InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Powers ❯ Double Trouble ( Chapter 3 )

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AN: Yay! Reviews! Thank you!!! I think that someone managed to notice that Kagome is a bit OOC in the first chapter! I have reasons to make it so…Anyway, on with the story. Enjoy! And also, review!

Chapter 3

Double Trouble

"Youkai? I thought you said that there weren't any youkai in your time?" Inuyasha asked, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Well…I guess there are exceptions, like that mask…" replied Kagome. "And this one have a Shikon fragment too."

Just as she thought, Inuyasha immediately look much more enthusiastic, trademark smirk snapped right into place.

"Well then! What are you waiting for? Come on!" He shouted, already, running on ahead. Kagome followed, shaking her head.

'Will Inuyasha ever change? Guess not…' she thought. 'But then, how can there be a youkai here? I won't be bothered if it were anywhere else but in Hogwarts? Never! So how? How did it get here? I was very sure that I didn't sense any presence that belongs to Voldemort or any of the Death eaters…unless…'

She was cut off from her train of thoughts by a pair of golden eyes staring into her at only a millimeter's distance.

"Oi, wench! What are you daydreaming about?"

Kagome blinked, then sighed.

"I was just thinking, okay? The shard should be in the Forbidden Forest."

The silence resumed as they rushed along.

"Oi, Kagome." Inuyasha suddenly called.

"What?" Kagome asked wearily.

"Just why didn't you tell me about your magic or use it? You have a reason for it, don't you? Besides those rules you kept talking about just now."

Kagome couldn't see his face, but she could hear confusion in his voice. And maybe…hurt?

"Why did you suddenly ask?"

Inuyasha turned to her, an angry look on his face.

"I just wanted to know, damn it! You kept it from all of us for so long! And you did a freaking good job too! If you had used your magic during battles then…"

"Then I could have done something instead of just standing around waiting for you to protect me. I could have done something to prevent anyone from getting hurt. Is that what you mean?" Kagome said quietly, looking at the ground.

Inuyasha immediately regretted speaking up.

'Damn it. She's going to cry again. I hate it when she does that.'

Inuyasha was surprised when Kagome looked up, smiling gently.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep it a secret but I couldn't help it. The magical world is so much more complicated than it seem to be, Inuyasha. Please, give me some time. I will tell you everything, right from the start. I won't leave out a single detail. But please, just give me some time."

Inuyasha remained silent and Kagome continued.

"I know that you probably felt insulted and all. You thought that you could trust me, yet I sort of betrayed your trust and didn't help you, even though your life was threatened, when I could." Kagome spoke, as if reading Inuyasha's mind. "Give me a chance to explain everything. Please? Inuyasha?"

Kagome looked up hopefully.

Inuyasha stared at her, feeling his gaze soften. She looked so innocent, so hopeful. She didn't seem to have changed. She was still her. Still the Kagome he knew. Not just some witch or sorceress who was pretending to be a normal girl.

"Keh! Just one chance then. Just one. You'd better explain yourself properly."

He stood still in shock as Kagome suddenly gave him a small peck on his cheeks and hugged him.

"Arigatou, Inuyasha, arigatou." He heard her whisper.

Inuyasha just snorted, though he didn't push Kagome away.

Everything would have been alright.

If not for…

"Oi. Have you managed to locate the shard yet? We are already in the forest, you know?"

Bad tactic. (Especially when Kagome was still hugging him.)

Inuyasha nearly whimpered as Kagome glared at him, a frightening aura coming out of her.


Inuyasha backed away, scolding himself for his big mouth. However, nothing could change his fate.


A sickening splat.

"And I thought for a moment that he could be nice…" Kagome muttered as she walked away.

Somehow, Inuyasha managed to peel himself off the ground.

"You wench. Just where is the shard?"

"Hai, hai. It should be around here somewhere." Kagome muttered as she concentrated on sensing the shard, aware of Inuyasha's glare.

"If I'm correct, it should be right below us…" Kagome announced after a while.

"Right…below us?" Inuyasha asked, eyes wide.

Kagome looked at him, confused, until she realized what she just said.


Meanwhile, back in the Great Hall, the students have more or less calmed down, at least, if calm down means sitting down with a blank stare on your face and your mouth open.

"Harry, tell me I'm dreaming." Ron whispered, gulping.

"Your not. The new teacher just got into a quarrel with some demon-like guy with white hair and dog ears." Harry replied, just as shocked.

"And I thought that we would have a normal teacher for once." Ron murmured as he shook his head.

"She's fifteen. Can you call that normal? And I hope that the demon part isn't true." Hermione said as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"He looks exactly like one! Dog ears! Can you believe it?" Fred exclaimed from across the table. At least, he looked okay, just very excited.

"Yah! I don't think the new teacher looked as if she was going to get him exorcised or something. More like she knew him!" George agreed. "Oh boy! By the looks of it, she may be as cool as Moody was!"

The trio sighed as the twins continue. This year is going to be, uh, very interesting.

"Kagome, watch out!" Inuyasha yelled as he pulled Kagome away from where she was standing.

The very next moment, something shot out of the ground, right where Kagome had been standing. It turned out to be some sort of vine or plant.

"Inuyasha! That thing is where the aura of the Shikon fragment came from!"

Just as she said that, the plant-like thing shot towards them, smashing apart a few trees that were in its way.

"A Shikon fragment? In a PLANT!!!?"

Kagome looked on worriedly as Inuyasha was shouting away. Something told her that things weren't quite right. Something told her that the thing was no ordinary plant.

And she was right.

The other end of the plant, which had been under the ground, started rising up. Than the whole situation became clear. The whole plant/vine was just the arm of a feminine-looking youkai.

"Shikon fragments! You hold the Shikon fragments! Give them to me!" The youkai cried in a high-pitched voice. As its eyes landed moved from Kagome to Inuyasha, it smirked. "So. You are that little hanyou I had heard about. Going around collecting the fragments, eh? They have told me everything about you."

"If so, then fucking prepare to die!" Inuyasha yelled as he jumped up into the air.

"Ah, it was such a long time since I last killed. Five hundred years staying in a cage doesn't help. I'll give you the honor of being the first person whom I eat for such a long time!"

Kagome stepped up, drawing her wand, planning to stun the youkai, when it turned its head towards her while lifting some vines to knock Inuyasha away.

"Human girl, do you think that it is a good idea to just stay here? The people back at the Great Hall is having a hard time, you know?"

Kagome's eyes widened as it dawned upon her. This thing was a decoy. Whoever behind this is now attacking the Great Hall. Or so she thought.

"Kagome, you go back and help them. I can take care of this bastard myself!" She heard Inuyasha shout as he stood up. Without a moment of hesitation, she nodded and hurried back.

Big mistake.

Just as they thought everything was all right, the people in the Great Hall lifted their heads to find a great black hole swirling above them. Disgusting creatures of all sorts started to drop out. One dropped after another, attacking the moment they gained their footing.

"Professor Dumbledore, what is happening?" Professor MacGonagal screamed as she dragged a student away from the mouth of a snake-like monster.

Dumbledore just stood there and frowned.

"I don't know, Minerva, I don't know."

By this time, the other teachers were already out of their seats, firing spells at the monsters to stop them from eating the students.

"We have to stop this! If this goes on, the students will be eaten alive!" Someone shouted from above the din. Older students were doing whatever they can to protect themselves and the younger ones, but the creatures just keep coming out.

Harry looked around after stunning another troll-like thing. Hermione and Ron were both busy trying to get the monsters to stay away.

"Hermione, Ron! Let's get out of here and find the new teacher!"

Ron looked at him as if he was insane.

"How are we supposed to find a way out?"

At this moment, a stream of light flew towards the back hole, turning all the creatures it flew past into dust. The moment it made contact, the black hole stopped throwing out creatures. Harry watched in amazement as it crackled a bit, as if struggling, and then shrank, eventually disappearing.

Then, the Great Hall rang with the agonized roars of the creatures, which started to crumble and dissolve.

Everybody looked towards the entrance, to see Kagome standing there, a bow and arrow in her hands.

"Now we don't have to find her. She came herself." Ron whispered.

"Thank god for that." Hermione said as she sighed in relieve, lowering her wand.

Inuyasha swore as he dodged yet another vine. No matter how he cut the vines, they just kept growing back. He couldn't even get near the youkai.

He frowned, then used the only method he could think of.

"Kaze no Kizu!"

"You don't ever learn, do you?" The youkai smiled as it dived into the ground once more while the trees behind it got chopped up.

"Shit! Where did it go!?"

"Right here!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened as vines shot out around him and wind themselves around him, binding him tightly.

"Can't move now, can you? How pathetic. And I thought that you will be strong." The youkai mused as it watches Inuyasha struggle in vain.

Inuyasha glared up, though it only caused the youkai to be even more amused.

"Well, well. You have some spirit, don't you? But don't worry. I will suck up your energy and you blood, little by little. I should enjoy delicacies slowly, shouldn't I?" The youkai laughed as the vines started to glow.

Inuyasha winced as the vines tightened their hold, thorns digging into him, absorbing his blood.

'Damn it. It's too strong. If only I could find out where the Shikon fragment is…if this continues, I don't know how long I can hold out. But no matter how, the vines just keep growing back…"

Kagome frowned as the students cheered. This wasn't right. It was much too easy. Whoever it was would have called out stronger opponents if he had wanted to kill everybody.

"Could it be?" She gasped as a sudden thought struck her. "Oh no! We've been fooled!"

The students gave her a confused look as she rushed out again while the teachers were patching up a few injured ones.

'Please let him be save. Please let him be save.' She thought as she ran. 'How could I be so stupid? They wanted to split us up so that they could finish Inuyasha off first! How could I not think of that!? Please, Inuyasha. Hold on!'

That's it. You'll have to wait for the next chapter. Anyway, I know that the IY/Kag moment was a bit short and was cut off and everything. But a promise is a promise and I had to put that in. I just don't feel like putting one smack in the middle of a fighting scene so I put it right in front. Gomen ne! I'll pay back for that by putting a better one somewhere in the next few chapters. (Yup! You just have to wait.) Also, the creatures in the Great Hall aren't youkai. At least, some are. The others are not.

Next chapter…Sango and Miroku are coming!!! (Kirara and Shippou too, of course)