InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ gymnast from hell ❯ chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )
Hey guys sorry for the longish wait. But you know my problem already.
I must thank you all for all the support you're giving me; it feels wonderful to be appreciated. ^^; ok now onwards with the chapter!!!!
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my piggy coffee mug and my violin… wait that's not even mine. MUST YOU PEOPLE DISCOURAGE ME SO?!!
Chapter 13.
Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango and Kouga made Kagome's house their next stop. Intent on finding out the whereabouts of the young rebel.
"Why do shrines have to have so many stairs?" Miroku whined.
"Not sure" Sango answered with a thoughtful look about her face.
They reached the top and everyone collapsed in the courtyard catching their breaths. They also saw Mrs. Higurashi not too far from them, watering some flowers.
"Hey Mrs. H" Kouga called like he and the woman were the best of friends.
"Who are you?" she asked looking over at them,
"Where friends of Kagome's" Sango clarified
"Oh where is she? I haven't seen her since yesterday"
"Didn't the hospital call you?" Inuyasha asked
"Call me? What for?" she asked slightly alarmed
"She was attacked at school yesterday-" he started
"I told her not to go," she muttered, "Sorry please continue"
"Yeah, - she has a broken arm and they said she was to stay over last night, she somehow managed to leave without a trace. I called her this morning, it sounded as if she was on a freeway" he ended
"Hmm, well this isn't the first time she's done this. But she's never left injured" Mrs. H murmured
"You mean she's runaway before?" Inuyasha asked incredulously.
"Yes she has," Mrs. H sighed, "twice before we moved here and once after she started your school"
`Now there's something else we learnt about Kagome today' Sango thought wryly
"Why did she runaway?" Miroku asked, curiosity near its peak.
"Something about being mentally tortured, or so she put it, she was always one to exaggerate. I just figured it was because she hated the school. But when she came back, she got over it, began not caring anymore, and started playing the guitar more viciously now. I hardly ever see her smile anymore, so I realized it was more than the school she hated. But being her friends you must have already known that" she waved it aside.
During the little speech, Inuyasha's ears drooped lower and lower, he was the cause of Kagome's change, but how could a thing like teasing change a person so drastically?
Sango on the other hand kept glaring at said boy. Her gaze just got colder and colder. How could he have been so cruel?!
"So do you have any idea where she could have gone?" Kouga asked, ignoring the two.
"She's gone over to Ayame's" she said, half expecting them to recognize the name.
"To who?"
"Her cousin Ayame"
A phone began to ring in the house. Ji-chan poked his head out the window and yelled. "Mehi, phone, its Rehi"
She led them into the house then to the living room them left for the phone.
"So Inuyasha, this is all your fault" Sango said.
"I know- hey Kouga was in on it too!" he defended.
"Hey!" Kouga said in response to being dragged into the argument.
"Well the fact is that she's gone and we need to find her" Miroku said attempting to calm them down.
Souta came down the stairs, Gameboyâ"¢ in hand,
"Hey, are you here for `gome? Well shes not here. I think she ran away again, probably died this time too- hey you're the guy that was in her room on Wednesday" he said pointing to Inuyasha
"You were in her room?" they all asked
He laughed nervously, then Mrs. H came back, effectively bailing him out for now.
"She is over at Ayame's, don't worry, she'll be back in a week or 2"
"We don't have that long"
"Oh my, she'll miss her competition next week" she walked out of the room again to answer the phone.
"So uh Inuyasha" Miroku asked slyly
"Yeah?" he answered not quite liking his friend's tone
"What were you doing in her room on Wednesday?"
"nothin' I only tormented and annoyed her until she agreed to be in the band" he answered truthfully
"right…" they all said
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Kagome and Ayame were out on the back porch on the chairswings, they were sitting crossway on the chairs, eating ice cream and yogurt and just chatting, catching up on life.
"So where is Shippo?" Kagome asked stirring her ice cream, melting it.
"He's at some camp right now" Ayame answered off-handedly
"But its like the middle of the school term or something, well I think anyway"
"Yeah I know, that's what I said, but the school put it on"
"Oh, I wanted to see him though"
"He's supposed to be comin' back sometime next week"
"Great, oh hold on for a second, I need to go make a phone call"
"Yeah whatever"
Kagome went inside and called her mother asking her to bring or send over a couple of Ayame's stuff she `borrowed' last time.
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Mrs. Higurashi went back into the living room, informing them about the phonecall. Telling them it was Kagome asking her to bring some stuff over.
"We can bring em', then we can bring her back" Inuyasha said
"She doesn't want to leave yet, she's catching up with her cousin. That's one of the main reasons she goes there when she runs away."
"Could we still bring them over?" Sango asked
"I don't see why not"
She then took Sango up to Kagome's room.
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The two girls were in the living room, lounging, Kagome took up the remote and started flicking through the channels on the big screen TV in front of the room.
"so `gome are you and this Inuyasha person going out?"
"NO!" she said a little too quickly "At least I don't think so" she looked at her cousin, "Aya, what should I do?"
"No" she answered again, she seemed to like that word very much "well yeah, I kinda do, but it's just so frustrating"
"Well, have you tried telling him how you feel-"
"HELLO, remember the last time I ran away and the reason behind it?"
"Oh, yeah, him, then that drastic change happened" she teased
"It wasn't drastic" Kagome said turning her attention back to the TV.
"What's the motif of your room now?"
"Blue, black and purple why?"
"That is drastic, it used to be PINK!!"
"Ok ok, fine you got me there, but you cant forget, you helped, heck you even came up with the idea"
"Ok ok, so I did, so what?"
"Your partly to blame" Kagome got up and stepped over the couch, getting away from her cousin, Ayame though slapped her on her butt playfully. Kagome fake limped to the kitchen and began rummaging through he fridge.
"Yo can I get a water?"
She threw the bottle across the room, the doorbell rang and Ayame got up to get it, the bottle hit her straight in the back of her head. Kagome burst out lauging.
"That was not funny"
"Then why am I laughing?"
"Because you're an ass"
Aya went and answered the door, she blinked once, the glare of the sun melting her, she blinked again then she was able to make out the outline of four people on her porch. It was around one and she and Kagome were still in their pjs.
"Hello?" she asked once her eyes had properly adjusted.
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"Inuyasha I think this is the place" Sango said
"How do you know?"
"Well I see her car right there"
"I knew that" he said trying to redeem himself
He parked and they all filed out. They went up on the porch and rang the doorbell.
A girl in her pajama's came out smiling and rubbing the back of her head. She had red hair and blue eyes(??).
"May I help you?" she asked again after her initial hello
Kouga was too busy drooling to do anything so Sango spoke up.
"Yeah, were here to see Kagome"
"Oh so you're the ones " she said then spun in the threshold "'gome its for you!"
"Oh probably my mom" she said as she approached the door. She walked past, jumping out of the way as she tried to hit her. Kagome stuck out her tongue and Ayame made a face. The group at the door watched the exchange; they've never seen Kagome act so… normal before.
Kagome looked outside and was blinded momentarily by the sun, she blinked once and her smile faded.
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phew, ::wipes imaginary sweat off brow:: there that chapter done.
I hope you enjoyed.
I'll just get to uploading, then I'll go eat something. Man I'm starved!!
Please review. Even if its blank because you don't really know what to say. (I've done that once… I think)