InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ First Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was a warm autumn day the sun raining down on the large city of Tokyo. Life was going as usual with hustling and bustling people lining the streets.

Kagome was one of these people.

She had he hair tied back in a thick braid and her face creased in worry, her thick bottlecoke glasses bouncing with each step on her nose. She was dressed in plain blue sweater and black skirt that reached below her knees. On her back was a large yellow bag filled with books and others utensils she would need for a day at college.

All of her suitcases had already been sent to her dorm ahead of time so all she had to do was hurry, or she would be late.

and being late on the first day of school was NOT a good idea.

She sighed as she climbed off the downtown subway and on to the jam packed streets of Tokyo.

This is just grreaaattt... She thought angriliy.

If she hadn't pressed snooze on her alarm clock so many times she wouldn't be in this mess! And the fact Souta had purposely flushed the toliet while she was in the shower did NOT help any.

She was dodging in and out of people at a speed that would put a cheetah to shame when all of a sudden a shout stopped her.

Kagome turned to see a boy running to catch up with her. She smiled slightly.

"Late too Miroku?"

He nodded to out of breath to say anything.

She shook her head, while quickly grabbing his hand and pulling him along through the crowds.

In less than five minutes she saw the campus and she grinned happily.


"We're here!" She said throwing her hands up in truimph. He shook his head.

"Kagome, have you by chance seen Sango?"

"No..... not since yesterday when she knocked you unconcious..." She said frowning slightly.

"I see..."

They walked thorugh the thick wooden doors together. Kagome suddenly felt in awe about all of it. The ceilings, stairs, walls, desks, everything was carved in polished rich wood. Upperclassmen milled around them and she felt butterflies rise up in to her stomach suddenly.

She turned to Miroku who was in turn watching a group of rather sleazy looking girls.

"Hey Miroku?"

"Hm..?" He said dazedly. She rolled her eyes.

"No matter how long you stare at them, there clothes won't magically dissapeared... " She said sarcastically.

He blushed finally turning to look at her.

"Ehehe.... so what do you want Kagome?"

"What class do you have first?"

"Study of the warring periods with Sensei Tatai."

"Really? Me too! Oh and Sango.." She said. Miroku considerably brightened.

"Well what are we waiting for? C'mon!" He grabbed her shoulder and practically dragged her to the oaken door the class was situated at and pulled it open.

They were instantly met with the sounds of several voices chatting and she resisted the urge to cover her ears.

Kagome surveyed the array of desks and chairs catching sight of several older students in the upper levels.

Then in the corner she saw a friendly wave and grin that belonged to other then exactly to who they were looking for.

Kagome quickly made her way over to her yelling


"Kag! and..." She turned and saw a smiling charmly Miroku behind her. Her face darkened. ".. the hentai..."

His smile vanished replaced by a pout.

Kagome grinned plopping down beside her friend.

Sango flipped her ponytail to the side and frowned at her.

"What?" Kagome said innocently noticing her friends weird stare.

"Whats with the disguise?" She jerked her thumb at her glasses and her outfit.

Kagome smirked.

"I don't want any boy problems this year. Not after Houjo...." She shuddered "I just want to study and hang out with my two best buds!"

Sango smirked her green eyes dancing.

"If only I thought ahead of time like you.." As she sent a dirty glare at Miroku who didn't notice.

A teacher came in yelling for the class to be silent.

The voices slowly died down as everyone took her seats.

The teacher introduced his self and immediately began talking about his expectations and started out the first lesson of the year.

Kagome smiled wolfishly as she dug her notebook out of her bag and started taking notes. Her thoughts going around in circles.

Nothing was going to stop her this year! No boys bugging her all the time would ruin her getting good marks! Or people looking for her money and position either!


Sesshoumaru sat in his upperseat in the classroom as he listened to the teacher drone on and on.

He didn't listen. He'd heard most of it before and was just incessant babble coming from the teacher's lips wasting his valuble time.

He scanned the crowds of students below him thinking smugly.

'New meat I see..'

His eyes were caught on several forms of girls that looked more interested in the boys then the lesson. He frowned as a few of them giggled looking up at him.

His eyes starting roaming again finally ending on a rather hunched figure as she scratched notes down furiously in her book.

When the teacher took a breath of air he saw her head pop up a goofy grin on her face as she slid her glasses further up her nose as they slowly slid down again.

Sesshoumaru resisted the urge to snort.

As came the sluts.. so did the geeks.

Figures there would not be a suitable one amoung them.

Not that he cared.

Women were a un-needed thing that held no purpose or value.

He, Sesshoumaru, needed no one.

Especially a girl who hung all over him and couldn't get a first grade math problem right if she tried.

He frowned blocking out the teachers voice and closed his eyes.

He.. needed no more annoyances pestering him this year like the rest.


Kagome gloated as the bell rang. As Sango, Miroku and several other students groaned as they released their pencils from their cramped hands.

"Ugghh.... Kagome how can you be so.. happy?" Sango demanded as she started putting her things away.

Kagome shrugged still grinning immensly.

"I dunno... it's just I've never had a class run so.. smoothly before!"

They nodded grimly understanding her point. But they smiled to their friend.

"Yeah.. I guess you're right.. C'mon we got to get to our next class..." Miroku said sullenly already heading for the arch that led back in to the main stream of students walking backwards so he could talk to them.

Kagome bounded after him followed by a grumbling Sango.

Miroku was so busy laughing with them he wasn't paying attention to where he was going until it was to late.


Books and papers went everywhere.

"Miroku!" Sango cried as she kneeled next to him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah but..." He turned to look at the figure he had almost knocked down as well.

Kagome also kneeling by Miroku's side turned to look as well.

She barely contained a small gasp.

A man stood before them that surpassed some of the male models in some famous magizines she'd looked at. And believe her. That was saying A LOT.

He had long silver hair that reached his waist and shined in the sun leaking in through the windows. He had cool and calculated golden eyes and perfectly shaped face. Kagome thought that in the dictionary next to word handsome.. his picture would be there.

She gulped and stood up bowing before him.

"Forgive me sir. I was distracting my friend from where he was going. It is my fault."

She stood straight at looked him in the eye only to see the same indifference there as he spoke.

"How sad. A mere girl protecting a grown man..."

She glared at him and before she could stop her she spat.

"And -WHAT- exactly is wrong with THAT?!!"

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Do not question me wench.."

Kagome's eye twitched in annoyance.

"What did you just call--?!!" She started but one of the other male students behind him yelled.

"Don't dare talk back to Sesshoumaru-sama so disrespectfully bitch!!!"

He chucked something at her, but she saw it coming and dodged it easily, and reached out in midair grabbing it.

Then in a quick swish of her arm chucked it back at its attacker hitting him directly in between the eyes.

She glared out at the group of boys saying

"My name is not wench or bitch or any other stupid names you may come up with. My name is Kagome. Ka-go-me. Get it, got it, use it!"

She turned on her heels to a smirking Sango and Miroku as they exited the hall leaving a stunned group behind with only one hidden behind a cool facade. Sango leaned over and gently whispered.

"I thought you were going to lay low this year.."

Kagome snorted.

"I was hoping jerks like him wouldn't make it to college." She growled narrowed her eyes through her joke glasses that glared so much her eyes were not visible.

They were made to look geeky and Kagome had purposely found the most geekiest outfit in her wardrobe so she'd have the illusion of being a dork and thankfully be left alone.

Only she wasn't so sure it would work now that she had pulled that stunt.

She shouldn't have got her temper get the best of her...

Kagome sighed.

oh well.

whats done is done and she can't change it..

now what class did she have next?

Ah, political affairs of international debates...

sounds fun!

She grinned heading to her next class already in higher spirits.


Later that day..


Kagome sighed finally feeling the lag of the day as she stopped before her new dorm room.

Opening the door she was met by the sight of Sango and Miroku arguing as he helped her unload her stuff.

Kagome grinned as she called

"hey honey, I'm ho~me!"

Their heads immediately whipped to her and Sango glared.

"Kagome.." She whispered deadly.

She smiled innocently.


Sango grimaced, not daring to continue when Kagome was in that state of mind.

Kagome walked in sitting on her futon staring at the numerous boxes stacked in front of her. She felt like groaning but resisted the urge.

Instead she turned to her two best friends.

"Hey do you guys want to check out campus? You know learn our way around before that job tonight?"

Miroku grinned, as Kagome mentally added in her head 'not to go anywhere near the girls locker rooms'. Sango grinned.

"Sure. It will give me a break from all this.. and work all at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone!" She motioned to the boxes.

"Yes!!!!" Kagome cheered.

"Only on one condition.." Sango added evilly.

"What..?" She didn't trust her for a second.

"You can't go out like that..." She smirked.

Kagome groaned.

"Fine... but you get to flirt with the creepy old guys this time. Not me.."

"Deal!" Sango said.

She turned to Miroku and said

"Meet us at the elevator in fifteen minutes alright Miroku? and dress up in handsome disguise!!"

He nodded jublilantly and raced out the door.

Sango turned back to Kagome who involuntarily flinched.

What had she gotten herself in to?

Her clan better thank their lucky stars that Tennyou is a nice person.


Miroku waited by the elevator like told, waiting for his two best friends.

They were late by five minutes already... what could they be doing?

He had dressed up in one of his rare outfits of a silk black shirt and slacks as promised. Not to mention combed his hair and slicked it back. To say so himself he looked liked a million bucks as he was supposed to..

So where were they?

Suddely the elevator bell ringed as it opened revealing two girls. One grinning devilishly and the other calm with a slight grimace.

To him.. both where goddesses.

Sango had dressed up in a one peice green dress that hitched up to her mid thigh on both sides. Also her usual ponytail had disappeared replaced by long red wig falling neatly down her back in curls. On her eyelids were green eyeshadow and mascara that swayed lavishly with each blink.

He turned to the other one with wavy silky blond wig falling around her shoulders delicately. Her bright brown eyes; thanks to color contacts; were watching him under silver eyeshadow and her soft pink lips turned up in a slight smile. She was wearing a red sleeveless shirt that hung over her shoulders and wore a black mini skirt with knee high boots.

Miroku grinned.

"Now that is the Kagome I remember! and Sango your so beautiful!"

"Kagome? I know no Kagome. My name is Suzume Taeki.." She said calmly.

Sango cut in at his confused look.

"Since Kag doesn't want any suscipicions she isn't going to use her real name so as of now, she is known as Suzume Taeki. I, who am only dressed undercover like this, am known as Mai Tsuru. Your name is Ryuu Kainata."

"Right...." He smiled suddenly holding out both elbows ".. So may I have the honor of escourting two such beautful women for the night?"

They blushed but nodded taking his arms.

As they walked down the halls they couldn't help but notice the jealous and dazed looks of other students.

Miroku felt like the happiest hentai in all the world! Especially the way Sangos hips swayed as she walked.... *CENSORED for Miroku's hentai thoughts!!*


Kagome walked in practiced grace down the steps and in to the limo awaiting her with Sango and Miroku.

As the driver shut it soundly Kagome cracked in to a grin as did Sango.

"Another job.... we haven't had one in two whole weeks!" Sango said as she leaned back in her seat.

Kagome nodded as she rested her arm on the shelf.

There was a number pad there to which she quickly typed in her code.

It beeped as a hidden compartment flipped in to their veiw several items lying on it.

Miroku sighed while smirking.

"Ah the essientials...."

Kagome rolled her eyes as she picked up the gadgets passing them up to her teammates.

"Okay as usual, earpeice so we can talk to each other, and mini microphone to speak to each other. Also for Sango and I a smokebomb concealed as a tube of lipstick just in case of a quick escape..." She said.

They nodded. Miroku spoke next.

"Our target is the Lord Shuginami. He is to give Kagome the money directly with Sango and I watching guard. If anything should happen just contact us through the microphone and we'll reach each other immediately."

"Right." Sango and Kagome echoed.

They felt the limo slowly coming to a stop. They flashed everyone one last grin before getting their game faces on of cool calculation.

The driver opened the door and Miroku climbed out first. Followed by Sango and finally Kagome.

Before them were several steps leading up in to a grand hotel several couples ahead of them already.

Taking Miroku on each side they too entered the building.

It was deathly slow and dazzling all at the same time but Kagome was used to it. She had been doing jobs like this since she was in junior high. And now being in college, she was an expert at her game of disguises and acts.

Reaching the main hall they were momentarily blinded by all the lights reflecting of the chandileirs and wine glasses.

A man called out

"Ryuu Kainata with guests Suzume Taeki, and Mai Tsuru!"

They descended in to the hall immediately a servant coming with a tray offering them drinks of wine.

They took them, as Kagome left to do some hunting of her own as Sango stayed by Miroku's side for the time being.

She was immediately met by a group of men which bowed to her.

"Good evening Lady...?" One said with devilshly smiling face. He was rather handsome but she could tell that the sake was already getting to him.

Kagome bowed slightly in return.

"Suzume Taeki. May I ask your name?" She said softly, determined to get every aspect of a lady's act correct.

"I, am Kearo Tarani, sole heir to the Tarani company's fortune." He added with a wink.

She said sarcastically in her head

'If that is his way of picking up girls then he better not hope to get a serious relationship for a while...'

Another bowed.

"I'm Masaya Usunagi. Senior at Tokyo University." He stood watched her wearily and she could easily tell he didn't wish to be here at all. She felt a bit of sympathy for him. He was handsome but she guessed not the social type. Maybe she could talk to him sometime at school...

A few others bowed introducing themselves with several winks and blushes.

Kagome actually found some of them weren't half bad. She actually got in to a harsh discussion on the American government that she could tell lit the fire of conversation for the ones like Masaya to take the floor.

So immersed was she, she almost forgot the reason she came.


She bowed low about an hour later after she had first arrived.

"I am sorry, but I'm afriad I have to leave, an aquaintance of mine is calling me over.."

"It's alright Ms. Taeki. Maybe sometime I could talk to you at school..." Masaya voluteered.

"That would be wonderful." Kagome said smiling geniunely.

As she turned and started pacing thorugh the crowd. She heard Sango say in her ear.

--So, interested in Masaya are we Kagome? If I didn't know better I'd say you were flirting..--

'no, but its not everyday that you meet someone smart AND rich Sango..' She replied dryly.

Miroku cut in.

--Are you heading for Lord Shuginami Kagome?--

'Yes... ready?'



They chimed together.

She spotted the lord in front of her and plastered a sickly coy smile on her face as she called.

"Lord Shuginami... it's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Suzume Taeki." She said.

He turned and looked down at her. A lusty smile on his face a what seemed a strong glass of saki in his hand.

She stood and he said.

"What is such a fine lovely lady like yourself doing in a rundown place like this?"

Forcing herself not to gag she smiled sweetly again.

"Actually I'm here on buisness Lord Shuginami..."

"Oh really my dear..? What buisness may that be..?" He whispered.

She leaned forward and said lowly so only he could hear.

"My name is Tennyou you may have heard of me before... I was sent by the Higurashi yakuza clan to collect.. some dues you owe us...."

She watched in satisfaction as his face paled and watched her with terror in his eyes.

Kagome leaned back her calm sweet smile back on her face as if nothing happened.

"T-the.. Tennyou...? R-right this w-way miss.. I've been e-expecting you.."

He turned and started heading to a door to which two guards stood by stonily.

Kagome heard the snickers on her earpiece from her friends who had heard all.

Ignoring him she followed in to a large room, the guards quickly shutting the doors behind her.

The Lord before her was now consulting another guard who pulled out a breifcase which he promptly set down on the desk before her.

"This is the money Tennyou..." he said.

Kagome frowned.

"Open it."

"Answer me this first Tennyou.. are all the stories about you true?" He asked eyebrows raised.

She smirked.

"Depends. Some people let their imaginations get the better of them..."

He nodded, and leaned forward and clicked the breifcase open.

Stacks apon stacks of new bills were inside as he continued to speak.

"The money as promised Tennyou.. I expect you to hold up your end of the bargain as well...?"

She nodded, placing her hands over lid shutting it.

"Yes. The Higurashi never go back on their word.. for no reason."


She turned and headed for the door.

"Tennyou.." He said one more time.

She turned to look at him.

He was grinning as he poured himself another glass of sake.


"I expect the tale of you in bed to be true as well.. I bet you made quite a few men very happy in your lifetime.."

Kagome resisted the urge of blushing like she so wanted to do, instead settled to shake her head.

"No Lord Shuginami. As stupid as it may seem to you.. I hold my self value higher then most. I gladly say that I am and most likely stay a virgin."

He nodded but could tell he wasn't really listening as he downed another bottle of his drink.

Kagome shook her head again and exited the room, hearing laughter on her ear pieice she said grimly

"If you two don't be quiet you'll be paying for it when we get back to campus.."

Silence buzzed in her ear as they knew her death threats were serious. Miroku coughed nervously.

--So shall we leave?--

--there is no point in staying-- Sango said.

'Alright I'll meet you by the door.' Kagome said.


-- Kay--

Kagome sighed as she saw Masaya watching her from across the room. She waved a goodbye. He nodded and waved back before turning to talk to his friends.

She smiled sypathatically at his back for a minute before continueing on her way.

Up the stairs she could feel several stares on her back, but she took no heed of them.

'If only they knew...' She thought whismically.

They go by in their life, living in the same patterns everyday. Nothing new ever really happening. Then right under their noses, a whole other world thrived off thier money and fear. The Yakuza. Covering the east, west, south, and north of Japan with four overlords. Lord Samashoji in the East, Lord Toruiwa in the South, Lord Kumita in the West, and Lord Higurashi; her father; in the north.

'We live, putting our life at risk everyday, and its normal for us. I am Kagome Higurashi, Yakuza hime, heir to the north unless she was married to another mafia lord then her brother would take over the north. Only to keep our family safe I go by the name Kagome Kekkai at school and such. Although when carrying out jobs she went by the nickname of Tennyou. A well know name in the underworld of Japan. The feared woman. Her real identity unknown and untold.. except for Kagome and close friends of course...'

She smirked seeing Miroku and Sango already waiting for her in the limo. She waved climbing inside.

Closing the door the black limo pulled away in to Tokyo's night. The underworld still unknown from most eyes. Completely ignorant of the events tha carried out that night by three college students.