InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ haveing fun with deadly weapons ❯ choosing your battles ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
No own inu
Our merry band of vagabonds were surprised to find themselves subject to even more odd stairs and whispers than they were use to as they made their way into a busy town. Who knew one caucasian chick could cause such an uproar. Gina was distinctly uncomfortable for the simple reason that it is much harder to kill some one, and get away with it, with an audience. Under normal circumstances she was very good at going unnoticed.
"Well, there goes an entire skill set out the window." She said to no one in particular.
"What was that?" Sango asked.
"It seems I'm not getting lost in the crowd any time soon."
Sango laughed a bit. "We do stand out."
"I'm a bit surprised they haven't started calling you a demon." Miroku added cheerfully from behind them.
"Bet it wouldn't take long if she opened fire." Kagome said.
"Hell, if I play it right I could make myself a god."
"You wouldn't be the first." Inuyasha grumbled from the front.
"Aww, Yash, why would you give up a cushy gig like that?" Gina asked teasingly. "I suppose Miroku came along and did his monkly duties. Did he rat you out to the villagers you were terrorizing?"
"NO!" Inuyasha turned around and started hotly.
"Oh, he was in on it too. That seems to fit his character." Gina was enjoying toying with Inuyasha.
Shippo took center stage, "No, it wasn't anything like that. A water sprite locked up the rightful water goddess, and stole her trident. He was tremendously powerful. I had to rescue the goddess and return the trident to her before all the children in the village were sacrificed."
"That must have been very brave of you." Gina said at the same time Inuyasha said, "That's not what happened."
At the same time the building next to them blew up.
Things moved very fast from there. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and jumped a few yards away from the burning hut. Sango helped Miroku hide behind an over turned cart. It looked like he had a wound about mid thigh. The people who had been going about there business scattered. Gina fisted a hand in Shippo's shirt and pulled one of her guns out while backing into the door way of the building next to it.
She dropped Shippo and looked out from their hiding place. Inuyasha was already back standing in front of the destroyed building.
"Stay here." She said to Shippo before sprinting over to where Inuyasha stood. There was a smell she recognized; burning flesh. There had been people inside the structure. None of them were in one piece any more. She could feel Inuyasha twitch next to her, she was sure he wanted to cover his nose. She wanted to wretch for the smell; she could only imagine what it was doing to Inuyasha.
"Do you recognize the enemy?" Gina asked in a professional tone
"No, but I would be very suppressed if this were anything more than a teaser."
"Shippo come here," Gina called without looking up from the building.
"What do you need?" Shippo asked happy to help out in what was probably still a combat situation.
"Could you poke around and try to find what's left of the explosives?"
"Good, it looks like the charge was in the back left corner. Start there." Shippo scurried off trying his best to ignore the dead bodies.
"You're probably right about this being an attention grabber. Which means the enemy is waiting for us. Do we have to go through this town?"
"No." Inuyasha said blankly.
"Good lets get the hell out of here."
"What?!" Inuyasha asked in an incredulous tone.
" If there's nothing to gained here. I see no point in remaining here and perhaps taking heavier casualties." She said allowing here eyes to flick to Miroku who was already being treated by Kagome, before going back to starring down Inuyasha. The action was not lost on him. She saw him waiver for half a second before he growled out, "I'm not running away from an enemy."
"There is a difference between choosing your battles and cowardice. I'd rather not waltz in to a setup."
"It doesn't matter where we fight because I'm going to rip him apart anyway."
The people who had disappeared with the explosion were starting to return. A small crowd was gathering around Inuyasha, Gina, and the burned out building. Sango took a moment to listen to the rumors spreading through the group; she wasn't happy with what she heard.
The small crowd was quickly turning in to a good sized mob. The general consensus was that Gina and Inuyasha were demons and their fight had been the cause of the destruction. Those who had noted their entry told the others that the injured man was their companion. The lack of apparent concern for him was further proof that the demons were heartless creatures unconcerned with anything but their own conflict. Sango quickly moved to the pair who seemed to be having a starring contest.
"Would you two shut up before you start a riot. Do you want to be faced with an angry mob of pitchfork wielding villagers?"
"No, I don't. I also don't want to march in to a trap." Gina said coldly.
"It doesn't matter." Inuyasha growled between gritted teeth.
"Could we possibly speed this up?" Sango asked still warily eyeing the villagers.
"What are the natives saying?" Gina asked.
"You and Inuyasha are demons in the middle of a fight. One of your magical attacks caused the explosion." Sango stated plainly. Shippo ran back up to Gina showing her what he had found. It was the casing of a very primitive bomb. A six inch tube jammed with gunpowder and maybe some shrapnel.
"Is this what you wanted Gina?"
"Yeah, you did great." Gina looked around while taking a mental inventory and clearing up the details of her plan. It took her less than twenty seconds.
"Is Miroku going to be functional?"
"I think so. Kagome probably already has him bandaged up."
"Ok, I've got a plan."
Yippy, school is back and so am I. Big thank you to reves and Kurokioka for reviewing. They made me very happy. Well it's about that time. What time you ask? Why time for you to type those seven little letters I have been waiting so long to read 'you suck'
No own inu
Our merry band of vagabonds were surprised to find themselves subject to even more odd stairs and whispers than they were use to as they made their way into a busy town. Who knew one caucasian chick could cause such an uproar. Gina was distinctly uncomfortable for the simple reason that it is much harder to kill some one, and get away with it, with an audience. Under normal circumstances she was very good at going unnoticed.
"Well, there goes an entire skill set out the window." She said to no one in particular.
"What was that?" Sango asked.
"It seems I'm not getting lost in the crowd any time soon."
Sango laughed a bit. "We do stand out."
"I'm a bit surprised they haven't started calling you a demon." Miroku added cheerfully from behind them.
"Bet it wouldn't take long if she opened fire." Kagome said.
"Hell, if I play it right I could make myself a god."
"You wouldn't be the first." Inuyasha grumbled from the front.
"Aww, Yash, why would you give up a cushy gig like that?" Gina asked teasingly. "I suppose Miroku came along and did his monkly duties. Did he rat you out to the villagers you were terrorizing?"
"NO!" Inuyasha turned around and started hotly.
"Oh, he was in on it too. That seems to fit his character." Gina was enjoying toying with Inuyasha.
Shippo took center stage, "No, it wasn't anything like that. A water sprite locked up the rightful water goddess, and stole her trident. He was tremendously powerful. I had to rescue the goddess and return the trident to her before all the children in the village were sacrificed."
"That must have been very brave of you." Gina said at the same time Inuyasha said, "That's not what happened."
At the same time the building next to them blew up.
Things moved very fast from there. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and jumped a few yards away from the burning hut. Sango helped Miroku hide behind an over turned cart. It looked like he had a wound about mid thigh. The people who had been going about there business scattered. Gina fisted a hand in Shippo's shirt and pulled one of her guns out while backing into the door way of the building next to it.
She dropped Shippo and looked out from their hiding place. Inuyasha was already back standing in front of the destroyed building.
"Stay here." She said to Shippo before sprinting over to where Inuyasha stood. There was a smell she recognized; burning flesh. There had been people inside the structure. None of them were in one piece any more. She could feel Inuyasha twitch next to her, she was sure he wanted to cover his nose. She wanted to wretch for the smell; she could only imagine what it was doing to Inuyasha.
"Do you recognize the enemy?" Gina asked in a professional tone
"No, but I would be very suppressed if this were anything more than a teaser."
"Shippo come here," Gina called without looking up from the building.
"What do you need?" Shippo asked happy to help out in what was probably still a combat situation.
"Could you poke around and try to find what's left of the explosives?"
"Good, it looks like the charge was in the back left corner. Start there." Shippo scurried off trying his best to ignore the dead bodies.
"You're probably right about this being an attention grabber. Which means the enemy is waiting for us. Do we have to go through this town?"
"No." Inuyasha said blankly.
"Good lets get the hell out of here."
"What?!" Inuyasha asked in an incredulous tone.
" If there's nothing to gained here. I see no point in remaining here and perhaps taking heavier casualties." She said allowing here eyes to flick to Miroku who was already being treated by Kagome, before going back to starring down Inuyasha. The action was not lost on him. She saw him waiver for half a second before he growled out, "I'm not running away from an enemy."
"There is a difference between choosing your battles and cowardice. I'd rather not waltz in to a setup."
"It doesn't matter where we fight because I'm going to rip him apart anyway."
The people who had disappeared with the explosion were starting to return. A small crowd was gathering around Inuyasha, Gina, and the burned out building. Sango took a moment to listen to the rumors spreading through the group; she wasn't happy with what she heard.
The small crowd was quickly turning in to a good sized mob. The general consensus was that Gina and Inuyasha were demons and their fight had been the cause of the destruction. Those who had noted their entry told the others that the injured man was their companion. The lack of apparent concern for him was further proof that the demons were heartless creatures unconcerned with anything but their own conflict. Sango quickly moved to the pair who seemed to be having a starring contest.
"Would you two shut up before you start a riot. Do you want to be faced with an angry mob of pitchfork wielding villagers?"
"No, I don't. I also don't want to march in to a trap." Gina said coldly.
"It doesn't matter." Inuyasha growled between gritted teeth.
"Could we possibly speed this up?" Sango asked still warily eyeing the villagers.
"What are the natives saying?" Gina asked.
"You and Inuyasha are demons in the middle of a fight. One of your magical attacks caused the explosion." Sango stated plainly. Shippo ran back up to Gina showing her what he had found. It was the casing of a very primitive bomb. A six inch tube jammed with gunpowder and maybe some shrapnel.
"Is this what you wanted Gina?"
"Yeah, you did great." Gina looked around while taking a mental inventory and clearing up the details of her plan. It took her less than twenty seconds.
"Is Miroku going to be functional?"
"I think so. Kagome probably already has him bandaged up."
"Ok, I've got a plan."
Yippy, school is back and so am I. Big thank you to reves and Kurokioka for reviewing. They made me very happy. Well it's about that time. What time you ask? Why time for you to type those seven little letters I have been waiting so long to read 'you suck'