InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ The Decision ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Woot! Chapter 14. Holy crap I have no life. Lol. Alright. I don't have two jobs anymore so now I can write more often. Yay!
The Decision
Sango peeked her head in the room. Kagome was laying on her sleeping bag with an open math book. Inuyasha was leaning against a wall with Shippo napping against his knee.
“Kagome, Inuyasha? May I speak with you?” the warrior asked. Kagome lifted her gaze from her studies.
“Sure, what's up, Sango?” She asked. Sango made her way near Kagome and sat down, folding her hands on her lap.
“I wanted to ask you about Miroku's position in my situation,” she started. “You see, we're not sure how we feel about him continuing his travels with you or stay with me. We wanted to see how you two feel about it before we make a decision.” Both Kagome and Inuyasha glanced at each other before glancing back at the warrior.
“Well, he certainly has helped a lot with that wind tunnel of his. But I'm sure we can manage if he decides to stay with you,” Kagome remarked.
“What about you, Inuyasha?” Sango asked.
“Feh! Like I care if he drags around here or not. Personally, I think he should stay. With Kirara here with you, he'll just slow us down.” He said.
“Yeah right, Inuyasha. You just want to be alone with Kagome,” Shippo stated, who apparently woken from his nap. Inuyasha impaled his fist against the kit, making him cry.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome exclaimed giving him a harsh look. “You can't punish him like that. You need to be firm but caring as well or he'll never learn to respect you.” The hanyou blinked in confusion.
“Yeah! Inuyasha, you butthead!” Shippo shot up, pointing a finger at him. Inuyasha growled and raised his fist up to hit him again. Shippo cried and ran to Kagome before he gave him the chance of the strike.
“Now, Shippo. You can't speak to Inuyasha like that!” Kagome firmly said.
“But he was being mean!” The boy whined.
“That doesn't mean it's right. You need to learn how to respect others no matter what,” she explained.
“But he hit me!”
“I'm aware of that and I'll take care of it,” She shot a glare at the hanyou making him tense up in fear. “For now I want you to sit in the corner and think about how you treated him.” Shippo let out a rumbling complaint as he made his way to the corner and plopped down on the floor in a pout.
“One day, Kagome. You're going to teach me your parenting skills. How do you know so much about children when you have none?” Sango asked.
“Well, I have Shippo,” Kagome said. “But I got most of my knowledge from babysitting my little brother when my mom went to work. And I also babysat some of my little cousins, so I just have more experience. I feel more secure about having children in the future. I'm rather looking forward to it actually.”
Sango smiled and glanced over to Inuyasha who was staring at the miko with wide eyes and a reddened face. Sango couldn't help but laugh a little. Kagome's face looked confused for a moment before looking back at Inuyasha. He quickly looked away and gazed out the window. Kagome's cheeks reddened as well when she could see that he was blushing.
“Well, ok.” Sango stood up from the floor. “I'll go speak with Miroku more about it. Thank you.” She bowed her head and left the room. Kagome and Inuyasha glanced down at Shippo in the corner who let out a sigh.
“Gomen, Inuyasha.” He started. “I didn't mean to scowl you for your emotional constipations.”
“Eh?!” Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears. `What the hell is an emotional constipation? Little runt been hanging around Kagome too much.'
“You may go play now Shippo, Thank you.” Kagome chirped with a smile. The little kit jumped up and scurried outside to play with the village children. Kagome once again turn her attention to her math book. Inuyasha glared at it with such hate. The damn book always got more attention than he did. He hated it. And she knew it. And he was sure as hell going to do something about it. He sat up and crawled over to her on the futon. She didn't seem to notice his presence behind her and just kept on reading.
He took a moment to admire her features. The way her ebony hair flowed over her shoulders and against her back. He eyes traced her curves from the slim of her waist to the roundness of her bottom. She was flawless. His blood began to boil again. `She wants more pups, huh? She'll be in heat soon and if the monk is gone… No, wait. I shouldn't even think about this.' He sighed in frustration. Kagome peered over her shoulder at him.
“What's wrong?” she asked.
“You done with that thing yet? We need to get going.” He remarked.
“I thought we were leaving tomorrow.”
“You don't actually like reading that stuff do you?” She caught the annoyance in his voice but just decided to ignore him and return to her studies. She needed to catch up on her exams that she missed. Inuyasha huffed and crawled up next to her and laid down on the futon on his stomach, mimicking her layout. She eyed him. He was glaring at her.
“What?” she asked in annoyance. He then suddenly, purposely twitched his right ear. A blush rose up on the young girl's face. He tweaked the left one this time. She let out a whining groan and buried her nose back in her book trying to resist the temptation of his fuzzy ears. He slid over in front of her and lowered her book. She slowly raised her gaze to him. Those fluffy triangles on his head seem to have minds of their own. The called out to her, twitch and tweaking at her.
Inuyasha suddenly found himself thrown on his back on the bed. She straddled his chest and took hold onto his ears, engulfing him into a soothing ear rub down. She let out a sigh of relief and a giggle as her obsession took her over. Inuyasha smirked and closed his eyes to her soothing petting while running his claws up and down her thighs.
Both of them froze and glanced up at their audience. Everyone stood there staring at the scene. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kirara and Kaede were all there witnessing. Miroku grabbed the kit and covered his eyes. Shippo shouted in protest and struggled against the monk's grasp.
“I've decided to stay with Sango,” the monk announced. “Not only for Sango and the child but also for Inuyasha and Kagome. I am a man whose pursuit of love has ended. Now I must carry out my inspiration for Inuyasha to do the same.”
“Oi! What are you blabbing about, monk?!” asked Inuyasha. “I don't need anything from you!”
“Miroku, are you sure?” Sango asked. “I don't want to be the reason you gave up your life's goal.”
“Sango, you are my life's goal. And don't worry about my cursed hand; I have full trust in Inuyasha and Kagome. Plus I can protect you here. Like I told you before, what good is my wind tunnel if I can't at least use it to protect the woman I love?”
“Miroku…” Sango's cheeks flushed and she smiled at him.
“Oh! That's so sweet!” Kagome cheered out as she latched herself onto Inuyasha. “Isn't romantic, Inuyasha?!” She was way too excited about this.
“Oi!” Inuyasha growled and tried to push her off of him. “Let go, wench! Calm down before you die of excitement!”
“You two have been acting unusual lately. What's going on?” Sango asked as she leaned in at Inuyasha to examine his face. “You're acting like a couple. Well, more than usual anyways.”
“Um, so Shippo I want you to stay with Sango and Miroku then.” Kagome quickly changed the subject to ceased further embarrassment.
“WHAT?!” Shippo whined. “But I wanna go with you!”
“Keh! You heard her, runt. It's too dangerous for a weak little demon like you.”
“Kagome!” Shippo whined out again.
“Shippo, Inuyasha's right. Naraku is too powerful and I don't want anything to happen to you. Plus I need you to help protect Sango and the others while we're gone. Okay?”
“WAH!” Shippo wailed out his tears and launched himself in her arms. “I don't want you to leave me!”
“We'll be back, I promise,” she soothed as the child sniffled.
“No you won't! Not both of you I know it! Stupid Inuyasha!” Shippo leaped onto Inuyasha and hugged his chest. “Don't do it!” Everyone but Inuyasha stared in confusion.
“Shippo,” Inuyasha called in a quiet tone. “I'll come back before then.” The kit looked up at him with his watery eyes and sniffled again.
“You promise?”
“Promise. You have my word as a man.” He assured.
“What is Shippo talking about, Inuyasha?” Miroku asked.
“None of your damn business,” the hanyou snapped. He plopped the kit back on the ground and made is way off away from the village by himself.
AN: Not a very exciting chapter sorry. I had trouble developing it. The next one will be better I promise. ^_^ Will Inuyasha be able to control is passion for the young miko? Maybe, maybe not…. Most likely not but just read anyways. And review please I think I need more inspiration. Give me ideas! My mind is open. Hmmm a vote I shall call! (grins evilly) shall I make this fan fiction X rated? Hmmmmmm Enticing…