InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Haze of the Heart ❯ Kichi Takahashi ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8- Kichi Takahashi
Kougasmate- am I on a roll or what? I almost typed everyone's name as how they really are, but caught myself. Phew. Well, I am getting off the computer for the day, so bye. Also, I have to go track down my missing back pack. Im just really happy that I wrote three whole chapters in about two hours! Go me! -huggles self- LOL, just kidding. Well, bye everyone! Be sure and review!
The four teens, some how feeling a presence in simply being around each other, walked down the grimy, dirt filled streets, the two girls talking, the boys keeping up at a steady pace. “You're pretty brave Risa, standing up to those guys,” Sakura said, laughing slightly, “But what made you do it?” Risa looked back at Kichi and shrugged, “I didn't like their attitude. Plus, Kichi was hurt, and as a priestess, I can't stand by and watch that without helping!” Kichi snorted, looking away, his long braided hair flying up, “Oh, aren't you just a brave and noble soul.” Toku smirked as the young woman clenched and unclenched her fists in anger, a dark aura surrounding her, “Be careful my friend, she is a priestess after all…. She may purify you.” Kichi growled, “Purify my ass, she's lucky she didn't get killed. That was Saburo's crew, they're pretty tough.” Toku whistled, “You're pretty bold, saying that to Lady Risa, even after she so selflessly helped you.” Sakura glared, “Bold? How about ignorant, pig headed, idiotic, heartless?” Kichi didn't even acknowledge Sakura and stopped in front of a rather large house, with less grime than most others. Wilting flowers grew in abundance around the home, and dirt encrusted stone pathways led around the large estate. “Home sweet home he grumbled,” taking time to swipe his claws along the stonewall surrounding his home, sending a few select pebbles skittering to the earth. Risa stopped, her eyes growing wide. “This is your house?” she asked, hardly believing one of such crude manor would live in such a beautiful home. “Sadly, yes.” Sakura spoke up, her voice somewhat excited, “You're Kichi Takahashi! Ryumaru's little brother? The Ryumaru?” Kichi spat on the ground, swinging open the rusty gates with a clang, “Not by choice, trust me.” Toku looked the house up and down, smiling as though devising a plot. “This house is worth millions, so the merchandise on the inside, or a picture of the very popular Ryumaru would prove very useful, would it not? Financially of course.” Kichi turned and starred fixedly at Toku, growling, “Don't. Come. Past. The. Gate.” Toku sighed and patted Kichi on the back, “Never in a million years would I do anything you so clearly objected.” Sakura laughed, “Yeah right, you play grab ass with me daily and I `clearly object' to it!” Toku simply smiled innocently, “I will say nothing to defend myself.” Risa jabbed back with, “Because there IS nothing you can say!” Toku put his head down in defeat, dragging his torn up sneakers over the earth, muttering about everyone being against him. Suddenly, the gate slammed shut and Kichi stuck his arm out, pointing at Toku, “You stay away! And if it means keeping Toku away,” he paused to point at Sakura, “You stay away too!” Sakura glared angrily, sticking her tongue out and `harrumphing' as she turned away. Risa, however, was left unclear on terms of visitation, so she asked, “hey, Kichi, what about me?” He simply replied over his shoulder with, “I'm not telling you to not come…” Saying so, he unlocked the door to his home and stepped in, slamming it without even a backwards glance.