InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanyou Fantasies ❯ What a Girl Wants ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: Why Fabio? Well, let's see… InuHugh or InuBrad would have been amusing, but InuFabio is just too damn funny, with his overflexed muscles and overtight pants… Sorry for the delay on this chapter. The real world - and writing little smutletts for requesters on my web site - interfered there for a bit. And I had to go to the library to do some research too. Hope to finish this fic up soon.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or anything. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
The Romance Novel Inuyasha reads from is actually called Seven Brides: Iris by Leigh Greenwood. I just replaced “Monty” with “Fabio.”
What a Girl Wants
Dawn came early and the sun hit me in the tree before it made it to the ground to wake up Kagome. As usual lately, a massive hard-on woke me up. I was really tired - having stayed up half the damn night trapped in her dream - but my fucking cock just kept straining against an uncomfortable fold in my pants until I had to wake up to give it some relief. I seriously considered giving it all the relief it needed it right there. If I jacked myself off I might get a whole hour of hard-on-free time. Thinking back on the day and night before, I could only remember about fifteen minutes where I hadn't had one. There was that one time at the end of the dream-that-wouldn't-end where I'd actually gotten off, but waking up in a gooey mess just isn't the same as being awake for it. I rolled over on my branch to see Kagome still stuffed in her bag down below. Seeing as how I'd woken her before she'd gotten off in the middle of the night, I was guessing she'd be horny today too. Hm…. maybe if we were both horny at the same time, I could figure out how to stop fucking up long enough to get something to happen. Better just stay horny then.
Dumbshit, my dick said, you wanna be in pain all day? You'll be horny again in an hour - just jack me off already!
Shut the fuck up, that voice-I-try-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me said right back, we don't want to have to go take an ice cold bath again today just because you have no self-restraint.
Oh. My dick isn't very smart and couldn't think of a good come-back for that one. It was still pretty cold out.
Kagome squirmed around a bit and pulled an elbow out of her bag. As she brought her arm down, it pushed the bag off one of her breasts. The pajamas with the kitty puppy shit on it pulled tight over her poking her nipple out in the cool air, and my fucking dick started screaming again. It was so… so… touchable… petable… squeezable… edible… and I just knew it would be stiff under my tongue… and it wouldn't be alone in that stiffness. I felt a little ache below, which was my dick saying See? told ya!
I laid there for a minute, starting to pant and pressing my cock against the branch a little bit, enjoying the warm rush of blood racing to it from everywhere inside me. Somehow, I stopped myself, knowing that if I kept this up I'd be gooey again in no time. And I wanted to stay horny today. Remembering my last brush with gooeyness, I hopped out of the tree and ran to the stream. A few splashes of water and I'd started to calm back down. Luckily, no freezing dunk was needed. I could always come back to that if I had to. As I walked back, I talked to myself, trying to remember stuff that would make me more like InuFabio. Be nice. Agree with her. Don't get angry all the time. Don't call her `bitch'. Try to find an opportunity to flex my muscles at her. I looked down at my huge red sleeves and billowy pants that made me look about four times my actual size. That last one was going to be tough.
When I got back to the hot spring, Kagome was up already and dressed. She was looking in her bag.
“What's for breakfast?” I asked. Besides you, of course, my dick thought.
“Well, we don't have anything interesting, just some granola bars,” she said and I started to make a face but thought better of it. She sat back and looked at me, kind of strangely. I realized she might be remembering the night before and I blushed. She blushed a little too but kept looking at me like she was trying to figure out what I was thinking - which was weird because I really wasn't thinking much at all. My body was hungry all over and that pretty much precluded all forms of thought, even from my dick. It occurred to me that this was one of those times I could be nice.
“Hey,” I said, trying to sound chipper so I wouldn't get angry just for the hell of it, “I think this is a first. We don't have to chase down Naraku's ass for a change. How `bout if we go exploring?” Her face brightened at this and I started to feel encouraged. “I think I smell some blueberries, wanna see if we can find `em?”
“I love blueberries for breakfast!” I hadn't seen her this happy in ages and it made me feel good, hoping she wouldn't sit! me just for fun. “Sure!”
“Climb on,” I was really feeling cocksure all of a sudden. I'd gone a whole five minutes without getting sat, which felt like a record in the last day or two. I knelt down, but she didn't climb on. Turning around I saw her digging in her bag again. “Now what?” some of that anger that just naturally lives in my voice came out and I tried to fix it by bringing my voice up at the end of the `what' - which made me sound incredibly stupid. Why is being nice so fucking hard?
“Well, we might find a good place for a picnic, so I thought I should bring my bag and my books-“ she gave me a guilty look as I saw her stuff Fabio into her bag, “-to study,” she said, hefting the bag onto her back. Fine with me if you want to bring Fabio, just leave him in your bag.
She came over and climbed on my back. I almost groaned out loud as she settled her smooth legs into my hands. As her thighs opened against my waist and her breasts crushed against my back, this humungous surge of excitement pushed straight into my highly sensitized cock and boinged out my pants again. Twenty four hours ago I'd carried her too, but that was before the dreams and before InuFabio came into our lives. Maybe the guy wasn't so bad after all…
She leaned down, slipping her arms off my shoulders to wrap around my neck. Her face came up right next to mine and I could feel her breath on my cheek, sending my heart into skip patterns. She'd never done this before and it scared the shit out of me at the same time I got a little thrill. She's putting her arms around me!
“You can go now.”
“Oh, right.” I tightened my hands around her legs and jumped off into the woods.
My hard-on didn't go down, but kept rubbing against the soft fabric of my shirt tail. I'd never had this happen before and I found out that I really liked it. The rush of blood everywhere and the early morning air made me feel really good. I remembered something InuFabio had done and I felt brave enough to try it. In the middle of a particularly high flight, I rubbed my thumbs against her thighs, just stroking them gently, careful of my claws. She reacted immediately, stiffening a little bit. Because we were high in the sky she couldn't sit me, and because we weren't looking at each other, I couldn't get so embarrassed that I froze up. So I just kept stroking her and by the time we landed, she'd relaxed again. I kept it up and managed to move my hand further up the inside of her thigh to where her skin was so smooth the feel of it made me even harder. I was having such a good time with her leg that I intentionally passed up the first blueberry patch I found. She didn't seem to notice so I kept going.
Hey! That was breakfast, moron! the voice-I-try-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me was really hungry.
Shut the fuck up, my dick said back, I'm finally gettin' a little something here.
Turned out, though, there was no other blueberry patch and I'd passed up my one chance for a decent breakfast.
Told ya! It was voice-I-try-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me's turn to be petty.
I was so hungry that I could hardly think and knew we'd have to stop soon, even though the last thing I wanted to do was take my hand away from her leg, which I'd managed to slip all the way up to about two inches from her crotch. I couldn't believe she'd let me do that, but I wasn't gonna complain. I was startin' to think about thanking InuFabio again.
“Sorry, Kagome,” I lied, “I must not have smelled the blueberries right. This looks like a decent place to eat those granola bars, though. Can I have one?” As she slid off my back, I'm pretty sure she leaned against me for an extra second or two and that rush I'd been getting as my hand crept farther under her skirt came back. Normally I would have hoisted her off me, but today that was just a stupid idea and for the space of a breath, we just leaned into each other as I felt her heart pound a little harder against me. This is good. Still haven't gotten myself sat and she let me feel her. She handed me one of the tasteless things and I jammed it in my mouth. I started to feel better with a little food in my stomach and thought I should start plotting…
“Look!” she sounded happy and I turned around to see a little break in the trees and a view of the valley below peeking through. “A nice view! Let's check it out!”
“Sure!” Whatever.
We followed her pointing finger to a little clearing on a ledge overlooking the valley below the mountains. I had to admit it was beautiful, but as Kagome walked out in front of me and the breeze picked up her skirt, I stopped looking at the long-range view in favor of the round smiles of her rear as her panties met in the crease between her legs. My dick jumped again. I just gotta figure this out and get myself in there before Miroku comes back and fucks it all up for me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'd started to blame Miroku for the fact that I'd never tried to get it on with Kagome, afraid I'd look worse than “the lecherous monk.” Who knows if that was true, but it sounded like a good excuse to me.
Kagome spread out a blanket she pulled out of her pack and sat down to bring out some edibles. I started to sit down when I smelled something foul.
“Shit!” I went to the edge of the overhang and looked down to see a slithering mass of snake demons in a nest. “Snakes!”
Kagome rushed up behind me and I put my hand out to hold her back so she didn't run off the cliff or somehow tip them off that we were here. My hand had the good fortune to encounter her breast, which brought her up short. Outwardly, I completely ignored the fact that I was - finally! - palming her while inwardly I was jumping for joy. When she didn't move away immediately, my dick started jumping for joy too.
Come on, idiot! My dick was very talkative today. Squeeze it for me!
Somehow I resisted this advice and stepped back, bringing my arm down to her waist and pushed my back against her to quietly move us away from the edge of the ledge.
Aw, comeon! Chicken! My dick wasn't gonna let me off the hook that easily.
Shut the fuck up, dick-head. Are you trying to get us killed? That voice-I-try-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me realized that with snake demons roaming around the last thing I should be thinking about was that her breasts were against my back and my hand was only an inch away from the bottom of that short little skirt, but the rest of me - including my dick - just went ahead and thought about it anyway.
“Should we go away?” Kagome asked in a whisper. I thought about this. What would InuFabio do? I'd never seen InuFabio do jack shit in a fight, but it occurred to me that he would probably do whatever made Kagome happy.
“No,” I turned to her and looked down on her face, keeping one ear swiveled back to listen for signs that the snake demons had found us out. We were close again, our bodies only an inch apart and I felt the heat coming off her in the morning air. “You like this place, right?” She nodded. “Then we're gonna stay here and they're gonna leave.”
“But that's their nest. Won't they fight?” She still seemed worried.
“Hey,” I gave her cocky smile to match the good mood still perking in my pants, “it's me.” The look on her face made whatever happened in the fight to come totally worthwhile as her features relaxed into shocked surprise. “What?” I asked, beginning to worry. “You don't think I can take them?”
“No,” she blinked, “it's not that, I just-“ she blinked again, “are you doing this for me? Because I want to stay here?”
All of a sudden it happened again, I was falling into her eyes and she wasn't pulling away. I started to feel that panic, the one that always whispered that real-Kagome would kill me if I followed my instincts and smothered her in burning kisses. But she hadn't sat me yet this morning and so I felt a little more confident than usual. It occurred to me that if I wanted to get under her skirt, a kiss might be a good way to start, but then I remembered that InuFabio had started with her boobs. Before I could reach for them, I heard the snake demon nest stir and a rattling sound started a little too close for comfort.
Whipping around, I saw one of the snake demons sticking its head up over the ledge looking at us.
“Yummy treatssssssssss,” it said.
“Not for you buddy,” I said, “she's all mine!” Oh fuck! Did I just say that out loud? I blushed fiercely and felt some anger rise to cover my embarrassment, but since it wasn't directed at Kagome I figured she wouldn't mind if I got pissed off at the snake that horned in on our party. As I started to turn towards the thing, bringing my hand to Tetsusaiga's grip, she caught my arm. I looked down at her and saw her eyes full of - something - happiness? Thanks?
“Good luck.” She almost sounded surprised. I was a little surprised myself and just kindof looked at her without saying anything. As I stepped away, that voice-I-try-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me whispered fiercely into my ear, hey dumbshit, InuFabio would have kissed her on the forehead… Too late now, I thought as I jumped into the air and brought Tetsusaiga to full strength as I fell into the slithering mass.
Somewhere in the middle of the frenzy of snake-whacking, I decided that the stupid snake demons were more trouble than they were worth. They were easy enough to kill once I'd chased them down, but there were a ton of `em. After first smashing into their nest, they scattered. I heard an eep! from Kagome and went back to pick her up, jumping us into a tree.
“Better stay up here,” I said, noticing her warmth in my arms. Was she always this warm when I picked her up? The snakes were slithering all over her stuff at the bottom of the tree and I was half way back down before I realized I'd missed another opportunity to peck her on the nose or cheek or something. Oh well…don't want to go acting out of character or anything…
It took me for fucking ever to chase those stupid little things down. After about the first hour, I realized I was getting really hot. The sun had come up and I was jumping and smashing and running around. The sweat dripping off me was kindof annoying and some little voice - not sure which one it was since my dick was fast asleep in the middle of the mayhem - got all excited. Hey! Now you have an excuse to flex your muscles at Kagome! I thought about that as I whacked a snake head off only to see three more of them slither away. Why not? I thought. I was hot after all.
I jumped back up to the tree branch where Kagome sat looking bored, sticking Tetsusaiga back in its sheath in midair. When I landed on the branch next to her, I started stripping my suikan and shirt off, trying to look casual about it as I bared my chest at her, blushing and hoping she didn't notice the flush against my already sweaty skin. She sat up and her eyes grew wide.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I'm fucking hot,” I said truthfully. “This is going to take me a little while longer and I'm in no danger from these stupid things. Might as well be comfortable.” And I can't imagine a better way to flex my muscles at you! My hard-on was gone for the moment - demon fighting not being a particularly sexually stimulating activity - but watching her stare at my chest gave me a little thrill. “Here.” I shoved my clothes at her, expecting her to take them.
“Why are you giving them to me?” She seemed to bristle a little bit, which made no sense to me since I didn't have anywhere else to put them.
“Because you're here and I've gotta go back down there,” there was that edge of anger in my voice and I recognized the beginning of a much more dangerous fight than those stupid snakes could give me.
“Don't just shove your clothes at me!” she shoved them back at me, which pissed me off before I knew it.
“Hey, B-“ oh, shit, no! don't fuck up now! “-babe.” I said lamely, realizing I'd picked that up from some stupid TV show at her house while I was bored waiting for her one day. “Where else am I gonna put them?” She looked surprised again and the voice-I-try-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me came up with a brilliant idea - one I'm sure I would never have thought of on my own. “Please, Kagome?”
Looking completely dumbstruck at a word that approximated politeness out of my mouth, she reached out and took my clothes. I was incredibly happy. Gotta listen to that voice more often… Very carefully, feeling brave in my new found ability to not fight with her, I pulled Tetsusaiga out again and was very careful to tense my biceps as I expanded it. Squatting there on the tree branch, bare chested, flexed and sweating, my stupidly huge sword in my hands, I felt very sexy. I looked over at her and found her, jaw open, looking at me. In the hopes she was thinking I was sexy instead of stupid, I waggled my eyebrows at her and jumped back down into the seething mass of snakes.
After another two hours, during which I got lots of good exercise and many snake demons died, I finally jumped up on the branch again, even sweatier than when I'd left her last time and feeling not a whit of sexiness left in me. She looked even more bored.
“Is it over?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I huffed, “what a fucking pain.” I put Tetsusaiga back in its scabbard and sat catching my breath. “It's safe to go down and enjoy the view now.”
She laughed. I looked up surprised and maybe a little annoyed. “What's so funny?”
“I've been enjoying the view for the last three hours,” she laughed again. At first I started to get mad, thinking she hadn't appreciated the fact that I'd just busted my butt to clear out the demon nest for her. But watching her laugh, it occurred to me she was laughing at the situation, not me - I hoped. Then I did something I'd never done before. I laughed with her. She laughed harder and before I knew it we were both laughing so hard that tears were streaming down our cheeks. Finally it died down.
“Now what?” She asked.
“Now we make lunch,” I said. “I'm starved. Got any ramen?”
“Yes,” she looked down at the mess that used to be her backpack. “Well, I did. Let's see if there's anything left of it.”
I grabbed her in my arms, feeling the skin of her arms and thighs against my sweaty body and jumped lightly to the ground. I really didn't want to put her down, but couldn't think of an excuse not to. As her feet touched down, I reached for my suikan and shirt, but she clutched at them a little bit.
“No,” I could swear I saw her blush, “the blanket is all smushed up, let's sit on these.”
Yeah! The thought occurred to me, and this way you can keep looking at my flexy muscles. Just for fun, I flexed my bicep at her and saw her giggle. She turned away, but I saw her sneak another look at me out of the corner of her eye. Whoa! It works!
She set up the water boiler and made the ramen quickly as I cleaned up the mess I'd made. I gathered up all the stuff that had flailed out of her pack and I chucked the dead snake demons over the ledge. We ate in silence, enjoying the view and as my stomach filled up I started to feel a little sleepy. The late night and snake smashing conspired with the warm sunlight to make me drowsy. I yawned and stretched my arms over my head, making sure to flex my muscles as much as I could.
“You worked pretty hard on that demon nest,” she said, looking at my chest. “You want to take a nap while I study for a while?”
“Uh.” I never take naps and wasn't sure what the right answer was. When in doubt, agree with her, dummy! said that voice-I'm-finally-starting-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me. Good enough for me… “Okay.”
I laid down on my suikan as she cleaned up the stuff from lunch. I didn't know if I'd be able to fall asleep, but it did feel good to relax. I heard her moving around me and the sweet smell of her settled over me in a nice way. Once or twice I peeped open an eye to look up her skirt when she walked past my head. Finally, I heard her settle down against the tree a few feet away. I concentrated on enjoying her smell and thinking back on some of my dreams and fantasies over the past day. I had started to feel good, when I heard her stir.
“Inuyasha?” her voice sounded unusually tentative.
“Yeah?” I asked, listening to the drowsiness in my voice and thinking I couldn't remember the last time I felt this relaxed.
“Are you sure you're comfortable like that?”
“Yeah.” I yawned again. “Sure. Why?”
“Well, you don't have a pillow.”
Shit, bitch, I never have a pillow. Oops! “So?”
“Would you be more comfortable if you put your head in my lap?” What the hell? Suddenly I heard her heart beating loudly in her chest. She's nervous!
“Oh,” I said, finally understanding, “okay.” Awesome!
I sat up and scooted over to where she sat and carefully lay my head in her lap. If I'd been a cat instead of a dog, I would have purred. Her thigh was so soft and the fact that if I just rolled over I'd have my face in her muffcuntquim was really exciting. I felt a blip from below and closed my eyes trying to think of some reason to `have to' turn over. I peeked an eye open to see her school book open above my face. So she was studying after all, I felt a little disappointed, but decided to enjoy it anyway. I closed my eyes.
The world faded into her scent and my mind started to wander. I didn't dream exactly - at least not like I'd been dreaming lately - but a bunch of images started to drift into my brain. They were nice. I saw dream-Kagome sitting naked beneath me as we hid from the hailstorm in one of my dreams, I saw her going down on me in that same little cavelett, I saw her spread open under InuFabio's - our - tongue on that sandy beach, her back arched in pleasure and her breasts pushed up high in the air. Before I knew it, my hard-on was building and my whole body ran a few degrees high. In my sleepy state, this all felt really good. Suddenly, I smelled something change in the real Kagome under my head. It was that sweet musky smell I remembered from her underwear. Peeping my eye open, I found myself staring straight up at Fabio's muscled chest on the back of her book. The little minx had replaced school books with Fabio!
Just as I began to think about how to take advantage of this turn of events, I felt her brush the little hairs on the edges of my ear with her fingertips. I stifled a groan of pleasure, not wanting her to know I was awake. I felt her fingers smooth down the hair on the outside of my ear, petting the base softly. It was all I could do not to twitch it and roll over to bury my face under her skirt.
Don't fuck it up now, said that voice-I'm-finally-starting-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me, just wait and see what she's gonna do.
Her fingers kept moving down to lightly scratch my scalp, combing my hair with her nails and sending goosebumps down my arms. Soon, her fingers moved further down into my hair and I felt the backs of her nails skim the skin of my arm. She moved my hair aside and I felt her touch my arm with her palm, gliding down it and following the swell of my muscle. She's feeling me up! How cool is this? One finger came out and started to trace a strange path on my arm, which I recognized after a second as the trail of a vein that goes all the way down to my hand.
It occurred to me that if I opened my eyes or stirred, she might stop so I concentrated on keeping still and trying to pretend I was asleep. This was really hard since my hard-on was starting to press against my pants again and my breath was pretty shallow. I could practically hear my dick panting. But I managed to keep still at least and she didn't seem to notice my increasing excitement. Suddenly, I felt her fingers move off my arm and trace a line up my ribs - luckily not too close to my sides where I was ticklish - until she reached my chest and Oh, kami! She's touching my nipple! Predictably, it hardened under her touch and her finger kept rubbing over and around it until I couldn't help myself and let a little groan escape my lips.
Her hand moved away quickly and I rolled my eyes under my lids. What a fucking moron! Just think what might have been next! Since she was probably embarrassed - why else would she have stopped? - I decided not to piss her off by `waking up.' I felt very proud of myself for this, thinking I'd saved myself another sit! until it occurred to me that maybe she had been trying to wake me up. I peeped my eyes open again and saw that school book staring back at me. Nope. I sighed to myself and basked in the knowledge that she had touched me.
I actually did go to sleep then for a few minutes and had a few dreamy images of her hands on me until I woke to find her hand resting on my head, just under my ears. A peep showed me that she'd put the books down and appeared to be asleep herself. I was intensely aware that my nose was inches from that dark triangle where her skirt covered the round curves of her thighs and the scent drifting from it threatened to take me into a swoon. I was rock hard again in no time just imagining what a roll-over could accomplish. I desperately wanted to touch her, to smooth my hand along the thigh under my head, moving up under her skirt to explore that darkness, to feel up under her shirt to the roundness of her breasts.
Comeon, chicken, now's your chance! My dick was wide awake and horny. She practically screamed her desire in your ear with that little nipple touch.
Hold up, dick-head, that voice-I'm-finally-starting-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me cautioned. In case you hadn't noticed, we were already half naked and easily available under her hand-
`cuz she wanted it that way! My dick was getting really whiny.
Whatever. The point is that we can't reach her so easily without waking her up. We don't have as a good angle on her as she had on us.
My dick, not being so smart, didn't have a good comeback for this.
Comeon guys, I said to myself, face it. All three of us are all scared shitless. There were general murmers of agreement in my head and I sighed.
I glanced down to see Fabio lying by my hand. Out of curiosity as much as anything, I picked up the book without moving enough to wake her. I randomly flipped open to a page and read:
“Fabio grunted, his teeth clenched from the physical effort of holding her off the ground. With a mighty heave of powerful muscles he hoisted her into the saddle before him….her struggles ceased and she collapsed against his chest… She gloried in the feel of the powerful muscles that rippled so easily under his smooth, warm skin. She pressed her breasts against the roughness of his chest until she felt absorbed.”
`A mighty heave' - how heavy is this bitch? `powerful muscles' - twice in one paragraph! These girls sure like muscles. I flexed again to myself and almost laughed out loud. It occurred to me that Kagome's hand was still resting against my head and I could touch it without waking her up. I took my arm up over my head in a fake little stretch and brought it down over hers. She didn't move and I relaxed a little, letting my fingers rest against her skin. She was warm and soft. I got a little thrill from the touch. Not that I'd never touched her hand before, but not with the intent I was touching it now… oh, what I wanted to do with those fingers now... I took an experimental stroke on Kagome's finger under my ear. She didn't move, so I kept stroking it.
“He held her face in his hands and kissed her with all the hunger of a man who's been denied far too long. His lips covered her mouth. He forced her lips apart and his tongue invaded her mouth, electrifying her entire being. Her tongue joined with his in a sinuous dance of joining.”
`Sinuous dance of joining' - what the fuck does that mean? I didn't understand the “dance” thing, but I sure understood the `denied far too long' part. As if in response, my dick blipped up again with the thought of my tongue forcing Kagome's lips apart. I glanced up to look at her. Her lips were parted slightly in her sleep. Wouldn't take much to separate them…
“Keeping their lips locked in a series of passionate kisses, Fabio managed to loosen her shirt enough to slip it over her shoulder. He untied the top of her chemise and laid bare her breasts. Her knees nearly buckled under her when his lips touched an achingly sensitive nipple. As Fabio laved her breast with his hot, insistent tongue, she sank, helpless to the ground.”
Okay, now I'm confused, dude. Last night you `laved' her breasts before you kissed her. Which comes first? And what the fuck does `lave' mean, anyway? I didn't really understand it, but I knew what nipples were and figured that if they were `achingly sensitive' and it involved his tongue, it had to be good. I looked up at Kagome's breasts and longed to touch them. I might even try a `lave' and see what happened... The angle of my arm that I was using to feel her fingers wasn't quite right to get to her breasts easily. As I thought about the different ways I could get to them, pulling her down and rolling over her; sitting up and crawling to her on all fours; sitting on her lap so she couldn't get away, my dick enjoyed every one of them and started to thicken. I took my hand holding the book and pushed against the tip of my cock that had started crawling up to my waistline again, sending a little rush of heat down to my groin. I felt myself blushing and it felt good.
“Fabio's hungry mouth moved down her body until he found her very core. She rose off the ground with a cry as old as the coupling of a man and a woman, her body arching against him in a surge of feeling so intensely wonderful she thought she would never be able to feel anything again. Wave after wave swept her body and she felt as though her life were gushing out of her in a flood tide.”
`As old as the coupling of a man and a woman'? How old are these people? What an idiot - `never feel anything again' - is it really so painful it fries your nerves? Give me a break. And, yuck, how sexy can Fabio be if he's making her life `gush' out of her. My fingers moved up Kagome's hand and her hand `fell' open under my stroking so that I could touch her palm. I was surprised how arousing the smoothness of her small hand under mine felt. It was mostly just the fact that my hand wanted to communicate my desire to her and she was `letting me' - or she's unconscious, I reminded myself.
“But even as the waves began to recede, Fabio wouldn't let her rest. With hand and mouth and tongue he plundered her body, searching out her pleasure spots, rekindling the fever inside her until she felt she would be consumed by it. When he at last moved between her legs, she threw herself at him, desperate for release.”
Oh, now I get it. That's why InuFabio waited so long to get to the good part. He was making her want him. Duh. Kagome's fingers started to move gently against mine, pressing back against my palm. Both our heart beats began to thump more insistently in my ears. She wasn't unconscious! She knew I'd been touching her… But does she know I'm the size of Mt. Fuji down here? Whined my dick.
“But Fabio wasn't nearly so impatient.” That's cuz he's a fucking cartoon character (that was my dick interjecting its commentary on the story and the picture on the front cover.) “With maddening deliberation, he continued to stoke the tension within her.”
I felt another rush of heat as he `stoked' her. Based on what I saw last night in her dream, no red blooded human, demon or hanyou has that guy's `stoking' staying power. What am I gonna do if Kagome expects that kind of `stoking' restraint from me? I felt her thumb come up to move down one of my claws, feeling its sharp tip. Of course, if I don't restrain myself a little, I'll be in deep shit. That voice-I'm-finally-starting-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me actually had the guts to laugh at me. You'll be lucky to get that far, idiot, just keep stroking her hand. As I read on, though, I forgot all about her hand as my dick jumped around in my pants.
“She wrapped her legs around his body, attempting to force him to release her from this prolonged agony, but she was helpless against Fabio's strength. Then just as she feared she would pass out, she felt the tension break like a wall of water, a torrent gushing and streaming and flowing from her. She was only dimly aware of the heat of Fabio's seed spilling inside her as she slipped into a quiet oblivion.”
Why can't they just say `he fucked her into oblivion'? My dick had turned editor, bobbing up and down all by itself without even the need for my hand to get involved. And what's with the `gushing' again? Although when I thought about `gushing' I hardened up a bit more, my dick beginning to want desperately to `gush'. I'd gotten so absorbed in the stupid book that I hadn't noticed that Kagome's fingers had stopped moving. Glancing up at her she looked really asleep. Did I just fuck up again?
I read a bit more of Fabio's exploits, but they weren't too interesting after that. Just some dialogue. Do all girls want to talk so much after sex? Hm. Not sure I'd be good at that part either. Fuck, why does this have to be so complicated? My dick was starting to calm down without the stimulation of Kagome's fingers or the book `stoking' my overactive imagination. That fatigue from the short night and active morning started to settle on me again and I yawned, contenting myself with the knowledge that so far today, I hadn't gotten sat; I'd managed to flex my muscles for her several times and she'd touched me rather intimately and let me touch her too - though not quite so intimately. And the book - though stupid - had given me a nice simmering hard-on… like I needed the help, my dick snorted. And the best part, the day was only half over. We still had the night ahead of us.
I started to doze again, the sun warming me. In no time I was fully back in the dream. I saw that tropically transformed hot spring again, but this time something was different. She was lying on the sand and letting me walk up to her. InuFabio was nowhere to be seen. Let's keep it that way. I knelt and saw her spread herself underneath me, naked and open, reaching for me, welcoming me. My cock throbbed and I smelled that wonderful smell of her excitement. It made a direct connection to my sex and when I thought What would InuFabio do? the answer was immediate. He'd bury his face in her, `plundering her body, searching out her pleasure spots.' This time, it would be me, though, not stupid InuFabio. I followed my nose down, my tongue extended and hungry, my dick hard and taut. The smell was unbelievably intoxicating and I could feel the ache building, the hunger. I just had to lave...
Suddenly I couldn't breath. I tried to open my eyes but it was dark, something warm pressing against my face. It was her! I'd rolled over in my sleep and stuck my face between her legs!
“Inuyasha!” she was awake. Shit!
“Mrph,” was what I said, `I'm sorry, Kagome, I was asleep and was completely captivated by your delicate scent and wanted to pleasure you so you'd let me fuck you into oblivion tonight' was what I'd meant to say.
“Get off me!” She said. `Get off me!' is what she'd meant to say.
I scrambled blearily onto all fours, my hair tangled around my ears, to look at her surprised face. It had sit! written all over it.
Oh, Fuck. You blew it, dumbshit, that voice-I'm-finally-starting-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me-and-li kes-to-rub-my-nose-in-it whispered in my ear. I ignored it in favor of holding my breath, blushing fiercely and squinting my eyes closed waiting for the inevitable smash to come.
Nothing happened.
I peeped an eye open to find her staring at me, the anger gone from her face. She reached out to me and I squinted my eye closed again, but she only brushed some stray strands of my hair away. Breathing again, I opened both eyes.
“You're not going to sit me?” Did I almost sound disappointed?
“Were you dreaming just now, Inuyasha?” she ignored my question, apparently not thinking of sitting me at all. WTF?
“Uh-“ I blushed, not sure whether I should admit that I was dreaming or not and having no idea what the right answer was. “Maybe.” I cringed to myself. What a stupid answer. “Why?” Something in her face gave me an idea and before I thought about it, the words came out of my mouth, a little too suggestively, “Were you dreaming, too, Kagome?”
She blushed about fifteen shades of red and I smelled that spiked scent from her as her heart beat drummed in my ears. My dick responded immediately, yes! She was in that dream with us! Pounce on her!
Shut up, that voice-I'm-finally-starting-to-listen-to-because-it's-smarter-than-me said. Take it slow, Inu.
“Maybe,” she said, with the slightest suggestion in her voice.
To be continued…