InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ Summer Heat ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN: Ok I'm filling in half of a request from my dear fan hoppen! I can't make any promises with the ending but for some fun alone time for the couples I can do! Ok now here it is!
Summer Heat
After a morning of sulking under the sun's scorching rays. Shippo gave the idea to go swimming in a collection of ponds near the edge of the forest. Everyone thought it was a wonderful idea, even Inuyasha. Although the hanyou protested against the pair of swimming trunks he got for Christmas, he found that they were a lot lighter and easier to move in the water than his hakama was. Kagome was just glad to see more of him. Especially those lean, muscular legs that formed from leaping and jumping all the time. She mentally smacked herself for her thoughts.
Sango wore a light and short robe that was easy to swim in and Miroku just wore a light pair of pants. Shippo already had a pair of swimming trunks from Kagome that were blue with green poke dots. Kagome had her usual pink tankini suit. Inuyasha's blood boiled just to look at her so he swam off out of sight to scold himself.
Kagome sighed as she watched him run off to a concealed area of the pond. She did notice his cranky behavior lately and it was starting to worry her. Every week he was getting more edgy and snappy. `Maybe he just needs some time by himself for a while. Or maybe he needs some time alone with me. We haven't had some time to ourselves for quite awhile.' She thought.
“Hey! Kagome!” Shippo called. The girl looked up and saw him standing on a high rock. “Watch this!” He leapt off and dived in the water. When he surfaced, Kagome praised his for his performance.
“Hey, I know a game we could play. It's a swimming game that is really fun with a bunch of people,” Kagome said. She was soon surrounded by all three of her friends to hear the rules.
“It's called Marco Polo.” She explained. “The person who is `it' keeps their eyes closed and calls `Marco'. The others answer `Polo' and the one who is `it' follow their voices and try to tag them in the water. The person who is tagged becomes `it'. You got it?”
“That sounds fun! I wanna be it!” Shippo announced. Shippo closed his eyes to count and everyone scurried off to their positions. “Marco!”
“Polo!” everyone answered. But Shippo seemed to be only interested in tagging Kagome who was to his right. He jumped up at her and tagged her very easily. Thanks to his demon fox nose.
Kagome closed her eyes and counted. Everyone shuffled their positions. “Marco!” she called.
“Polo!” they answered. The closest voice seemed to be right in front of her.
“Marco?” she called again.
“Polo.” The voice answered with a chuckle. Soon Kagome smacked into a bare chest and looked up at the monk. He flashed her a flirtatious smile and winked at her. “Great job. Lady Kagome.”
Sango had hit him in the head with a rock. “Next time, try not to get tagged! Baka!” she said. He laughed and closed his eyes to count.
Inuyasha listened to the game from his concealed spot. The area was surrounded by bamboo that made a private spot for no more than two adults. He sighed in his frustration once again. He knew what was happening to him. His demon blood labeled Kagome as his potential mate already, which made her look and smell even more inviting. It was doing a huge number on him. He blamed himself for not paying attention to the monk and warrior's recent rutting even though he took notice of the strange scent that he labeled as the smell of sex.
Now he might be traveling with the miko alone for a while. Which would rise up more complications. He wasn't allowed to touch her. But his demon was raging a threat to take her by will or not soon if something wasn't done. `Looks like someone wanted to join the party' he thought as he looked down at his lap to take notice of his new friend. He anxiously rubbed it to try to ease the painful throbbing from inside his trunks.
“Sango!” Miroku called with his eyes closed.
“Wha?” Everyone blinked in confusion.
“Sango?” he called again.
“Hey. Miroku! You're supposed to say `Marco'.” Shippo reminded.
“But I'm not looking for Marco I'm looking for Sango,” he said. Everyone sighed.
“Just say Marco, Baka. And just follow my voice,” Sango said.
“Alright, Marco!” he continued on. Kagome took the opportunity of the busy game and left to find Inuyasha. She wanted to make sure Shippo was preoccupied so he wouldn't follow her. When she entered the secluded area she found him sitting chest deep in the water leaned back against a rock with his eyes closed. He was groaning something she couldn't make out.
“Inuyasha?” she said. He immediately jerked up startled and blushing a darker red than that of his fire rat robe.
“Kagome!” he nervously scratched the back of his neck. “Gomen. I didn't pay attention. You surprised me.” She giggled at him.
“What were you doing?” she asked.
“Nothin!” He shot out. She came over to him with a suspicious look. “I just suddenly had a headache.” His lie convinced her to ceased further investigation for now.
“I've noticed that you've been extra cranky lately,” she confessed.
“Keh! I don't know what you're going on about,” he said.
“You just seem a little stressed. More than usual.” She stated. “Let me help you relax. I know how. Take a seat.” Kagome took care in choosing the words of her last sentence to not accidentally punish him like she'd done before. He obeyed her request. She settled herself in his lap sideways that made him blush again. She brought her hands up and took a hold on both of his ears until he jerked his head back.
“What do you think you are doing?! You know I hate it when people touch my ears!” he growled out. His protests instantly ceased when she began to gently rub his ears. He groaned and closed his eyes to the sensation. Kagome took notice of the truth to her suspicion earlier. She could easily feel how `happy' he was under her. She swallowed nervously but continued her ear-massage.
“Ka- Kagome,” He stuttered. “You gotta stop before, uh…” He fidgeted and rolled his eyes to the sensation of her talented hands. She let out a giggle at his enjoyment. She released his left ear to press her lips against it.
“I know you only like your ears rubbed when I do it,” She whispered before slipping her pink tongue into it. Electrifying shivers shot up the hanyou's spine. He couldn't believe the treatment he was receiving. He never allowed people to touch his ears. When he was smaller, all the other children would yank on them, blow harshly into them, and even tried to twist them painfully. He was the village freak when his mother was still alive, but this girl never thought of such a thing. She adored his ears.
Kagome couldn't control herself. She absolutely loved his ears. He would drive her crazy over the years when he twitched them. She continued to blow in his left ear while she rubbed the other. She felt his arms snake around her and hold her closer. He also tilted his head a little to give her easier access.
“Kagome? What are you doing to Inuyasha's ear?” A voice rang close by. The two adults instantly froze at the voice and turned to the fox demon before them.
“Uh…” she tried to think of an excuse to tell the child but nothing logical came to mind. She couldn't tell him anything stupid he was too smart for it. She very well couldn't tell him the truth. Shippo shouldn't know grown-up things just yet.
“She was cleaning it for me,” Inuyasha said. “Didn't you're mother lick your ears clean when you were younger?”
“Yeah, but Kagome isn't your mom,” Shippo stated.
“Well, no. But I don't have a mother so I turn to her for the job,” he explained.
“So Kagome's your mom now?” the kit asked. This question made both Inuyasha and Kagome laugh out.
“No, Shippo,” Kagome replied. “I'm just a close friend that helps out. Don't worry, I'm still more of a mother to you right?”
“Hai!” Shippo nodded in delight.
“What happened to Sango and Miroku?” she asked. With that the kit let out a sigh.
“Miroku started to get all mushy with Sango so I came to look for you,” Shippo said.
“Feh. No surprise there,” Inuyasha huffed.
“Miroku?” Sango called.
“Yes, my dear Sango?” the monk answered.
“What are you going to do now? Since all of this happened.” She asked.
“Well, I could stay here with you and help you through the growth of our child. But I fear that the journey for the others will be rather difficult with both of us gone. What do you want, Sango?”
“I'm just as tied between the two as much as you are. Maybe we should talk to Inuyasha and Kagome to see what they think.” Miroku let out a big sigh in stress. The decision was torturing him. Stay with the most beautiful woman she's ever known and loved with his child, or travel with his other friends and seek revenge and rid of his cursed hand that threatens to kill him one day. Somehow he wishes he could do both.
“Remove your hand or I'll remove it for you!” She howled. He quickly yanked his cursed hand off her breast. He laughed and scratched his neck. Sango moved next to him in the pond and leaned up against him. Miroku smiled and wrapped an arm around her. His mind jerked in surprise when her felt her hand creep down behind him and grabbed him in the spot he grabbed her the most. A blush crept up his face at the grip on his cheek. Sango let out a giggle as she snuggled closer to him.
AN: Yay! Another chapter done. Sorry for the slowness. I'm working two jobs right now. -_-` sigh. Well review and tell me whatever and such! Give me ideas!