InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Her Protector ❯ Kikyou Unleashed ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha, it's the sole property of Goddess Romiko Takahashi, and I cannot take credit for her genius.
Kagome is a college student unaware of the mortal peril she is in. He's a bitter silver - haired Adonis with a checkered past and a vow to protect humans. So when the two meet, it's a given that fireworks follow…
A/N: Okay, I know this chapter was supposed to be up last week but I have had the most trying time getting this chapter together. Due to some over-enthusiastic cable-layers in my locality, my internet line has been cut and despite all efforts at getting the matter rectified, for all purposes I am cut off from the world. My only solace is the internet café but due to my condition the time spent there is also severely restricted. Add some intense physiotherapy to get my leg to move in sync with the rest of my body and you get a Hellish January!
This chapter is dedicated to Mutnodjmet for being my 100th reviewer. This one was supposed to be a short one but as I wrote it, it just flowed out and the result is a nice big chapter (after all I had nothing else to do with my free time!)
I am not trained in martial arts and have not even been able to research much on the techniques and moves. Therefore please either excuse any discrepancy as artistic license or even better point it out, so that it can be corrected. Also, please note that there are a lot of point-of-view changes midflow though I have tried to keep it as clear cut as possible.
Of course, please remember Kikyou and Sesshomaru are the same person. Duh, I know but I actually had someone mail me asking me why Sesshomaru responded to Kikyou's name. Hello?
A big thanks to all those who have been reviewing. I'm happy to note that this story has got over 16000 views and 109 reviews over three sites. I know its still not very impressive but to a first time, untrained writer like me, every view and review is a shot in the arm. So a warm hug to all you wonderful people.
Please review, I would really appreciate knowing your feedback on this story.
Chapter 10
Kikyou Unleashed -
Conflicting Games
Kagome stared at the figure in front of her, her mouth agape. `What the hell?'
In front of her stood a female who could have easily passed as her twin. That is, if you overlooked the fact that she was a demoness. Besides her elfin-ears, anyway partly obscured by her long hair, and the almost invisible delicate golden stripe, the stranger looked all too human.
A brief flicker of surprise on an otherwise calm and collected face was the only sign that the other felt any astonishment at their resemblance.
Kagome decided to break the ice and smiled warmly. “Hi, I'm Kagome.”
The words reanimated the motionless demoness and she nodded. “Kikyou. Which one's yours?”
Kagome blinked at the abrupt tone. “Huh?”
“Bed. Which one…? Oh, just forget it.”
The demoness sniffed and moved towards one of the beds. Sitting down carefully on the edge of the bed, she began immediately unpacking her bags.
Kagome watched her with a frown on her face. `What a rude little bitch! Not that I care or anything…but at least she can be slightly civil. Just my luck to get a human hater as a roomie…I better nip it in the bud or else this semester will be hell.' She called out to the demoness who was neatly piling her clothes on the bed. “Do you need any help?”
Kikyou tensed, giving the human a frosty look. “No! I can handle it.”
“Listen, I don't know what your problem is but I'll appreciate it if you don't act like a class-A bitch.”
Kikyou shot the girl a nasty look. “That's too bad. You're stuck with a bitch, so deal with it. I am Inuyoukai.”
Heat suffused the human's cheeks as she muttered a soft `sorry'. Her voice strengthened. “I just meant - let's keep the peace. I know you don't like me but since we will be spending some time together, let's just pretend that we tolerate each other, okay? I really don't need you acting like you're about to bite me at a moment's notice.”
The demoness paused and turned. Her eyes slowly traveled over the human's scantily clad body finally meeting the other's angry orbs. A small smirk played on her face. “Oh, I like you just fine. And don't worry, I won't bite you.” `…at least not right now.'
Sesshomaru knew he was in trouble.
Kagome was staring at him and he was having trouble keeping his inner beast in check. His beast wanted her and for the first time in his life, his legendary control was slipping. `Like you? Here I'm trying to my best not to jump you and you're provoking me. Stop staring at me, human, or my beast will deem it an aggressive act and make you submit to him. Stop it!'
He turned back to his unpacking aware of Kagome's efforts to bore holes in his skull. Anger laced her scent and he tensed imperceptibly. He heard her growl softly and then head towards the bathroom. As the door shut with a bang, he abandoned his task and sagged. `That went well!'
He rubbed his hand over his face. He had meant to win her over at their first meeting but the sight, sound and scent of her had driven all his plans out of his head. While he had planned to be friendly and open, what had emerged was his arrogant inner demon.
He sighed as he eyed the closed door. The shock of meeting Kagome and the intensity of his desire for her had unnerved him and he had fought it in the only way he knew. By hardening himself and reverting back into the protective shell he had built over the years. Albeit modified by his feminine body, his actions and reactions had been pure Sesshomaru. `Kuso! I'm supposed to be befriending her and I've just managed to do the exact opposite. Rin would be so disappointed.'
But he couldn't help it. He wanted her desperately. He remembered her arousal and her responsiveness to his actions. And he wanted more. He wanted to bathe her body in his scent, to taste her essence, to pleasure her till she begged him to enter her and then to drive her wild till she screamed out his name in the throes of passion. He wanted to be the first to own her body and in the process, to own a piece of her soul for all eternity.
But he wouldn't fulfill his wants…couldn't fulfill his wants.
The list of reasons why he couldn't was long. Firstly, she was his principal, his client. As an unbreakable rule, he never slept with his female clients while he protected them. After the case was closed, yes, but never while he still worked with them. Not only was it too distracting for his job but it also strained the professional relationship he maintained with his clients.
Moreover, she was a miko. A pure miko, one who had to remain pure in order to control her awesome power. Plus, no demon had ever bedded a miko. No one knew what such a union would result in. Even a powerful demon like him could get purified in the act of copulation with a miko. Especially since the miko in question had no control over her powers.
And the biggest reason for his reluctance to follow up on his desires was the fact that he was supposed to be a female. Even if he disregarded all the other reasons and let his lust reign, he would have to reveal his true nature to do so. Such an act would immediately jeopardize his task and that he could not allow. He would not allow himself to fail her. Not because of any affection on his part but because that would cause him to break his oath. `No! I will control my baser instincts. I am Sesshomaru, taiyoukai, Lord of the Western Lands and no human, even a pretty miko like Kagome, is going to bring me to my knees.' He grinned darkly and imposed his iron will on his beast, forcing it to calm down.
He was roused from his thoughts by Kagome's emergence from the bathroom. His smile evaporated as a soft groan issued from his lips. Dressed in a pink clinging tank top and panties, her skin glistening wet and her hair damp and tousled, she managed to look both innocent and provocative at the same time. Like some pagan sex goddess, one he desired to worship.
She gave him a distracted frown and then flounced off to her wardrobe. Sesshomaru stared at her cute little ass and immediately embedded his claws into the bed's wooden frame. Scrunching his eyes, he growled softly. `Kami, I am so going to regret taking this job!'
A still seething Kagome riffled through her wardrobe. Within seconds she had selected cutoff jeans and a blouse and began dressing herself. She could feel the disapproving eyes of her roommate on her but chose to pointedly ignore them. Completing her task, she whirled to face the demoness and sneered, “What? Never seen a semi-naked woman before?”
A cool glance came her way. “More times than you'd imagine, ningen. I'm just a little surprised that you'd strip down to your essentials in front of a complete stranger.”
“Oh, grow up! This is my room and I'll do whatever I want. If you don't like it, you're free to close your eyes.”
Kikyou gave her a disdainful look and turned back to her bags muttering, “ah, but I do like it and that's the problem.”
Kagome grew rigid. She knew she was not mean to hear the almost inaudible words. And she wouldn't have, if her hearing had not mysteriously been enhanced along with her vision. Shocked at the implications of the words she carefully reevaluated her roommate. `What did she mean by that? Was it just an off-hand remark or did it mean something else?...Could it be that she…uh… likes girls? Should I ask her…?'
She opened her mouth to ask the question but then changed her mind. `It's none of my business. Besides, the bitch would probably just insult me if I asked her.'
She watched Kikyou gracefully pick up two narrow, chopstick-shaped hair ornaments from her bag and arrange it artfully in her loosely-bound hair.
Kagome sniffed as the demoness fussed with her hair. She ran her eyes over the piles of fancy clothes and accessories. An out-of-place object on the bed caught her eye. Without thinking she asked the demoness, “What is that?”
Kikyou bestowed her a cool glance. “Hmm?”
“That…that object on the bed.”
It was a really strange looking object. It was a leather-wrapped cylindrical shaped object of sizable girth and length. While one end was rounded, the other end had a round metal base that extended well beyond the edges of the object.
`I've never seen something like this. I wonder what it is used for…? Unless…' It took only one look at the demoness' closed face, for Kagome to make the connection. `Oh...'
“Is that what I think that is…?”
The look of fascination on the human's face was endearing and the demon could not help but be entranced by it. Even though her constant questioning was getting on his nerves, she looked so cute that Sesshomaru gave in. `How does she know that it's a demon sword? Maybe her miko powers caught some faint youki emerging from it. Kuso! I can't dodge the question. I'll have to give her some explanations for it. I must tread carefully lest I reveal something crucial.”
Her face lit up. “Oh. I've never seen one in real-life. It looks rather…uh…strong. Must be very powerful.”
The demon permitted a small smile to show. “Yes, this little thing sure packs a lot of punch.” He watched her come closer to the bed, curiosity rampant on her face. `Hmm! This seems like a good time to extend the olive branch and to befriend her.'
Making up his mind to mend the damage done by his arrogant self, he carefully wrapped a shirt around the Tsuba and the lower part of the Tsuka. “Do you want to hold it?”
At her hesitant nod, he picked up the katana by the wrapped part and handed it to her. He knew it would not harm her as it hurt him but he was not taking any chances.
Kagome examined the bladeless katana. “What is it made of?”
“Wood from a demon tree. That's what makes it strong and extra hard. Also, it ensures that no matter how it is used, it would never crack or splinter.”
The girl winced. `Splinter…ouch!' She studied the hilt carefully noticing its worn state. “Doesn't the leather…um… hurt you? I mean, it looks rather rough…”
He nodded. “All the better. Leather gives a great grip.”
She blushed and quickly returned the sword to him. “Oh! So why do you need to use it…I mean, considering what you are and the way you look, I didn't think you'd require this.”
`Careful, Sessy! She wants to know why you've brought a sword to college. Don't mess this up.'
“Well, you are right! I can take care of myself and generally such a device is not required. But sometimes, when you're in trouble and it gets too much to handle then you use whatever can help you. So, I got it along with me just as a backup.”
Kagome giggled. He decided to quell all her doubts about his abilities. “Besides, this one belongs to my…brother. My father had it made for him.”
The girl gave him a strange look. “Your father…had this made for your… brother?”
“Yes. It was custom made for his special needs.”
“I…see. Wow!” She took a deep breath. “I'm pleasantly surprised to see that your family supports your brother to such a high degree. Most would probably shun him for being what he is.”
Sesshomaru started at her words. `Very perceptive of her! It seems that I underestimated her intelligence and her powers. Otherwise, there is no way she could have guessed the truth.'
He whispered emotionlessly. “In the beginning, I hated his very existence. I was ashamed of him and despised him for dishonoring our family. It was only over time that I realized my mistake. It was when I almost lost him that I realized his importance in my life. He is family and I will support him, no matter what.”
Kagome smiled at him. “I'm rather impressed. I'm sure he must be proud to have you as his sister.”
A strange look passed over the Kikyou's face at Kagome's question. The demoness gave a brief nod and bent back to her work.
Kagome was fascinated by her roommate. She had discovered that though the demoness was cold, rude and rather emotionless, she was extremely loyal to her family. She still was not sure on the lesbian issue since the demoness was carrying a dildo with her as `backup'. “Have you ever used it?”
Kikyou looked at her. “No, I have no need of it… Why do you ask? Do you want to see it in action?”
Kagome blushed heavily. She patted her heated cheeks as she tried to croak out an answer. “N…no…no! I'm fine, really. Just curious.”
The demoness stared at her face before shrugging and disappearing into the wardrobe to arrange her things there.
Kagome exhaled audibly. `Kami, but she is a hentai! Sure, her brother being gay and her possibly being a lesbian, must have made her more open about these things, but how can she make me an offer like that out of the blue?...Like I would want to see her doing that…'
Sesshomaru was settling in for the night when a sudden bang had him scrambling off his bed. Kagome squealed in delight at the sight of the female in the doorway.
“Sango, my darling girl! Congratulations!”
The girls hugged and began jabbering away. “Kami, I am so glad that you came early. I thought I would die of boredom over here.”
“Sango, I was a virtual prisoner at home. I couldn't wait to get away…By the way, this is Kikyou, my roommate and Kikyou this is Sango, my best friend. She's just won a major fighting competition called `Knockout'!”
Sesshomaru carefully assessed the girl. She seemed strong and carried herself with self-assurance. He instinctively knew that this was someone he could trust. He caught a whiff of Rin on Sango and deduced that they had met recently. “Pleased to meet you, Sango.”
“You must be a great fighter to win that competition. Only the toughest humans are invited to participate in that. I congratulate you on your success. And if I am not mistaken you would be fighting in `Annihilation' too?”
“Thank you and yes, I will be taking part in it.”
He nodded. “Best of luck for that.”
He went back to bed and closed his eyes. However, his ears were directed towards the girls who had begun whispering amongst themselves.
“Cold, isn't she?”
“Cold? She's practically ice. And that's the least of it… I'll tell you later. Now tell me all about Berlin…and I mean all!”
Sango smiled, took a deep breath and plunged right in.
Sesshomaru yawned and jumped out of bed at the crack of dawn. He glanced at the still sleeping Kagome and changed to his male form. He leaned into the girl's bed and took in her scent. `She smells soooo good!'
He whuffed and then retreated to his side of the room. Bowing to an invisible opponent, he assumed the position and launched into a set of katas. As his body flowed gracefully from one deadly form to another, he reviewed all he had learnt from eavesdropping on the girl's conversation. While most of it had been gossip and an elaborate recounting of Sango's experiences at Berlin, he had gleaned some nuggets of information.
He now knew that Sango and his principal were childhood friends. Sango was an orphan who had been adopted by a neko youkai named Kirara, an officer at the Youkai Enforcement Agency. Sesshomaru had worked with Kirara on a few cases but had not known that the neko had adopted a human.
Further, while Sango had a youkai lover who was also her trainer for the upcoming competition, Kagome had been recently hurt by a human boy called `Hojo'. That piece of information had raised the possum-playing inuyoukai's hackles. He had been curious as to the details but Kagome had not elaborated much.
He had been eager to hear Kagome describe their meeting at Poison to her friend but surprisingly Kagome had not mentioned the encounter at all. Sesshomaru had realized that the girl had either totally forgotten it or had been too embarrassed to talk about it. Disappointment had lanced through him as he had realized that he would probably never know what she really thought of him.
He was also by now well-versed with the relationship status of half the girls in Tokyo thanks to the two chattering girls and the girls' comments to each had partly amused and partly frightened the demon.
But the thing that had immediately raised warning flags in the demon's mind was the plan for a celebratory dinner for Sango. According to the rough plan that he had managed to hear, the dinner sounded like a private affair. This posed a problem for the demon. `There is not a chance in hell that I'm going to be invited for it. How in the seven hells will I protect Kagome? What if someone attacks her there?'
His sharp brain began outlining plan after plan to secure an invitation to the dinner. Wiping the sweat off his body, he changed back into his female avatar. `Operation Diner Out begins! I promise you, Kagome, I will be there. I will protect you no matter what!'
Kagome woke up with a surly attitude and unhappily got ready for her first class of the semester. Since it was `Martial Arts', a class that she quite hated, her normal cheer was missing. She had spent half the night chatting with Sango and was cranky at missing out on her sleep. The fact that a perfectly dressed Kikyou was sitting serenely at her table writing in a notebook also did nothing for her mood. She rushed into the bathroom grumbling about the time and emerged twenty minutes later in a cloud of steam.
She noticed Kikyou again staring at her semi-naked body from the corner of her eye and mentally noted never to repeat the act. Quickly, she picked up the first shirt and pair of jeans she found and dressed herself.
Sesshomaru watched her impassively. He decided that as soon as she had finished dressing, he'd try to worm an invite for the dinner from her. But before he could open his mouth, he felt a powerful demonic youki rushing towards their room.
He calmly positioned himself in a way that any attack from the door would be blocked by his body. Instead of an assault on the door, loud rapping and a louder “Oi, wench!” signaled the arrival of the possessor of the youki.
Kagome streaked to the door and flung it open to be immediately enveloped in a bear hug by the strange male. It was only then that Sesshomaru caught the scent of the male recognizing him as hanyou. It was a scent that he had smelled before but it had changed so much that he would never have recognized him by scent alone. It was the pure silver hair, the sun-coloured eyes and Kagome's whispered “Inu” that told him who was in front of him.
Sesshomaru stared in awe. `Inuyasha…! How you have changed since I last saw you...'
A young Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes as the woman held out a bundle to him. He could see the silver puppy ears emerging from the bundle of cloth. He sniffed disdainfully as the scent of hanyou permeated the air. Full of the arrogance of youth, he pushed the bundle away. “Woman! This Sesshomaru does not wish to see this abomination. Take it away! This Sesshomaru does not want for his house to be tainted by this unholy presence.”
The woman fell on her knees, the bundle clasped to her heart. “Sesshomaru, you are his family. Please…”
“No!”, roared the enraged demon as he turned his back to the kneeling woman. “It is no family to me. It is a mistake, one that should never have been made. And one that should be rectified immediately. Take it away, before I forget myself and end its miserable existence.”
The woman sobbed. “Please… at least see his face.”
She removed the top covering revealing a small child with wide golden eyes and a rosebud mouth. Strands of fine silver hair that framed his angelic face like a halo were identical to the ones cascading down the demon's back.
She rose, moved around the demon, and then thrust the child towards him. “See…he resembles you.”
A loud growl immobilized her. The red-eyed demon glanced at the petrified child who had bared his neck in submission and had started whimpering softly. “It would be very easy for me to tear its throat out, human. And do not believe that I will not do it.”
The woman backed away hugging the bundle to her chest and wiping her tears. A hard note entered her voice as she spoke calmly. “I see I have made a mistake in coming here. I thought you had changed, Sesshomaru, but I was wrong. I thought I could appeal to your heart but how was I to know that you only have a piece of stone in place of a heart. You were my last hope…not for me but for Inuyasha. I will take my leave now.”
She moved away with a sad smile on her face. She had reached the door when she turned back. “Sesshomaru Taisho, I denounce you as his family. From now on, Inuyasha will have no link with the Taisho name. He will grow to be strong and powerful inspite of your indifference to him. I will make sure that he does not need you for anything. And you will regret this…I promise you that!”
She whirled and walked out. Timid golden eyes peered at him over her shoulder and then they were gone from his life.
The adult version of the same eyes stared at him curiously over Kagome's shoulder. Sesshomaru felt a strange pang at the posture that reminded him so much of that fateful meeting. If only he had…
Their eyes met and the hanyou was the first to drop his gaze. Disentangling himself from Kagome, he stepped away and grinned at her. “Wench, why did you not tell me that you were missing two days of college?”
“I would have, if a baka inuhanyou had bothered to receive my calls!”
“Oi, I was busy working…Fine, how about I take you out to make up for my oversight?”
Their easy camaraderie made Sesshomaru feel left out. He moved around the room straightening things that needed no straightening. Though he was constantly on the move his senses were fully trained towards the pair.
“Okay, but no ramen!” At the hanyou's groan, Kagome giggled. “That is your punishment for ignoring me. Right now I have to go to class but don't think I'll forget this.”
Inuyasha grinned. Kagome caught him glancing towards the bustling demoness. She had noticed Kikyou's interest in Inuyasha earlier. Suppressing a smile she poked the hanyou. “Oi, Inu!” Dropping her voice low, she whispered into his ear. “Do you want to be introduced?”
He immediately shook his head and whispered back fiercely. “She's a demoness, Kagome. She would not talk to me even if I was the last being on Earth.”
Kagome gave him a devious smile. "So work your charm on her. And don't worry she's just your type...inuyoukai."
Despite Inuyasha's attempts to shush her, she raised her voice. "Kikyou..."
The demoness stopped her actions and turned towards the pair. "Yes?"
"I would like you to meet a dear friend of mine. This is Inuyasha, and Inu this is my new roommate, Kikyou."
Inuyasha felt a warm flush travel from his head to his toes as the demoness neared them. Her piercing gaze was solely focused on his face. He saw her eyes momentarily flick to his puppy-ears and cringed mentally. He knew that he was going to be insulted and sneered at and mentally prepared himself. So it was a pleasant surprise for him when Kikyou gave him a formal bow. "It is an honour to meet you, Inuyasha-sama."
The hanyou looked shell-shocked. 'Inuyasha-sama? What the hell? When has a demoness ever spoken to me civilly let alone call me by a honourfic? What's her deal?'
Ever since he had entered the room he had felt a sort of familiarity towards her. Whether it was because she looked eerily like Kagome or that she was undeniably attractive was not clear. In the past, Inuyasha had avoided any interaction with demonesses and had been equally ignored by them. No demoness with an iota of self-respect would demean herself by talking to hanyou. But this one was different. He had felt her interest in him and that had raised his curiosity. Though he had wanted to talk to her, he had not been able to gather the courage for risk of facing rejection. Thankfully, Kagome had taken the matter into her own hands and had given him the opening he needed.
Out of force of habit, he checked her scent. She had an amazing scent - mysterious yet soothing. It reminded him of a cool breeze rushing through a forest on a hot day. It was also a pure scent. As far as his nose could tell, she was a virgin. A small hope blossomed in the hanyou's heart before he quashed it ruthlessly. He knew that even though the demoness had spoken to him courteously, she would not want to be anything more than a casual acquaintance to him.
He was snapped out of his shock by Kagome's not so subtle poke to his side. He looked at the still waiting demoness and spoke from his heart. "Uh...Kikyou-sama, please, the honour is mine. Please, call me Inuyasha."
"And you must call me Kikyou then."
He grinned and nodded.
Kagome had been as shocked as Inuyasha at the demoness' words. She had been childishly hoping the rude inuyoukai would insult the hanyou, causing him to tongue lash the cold bitch. That would have given the girl much happiness. But the reverse had happened. And instead of feeling disappointed, Kagome was elated. As far as she was concerned, Kikyou had redeemed herself with her simple courtesy to the hanyou.
She knew that her friend had never been accepted by the demon world. And that the insults and belittlement that was a constant in his life hurt the hanyou deeply though he never showed it. The words of acceptance by the demoness went a long way in soothing the festering wounds within her friend. And for that if nothing else, she was grateful to the demoness.
A mischievous though came to her mind. "You guys talk, I'll just go meet Sango."
Both Kikyou and Inuyasha blanched slightly. Before either could protest, she slipped out of the room. 'That should give them an opportunity to talk. If I am there, Inu would avoid talking to her. Now, he has no option. I hope they become friends.'
She pranced down the corridor, a small smile on her face. 'Kagome, you're a genius!'
Wrapped up in her thoughts she did not see a young girl approaching her. "How're you holding up?"
Kagome stared at her, then looked behind her and then at the girl again. "Are you talking to me?"
The girl pouted. "Very funny! Listen, I have so much to tell you..."
Kagome was bewildered. "Whoa! Hold your horses. Do I know you?"
The girl growled. "We're alone here. Drop the act!"
Kagome nodded, a bright placating smile on her face, as she slowly inched away from the girl. "Yes, sure, let me just things and then we'll talk."
Rin was perplexed. She wanted desperately to confess to Sesshomaru the trouble she found herself in, but for some reason as Kikyou he was refusing to acknowledge her. “Hey!”
Kagome gritted her teeth. “What?”
Rin was about to reply when she saw another Kikyou approaching with Inuyasha. She gaped at the duplicate and then at the girl in front of her. `Rin, how could you be so stupid? It is obvious that this is not Sesshomaru. See, no elfin ears or gold stripe anywhere on her.'
She grinned. “Gotcha!”
The wary female gave an uncertain smile. “Wh..what?”
“I was just kidding…fooling around…I hope I didn't scare you too much.”
The girl laughed. “I thought you were a stalker or something, the way you were acting. I totally fell for it…You're good, uh…”
“Rin…and I'm sorry for that.”
“No problem, Rin. I'm Kagome.”
“Your name is Kagome?”
Kagome looked at Rin perplexed at the shock on the girl's face. “Yes, why do you ask?”
`Because that means Sesshomaru is protecting you, and because you look like his avatar's twin. And because I nearly gave the game up.' Rin thought fast and smiled. “I have a friend with the same name. It's such an uncommon name that I was a little surprised.”
By that time, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha has caught up with the pair. Kagome smiled. “Inuyasha, Kikyou, this is…”
The hanyou growled. “We've met before. By the way aren't you late for class?”
Kagome squealed and ran down the corridor, disappearing into Sango's room. Inuyasha smiled at Kikyou. “Catch you later.” He spared one last glare for Rin and then moved away.
Now that they were finally alone, Rin turned to the immobile demon. “Sessy…”
He raised one delicate hand to stop her from speaking. He took a deep sniff and then growled softly. Rin could tell that he was furious. She saw the avatar's eyes turn golden before turning back to brown.
Rin stepped away. “Sessy, please…”
He shook his head. “Not now. We will talk about this later, Rin.”
He sighed and then rubbed his head. “I too have a lot to talk to you about. Come, we have to get to our class.”
A confused Rin followed the demon. `What the hell is happening?'
Kagome entered the training center for her martial arts class, her entourage following behind her. Not that she actually had an entourage but it sure had felt like that.
When Sango and she had come out of the room, she had been surprised to see Kikyou and Rin waiting for her. It seemed that all of them had the same class and had decided to leave together. Somewhere along the way Miroku and Inuyasha had joined them and so it had been a laughing and chattering band that had made its way to the center.
Pausing at the entrance, Kagome scanned the enormous central hall of the training center. A beefy youkai stood in the middle of the room. Several human and youkai students stood around him in a semi-circle. The girl gulped at the elder youkai's glare and quickly joined the other students.
The black-haired youkai surveyed the students with a jaundiced eye. “So, this is the weak ragtag group that I am to teach this semester? Pathetic!”
He raised his voice till it echoed through the enormous room. “Listen up, for I will not repeat myself. My name is Shuuran and I am a panther youkai. I am your sensei… and you are all weak and worthless, and should not be blessed with knowledge of the ancient arts…But despite my views I will attempt to teach you miserable fools … I warn you, have no pre-conceived notions that you can fight. This class will show you just how little you actually know. You would do well to remember that my words are law here and you will all do what I say. Any mistake or slight deviation from your orders will result in punishment, so pay attention! Now, the ones who have signed up for advanced classes step to this side.”
All the youkai except Kikyou moved to the advanced side. Sango, Inuyasha and Miroku were the only non-youkai to join the group. Rin hesitated and then giving a quick glance at Kikyou moved across the room.
Shuuran sneered at Kikyou. “Look at this delicate little flower. A blot on the face of all demons. Perhaps you would be better off joining cooking classes instead of this class. After all we wouldn't want you to chip a claw.”
Sesshomaru took a deep breath. “No, sensei. I believe I am where I am supposed to be.”
The panther youkai spat at the taiyoukai's feet. Rin gasped knowing that Sesshomaru would never take the insult quietly. `Don't do it, Sessy. He is deliberately provoking you. Don't give him the satisfaction!'
Sesshomaru looked at the panther. `Remember, you are not the old dog. You are Kikyou, and Kikyou is weak. He is more powerful than you in this state. Submit to him!'
Choking back his anger, he gave a serene smile and bowed his head. “I will endeavor to do better sensei.”
Shuuran glared at him and walked off.
Kagome looked at Kikyou critically and whispered, “Why are you in the beginner's class? Everyone knows that youkai are taught martial arts right from birth. Weren't you?”
`Taught? No, I was not merely taught the arts…I breathed and lived them. I'm a pure master of martial arts. In my true form and with my full power, I could kill this pathetic panther with a flick of my claw…and Kagome wonders if I have been taught martial arts. If I was not so angry, I would laugh.' Sesshomaru shook his head not trusting his voice
Kagome shrugged.
Sango raised her voice. “Sensei…uh…I have special permission to train with my coach for `Annihilation' during this class.”
Shuuran squinted at her. “Sango Watanabe? Yes, yes…I was informed of that. So you're the one who won `Knockout'…I had imagined someone stronger but you're quite ordinary. You must have faced real feeble opponents to have won. Now you're going for `Annihilation'?
Sango nodded, a tight and cold expression on her face.
“I hope your win at that useless competition has not made you think that you can stand up to youkai. I pity your poor trainer. He will have to work hard with a weakling like you for you to match up to even the lowest youkai. And speaking of trainers…where is he?”
A tense Sango mumbled. “I am sure he will be here shortly.”
Shuuran laughed mockingly. “Sure! Go to hall number 2 and wait for your trainer…that is if he even bothers to show up!”
Sango quietly left.
Shuuran watched her go and then gave a piercing whistle. “Alright, I will now call out your names. Each student has to state his or her weapon of choice and previous experience, if any.”
Fifteen minutes later, the students had gotten sorted out into groups. Kagome and Kikyou, having both chosen archery, were sorted into one group. Inuyasha, Miroku and Rin had chosen no weapons and were sorted into another.
Kagome and Kikyou picked up their bows and arrows and moved towards the target practice hall along with others of their group. There they met their teacher, Toran, a svelte, blue-haired panther youkai. Under her guidance they both quickly set up their targets.
The panther looked at their efforts and nodded. “Today, you shall merely shoot at targets with me inspecting your stance, strength, range and accuracy. Training will come later. However, this does not mean that you are free to fool around. I do not take too kindly to slackers and any such attempt will be punished. You may start now.”
Sesshomaru drew a bead and said a quick prayer for Rin before releasing his arrow. `Let her be safe! I have trained her well and she should be able to handle herself. Now, if only she doesn't seize up seeing the strange youkai. Kami, protect her, please.'
A burning sting on his arm brought him back to reality. Toran swung her fiery whip again, a malicious smile on her face. Sesshomaru deftly avoided the whip and gritting his teeth, focused his attention back on the targets. `Woman, be glad that I am not myself, else your sorry head would have been rolling on the floor. But I will not forget this and one day I will show you how a whip should be used properly. And then you will regret eternally hurting the person of this Sesshomaru.'
He released an arrow that flew straight to the bulls' eye. Kagome gave him a wink and a wide grin. Sesshomaru's anger abated and his spirits lifted. `Then again…I wouldn't mind another strike for that smile.'
Miroku looked at Rin's pale face. “You sure about joining the advanced class?”
Rin nodded. “Hai, I am youkai trained. I can handle anything they throw at me.”
Miroku squeezed her arm and leaned into her, his voice dropping low and turning husky. “Don't worry about it. If your protector trained you, I am confident that you will totally kick ass. Besides, it would be hot to see my girlfriend beat those cocky youkai.”
Rin gave him a small smile that was dashed as the brash hanyou decided to butt into the conversation. “What happened, Rin? Getting second thoughts about this class? And the class hasn't even started…”
Miroku stared at the hanyou, bewildered at his cruel tone. “Hey, now wait a minute - “
A calm Rin interrupted him. “No, dog-boy! I was just envisioning nailing your ass in this class.”
Inuyasha flushed. `Does she ever think beyond sex? Hell, she's worse than those sluts…'
“Dream on!” He glanced at Miroku and then started walking away. “You've chosen well…she's your match in every way!”
The humans gaped at the hanyou's retreating back. Miroku shrugged at Rin's puzzled face. “Dunno what that was about. Sometimes he's a little difficult to figure out. Perhaps it was the fact that you thought you could beat him that irritated him.”
The advanced group moved into another training room. Shuuran was pairing up the students to spar against each other, so that he could ascertain their skill. He paired Miroku with an immense boar youkai.
When Inuyasha's name was called out, the panther laughed. He pointed to Rin and sneered. “She should be a worthy opponent for you…I just hope she doesn't prove to be too much for you…And hanyou, remember, no claws!”
A seething Inuyasha moved to one end of the hall. Rin slowly moved towards her opponent, nervousness radiating from her every pore. Any hope that she had of having an easy sparing match, evaporated with Shuuran's words. She knew that Inuyasha would fight hard to prove his sensei wrong. `Great! It will be a massacre instead of a sparring match. Goodbye world! It was nice being here!'
The hanyou took position. “Be warned, Rin! I will not hold back just because you are female. When I fight, I fight till the other is defeated. I suggest you submit before you get hurt.”
Rin was scared and knew that her scent was betraying her emotions. But the hanyou's words acted as a splash of cold water. They reminded her of another time when she had submitted and paid for it with both her virginity and her life. `Never again!'
Unparalleled fury spread through her veins as she channeled her pain into anger. “Inuyasha! I. Will. Never. Submit!”
All around her pairs of students had begun sparring as Shuuran and his team of minders made notes on each performance. A somewhat vapid looking demon approached the two glaring students.
“I am Karan and I am your minder. You can start your match now.”
Rin immediately took the offensive. She front flipped across the distance, her feet hitting the unprepared hanyou squarely on the chest. He fell to the ground as she flipped past him. He growled and got back on his feet.
Rin rushed at him as he stood up. She leapt at him, her one foot landing on his solar plexus and the other hitting his chin. His head snapped back but he kept his balance and his consciousness. He snatched Rin from mid-air and held her by her throat. He squeezed her throat slightly and whispered. “Submit!”
Rin tried to pry his hand from around her throat. “Never!”
Failing to pry his hand, she punched the hanyou's elbow, hitting his funny bone and causing his grip to falter. Flipping away from him, she crouched into another attacking position.
Inuyasha was getting angrier by the second. He saw an amused grin on Karan's face as she made notations on her pad. He snarled. “Okay, no more nice guy treatment.”
He ran to the crouched girl and swiped at her. She rolled away and kicked him in his left kneecap. As he fell to one knee, she stood and aimed a roundhouse kick at his bent head. Expecting the move, Inuyasha caught hold of her leg and using her own momentum threw her away. As she slid down the floor, he ran after her. Rin scrambled up only to take a punch to her midsection. She wheezed and instead of pausing to catch her breath, punched him back.
He blocked her punch easily. Yanking her hand, he pulled her towards himself and then bending, leveraged her over his shoulder.
For one moment, Rin felt like she was flying and then gravity kicked in and she fell to the ground with a smack. Inuyasha ran to his fallen opponent and then straddled her, effectively pining her down. He grasped her flailing wrists in his hands and forced them to her sides. “Submit!”
She struggled futilely against him. “Ne...ver.”
Her refusal to accept defeat both astounded and infuriated the hanyou. His demon roared in anger at the girl's defiance. `By the ancients, I will make you submit, Rin!'
It was then that he noticed his surroundings. All the other students present in the room had abandoned their sparring matches and were watching them. A struggling Miroku was being physically held back by two large youkai. It was the worry and fury on his friend's face that brought sanity back to the hanyou. He released the girl's hands as if they burnt him and moved off her.
Karan gave a vapid smile. “Match goes to Inuyasha!”
Inuyasha raised his hands in victory but surprisingly felt no elation at his win. He looked at Rin and felt a small twinge of regret enter his heart at her state. The girl sat up and rubbed her head. He was about to help her up when Miroku pushed him roughly.
“Are you fucking out of your mind? It was supposed to be a sparring match, not an actual match. If you've hurt her, by all the Kamis, I'll…”
His voice choked as he bent down. “Rin, are you okay?”
Rin moaned. “I feel like I've been run over but nothing seems broken…just let me catch my breath and I'll be ready for round two.”
Miroku laughed and helped her to her feet. He led her towards the bleachers to rest. Shuuran gave them a disappointed shake of his head as he called out. “Everyone take a few minutes rest before we begin training.”
Inuyasha walked to where Rin was sitting and mumbled. “I hope you're okay. I didn't mean to…uh…get carried away.”
Rin gave him a heated look, before sighing. “I think we both went over the top. Let's just forget about it.” A thought popped into her head. “And let's not mention this to the other girls, okay?”
The males nodded, both only too glad at not having to explain this to Kagome, not knowing that it was Kikyou that Rin wanted to hide the fight from.
Inuyasha gave her a small smile. “You're quite a good fighter. You almost had me there.”
Rin rolled her eyes as she massaged her arms. “Yeah, right! Stop trying to console me. I`ve seen you fight before, remember? I know you probably used only half your strength in this match and purposely avoided hitting me. If you had fought me like you fought the dragon, I would probably have been grievously injured.”
The hanyou looked away as her words reminded him of the fight and her true nature. “Keh!”
A furious Sango joined them and plonked herself next to the injured girl. “He never came! He promised her would and now he's missing. When I find the miserable cur, I will skin him for ditching me like this.”
Miroku grinned and eyed the fighter's figure hugging black bodysuit. “Sango, you look so beautiful when you're angry. Come, let me soothe you down a bit.”
His hand strayed towards her ass but a resounding slap had him retracting the limb. He rubbed his hurt cheek, a small pout on his face. “But I never did anything…”
Sango sniffed. “You were going to!”
He grinned and shrugged. “Isn't there a law that a person cannot be punished for the same crime twice?”
At Inuyasha's nod, he grinned. ”Good!” His hand snaked out and rubbed the fighter's well-rounded behind. Immediately, he was off like a shot with a visibly angry fighter hot on his heels.
Inuyasha snorted. “He's such a hentai!...Don't you mind him acting like that?”
Rin blinked. “No, why should I?”
The hanyou gave her a reflective look before nodding carefully. “Yeah, why should you? I guess you're very open about these things.”
The girl was confused at the words but gave an uncertain nod. “Yes. I guess I am.”
“If you are so open, mind telling me why you ran away after kissing me?”
Rin blanched, her fingers bunching the fabric of her sweats. She tried smiling but the smile slipped of her face. “I…I…I didn't much care for your kiss.”
A lazy smile spread across his face as he leaned back on his elbows. “Now you're lying. I smelled your arousal that day, so don't give me that bullshit. Tell me the truth.”
Rin stood up, anger and a tinge of fear lacing her scent. “Believe what you will. I don't care!”
She moved away from him as Shuuran called the students to order. Inuyasha smiled evilly as he rose to join the other students. `Lie all you want, my little slut. I will get to the truth. And then… you will submit to me!”
Kagome groaned as she surveyed her target. `I didn't know that archery was this tough!'
She looked around and noticing Toran at the other end of the room, whispered to Kikyou. “Psst! Kikyou! Aren't you tired?”
Sesshomaru looked at the girl. Her arms were trembling and her face was flushed. He could smell a tinge of salt in her scent and knew that she was near tears. He whispered back, “A bit.”
Kagome looked at her target. In the past hour, when the targets had been pushed back even further, she had shot only a dozen arrows. None of the dozen had made it to the target. “I'm absolutely pooped. It's been more than three hours of solid archery practice and my body can't take it any more. How can you shoot arrow after arrow with such regularity?”
Sesshomaru wanted to smile at the girl's words. `I wonder what Kagome would think if I told her I was deliberately slowing my speed and missing the target, so as not to get bumped up to the advanced class… The things I do for my clients…'
“I am youkai.”
Kagome made a face. “Great youkai you turned out to be…sitting here in the beginner's class. Though, I do acknowledge that your aim is a little better than mine.”
Just then a bell clanged across the center signaling the end of the class. Kagome threw the bow down with vehemence, as the other students streamed out of the hall, and leaned against the calm demoness. “I don't think I can walk. You'll have to carry me.”
Sesshomaru was shocked though his avatar did not bat an eyelid. “Carry you? You must be kidding.”
The girl gave him a dirty look and straightened up. “Of course! I was kidding. I can walk. And even if I had to be carried, you'd be the last person I'd turn to.”
She turned and slowly moved out of the archery hall to look for Inuyasha. To her dismay, she discovered that the advanced class students had been let off earlier and the central hall was empty. `Inuyasha, you are never there when I need you! Just my rotten luck!'
Strengthening her resolve, conscious of the demoness' critical eye on her, Kagome made her way back to the dorm rooms. With each step she took she mentally willed her fatigued body to take just one more step…and then another.
Sesshomaru followed the tired girl. He knew that she was running on pure willpower and the fact impressed him. He wanted to help her but hoped that the girl would manage on her own. `Make it to the room, Kagome! I really do not want to touch you anymore than necessary. Because once I start, I don't think I will be able to stop…'
The human had almost made it to her room, when she tripped. She would have fallen to the ground but her protector swooped in and grabbed her before she could fall. He held her in his arms and taking a lungful of her sinful scent, carried her in the bridal style to their room. Gently depositing her on her bed, he moved away before temptation set in.
Kagome moaned, “Shit! My whole bloody body is hurting.”
The logical Kikyou sat on her bed. “Your body hurts because you used muscles today that you probably do not use so extensively in your day-to-day life. Your arm, shoulder and back muscles have been exerted and they will probably stiffen tomorrow. If I were you, I'd put something on it soon.”
Kagome glared at her. “You're enjoying this, aren't you? You must feel so superior compared to the antics of the stupid, weak human. Go and laugh at me somewhere else. Go away!”
A second passed before Kikyou gracefully rose and glided out of the room. As the door shut behind the demoness, Kagome burst into tears. `I'm so tired and the bitch is giving me a lecture. What a shitty day this has been. Damn that Toran and double damn that smug Kikyou!'
She allowed herself to wallow in self-pity for a few minutes before she shook the defeatist thoughts from her mind. She dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom.
Fifteen minutes later she emerged from the bathroom. Though the long hot-water shower had made her look like a prune, it had done the trick and soothed her aching muscles. Not bothering to dress completely, she threw on her fluffy towel robe and fell on her bed.
Her rumbling stomach alerted her to the fact that she had not eaten the entire day. A tear slipped out of her eye at her predicament. She contemplated calling one of her friends for some food but decided not to let them see her in such a sorry state.
She had just about curled into a ball, when the door opened and her roommate walked in. The icy demoness gave her a slow once-over, shook her head and put down her packages on her table.
Sesshomaru was shaken. The moment he had re-entered the room, he had caught her clean jasmine scent. The scent soothed him and slowly overwhelmed his mind. Her short robe had not helped either, giving him a view of her long, long legs.
He tried to gain control as he unpacked the food he had got for her from the canteen. He decided to face her only once he was sure of himself and continued to fuss with the packages.
Kagome saw the demoness arrange some packets on the table. As the smell of hot food reached her nose, the hungry girl started salivating. `Should I ask her for some food? If only I hadn't been so rude to her. I'm sure she's done this deliberately.'
Kikyou turned. “I thought you might be hungry so I got you some food.”
A speechless Kagome, stared at the demoness. “Huh?”
“Oden or Pizza?”
“Oden, please!”
Within minutes she was feasting on her favourite food while Kikyou sat opposite her nibbling on pizza. The human girl beamed, all her grudges against the demoness currently forgotten. “It's amazing how you ordered both my favourite dishes. We must share the same taste.”
The demoness paused and put down her plate. “No, my tastes are rather different. I ordered these because I knew you would like them.”
Kagome popped another dumpling into her mouth. “Really? How?”
“From my dossier, of course. It lists all your likes, dislikes, preferences and weaknesses.”
Kagome froze, her eyes scanning the demoness' stoic face. Then she burst out laughing. “Oh, good one! You almost scared me.”
Kikyou smiled and shrugged. Rising, she moved to the table and picked up a bottle. “This is an herbal concoction and great for muscle pains and bruises. Lather this on and I guarantee you'll be fine as rain in the morning.”
“You sure about it?”
“Yes, it has been tried and tested. My…friend used it quite often when she was training.”
Kagome noticed the pause and wondered at the reason. Filing it away for later thought, she shook her head. “Thanks, Kikyou, but there is no way I can rub this on the areas that hurt.”
She smiled at the demoness and lay back carefully. “I can't thank you enough. You literally saved my life today! I owe you one.”
“Don't worry about it. Saving lives is pretty routine work for me.” Kikyou inclined her head to one side. “Did you mean the owing me bit?”
As Kagome nodded, Kikyou gave a large smile, the first full smile since their meeting. “Then I chose to collect what you owe me…”
The silence dragged on as trepidation grew in the human at the sight of the strange smile. Kikyou locked gazes with the human and opened her mouth.
A/N: As you might have guessed, the next chapter will have some lemon content. And if I can write the filler in chapter 11, we may even get out first full-blown lemon in chapter 12…
I have tried my best to uncomplicate the Kikyou / Sesshomaru matter, but if there is any particular place where it is unclear, please let me know so that I can rectify it.
Chapter 11 will tentatively be posted in the last week of February. It describes the dinner party, unmasks Sango's youkai lover and of course, has some wonderful lemony content.
Like it, Hate it or just indifferent to it, Please, please, please review. It would really mean a lot to me and would light up my drab internet-less life. ::laughs::
Lindajrjt: Thank you. Yes, I worked very hard on the plot and tried to cover all loopholes. It was not easy and I'm glad that you like this story. And the extra sweetener that you mentioned is just around the corner. ::grins:: Hurrah, for lemons!
Sesshomaru_Kagome_lover_4ever: You are totally welcome. And I'm glad that you are addicted to this story…means I'm succeeding in my nefarious plans. ::evil laugh:: By the way, that has to be a record for the most number of !'s in a review. And warm hugs right back at you. ::huggles::
Kimaya Aya: Thanks. And yeah, that cliffy was pretty lame. I knew it even as I wrote it. But I had to stop somewhere and that seemed like a good place. How's this one?
Ethereal Siren: Thanks. Yeah, Inuyasha is jumping to conclusions but then he wouldn't be the baka hanyou we love if he didn't. ::smiles:: As for Sessy's nightmare…they say bad memories get amplified during nightmares and those are the worst kind of nightmares, since you know they have happened (albeit at a lesser level). If you re-read that part you'd realize that most of it was part of the memories that haunt him.
Sovereignity: Thank you. I think you'll like this chapter more…and would probably want to hit Inuyasha some more. ::grins::
Punkrock_grl92: So, its perfectly fine if you do not like the Sessy / Kag pairing. Personally I read all pairings if the story is good, even the weird Naraku / Kagome types, but then that is just me. What really sets me going is the fact that reviewers get all touchy on how Sesshomaru would NEVER protect humans…excuse me, but what the hell is Rin? Does he not protect her? Has he not changed his outlook from an out and out human hater to human tolerator, if not a human protector as in the case of Kohaku? As for you not liking “Unemotional Sesshomaru” in this fic he's not unemotional…(something you would have realized if you read chapter one). I know you are probably not even reading this, since you made that clear in your review but I had to answer the review! ::calms down:: oh and thanks for the compliments.
moonlit marauder: Hey, good to see you on this site too. And it gets worse for the poor demon. Sometimes I think I'm just plain evil. ::laughs:: And though I mailed you a bit of the plot, just keep it a secret, okay? ::winks::
Inuforlyf: Thanks…but you skipped the entire last section? I thought people might skip a bit of Kagome's arc but everything from Sesshomaru's nightmare onwards? Ooooo, that hurts. ::smiles:: Well, just means that I gotta work a little harder to keep your interest.
AKEMI SHIKON: Thanks. You have no idea how hard I worked on those two chapters…or on this one for that matter. And the idea for the sub title came from your “Let the games begin”. So thanks for the inspiration.
sesshoumaru's-secret-mate: Well, I hope this chapter answers some of your questions. And for the others, well, let's wait and see what develops.
Kimoukai: Umm, thanks?
Violetcarson: Fluffy getting strange urges? No kidding… and with Kagome thinking him to be a lesbian… ::giggles::
OtakuAnime131: Cause I'm pure evil. ::evil laugh:: Thank you for your good wishes. I hope this potent chapter will last you another month before you get withdrawal symptoms again. ::laughs:: And isn't it quite evident who Sango's trainer is? No? Okay, will reveal all about him in Chapter 11.
sesshomarusama33: Bet you must really hate me right now for ending the chapter where I did. ::scratches head :: And Sessy's not handling her too well is he…or is he? Depends on how you view it. ::grins::