InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ Just the two of them ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Happy Holidays, Inu-Yasha!!

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Disclaimer: Yeah! Third chapter! I hope I can finish this. -_-' Need more sleep… I don't own Inuyasha m'kay? So onward! Warnings: PG-13 for sexual content.

Chapter Three:

Just the two of them


Feudal Japan:

Sango slashed her katana at the monk but missing him every time he leaped backwards to dodge. Miroku whipped his staff at her head but only to get knocked away with her blade. Beads of swear started to form on Sango's forehead.

'This is harder than I expected,' she thought. 'He must really want to win this.' She leaped back away from his swinging staff sheathing her katana. The monk paused in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Miroku asked.

"Come on, Miroku." She taunted. "I'll take you with my bare hands."

"I'd love you to take me." He flirted.

"You pervert." She raised her arms up in defense. Miroku huffed in amusement then threw his staff down to the ground. He then took a kung-fu fighting stance: legs bent, left hand exposed and stretched out, and the right arm bent upward behind him.

'Oh crap,' She thought. 'I forgot monks had special martial arts training! How can I be such an idiot?'


Sota walked down the hall shoving a rice cake in his mouth as he paused at the kitchen door to pick up a conversation on the other side.

"Oh! Wow. Inuyasha. You're amazing! I didn't know you could do that!" Kagome gasped.

"Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself." He replied.

"Mmmm…" she moaned.

Sota couldn't believe his ears. 'No wonder Inuyasha wanted to get her a present!'

Immediately, he shoved the kitchen door open. "Hey! Get off my sis-eh?" Inuyasha was leaning back against the counter with a 'kiss the cook' apron on and Kagome was sitting on the island, both of them were randomly spotted with flour. They both stared at Sota blankly.

"Sota!" Kagome exclaimed. "You gotta try these sugar cookies Inuyasha made. They're really good!" She offered him a cookie that looked nothing like a snowman. Sota just sighed in embarrassment and left the kitchen. Inuyasha left out an annoyed sigh.

"How are we gonna spend time with each other if your family keep bugging us?" He asked.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad," She soothed as she hopped off the island and began to clean up the baking trays and bowls. A knock fell on the door and it opened.

"Kagome?" Her mother popped her head through the door. "Could I speak with you?" Kagome glanced at Inuyasha who was sighing in annoyance again, but heeded to her mother's request. She left the kitchen with her mother for privacy in the hall.

"What is it?" Kagome asked.

"Well, I've been thinking that I should give you your Christmas present a little early," she announced while handing her an envelope. "You seem to be a little stressed with wanting to be alone with that boy." She added while Kagome proceeded to open the envelope and pull out a gift certificate to a spa and bathhouse.

"Wow! Thank you, mom!" Kagome hugged her. "But this bathhouse is gender separated."

"I know!" Her mother said in excitement. "I didn't think you two need to be alone in the baths. You aren't married yet."

"Wha? Hey, what do you mean by that?!" she exclaimed.

Her mother paused then teasingly said, "Well, Kagome. When too people love each other very much they start to get curious about experimentation."

"MOM!" she yelled with her face red as Inuyasha's kimono. Her mother laughed.

"It's ok, Kagome. I trust your morals." Her mother then left her company, leaving her standing tensely in the hall staring at the gift certificate.

"So when are we going?" Inuyasha asked as he stood behind her. She whipped around to face him. "It's just like a hot spring right?"

"Eh!" Kagome hesitated as he took the paper from her hand to examine it. "Yeah, but they're really nice."

"What's the difference?" He asked.

"Well, they put special herb and salts in the water to replenish your body. And the people that work there wait on you. They'll even bring you food if you want." She replied.

Inuyasha's ears perked up to the sound of food. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the front door. "Well, let's go!"

"Wait! They're closed by now! It's almost eleven at night! We can go tomorrow." She said as he released her from his grip.

"But I'm hungry!" he argued.

"Sorry, Inuyasha. I'll make you something if you want."

"…. I'll pass." He turned away from her.

"…. Sit." She commanded and enjoyed his agony of being smashed into the floor again.


Shippo sighed in boredom with Kirara in small-form sitting next to him. "Are you two done yet?" he asked. Sango had her legs locked around Miroku's neck and an arm around one of his legs. Miroku had a grip on her other arm, yanking her into a snug for circulation to his head.

"You can't win, Miroku!" Sango grunted.

"Oh yeah?" Miroku released her arm and lifted his hand over her thigh.

"No!" She flipped him over onto his back releasing his head from her legs. She then straddled him and pinned his arms down. This sent him into a grin.

"Now that's more like it!" He said. "I like it when you're frisky. It's a shame that you're stronger than me."

Sango huffed in agony, eager to wipe off the sweat from her forehead. "How about a truce?" she offered. "We each get a little of our terms."

"Like what?" Miroku grunted as he tried to pry himself from her grasp.

"Well, you'll reframe from groping me for one whole month."

"And you're end?"

She sighed before replying. "I'll give you a kiss."

"What? One little kiss? That's far from your end of the deal."

She released his arms and leaned down to him. She let her lips brushed against his. His eyes widen in shock but then closed them to return the kiss. Shippo and Kirara turned way in disgust.


Kagome yawned and stretched after putting on her pajamas. "It's almost midnight." Inuyasha came back in her room through the window after she was dressed. He sat himself down against her desk with his sword in his folded arms.

"Um. Inuyasha?" She called. "Maybe you shouldn't sleep in here with me anymore."

"What?" He blinked in confusion.

"Well, my family may be thinking that I'm sleeping with you." Somehow Inuyasha wasn't familiar with the term and still gave her a confused look. She sighed. "They think that I might be having sex with you. Yet alone you being my boyfriend."

"What?!" He shot up in fury. "Why the hell would they think that?! As if I'll do mushy stuff like that with you!"

She placed her hands on her hips. "Well it's not like I have cooties or anything! What is it? Am I not pretty enough?"

"Eh!?" Oh, he knew he was dead; as dead as they come. He blushed. "Y-you want to have sex with me?"

"WHAT?!" She flushed. "Why, I wouldn't even dream of giving myself to a selfish, two-timing half-demon like you!"

He stood up in threat. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't even sniff to the likes of you!"

"Good! 'Cause you're nothing but a selfish creep with no sense of hygiene!"

He pushed her back letting her fall onto her bed. He leaned over her with a finger pointed at her. "Listen you! I'm not going to let you talk to me like that!"

She panicked. She was lying on her bed with Inuyasha hunched over her. She didn't know what to do. Blushing, she screamed, "SIT!" And he fell hard. He fell right on top of her with his face in her bosom. She yelled again and tried kick him off but the binding spell held him there. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest.

Suddenly her bedroom door swung open. "Kagome! Is everything all right? We heard you screaming!" her grandpa exclaimed with a training sword in his hands and Kagome's mother and Sota standing behind him staring.

"Ah!" Kagome yelled in embarrassment while pinned to her bed. "Get out!"

"Oh! I'm sorry. W-we didn't mean to interrupt." Her mother said while reaching the doorknob and pulled the door shut with Grandpa and Sota still staring in shock. Kagome tried to push Inuyasha off of her but failed. After waiting for a few seconds she realized that he was lying there too long.

"Inuyasha?" She called, but there was no response. 'Is he sleeping?' she thought. She turned his head so his face wasn't in her chest. His eyes were open but dazed with exhaustion. Kagome let out a yawn to remind herself how late it was. She didn't try to push him off of her; his warmth was too relaxing. Her eyes became heavy and finally closed.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha called in a whisper.


"Did I hurt you?"

"No…" She stretched her arm to the lamp that lighted the room. "Goodnight, Inuyasha." With a click, the room was dark.

The next morning, Kagome woke up face down lying on something red. She lifted her head from Inuyasha's abdomen and found herself hugging his leg. Inuyasha was still sleeping and clung to the pillow. They must have fought for the pillow in their sleep and Kagome just settled for him as a pillow instead.

'Wow, I must have been extremely tired to let him sleep in my bed with me,' she thought. 'I haven't slept like that in years.' She glanced over to the digital clock on her desk that read half past nine. She groaned in agony and shifted herself to lay her head on his chest and rested her eyes again. Only after a moment a knock came on her bedroom door.

"Hey, Kagome! Are you still sleeping?" a familiar voice rang from the other side. Kagome's eyes shot wide open. 'Hojo!' Inuyasha started stirring and eased open his eyes to the girl on top of him.


"Shhh!" She stumbled and fell off the bed. "I need to hide you!"


"Be quiet!" She hissed as she proceeded to yank him off the bed then shoved him under it in panic. Hojo knocked again but louder.

"Ack!" Kagome!" He yelled.

"Shut up!" She ran to the door and swung it open to the tall, brown haired boy. "Hey, Hojo. How are you?" The boy looked all over her in admiration.

"Cute pajamas, Kagome." He commented.

"Oh, thanks."

"Are you doing anything today? I heard you were home for Christmas and I wanted to know if you wanted to go ice-skating with me." He offered.

"Oh, well. I've already had plans today." She looked back at Inuyasha muffing sounds and extending his arm out from under the bed. Hojo intently peeked in her room after her. "Eh!" She whipped him around the other way and led him down the hall. "How about six tonight?" She asked.

"That's great!" he replied taking her hand into his. "I'll see you then." He kissed her on the cheek and then left. She sighed in relief of the close call of Hojo's discovery of the half-demon in her room. She returned to her room and Inuyasha was seated on her bed again rubbing his eyes.

"What was that all about?" he yawned.

"One of my friends." She said while sitting down next to him. The half-demon fell down with his head in her lap and his arms around her waist. "I-Inuyasha! What are you doing?" She blushed.

"Let's go back to sleep." He said closing his eyes. "It's nice."

"Uh…We slept over nine hours last night! You're still tired?" she asked.

"Not really." He breathed out. "I just never slept like that before."

She smiled and rubbed one of his ears. She slid away from his grasp and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked while cuddled up on her bed.

"I'm going to make you some breakfast. You sleep in ok?" She smiled and closed the door behind her and went down stairs to the kitchen.


Feudal Japan:

"C'mon, Sango! As promised. Everyday for a month." Miroku said while leaning into over to the resistant demon slayer. She turned her head away from him while laughing.

"Are you sure you want to waste my kisses in the morning? You have all day to save it for a special occasion." Sango suggested. He paused.

"You may be right about that." Miroku released her. "Alright, I'll save it for the evening."

"Thank you," She said brushing herself off.

"When are Kagome and Inuyasha coming back?" Shippo whined. "I hope they bond faster."

"Oh? Inuyasha's in Kagome time?" a voice from far off said. The group looks up and met the young priestess Kikyo standing by the road.

"Oh, Kikyo," Sango greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Inuyasha. I need to speak with him about something. About our past." She replied.

Miroku blinked confusingly. "About your past?" he repeated.


Breakfast was fairly interesting for the Hirugashi family. No one said a word while Inuyasha noisily slurped his hearty helping of instant noodles. Due to the embarrassing intrusion the night before, Kagome couldn't say anything but only stare at her food. Kagome sighed and stood up, grabbing Inuyasha's arm.

"C'mon. Let's go to the spa." She requested while yanking on his arm. He stumbled onto his feet, trying to regain his balance with Kagome's attempt to drag him out of the house.

'Inuyasha's right. We need to spend time alone with no one bugging us.' She thought. 'Just the two of us.'