InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hells Angel ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey everyone! This is my second story, my first is still in progress but just had a great idea for a story and had to try it! Well here it is!
Oh and I know kikyo and kagome `supposedly' look alike but in this fic, they don't.
Disclaimer: Damn am I sick of telling you bastards I don't own inuyasha! kicks lawyers to get them to stop biting legs* im gonna say it one more time………………….I DON'T OWN INUYASHA YOU SICK CANIVING BASTARDS!!!!!!!! Thank you and good night. : )
Hells Angel
Chapter 1 (im not gonna name the chapters because I have no cluw what to name them so if you want titles for them, use your own damn imagination!)
BEEP BEEP BEEP BE-CRASH, SLAM, BANG. “ughhhhhh” moaned a very sleepy raven haired girl. “damn alarm clocks” she mumbled. “HEY SIS!” her little brother yelled as he ran into her room. “did you break another alarm clock?” “what of it? I swear one of these days im gonna go and dance on whoever invented alarm clocks grave. And if they aren't dead yet ill go and kill them myself” The girl known as kagome mumbled. Her younger brother sota just sighed and shook his head. This was normal behavior from his sister.
“well sis, hurry and wake up! You don't want to miss your first day back to school do you?” Sota asked. “ no, I just want to miss the whole goddamn year” kagome mumbled “ now get out of here before I show you why your wearing red pajamas. “huh, but im not wearing red pajamas, im wearing blue ones.” Sota said with a confused face. “exactly” kagome said. NOW sota got it, and he went running, yelling about evil homicidal sisters.
About 5 minutes later, Another girl known as sango came bursting into the room. “KAGOME HIGURASHI GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT BED!” sango yelled. “I don't wanna” kagome mumbled and rolled over. “fine then, you leave me no choice.” Sango walked out of the room and kagome thought `finally thought id never get rid of her' She tought to soon. Sango came into the room carrying a bucket of ice cold water, and she then dumped it on kagomes sleeping form.
“AIYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” kagome screamed and jumped up. “WHAT IN 7 HELLS WAS THAT FOR!!” Kagome yelled at sango “well I figured since you were running so behind I would help you get ready faster. See now you've already had your shower. “ sango said innocently as she edged her way to the door. “FREEZE SANGO!” kagome shouted. Then sango took off out the door. Kagome was not far behind. Sango was only human though, and kagome was a dog hanyou. So take a wild guess if sango got away. NO. kagome caught her and had her pinned ot the ground. That's how there friend Rin found them. “kagome can you go one day without trying to kill someone? And why are you all wet?” Rin asked. “well someone here decided to HELP me get ready by giving me a shower in bed.” Kagome said never once taking her murderous eyes off of sango.
“hmmmm ive heard of breakfast in bed but never a shower in bed” rin said. Sango and Kagome sweatdropped. “hey we have to leave for school in an hour. Yall better hurry up!” rin exclaimed. Then she ran into her room to finish getting ready. “yeah shes right, ill just have to kill you another day, damn and I was really hoping to finish it today too.” Kagome muttered sullenly. “awwwww I love you to kag” sango said. “ now could you get off of me, I need to finish getting ready too.” “fine fine” kagome said. “im not goin today, in fact im not goin back to that hell hole. Why should I” kagome said “ kagome you have to go!” sango said. “ no I don't actually” kagome said as she went into her room and slammed the door.
Rin opened the door to her bedroom and said “shes really got to lighten up. Ever since her mother and fathers death shes been like this. Poor thing, I wish she had a guy to cheer her up.” “rin is that all you can think about is guys?” sango asked dryly. “NO! I think about other stuff too! Like candy and stuff” she giggled. Sango groaned and got up and headed to her room. ` maybe, just maybe, kagome will find someone to open her heart again. Ever since her parents murders shes been so cold to everyone except me, rin, miroku, and her brother. And a few select people but not many. Sighs we can only hope'
Kagome was in her room about to lay back down when her brother came in. “sis, you have to go to school.” “why should i?” “because, mom and dad would want you to” Kagome stiffened up. Her back was turned so he couldent see what emotion was on her face if any. She had become very good at hiding emotions. She slowly turned around and smiled a sad smile at her brother. “ you always know just what to say to make me do anything brat, but your right, and ill go, but only for them.” Sota smiled “ I miss them too sis, but I moved on, why cant you?” sota immediately knew this was the wrong thing to say. “ you want to know why sota? Ill tell you why. Its because I go to sleep every night and relive their deaths! I was there remember! I witnessed it! Hell, I DID it!” kagome then broke down on the floor.
Sota ran to his sisters side. “shhhh kagome, its not your fault. You were possessed. You didn't ddo it. It was that bastard who did it. Not you. So I don't EVER want to hear you blame yourself again.” Sota said in a harsh voice. “ your right sota, im sorry I broke down like this.” Kagome said. Sota was relieved. They didn't notice the 2 spectaters standing in the doorway. Of corse sota was the only one who didn't know that kagome didn't mean those words she just said. “its ok kag, so are you going to school today?” “yes ill go. If itll get you off my back for 5 minutes. “ok!” sango and rin had left the doorway. Sota exited out of kagomes room.
“hes right you know, its not your fault” sango said softly from the kitchen her and rin were in fixing breakfast. “yeah, I wish she wouldent blame herself, but shes to damn stubborn for her own good.” Rin said. “yes, well lets just hope someone will come along and convince her, because we sure aren't getting through.” Sango sighed. “yeah”
Kagome was in her room getting ready. She wore a pair of black leather pants that were snug on her butt and flared out at the bottom. Then she decided on a red tanktop that stopped right above her bellybutton. It had the design of a white tiger on it surrounded by flames. She then ran a brush through her long hair being careful of her ears.
She was a dog hanyou, with long raven hair, with red and silver streaks in it. She had little black doggy ears on top of her head with silver tips on them. She put a little bit of red eyeshadow on and mascara and eyeliner. Her eyes were the deepest blue anyone had ever seen, people told her that with every emotion her eyes change shades of blue.
She then pulled on her black boots and went downstairs into the kitchen to see sango, rin , and sota at the table eating breakfast and a plate for her at the end of the table.
Kagome, Sango, Rin, and Sota, lived in the same house. Sangos parents died when she was young, her mother from giving birth to her brother, and her father from grief of losing his wife. Rins parents died on a vacation cruise, the boat hit an iceberg and the ship sunk. Now she cant stand to watch titanic anymore without breaking out in tears. Kagome and sotas parents were murdered, sota was at a friends house when kagome her father and mother were captured by naraku, a despicable demon who wanted nothing more than the shikon jewel wich kagome posses and wears around her neck at all times.
Naraku captured them and tortured them but kagome would not give up the jewel. The jewel is what kagome is to protect. Nobody can touch it unless she lets them, and if she dies the jewel disappears for who know how long. So naraku couldent kill her and she was to stubborn and strong willed to give it to him no matter what torture was inflicted upon her family. She came close to giving it to him a couple of times to see how much pain her parents were in
“kagome do not give up the jewel! Not even for us!” her mother screamed. “but mom i-“ “no, no buts kagome! I didn't raise you to give in so easily!” her father shouted. “ now now kagome, you don't want to see your parents suffer anymore do you?” asked naraku.
“no but im not giving up the jewel!” kagome exclaimed “ good girl” her father said. Naraku was sick of this so he finally said
fine have it your way. I tire of these games! Ill put you through so much torture that you will have no choice but to give up the jewel” “ you can hurt me all you want but ill never give in!” kagome shouted. “kukukukukukukukuku, maybe phyisical pain wont waver you but emotional might” He then did some kind of magic where he possessed kagomes body, she could see where she was and what was going on and could talk but she couldent control her body. “now you will watch as you kill you parents with your own 2 hands or you can give me the jewel. Kagome was seriously considering this when her parents shouted “ no kagome don't give it up, that jewel is the only thing keeping you alive! He will kill us all as soon as you give up the jewel! Theres no point in all of us dieing!”
fine have it your way. I tire of these games! Ill put you through so much torture that you will have no choice but to give up the jewel” “ you can hurt me all you want but ill never give in!” kagome shouted. “kukukukukukukukuku, maybe phyisical pain wont waver you but emotional might” He then did some kind of magic where he possessed kagomes body, she could see where she was and what was going on and could talk but she couldent control her body. “now you will watch as you kill you parents with your own 2 hands or you can give me the jewel. Kagome was seriously considering this when her parents shouted “ no kagome don't give it up, that jewel is the only thing keeping you alive! He will kill us all as soon as you give up the jewel! Theres no point in all of us dieing!”
“your right. Im sorry mom, im sorry dad” “don't be kagome” “awwwww this is really touching excuse me while I vomit.” Naraku said. Kagome then started to her parents and drew her sword `heru tenshi' it was named after her nickname `hell angel' she then killed her parents. Her fathers last words were “ kagome, don't blame yourself for this, its not your fault. Be strong kagome, be happy, never give up the jewel, and always remember, I love you.” And he died.
Kagome was so upset that she broke out of the spell put on her and screamed. She was a half demon, half miko, and her miko powers reacted and her aura rose extremely high. She got up and her bangs were hidden by her eyes. “naraku, for this, ill kill you” and then her head rose and her eyes were a cloudy blue and they flashed like lightning. She then drew her sword and attacked naraku for everything she was worth. Her father had trained her with weapens and physical stuff. Her mother had trained her in her spiritual powers.
Naraku was stunned that he was being beaten so he pulled one of his sleazy tricks. He made dozens of illusions of himself and made them all go at kagome. She couldent hold them all of so the real naraku was able to stab her shoulder. The illusions disappeared as she screamed in pain.
Her miko powers reacted and blasted at the threat. Naraku knew he wasn't going to get the jewel now so he fled. Before he left though he said “ don't worry kagome, ill be back for the jewel.” Kagome then countered with “ and ill be waiting to kick your ass into the next hell you bastard” “kukukukukukuku” then he left. Kagome passed out. And was found days later by the police. She recovered after a few days and told the police what happened. Then she went home and her brother returned from his friends house in which he had been staying at. Then sango and rin came up with an idea to lice together, and they had been ever since.
But the worst part of it all, wa that naraku had been her boyfriend, the man she loved and thought loved her back. He asked to have the jewel from her but she refused and that's what got him mad enough to do that. She then on promised herself that she woukd do anything in her power to protect he rlast remaining blood family and her friends, and she woulkd never love again.
Kagome finished her breakfast along with everyone else, and did the dishes and out them away. Sango looked at the clock and yelled “ OH SHIT! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!” “ yeah especially cuz we gotta drop the brat off too.” “hey im not a brat” sota protested. “ you guys go ahead, ill take the brat to school” kagome offered. “are you sure kagome?” rin asked “yeah im sure now come on lets go!”
They headed out to the garage and took the sheets off of there bikes. Kagomes was red wth silver flames, sangos, purple with black flames, and rins was white with gold flames. They each grabbed there helmets and took off waving bye to kagome. Kagome put her helmet on and waited for sota to put his on too. Hagome helmet matched her bike and on the back of it it said ”hells angel” her nickname.
She got that nickname because she was as beautiful and graceful as an angel, but when she when she was pissed and in a fight she had hell in her eyes. Therefore the nickname hells angel. Sota climbed on the back and when he had a grip on her waist she sped off.
She made it to his school and when he got off he waved goodbye and she did the same and once again she sped off hoping she was late, just so she could rattle her teachers nerves on her first day back.
She had gotten suspended for spraypainting the girls locker room, and when they asked why, she said “ because it needed some color, I mean throw-up yellow is a nice color and all but I think we all agree, red and silver, is sooooooooo much better”
Well she got her wish, she was late. But she has no idea what was in store for her that day, and if she did…………..she would have stayed home.
Lol. Well hows that for a first chapter! Next is inus wake up call, not as interesting but it will get there. Oh and im gonna tel you guys the same thing I told the people for my other story, if you want a lemon YOU write it and send it to me, I dotn write lemons very well so if you want one you write it and send it so my email at oh and it has to be inu/kag. I will put in a sango/miroku and a rin/sess one if you send it in along with an inu/kag one, but if theres going to be any others then im gonna have to have an inu/kag. Cuz that's the main couple. Well review!!!!!!!