InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ Merry Christmas ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN: Ok it's Christmas time! Hehe.
Merry Christmas
Kagome woke up alone in Kaede's hut that morning. It was Christmas! She was so excited. She couldn't wait to give everyone their presents.
Well, she could wait until she had something to eat. She fixed herself a nice, hot cup of ramen. She was blowing it cool when Inuyasha came in following the sweet and spicy aroma.
“Hey, Inuyasha,” she greeted. “Where is everyone?”
“Outside.” He sat down and leaned over her ramen. (Kagome's face -_-`)
She swatted his nose causing him to yelp in surprise. “Bad Dog!” His face was in complete shock. “This one is mine. If you want some then make it yourself!”
He sat up growling a little. He tried to swipe the cup of soup from her but she easily dodged it. She giggled at him. He reached for it and she stretched her arm back to keep it from his reach.
“Come on, Kagome! Share with me!” he begged.
“Hmm. Let me think… No!” She laughed still keeping it from his reach. She was leaned back supporting herself with an elbow while he hunched over her desperately trying to swipe the cup of ramen.
“Come on! I won't eat all of it!”
“Like I never heard that before!” He pressed on forward forcing her down with his legs in between hers. Just a little further. His claws were just an inch away from the cup like his face was from her own. He paused and looked down at her smiling face. He felt her place the cup in his hand. “Merry Christmas, Inuyasha.” He felt his face heat up.
“Fox Fire!” Shippo screamed as he singed Inuyasha's foot. The hanyou jumped off of the miko.
“Oi! Runt!” Inuyasha placed the cup of ramen down and chased Shippo out of the hut. Kagome grinned as she picked up the ramen and ate.
After breakfast, Kagome threw on a coat and stepped outside. Everyone was sitting under a canopy with a pile of packages in the middle.
“What's going on?” She asked. Shippo jumped up in excitement.
“Well, I wanted to get you a gift then everyone else wanted to also! So here they are!” He exclaimed.
“But I said that you didn't have to get me anything!” She said.
“We just wanted to experience the joys of this tradition, Lady Kagome,” Miroku said. “It really is no big deal.” Kagome's face flushed up in embarrassment from all of the attention she was getting.
“Well, alright then!” Kagome rushed back into the hut and hauled out her backpack. She then joined the others under the canopy. She placed the wrapped presents she had from her bag with the others. “Who's first?”
“Me!” Shippo yelled. Kagome laughed and handed him a present. He excitedly ripped open the paper. “Wow!” His eyes widened to a complete art set with pencils, crayons, and paints. “Thank you!” He pounced on her with a hug. Kagome received a picture book that Shippo had made telling the story of all of their adventures together.
“Awe! Thank you, Shippo! I love it!”
“Here, Kagome. This is from both me and Miroku,” Sango said and handed her a package. Kagome opened it. She held up a black suit that looked like a gymnast outfit.
“It's a special armor we made. I made it with the hide of a snake demon and Miroku blessed it with spiritual protection. You can wear it under your clothes.” Sango explained.
“Wow. I don't know what to say!”
“It was actually Inuyasha's suggestion. He even skinned the demon himself but he didn't want to take any credit for it.” Miroku pointed out. Inuyasha glared at him from the corner.
“Well thank you very much! I can't wait to put it on!” Kagome looked over to Inuyasha who never made eye contact with her. Kagome picked up a package and tossed it to him.
“What's this?” he asked holding it up.
“It's a Christmas present, dummy. Now open it!” She commanded. He huffed and ripped open the present. He stared at it. A bottle of dog shampoo and a pair of red swimming trunks. He shot up waving the objects around.
“What do you take me for?!” He shouted.
“Well I know how much you like baths now, Inuyasha. So I got you something to wash your hair with. And with that bathing suit you don't have to worry about towels anymore.” Kagome said in a rather cheery voice. Sango couldn't help to snicker at the towel part. The hanyou just tossed the present down next to him and scoffed.
“Feh! Whatever!” he said. Kagome moved on and handed Sango her present.
“Oh! Kagome it's beautiful! Thank you!” She pulled out a blue comb with cherry blossoms and a kitten that looked like Kirara on it. Miroku opened his next. They were a pair of silver earrings with spiritual symbols on them. He thanked her kindly before she handed Kaede her present.
“What is this, child?” Kaede asked as she examined the content of the present's packaging.
“It's a stove lighter.” Kagome said. “I know you have trouble lighting the fire now and days so all you have to do it push this button.” Kagome demonstrated for her.
“Oh My! How wonderful! Ye certainly have strange wonderful powers in the future, child! I thank ye! Here take these, my child.” Kaede handed her a bundle of clothing. “This is the proper attire for a priestess. I know how ye feel about wearing the same clothes my sister did so I made ye a blue hakama instead of a red one. Inuyasha told me that ye needed some proper clothes to battle in so ye wouldn't ruin your uniform.”
“Inuyasha said that? Thank you, Kaede!” Kagome said. Inuyasha stood up from the corner and walked over to her. He took her hand.
“Come on, I have something to show you,” he said and lead her from the group.
“Hey!” Shippo jumped up to follow them but Miroku grabbed him.
“Let them be, little one. I think Inuyasha wants to give her his gift in private.” The monk said.
“Inuyasha got her a gift?” Shippo asked.
Inuyasha lead Kagome out of the village and to the God Tree. Kagome could help but blush a little as he held her hand the whole way there. They stopped right at the tree. Inuyasha released her hand as he walked over to a hollow log and pulled out the long purple box that she saw from before.
“Um,” He held it in front of her. “Here.” He handed it to her.
“Inuyasha, this is a stick, remember?” She was confused.
“Just open it!” He snapped. He was too impatient for her stupid questions. She untied the ribbon and opened the top of the box. There laid an elegant bow. Crafted to perfection. It was furnished and everything with carved symbols and even painted cherry blossoms.
“Inuyasha…” She was speechless.
“The woodworker from down the street of the mall made it out of that branch. It's made out of the Sacred Tree.” He said. Kagome suddenly dropped the gift and leaped into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Inuyasha leaned back against the tree blushing. She buried her face into his neck.
“Thank you, Inuyasha.” She whispered. He wrapped his arms around her and returned her embrace.
“Kagome,” He said. “I need you to do a favor for me.” She lifted her head up from his neck to face him.
“What is it?” she asked.
“When everything is over. When Naraku is dead and the jewel is whole again. I want you to seal me back to this tree.” He told her.
“What? But why?”
“Kikyo owns my life, Kagome. When you seal me to this tree she'll stay out of your way and spend the rest of her lurking in hell with me where she belongs.” He noticed the tears swelling up in her eyes.
“No! I can't do that to you, Inuyasha! I won't!” She choked out.
“You have to. She's growing impatient and jealous of you. I can sense her anger. Soon she'll turn hostile and would want to kill you. It's all I can do to protect you after that.”
“But why would she be jealous of me? She's the one you run too all the time! You swearing your life and soul to her! I'm the one that should be jealous! I can't do it.” She buried her face back in his neck to cry.
“She's jealous because she knows that I'm in love with you. And she'll kill you for that.”
“Wh-what?” she shot her head up.
“I said she'd kill you.”
“No! Before that! What did you say?!” She asked. His face flushed. His eyebrows furrowed.
“I said that I love ya, now get off my back will ya?!” He growled. She stared at him in silence. “Well, say something!” he said.
“Wow. I thought that I would be the first to say it.”
“What do you mean? You did say it first!”
“I did? When?” She asked. He set her down and sighed in annoyance.
“You remember Kaguya? The fake celestial being? You said, `I love you, Inuyasha. I love you as a half demon.' That's what you said. Or did you forget?” She thought for a moment before breaking out into a small laugh. “Eh? What's so funny?”
“It's just that was a long time ago,” she said.
“Yeah, well. You did say it.” He picked up her bow and then took her hand in his. “Come on, Shippo is probably getting worried about you. You should spend some time with him. I think he's all worked up when you've been spending so much time with me. We'll talk more about this later.”
She nodded in agreement and walked along his side.
AN: Yay! Wait. Why didn't they kiss or nothing? Sigh oh well. Maybe next time eh? Hehehe I love torturing you guys with anticipation! Review, now darlings! Review!