InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Helping Paws ❯ Helping Paws ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer- I own nothing, no suing for you
A simple twisted request
Yaoi. male Kirara x Inuyasha, one-shot NC-17
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Helping Paws
Inuyasha growled and wandered through the thick warm forest, well away from everyone back at the small abandoned village. A small stream talked to itself as he stopped for a few moments before stalking up and down the mossy banks.
He threw his head back, letting the long, silvery sweaty locks tangle around his throat as he groaned softly. He hated this time of the year; it was like a plague upon demons.
The wind would carry the smell of his heat for miles and attract all kinds of unwanted attention from other males seeking a fast and cruel mating; he had been on the receiving end of them years before he had been bound to the god tree and didn’t look forward to it again. His body shivered at the ghostly memories; no he didn’t ever want to experience that again.
His abdomen tightened painfully. He stopped pacing long enough to grunt and place a hand over the sore area before resuming, shedding his kimono as he went.
His skin was covered in sheen of sweat as he growled at the growing pain and tightness as it spread to his hips. Inuyasha hoped his half brother was nowhere near by; he would take advantage of him in heartbeat if he caught whiff of his predicament. And he wasn’t the gentle type. The last time he went into heat his brother forced him over the nearest object…. He stopped pacing and shuddered, no, he didn’t want to even think of it.
He could still see the sadistic gleam in those cold amber depths at his screams of pain. His shoulders bore a large number of bloody bite marks that took awhile to heal.
He felt sick as he forced the bile back down, grateful he didn’t eat anything earlier or it would be all over the ground by now.
He shook it off. The others wouldn’t go looking for him; he had a feeling they already knew, and well at least Sango knew. She had been trained to hunt his kind; it must have not been hard for her to figure out why he had been acting so restless as of late. As for Kagome, she seemed to have the worst timing, leaving to get supplies from her time. How he needed her now.
He almost collapsed to his knees as a wave of pain swept over him, stumbling slightly.
He gasped and moaned softly, leaning against a fallen log for support, letting his hands fall to his sides limply.
His groin ached horribly, begging for any kind of release.
He gave in, slipping one hand through the band of his pants, biting on his lower lip as his fingers brushed over his hot flesh, feeling the smooth warm skin below. A soft flash of pleasure greeted his attempt. It was often the only way he could get any relief from the pain.
His ears alerted him to soft footfalls behind him.
He yanked his hand back, despite his body’s protests. He didn’t want the others to see him like this, desperate for relief.
His head bowed, the silvery hair hiding his half closed eyes as the footsteps came nearer, the wet leaves and grass absorbing the sound of the new comer. The wind was at his disadvantage, coming from behind so he couldn’t smell who ever it was.
To his relief and slight disappointment, the silky form of Kirara oozed from the shadows. He was hoping it would be Miroku or by some off chance…Kagome. Hell even Koga, any one but his brother.
He must have seen me leave earlier, his head raised up to meet the deep ruby red gaze of the neko. He couldn’t read what ever passed in those large eyes.
Kirara slowly approached, his nose catching the smell of heat on the half-breed. He was shaking slightly even in the warm spring air. It must be torture to him.
He closed the gap quickly, pressing his large warm body against Inuyasha, the soft cream-colored fur pressing to his hot sweaty skin in a comforting way.
He had followed in hopes of being able to offer the ailing dog demon some comfort or relief from the torture of heat that held a tight grip on him.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, letting his hand rest in the soft fur. Another shudder passed through his body as he leaned of the fallen tree, the rough bark digging into his skin.
He couldn’t handle the throbbing between his legs as it became painful. His grip tightened on his fur as the pain started to eat away at him, his legs becoming rubbery….
Kirara sensed his distress and knew there was only one way to relive it now.
He pressed his body closer, deliberately rubbing over his leg, pushing his tall shoulders into the tent of fabric, listening to the hanyou hiss and his body stiffening at the contact. If he was capable of smiling, a grin would have passed over his muzzle.
Flashes of blinding pleasure shot behind his tightly closed eyes, leaving white hot sparks on the raging fire that was growing rapidly, his chest was raising and falling rapidly as his legs nearly gave out.
“ What ..are you doing..?” he managed to harshly whisper between gasps. Kirara let a low deep purr flow through his body, nuzzling the weakened half-breed, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold out.
With his teeth he skillfully undid the knot that kept Inuyasha’s pants up, Inuyasha tried to keep them from falling, griping the edges with trembling hands. His resolve was failing fast.
Kirara mewled unhappily; he only wanted to help the Inu youkai who didn’t seem to realize it. Frustrated he pushed against his erection, wishing he could speak his intentions. Hoping he could relive the half-breeds discomfort, he kept pressing his body against Inuyasha’s.
It slowly seemed to sink in; he slipped to his knees, letting his pants fall and his painful erection freed to the night air.
He buried his face in the soft cream-colored fur, breathing deeply of the woodsy sent. Kirara purred loudly, sending vibrations through his companion.
The neko youkai nuzzled the soft velvet skin, his long rough tongue leaving trails of saliva over his skin, causing Inuyasha to moan softly in to his fur.
His body was becoming desperate as his mind, the pain still making his head swim and his stomach lurch horribly.
“ me,” he whispered, clenching his jaw in pain, no longer caring.
A few tears wetted his fur, the smell of heat raised from him like a tropical jungle, hot and fertile.
The monk was with Sango and Kagome, well, she was gone. He had no one else to turn to other then the fire cat and he was grateful for his friendship in a time of need, even if he was offering far more then that.
He groaned and shivered under the fire cat’s ministrations, his massive paws gently pinning him to he damp earth on his back. Large fangs nipped at his skin, his hot sandpaper tongue running over his firm chest and abdomen, causing Inuyasha to grip the ground and arch his back slightly, soft whimpers escaping his lips.
Kirara lowered his head, feeling Inuyasha take great handfuls of fur as gusts of warm breath washed over his thighs. He chewed on his lower lip, shredding it with his fangs, trying to ignore the pain that nearly over rode the simple pleasure.
The neko’s long muzzle engulfed Inuyasha’s cock. Sound froze in his throat as his back arched up wards, thrusting into his mouth as the warm cave of Kirara’s mouth closed gently over the stiff rod of flesh.
Sweat beaded down his face, his breath came in ragged gasps, sparks of pleasure shot across the dark gaps in his vision. Kirara had to press him to the ground as his long tongue scraped over the velvety skin, drawing loud groans from the half-breed.
He almost choked as thick salty cum shot down his throat, but he eagerly swallowed it down, not wanting to spill the precious gift.
He backed up slightly, licking his furry muzzle clean as Inuyasha lay there gasping for breath. He slowly forced himself up on shacking limbs; naked as the day he was born and not caring.
Kirara nuzzled him again, listening to his heartbeat and breathing returning to normal.
Inuyasha leaned on the fire cat, his hair slicked down with sweat, his nose filled with the musky smell of desire and lust coming of the youkai in waves.
He barely noticed the cat’s swollen sheath and growing erection in his own exhaustion even as Kirara pushed him over the log on his stomach. The half-breed didn’t protest in the least, too tired to even move. The pain had lessened earlier, now it was slowly returning.
Kirara gently nudged the weakened dog, feeling his own erection growing rapidly. His large furry testicles clenched tightly at the view of the lovely half-breed, his pale skin gleaming with sweat.
Straddling the hanyou, he pressed his long semi erect organ over his back, drawing a soft groan. His abdomen tightened in response, his instincts screaming at him to simply take Inuyasha, to drive his cock deep into his body, to ravage him until he was empty.
But he couldn’t do it; he didn’t want to hurt him.
Inuyasha picked up on his hesitation, his body was still weak but the pain was becoming unbearable. His ears swiveled back to hear the neko’s heavy breathing.
He whimpered softly and closes his eyes tight.
This seemed to make up his mind for him. He pressed the head of his dripping erection against Inuyasha’s rear before slowly driving it in; he shuddered as the heat surrounded his cock, feeling Inuyasha seize up under him.
The width of it spread him open, making his gasp slightly as Kirara’s hips settled against his; he shuddered in pain, breathing hard.
Kirara waited patiently for him to adjust to his size, feeling him relax underneath his chest. Supporting his weight on his four paws he slowly pulled back, drawing a pained sound from Inuyasha before thrusting back in, his furry heavily balls slapping the half breeds legs as he thrust roughly.
Inuyasha groaned and pressed back, digging his claws into the bark, ignoring the way he was pressed down by the soft furry chest in his back.
Kirara hit the soft bundle of nerves with an unintentionally rough thrust, ripping a howl from Inuyasha.
He sucked in deep uneven breathes of air, trying to concentrate on just breathing as he fell deep into a well of pleasure, his body rocking with each thrust.
Two cries of pleasure broke the silent night, one of a cat’s and another of a dog’s as Kirara’s seed filled his bowls – Inuyasha’s spilled over the log he had been forced over. The fire cat all but collapsed on him, both were exhausted.
The sky was tainted by a soft red as the orb of the sun floated once more to the morning sky, the soft rays shone down on two sleeping demons besides a stream, the long warm fire rat pelt draped over them both.
Kirara’s tiny form snuggled against Inuyasha’s chest as they slept, undisturbed.
The small neko youkai was the first to awaken; he squeezed out of Inuyasha’s grip carefully, trying not wake him. He yawned and stretched, working out the kinks he developed during the long night, the win tails flickering in the warm early morning air as he made his way to the shallow stream.
His tiny muzzle was still covered in a thin film of sticky cum as he dipped to the cool water, drinking his fill before factiously grooming his velvet soft cream fur., cleaning all traces of the joining.
He watched the peacefully sleeping Inuyasha from a perch on top of the old log, knowing it wouldn’t be long before some one came along. Until then, there would be peace and memories.
end ?
Disclaimer- I own nothing, no suing for you
A simple twisted request
Yaoi. male Kirara x Inuyasha, one-shot NC-17
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Helping Paws
Inuyasha growled and wandered through the thick warm forest, well away from everyone back at the small abandoned village. A small stream talked to itself as he stopped for a few moments before stalking up and down the mossy banks.
He threw his head back, letting the long, silvery sweaty locks tangle around his throat as he groaned softly. He hated this time of the year; it was like a plague upon demons.
The wind would carry the smell of his heat for miles and attract all kinds of unwanted attention from other males seeking a fast and cruel mating; he had been on the receiving end of them years before he had been bound to the god tree and didn’t look forward to it again. His body shivered at the ghostly memories; no he didn’t ever want to experience that again.
His abdomen tightened painfully. He stopped pacing long enough to grunt and place a hand over the sore area before resuming, shedding his kimono as he went.
His skin was covered in sheen of sweat as he growled at the growing pain and tightness as it spread to his hips. Inuyasha hoped his half brother was nowhere near by; he would take advantage of him in heartbeat if he caught whiff of his predicament. And he wasn’t the gentle type. The last time he went into heat his brother forced him over the nearest object…. He stopped pacing and shuddered, no, he didn’t want to even think of it.
He could still see the sadistic gleam in those cold amber depths at his screams of pain. His shoulders bore a large number of bloody bite marks that took awhile to heal.
He felt sick as he forced the bile back down, grateful he didn’t eat anything earlier or it would be all over the ground by now.
He shook it off. The others wouldn’t go looking for him; he had a feeling they already knew, and well at least Sango knew. She had been trained to hunt his kind; it must have not been hard for her to figure out why he had been acting so restless as of late. As for Kagome, she seemed to have the worst timing, leaving to get supplies from her time. How he needed her now.
He almost collapsed to his knees as a wave of pain swept over him, stumbling slightly.
He gasped and moaned softly, leaning against a fallen log for support, letting his hands fall to his sides limply.
His groin ached horribly, begging for any kind of release.
He gave in, slipping one hand through the band of his pants, biting on his lower lip as his fingers brushed over his hot flesh, feeling the smooth warm skin below. A soft flash of pleasure greeted his attempt. It was often the only way he could get any relief from the pain.
His ears alerted him to soft footfalls behind him.
He yanked his hand back, despite his body’s protests. He didn’t want the others to see him like this, desperate for relief.
His head bowed, the silvery hair hiding his half closed eyes as the footsteps came nearer, the wet leaves and grass absorbing the sound of the new comer. The wind was at his disadvantage, coming from behind so he couldn’t smell who ever it was.
To his relief and slight disappointment, the silky form of Kirara oozed from the shadows. He was hoping it would be Miroku or by some off chance…Kagome. Hell even Koga, any one but his brother.
He must have seen me leave earlier, his head raised up to meet the deep ruby red gaze of the neko. He couldn’t read what ever passed in those large eyes.
Kirara slowly approached, his nose catching the smell of heat on the half-breed. He was shaking slightly even in the warm spring air. It must be torture to him.
He closed the gap quickly, pressing his large warm body against Inuyasha, the soft cream-colored fur pressing to his hot sweaty skin in a comforting way.
He had followed in hopes of being able to offer the ailing dog demon some comfort or relief from the torture of heat that held a tight grip on him.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, letting his hand rest in the soft fur. Another shudder passed through his body as he leaned of the fallen tree, the rough bark digging into his skin.
He couldn’t handle the throbbing between his legs as it became painful. His grip tightened on his fur as the pain started to eat away at him, his legs becoming rubbery….
Kirara sensed his distress and knew there was only one way to relive it now.
He pressed his body closer, deliberately rubbing over his leg, pushing his tall shoulders into the tent of fabric, listening to the hanyou hiss and his body stiffening at the contact. If he was capable of smiling, a grin would have passed over his muzzle.
Flashes of blinding pleasure shot behind his tightly closed eyes, leaving white hot sparks on the raging fire that was growing rapidly, his chest was raising and falling rapidly as his legs nearly gave out.
“ What ..are you doing..?” he managed to harshly whisper between gasps. Kirara let a low deep purr flow through his body, nuzzling the weakened half-breed, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold out.
With his teeth he skillfully undid the knot that kept Inuyasha’s pants up, Inuyasha tried to keep them from falling, griping the edges with trembling hands. His resolve was failing fast.
Kirara mewled unhappily; he only wanted to help the Inu youkai who didn’t seem to realize it. Frustrated he pushed against his erection, wishing he could speak his intentions. Hoping he could relive the half-breeds discomfort, he kept pressing his body against Inuyasha’s.
It slowly seemed to sink in; he slipped to his knees, letting his pants fall and his painful erection freed to the night air.
He buried his face in the soft cream-colored fur, breathing deeply of the woodsy sent. Kirara purred loudly, sending vibrations through his companion.
The neko youkai nuzzled the soft velvet skin, his long rough tongue leaving trails of saliva over his skin, causing Inuyasha to moan softly in to his fur.
His body was becoming desperate as his mind, the pain still making his head swim and his stomach lurch horribly.
“ me,” he whispered, clenching his jaw in pain, no longer caring.
A few tears wetted his fur, the smell of heat raised from him like a tropical jungle, hot and fertile.
The monk was with Sango and Kagome, well, she was gone. He had no one else to turn to other then the fire cat and he was grateful for his friendship in a time of need, even if he was offering far more then that.
He groaned and shivered under the fire cat’s ministrations, his massive paws gently pinning him to he damp earth on his back. Large fangs nipped at his skin, his hot sandpaper tongue running over his firm chest and abdomen, causing Inuyasha to grip the ground and arch his back slightly, soft whimpers escaping his lips.
Kirara lowered his head, feeling Inuyasha take great handfuls of fur as gusts of warm breath washed over his thighs. He chewed on his lower lip, shredding it with his fangs, trying to ignore the pain that nearly over rode the simple pleasure.
The neko’s long muzzle engulfed Inuyasha’s cock. Sound froze in his throat as his back arched up wards, thrusting into his mouth as the warm cave of Kirara’s mouth closed gently over the stiff rod of flesh.
Sweat beaded down his face, his breath came in ragged gasps, sparks of pleasure shot across the dark gaps in his vision. Kirara had to press him to the ground as his long tongue scraped over the velvety skin, drawing loud groans from the half-breed.
He almost choked as thick salty cum shot down his throat, but he eagerly swallowed it down, not wanting to spill the precious gift.
He backed up slightly, licking his furry muzzle clean as Inuyasha lay there gasping for breath. He slowly forced himself up on shacking limbs; naked as the day he was born and not caring.
Kirara nuzzled him again, listening to his heartbeat and breathing returning to normal.
Inuyasha leaned on the fire cat, his hair slicked down with sweat, his nose filled with the musky smell of desire and lust coming of the youkai in waves.
He barely noticed the cat’s swollen sheath and growing erection in his own exhaustion even as Kirara pushed him over the log on his stomach. The half-breed didn’t protest in the least, too tired to even move. The pain had lessened earlier, now it was slowly returning.
Kirara gently nudged the weakened dog, feeling his own erection growing rapidly. His large furry testicles clenched tightly at the view of the lovely half-breed, his pale skin gleaming with sweat.
Straddling the hanyou, he pressed his long semi erect organ over his back, drawing a soft groan. His abdomen tightened in response, his instincts screaming at him to simply take Inuyasha, to drive his cock deep into his body, to ravage him until he was empty.
But he couldn’t do it; he didn’t want to hurt him.
Inuyasha picked up on his hesitation, his body was still weak but the pain was becoming unbearable. His ears swiveled back to hear the neko’s heavy breathing.
He whimpered softly and closes his eyes tight.
This seemed to make up his mind for him. He pressed the head of his dripping erection against Inuyasha’s rear before slowly driving it in; he shuddered as the heat surrounded his cock, feeling Inuyasha seize up under him.
The width of it spread him open, making his gasp slightly as Kirara’s hips settled against his; he shuddered in pain, breathing hard.
Kirara waited patiently for him to adjust to his size, feeling him relax underneath his chest. Supporting his weight on his four paws he slowly pulled back, drawing a pained sound from Inuyasha before thrusting back in, his furry heavily balls slapping the half breeds legs as he thrust roughly.
Inuyasha groaned and pressed back, digging his claws into the bark, ignoring the way he was pressed down by the soft furry chest in his back.
Kirara hit the soft bundle of nerves with an unintentionally rough thrust, ripping a howl from Inuyasha.
He sucked in deep uneven breathes of air, trying to concentrate on just breathing as he fell deep into a well of pleasure, his body rocking with each thrust.
Two cries of pleasure broke the silent night, one of a cat’s and another of a dog’s as Kirara’s seed filled his bowls – Inuyasha’s spilled over the log he had been forced over. The fire cat all but collapsed on him, both were exhausted.
The sky was tainted by a soft red as the orb of the sun floated once more to the morning sky, the soft rays shone down on two sleeping demons besides a stream, the long warm fire rat pelt draped over them both.
Kirara’s tiny form snuggled against Inuyasha’s chest as they slept, undisturbed.
The small neko youkai was the first to awaken; he squeezed out of Inuyasha’s grip carefully, trying not wake him. He yawned and stretched, working out the kinks he developed during the long night, the win tails flickering in the warm early morning air as he made his way to the shallow stream.
His tiny muzzle was still covered in a thin film of sticky cum as he dipped to the cool water, drinking his fill before factiously grooming his velvet soft cream fur., cleaning all traces of the joining.
He watched the peacefully sleeping Inuyasha from a perch on top of the old log, knowing it wouldn’t be long before some one came along. Until then, there would be peace and memories.
end ?