nice.” The technician set the scanner on her stomach and started moving it around.
“There's your baby,” she said in a cheerful voice. “And it looks like you'll be getting your wish there, sir. You're going to have a little girl.”
Kagome gasped and smiled, reaching out to take her mate's hand and clutch it in her own against her chest as her eyes grew moist. “Really? A girl?”
“Yep!” the tech answered happily, taking the scanner off of Kagome's stomach and wiping it off.
“Mama will be so excited when we tell her!” Kagome gushed as she wiped off the goo with the towel provided by the technician.
“It's probably a good thing that your first child is a girl as they tend to be a little more gentle on a mother's body when in the womb,” Dr. Nishigaki told them.
“Oh, I don't know about that,” Kagome answered cheekily. “I mean, she is his daughter,” she gestured to her mate, “so she might just end up being a little hellion!”
“Oi!” Inuyasha yelled indignantly as the women laughed. Kagome straightened her clothes and stood, still grasping Inuyasha's hand.
“I guess I'll see you at your next check up then?” the doctor questioned.
“We'll be here,” Kagome answered as they left the room and made their way towards the checkout.
“When were you planning on moving?” Dr. Nishigaki asked.
“We'll probably be moving a little before my due date, so we still have quite a while,” Kagome answered. She had planned on staying permanently in the Feudal Era after Christmas or at least, mostly permanent as she would probably be too big for her to continue to travel back and forth between times safely. It was September at the moment, so she still had some time to spend with her mother, brother and grandfather before leaving.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked out of the office with cheerful dispositions. Kagome let go of her mate's hand and wrapped her arm around his waist instead; sticking her hand in the front pocket of the jeans he was wearing. In response, Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her waist and settling his hand on her stomach, receiving a kick from his pup as he did so.
“We're having a girl,” Kagome mumbled, looking down at her stomach, placing her unoccupied hand over her mate's. “Do you know what this means?” She looked up at her mate and smiled. Inuyasha looked down at her, confusion written upon his face as they made their way to the nearest bus stop. “It means that we can name her after Kikyou.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened before he smiled a small genuine smile. “That's right. I'd almost forgotten,” he said.
“And the next girl that we have we can name after your mother,” Kagome added with a secretive smile.
“My mother?” Inuyasha asked, surprised. He then smiled and caught on to her little game. “Alright then, we can name our first boy after your father.”
“No way, yours!” Kagome laughed.
“Nuh uh!” Inuyasha argued with a chuckle.
“Maybe we'll have twins so we won't have to have this argument,” Kagome said.
Inuyasha's eyes widened and he squeaked, “Twins?” Kagome laughed and they boarded the recently arrived bus.
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“We're back, Mama!” Kagome yelled as she slipped her shoes off. Inuyasha slipped his own shoes off and kept his arm around his mate as he followed her into the kitchen.
“How did it go, sweetie?” Mama Higurashi asked from the kitchen table where she sat with a cup of tea.
“It's a girl!” Kagome told her excitedly.
“That's great! Oh we're gunna have so much fun shopping for clothes and toys and other baby things!” her mother chattered excitedly. She stood, setting down her tea cup, and hugged her daughter and then a surprised Inuyasha, receiving a gentle hug in return.
“Not too many things, Mama,” Kagome reminded. “I don't' want to change the future with what I take back to the past.”
“Yeah, yeah, but still!” Mama Higurashi said, waving off her daughter's concern.
Kagome sighed, but smiled, leaning over into her mate's side as she covered a yawn with a hand. “You're tired, wench; you should sleep.” Inuyasha told her, scooping her up against his chest.
“`M not tired,” she mumbled, though still snuggling into his chest.
“You spent most of your day on your feet. If you don't rest, you'll put strain on yourself and the pup,” Inuyasha said as he carried her up the stairs and to her room.
“But…” Kagome argued halfheartedly, feeling the soft sheets of her bed under her as Inuyasha set her on the edge.
“Not buts,” he spoke sternly. He stripped her down to her bra and underwear before pulling the sheets back and settling her under them. He quickly pulled off his own clothes, leaving on the strange `bock-sirs' that Kagome told him men wore in this time, before slipping in next to her and pulling her back against his chest.
He rested a hand over her swollen tummy, rubbing her slightly protruding belly button. “Sleep,” he whispered into her ear. He felt her relax against him and slowly, her breathing evened out. He nuzzled her shoulder gently before placing a light kiss against his mating mark on her shoulder and following her into the land of nod.
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They returned to the Feudal Era the following day, ready and excited to share with their ragtag group the gender of their pup. They stopped at their home first, retrieving Shippou, who was ecstatic at their return, and headed towards the village.
“So, what have you been doing while we were gone, baby?” Kagome asked the small fox demon.
“I've been spending the days in the village, either helping Kaede with her garden or playing with the other kids, Mama,” Shippou responded with a smile from his perch on Inuyasha's shoulder. Inuyasha hadn't allowed her to carry the kit since she started showing, saying that it was not good for her to strain herself. Though, he hadn't said it in so many nice words.
They were greeted by Miroku, Sango, and Kirara, all of whom were enjoying the last bit of summer heat, spending it sitting outside of Kaede's hut under the shade of a tree. “Hey, guys, welcome back,” Sango greeted as she stroked Kirara's back from where the cat was dozing in her lap.
“Yes, welcome back,” Miroku reiterated, his hand inching closer to his fiancé's behind.
“How did it go?” Sango asked while she skillfully slapped away Miroku's hand, not allowing her eyes to stray from the small family in front of them.
“We're having a girl!” Kagome gushed, walking hurriedly over to sit next to her friend, leaning her back against the tree.
“Really?” Sango asked excitedly. “Who do you want her to look like?”
Inuyasha stretched out in front of his mate and laid his head in her lap. Shippou had since jumped off of his shoulder and made his way to prop himself on one of his surrogate mother's unoccupied knees and pressed his ear against the side of her stomach.
“I don't really know,” Kagome answered as she absent mindedly rubbed one of Inuyasha's ears and Shippou's tail. “I mean, she'll have Inuyasha's ears, we know that much, but that's about all we know. I just hope that she'll be as cute as him!”
Sango giggled and Miroku chuckled before he asked, “What about you, Inuyasha?” The question was met with silence. They all looked down at the half demon to find him asleep, one ear pressed firmly against his mate's breeding belly, and the other twitching unconsciously against Kagome's calm petting.
“I guess he's pretty tired,” Kagome remarked quietly. “It is much calmer here than it is in my time. I bet he'll be hungry when he wakes up.”
“True,” Sango murmured, covering a giggle. “Let's go get started on dinner with Kaede, Miroku.” The two left, Sango carrying a sleeping Kirara, and entered the old woman's hut. Kagome leaned back against the tree and lazily pet her mate's hair, occasionally running her fingers through his bangs.
Shippou snuggled himself on his surrogate mother's leg, pressed up against her side, under her breast, and fell asleep, joining his surrogate father into sleep. Kagome looked down at her two boys and smiled before she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Nothing could ruin this moment.
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Yay! So there it is! I hope that you enjoyed it and will reward me with many reviews! For I got this out much quicker than the last! XDD