InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ Dead Cold on Christmas Eve ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Thanks for all the awesome reviews I love them! Ok I'm pretty sure you all want to know what Kikyo wants with Inuyasha so guess what. YOU GET TO FIND OUT IN THIS CHAPTER!!! WOO HOO!!! It's gonna be tense! Ok so read on my darlings read on! *^_^*
Dead Cold on Christmas Eve
“What are ye dong, child?” Kaede asked the kit that was overly excited about coloring his pictures today.
“I'm making Kagome a present for tomorrow! Since I'm gonna be the only one giving her a present, she's gonna spend extra time with me and not with that stupid Inuyasha!” Shippo exclaimed. Kaede chuckled under her breath but stopped as she peered out the window to a familiar whistling noise. A soul collector floated by.
“It's unusually extra cold today. Don't you think?” Kagome asked as she tied a yellow scarf around Inuyasha's neck. She had jeans on with a pink winter jacket and scarf.
“Much colder than last year,” He said as he watched her in amusement. His ear twitched in the wind. He glanced back into the forest while sniffing at the cold air.
“Inuyasha? What's wrong?” She asked.
“Don't follow me,” He growled and ran off into the snow. `Kikyo's been hanging around here for a while.' He thought. `I wonder what she wants.' Kikyo's figure came into view. She was sitting on a rock in a clearing not too far from the village.
“Kikyo.” He breathed.
“Inuyasha, I was wondering when you were going to show up. You seem to be… distracted.” She said.
“Well, I'm here aren't I? So what do you want?” he asked as he approached her. She rose up from her spot and stepped into him closer. He embraced her when she leaned in. “Kikyo.”
“You already know what I want, Inuyasha. I want you to linger in the bowels of hell with me in the nether world.” She said.
“Kikyo, you're so cold.”
“It's like that when you're dead.”
“Don't worry, Kikyo,” Inuyasha tightened his embrace on her. “As soon as Naraku's dead. I'll leap into hell itself to be with you. Neither one of us will be lonely anymore. It's the least I can do for you for what happened fifty years ago.” Kikyo smiled as his words and finally returned his hug.
“Thank you, Inuyasha.”
Kagome was making her way back to the village. She looked down at her feet in thought as she walked. She knew where he was. He was with her. She sensed Kikyo's presence that morning. She sighed. `It's not like we're together or anything.' She thought. `I belong to him and he belongs to her. That's all there is to it. Now if I could only figure out what to do when the shards are whole again. How can Inuyasha be a full demon and be with Kikyo at the same time?'
“Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes,” A husky voice rang from a tree. Kagome looked up at the demon perched on a branch.
“Kouga?” she called. He hopped down in front of her with a laugh and hugged her.
“Where've you been? I've been looking for you for a couple of days now.” She smiled up at him.
“I went back to my village for a little bit to visit some family of mine.” She explained. She watched him sniff about the air.
“So mutt face is finally somewhere else? He shouldn't have left you unprotected. Anyone could snatch you up.”
“Don't worry I can take care of myself when I have to.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her down the path. “Kouga, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?” She started to feel uneasy.
“I have a cave set up. Now that mutt face is out of the way. I'm going to claim you while I have the chance.” He tightened his grip on her wrist.
“What? What do you mean by claim?” She asked getting a little worried. “Let go of me, please!” She knew she wasn't strong enough to free herself from his grasp. They came to a small clearing in the forest with a cave that was carved in a small cliff. He pulled her in and tossed her on the hay bed.
“Take off your clothes.” He commanded.
“Excuse me?!” She huffed. “What makes you think I'll do that?!”
“Just do it. I need to claim you before that mutt face does!” He shouted. SMACK! She glared at him as he held the red handprint on his face.
“Snap out of it, Kouga! I'm not interested in being claimed until after the jewel is completed. Sorry, I hit you.” She sat up. “And don't get all worked up about Inuyasha. He's not interested in me.” She looked down at her hands.
“You mean that when Naraku's dead, you'll be with me?” He asked.
“No. It means that you'll have a chance to convince me to.” She looked down at the shards in his legs. “And the process will go faster if you give up those shards. I know they mean a lot to you but I'll need them from you sooner or later. You either give them to me now or give them to Inuyasha when he slices them from your legs. No offense, Kouga, but you won't have a chance against Naraku alone. And I know you're not going to work with Inuyasha and me.”
Kouga plopped back against a rock and sighed. He hesitated in thought for a moment. He took both of his shards out of his legs and held them up. Kagome held her hand out to take them but he pulled them away.
“Only on one condition.” He said as he leaned in close to her. She blinked in confusion for a moment. “Let me kiss you.”
She nodded.
Sango moaned as she wrapped her arms around Miroku's neck. She parted her lips to grant his tongue access to her mouth. They tangled their tongues and explored each other. He pressed her up against a tree before breaking the kiss. He trailed light kisses down her chin and on her neck. She gasped when get latched his mouth on her neck and began to suck and nibble on her skin.
“Miroku, stop!” She complained but didn't shove him off. She liked it. Maybe too much. He caressed her thighs and hips while he continued the hickey.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” Inuyasha asked as he approached the couple. Sango immediately kicked the monk off causing him to slam into a neighboring tree. She laughed nervously and blushed as she rubbed the mark on her neck. “Did Kagome come back to the village?”
“I thought she was with you,” Sango replied. She looked down at the purple box he was carrying. “What's that?”
“Nothin!” He hissed and leapt off and out of sight again.
“Wonder what his problem is.” Sango said. Miroku tried to pull himself up by pulling on her kimono. She turned and kicked him to the ground again. “Perv.” She walked off. (Poor Miroku.)
Kagome smiled at her accomplishment, holding up her vial containing two extra shards. She was on her way back to the village. She stopped at Inuyasha standing in front of her with his arms crossed.
“And just where have you've been?” He asked with a glare. She just smiled.
“I was out collecting jewel shards, of course! I got two of them without your help.” She boasted as she continued and passed him up. His doggy-senses (like spidy-sense lol) went off in his head once he got a whiff of her scent. He growled and grabbed her arm, turning her to face him.
“Why you! You-“ He couldn't find his words.
“That's right! I saw Kouga!” She slapped his hands away. “He grabbed me while you went to see Kikyo.” That said he began to panic. He grabbed her and yanked her scarf off to examine her neck. He sighed in relief that there was no mark on her. She pushed him away. “Just what do you think you are doing?”
“I'm just making sure he didn't claim you,” He huffed.
“How do you figure that?” she asked.
“Us, canine demons mark our mates by biting them on the necks,” he explained. “His scent was all over you so I got worried.” She huffed and glared at him suspiciously. “So… you got his jewel shards huh? How did you do that?”
“That's for me to know and you to find out!” She proceed to the village as he followed close behind.
AN: Hehehehe Oh I do enjoy writing this! The good part is about to happen on Christmas Day next chapter! Don't get worked up it's not the last chapter. The story will continue into the battle with Naraku and such so keep reading! And don't forget to review!