InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hachinintai ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Band of Eight
By Anonymous Laughter
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters created by Rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter Six
“Do these look poisonous to you?” Kagome looked over to where Bankotsu displayed a handful of neon blue berries. They had elected to go looking for food after the group set up camp and were looking for herbs and fruit to eat while they waited for the traps they set to catch something.
“Something that brightly colored couldn't be good for you. I don't think you should chance it.”
Bankotsu dropped the berries with a shrug and said, “Alright then, let's go over there. I think I see a clearing where we can rest awhile.”
“I'm right behind you,” Kagome said but when they entered the field Kagome gasped, “Hey I've been here before!”
The two looked around the bright meadow that had a wooden well in the middle, “The day I met you this is where the centipede demon brought me. I had to climb out of that well.”
Bankotsu walked over to it and looked over the edge, “Its pretty dark down there. Is it dry?”
“It sure is,” Kagome said as she leaned over the edge to stare into its depths, “I don't think it's too far to the bottom though.”
“Be careful Kagome or you'll fall in,” Bankotsu warned, “If you broke your leg how would I ever get you out?”
“I am being careful,” Kagome replied and as she sat at the edge of the well asked, “Hey, I've been wondering for awhile. When are you going to fix Banryu?”
A smile brightened Bankotsu's face as he excitedly began to tell her his plan, “I'm not going to let an ordinary sword-smith fix it, that's for sure. I've heard before that demon sword-smiths can give your weapons special powers and I'm going to find one that will fix Banryu. I'll make sure none of them catch you though, Kagome.”
Kagome straightened up and was about to ask another question when a sudden violent tremor shook the meadow and caused her to lose her balance. With a startled gasp she fell backwards into the well. Bankotsu watched in alarm as there was a flash of purple light and Kagome vanished.
Bankotsu looked up in alarm to see a giant bird-like demon with a human torso sticking out of its round head, “Where is the Jewel? I know I sensed it here mere moments ago.”
`Let's see, do I take on the big demon without a proper weapon or should I try to follow Kagome?' Bankotsu mentally wondered when the demon let out a deafening screech of frustration, “The well it is then!”
A bright purple light enveloped him and he suddenly landed softly at the bottom of the well beside Kagome, who was looking up in awe, “What was with the purple light?”
“I can see the roof of the well shrine,” Kagome blinked in shock, “I think I understand now. This well must be a portal from my world to yours. Follow me.”
Bankotsu went after Kagome up the ladder and out the door into the courtyard of a peaceful shrine. Beyond the many trees were strange buildings that were very tall, “So this is a city then? It looks very strange.”
Kagome didn't reply and when Bankotsu looked up he saw her enter a smallish building that was painted white. He figured that was her home. He lazily approached the house and by the time he entered he could hear Kagome excitedly speaking about how a demon kidnapped her and that she met him and some other friends who were constantly helping her.
“Now young lady,” a young woman's voice reprimanded, “Don't make up such stories. I've been so worried about you and you're talking about ancient legends like your Grandpa does. Tell me how you escaped from whoever kidnapped you.”
Bankotsu then entered the living room and said, “Hey Kagome. Is this your family?”
Kagome's mother stared in shock at the strangely dressed boy who now stood in the living room. He looked slightly older than Kagome and looked exactly as she described down to the braid and oblivious cheer on his face.
“Mama, this is Bankotsu. He followed me home down the well,” Kagome introduced.
“Is that a real sword?” five-year-old Souta asked when he noticed its hilt at Bankotsu's hip.
“It sure is, kid,” Bankotsu said as he unsheathed it to show him. It was a katana he was using until Banryu could be fixed.
“Cool! Can he say in my room Mama?” Souta asked with a pleading pout.
“I suppose he could stay for dinner tonight,” Kagome's mother said with a dazed expression.
“Come with me Bankotsu, I'll show you around the house,” Kagome said with a grin. Bankotsu nodded and followed her up the stairs. She pointed to a door and said, “Get in, we need to talk before Grandpa comes in and questions you.”
“What's this place?” Bankotsu asked as he looked around the small, but tidy, pink wallpapered room, “It smells nice in here.”
“This is my room. I want to be able to see you and everyone else after this so you can't tell anyone you're a mercenary.”
“Why would your family have a problem with me being a mercenary? What is this weird sculpture?” Bankotsu picked up Kagome's tableside lamp and flipped it over as he inspected it.
“Haven't you listened to a thing I've said for the past three weeks? It's illegal you kill people here so Mama and Grandpa will make me stay away from you if they find out you want me to help kill people.”
Bankotsu shook the lamp up and down, listening to the rattles it made, “Of course I've listened to you. What will you say I do for a living since it's obvious I kill? Is this a musical instrument then?”
“Stop shaking my lamp! Tell them you're a demon killer if the subject comes up.”
“You mean a demon slayer. What does a lamp do?”
Kagome took the lamp from him and switched it on, “A lamp makes light.”
“Well that's strange. Tell me what this is.” Bankotsu demanded as he lifted a ballpoint pen for Kagome to see.
“That's a pen. There's ink inside and I use it to write with.” After an hour of Bankotsu selecting something in her room and Kagome explaining it they went downstairs to where Kagome's mother and Grandpa sat at the kitchen table talking.
“Kagome! Oh, I'm so glad you're alright!” he said as he gave his granddaughter a hug, “And hello my boy, my daughter was just telling me about you. Have a seat at the table. I'd like to ask you some things.”
Mr. Hiragashi looked at the boy who sat before him. If it weren't for the cloths and hair he would've mistaken him for an ordinary kid. But if what his daughter said was true, then there was more to him then met the naked eye.
“So you came threw the sacred well, eh? What is your world like?”
“Well, there are villages everywhere and lords fight many battles over land, supplies, boredom and power. There are also demons of all sorts that run around the countryside but slayers, monks and mikos pretty much take care of them.”
“Where do you stand in your world?”
“What?” Bankotsu asked with confusion written in his eyes.
“He means `What do you do for a living' Bankotsu.” Kagome explained.
“Oh, right! I knew that. Well I obviously kill for a living.”
Kagome smacked her forehead at her friend's bluntness as her Grandpa coughed and his eyes widened a bit. Then he asked, “Do you now? What exactly is it that you kill?”
“Demons of course,” Bankotsu said proudly to Kagome's relief.
“What are your intentions with my Granddaughter.”
“Well, I want to teach her how to kill demons so we can go around as a group and get paid for it. It's a bonus that she's my friend and I like her when she doesn't hit me.”
“No, that's too dangerous,” her Grandfather protested firmly.
“But Grandpa, It's not just Bankotsu I'm friends with. There's Kyoukotsu and he's already saved me from two demons! Jakotsu is very strong and Suikotsu's a doctor. I'll be safe I promise!” Kagome pleaded, “And I won't be gone forever I just want to keep my friends Grandpa.”
“Wait here while your mother and I discuss it.” Kagome nodded and the adults left.
“Keep your fingers crossed, Bankotsu.” Kagome whispered and watched amusedly as Bankotsu attempted to make a cross with his fingers. After about ten minutes her mother and grandpa returned.
“We have decided that as long as you bring supplies with you to study with we'll let you go to Bankotsu's world three weeks at a time as long as you return here every fourth. If you get behind on your work you'll stay here extra days and if you stay there too long you will be punished by having a shorter time to be there. If you get severely wounded though we're going to have a very long talk.”
“Oh thank you Mama! Thank you Grandpa! You two are the best!”
Well writing this chapter was like pulling nails from my brain. But since it was necessary I did it anyway. Please send out reviews like m&m's!