InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Powers ❯ The New Teacher ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Author's Note: The second chapter is here! And thanks for the reviews, everyone! Keep them coming, please?

Chapter 2

The New Teacher

The Great Hall was as welcoming as usual, with all its decorations and the enchanted ceiling. Students were swarming in, each going to their respective tables while waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin. The normal chatting and conversing is taking place among every house, including the exchanging of rumors about the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher. Nobody had failed to notice that from the many Defense Against Dark Arts teachers they have gotten from the past few years, the only one who wasn't either a follower of Voldemort or a complete moron was Professor Lupin. Unfortunately, he was a werewolf. Having had so many weird teachers for this subject for four years running, rumors were starting among the students about what the next one would be.

"Maybe it would be Voldemort's follower again!"

"Nay! Professor Dumbledore wouldn't be that careless. I think that this time, it's going to be a really well-trained auror so that all of us can be well-protected!"

"I was hoping that Professor Dumbledore would be teaching us himself after having so many bad experiences with outside teachers."

"Whatever, as long as it's not Snape. He's always so biased!"

By this time, almost everybody had settled down in their seats and the First Grades were entering. The sorting procedure continued, with the normal clapping and cheering.

"Hey, Harry, Ron. Have you seen that girl we met earlier on? I don't see her anywhere among the crowd." Hermione suddenly commented.

"You probably missed her or something. It is quite crowded around here and you can't possibly see every single person from where you are sitting." Ron replied while clapping along with the rest of the Gryffindors. Hermione didn't say anything else, though she looked doubtful at what Ron had said.

When the last person was sorted off, Professor Dumbledore stood up as usual. Everyone turned silent, waiting to find out who the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher is. Whoever he is, he either hasn't arrived yet, or went somewhere else since there was one empty seat at the teachers' table.

Dumbledore started with the normal announcing of new rules and other things, to which few students paid attention.

"…And last of all, I'm sure you are all waiting to find out who your new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher is. Before I introduce the new teacher to you, I assure you that all the rumors are not true and there is not going to be any followers of you-know-who lurking around Hogwarts this year. I must also ask you to treat the new teacher with respect. She is very well-trained in every form of magic and sorcery in spite of her appearance so whoever wants to play any tricks on her may do it at their own risk."

"Hey Ron! Did Professor Dumbledore just say she?" Harry whispered to Ron, not quite believing his own ears.

"He did. Who would have thought?" Ron muttered back, just as amazed.

"I think that it's probably going to be some old woman like Professor Trelawny." George said from across the table.

"Yah. Why else would he specifically ask us to treat her with respect?" Fred agreed.

"Besides that," Dumbledore continued. "I'm sure that every single one of you is aware that You-Know-Who had risen. So, for your own protections, Hogwarts will be starting a new lesson, held by the very same teacher, to teach you about other things that may prove useful to protect yourselves in cases of emergencies, including the learning of new spells that is not included in your normal syllabus."

"What? Another new lesson? Does that mean more homework too?" Someone complained from behind Harry.

"Now I sure hope that the new teacher is nice." Another mumbled.

"Ah! I think she is coming now." Dumbledore went on, looking to his left where a figure was walking in. Everyone gaped when she came near enough to be seen.

"Well, let me introduce to you your new teacher, Higurashi Kagome."

"Oh my goodness! That was the girl we met on the Hogwarts Express!" Harry said, unable to refrain himself from shouting out loud. Ron however, wasn't listening to him.

"Hey, Harry. Look there!"

It took Harry a while to see what Ron was pointing at. It turned out to be Malfoy. His mouth was opened really wide and his face was at its palest.

Harry nearly burst out laughing at the sight.

"No surprise there. He acted like that right in front of a teacher!" Hermione commented.

"Yah…who would have thought that our new teacher would be as young as us? Just what is Dumbledore thinking?"

"Well, who knows? What do you think she will be like?"

"Hope that she's not like Lockhart…"

Meanwhile, the plates had been filled with food and students were all starting to dig in. The Great Hall was soon filled with the sound of students chatting again. This time, most, if not all, was about the new teacher.

Kagome sat chatting with Dumbledore while examining the hall. It was a beautiful place.

'I wonder what Inuyasha is thinking right now, to have me disappear right under his nose. He's probably sulking away somewhere…' She thought. It was easy getting away but she'll have to do some serious explaining when she goes back. How is she going to tell Inuyasha that she knew magic all along but didn't use it? He wouldn't understand all those things about the Ministry of Magic, not to say about her!

"Miss Higurashi, judging by the look on your face, you seem to be thinking of something." Dumbledore said, studying Kagome closely.

"Huh? Just call me Kagome. And it was nothing. You know Inuyasha I was talking about just now? I was just thinking that he would be very mad at me when I go back."

"And damn right you are, wench!" A voice came from behind her.

Kagome's eyes widened. The next thing she knew, a student was screaming, then another, until the hall was in chaos. She slowly turned and gets prepared to say the fatal word.

"…What the fuck do you think you're doing! Running away like that when we have shards to find!" The young half dog demon continued, clueless to the danger…


"Now come on and…"

…until it's too late.


The noise suddenly vanished as the students stared blankly at the newcomer's fate (and the new teacher's wrath). The hanyou was now sprawled face down on the ground, with an annoyed Kagome standing in front of him. Even the other teachers could not find anything to say. (Of course, this is probably because they could not get what is going on since the 'conversation' earlier on was in Japanese.)

"What the fuck was that for!" Inuyasha finally shouted after peeling himself off the ground.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO FOLLOW ME!!!!!" Kagome shouted back, an extremely dark look on her face. If the hanyou had not been as naïve as he had been, he would have ran away long ago instead of just covering his ears.

By now, the whole school is staring at them with confused looks on their face. The only thing they can grasp is that the new teacher, Miss Higurashi Kagome, is now having a vivid argument with a strange man who had white hair and dog-ears.

Kagome, at last noticing the situation they were in, sighed and quickly grasped Inuyasha by the lock of hair on his side and dragged him out, ignoring his protests.

"So, why in the world are you here!?" Kagome said once they're out of sight.

"Hey! I should be the one asking you that!" Inuyasha grumbled.

"Just tell me, how did you get here?" Kagome asked, eyes narrowed dangerously.

"How did I get here? You answer me first! You said that you're only going back to your time for three days but you disappeared for more than a week and now I found you here! What's your explanation for that!?" Inuyasha shouted again, not learning from all his experiences.


"Fine, fine! I asked your mom and she got me here through that damn fireplace, okay? Said that it was some sort of spell. Now let's go back. We still have shards to find!"

"Hey! When did I say that I'm going back with you?"

"What? You wench! You're trying to escape, huh?"

"Osuwari." Kagome replied flatly, all too familiar with this sort of situation.

So once again, the poor hanyou got slammed to the ground. Unfortunately, he's just too stubborn to give up after only one sit. The procedure continued for half an hour before Inuyasha finally, grumbling, agreed to listen.

"Alright. So where should I start?" Kagome said, relieved.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that you know whatever fucking magic? Same goes for your mother."

Now, Inuyasha seem to be more curious than angry, though still wearing a slight frown. Kagome sighed.

"Okay. But I must warn you, this is going to take some time."

Inuyasha just snorted as usual and said nothing else, making it clear that Kagome was to continue.

"Well, you see…" Kagome went on, before a familiar feeling came to her.

"Inuyasha…there's a youkai nearby…" she announced, a worried and surprised expression on her face.

So, how was it? Review!!!

And in the next chapter, everything about Kagome will be explained. And I may put in a Kag/IY moment…depends on how many reviews I get. (Despite my innocent looks, I can be pretty evil sometimes.)

As for the new lesson, you'll find out what it is about in, let's see…the third chapter?

I'm not going to reveal any more of the plot so you have to wait…