InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ I Win! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome walked cheerily down the hall, a large grin plastered on her face. She was, once again, wearing her thick glasses that glared brightly and her hair pulled back in pigtails for effect. She was wearing black pants and baggy red sweatshirt she had found at the bottom of one of her boxes while unpacking a few weeks previously.

Everything had gone so smoothly for once and she couldn't be happier, even if she was a bit tired from being up so late every night. Another member of the Yakuza picked up the money around midnight a week ago as planned praising them on another job well done.

She smirked heading down off the campus to reach the street. Heading down to the nearest coffee shop she bought a latte and then went inside a book store at the corner.

Kagome didn't know exactly what she was looking for but rather a way to kill time. Her next class didn't start until eleven or so and considering she had about an hour and a half until then she had plenty of it.

Stopping when a book caught her interest she pulled it out and examined it reading the fading title.

'Tales of Legend and Lore by Kurichi Kunsuku'

Flipping through she saw some pretty good artwork of scary demons and nymphs and such. Only one pacific page caught her attention. At the top it was labeled

'The Shikon Jewel'

She scanned through it, getting engulfed in the lines. An arrogant inu hanyou with a sad past, a mysterious girl of unknown orgin who was the reincarnation of the hanyou's love..

Kagome shut the book.

No way could this have ever happened.. I believe the miko part, but as for a spider hanyou out to conquer the world? That seemed impossible.

She walked over to the cash register and payed for it figuring she'd just have to read more in to it.

As she went back out in the frosty weather of autumn she took another sip of her hot drink for warmth.

Turning the corner and on to another street she gazed out of the windows in boredom while she consulted her watch every five minutes.

After a while, and her drink was gone, she gave up and starting heading back figuring she could get some extra studying done before class started in an hour... and the walk did her some good for her sore muscles.


Sesshoumaru walked calmly out of his apartment, locking the door behind him. Starting down his hallway, he heard a ring and quickly pulled out a cell phone.

"Yes?" He answered annoyed.

"Lord Sesshoumaru." A grating voice said. 'Jaken' he thought sourly.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, we just picked up from our spies that Tennyou pulled another job last night at the Haiyo hotel."

"Is that all you called me for Jaken?"

"N-no m'lord. I also did the research about that girl.."

"And..?" Sesshoumaru question irratably.

"We found that her full name is Kagome Kekkai. She has lived in Tokyo all her life at a shrine called Sunset shrine, recieving high marks in every grade, and is now at the age of 19 attending the Tokyo Univerisity on her freshman year."

"Anything else?"

"No. I'm afriad that's it m'lord. Although I must say by her picture she is quite.. how should I say it...?"

"Plain." Sesshoumaru supplied then commanded there was an uneasy pause on the other end. He continued "See if you can't find any more information on her."

"Hai M'lord...."

Sesshoumaru hung up and put his phone back in his pocket as he reached the street heading for the school campus.


That afternoon...


Kagome yawned as she silently read the posters in the hall randomly searching for something to do to fill up her free time.

She began reading the list showing this:

Culture society club

'no, no that wouldn't do..'

Manga club - FULL


Judo club

'Maybe but I already took something like that a few years ago..'

Kendo club


Archery club

'that one would deffinately be fun. Archery was one of her favorite things.'

Double checking the times for the meetings she realized the first meeting for archery meeting was in an hour and Kendo was starting in about half an hour.

Having nothing better to do, she headed down to where the meeting was going to take place. Reaching it quickly she sighed as she entered the dojo they were to practice in.

Kagome grinned at the already awaiting ten boys or so.

A hand went up and waved to her calling

"Hey Kagome!!"

She looked and caught sight of Miroku. She smiled and waved back walking over to him.

"Miroku, your joining kendo?"

"Yeah why not? Are you?"

"Are you kidding? They probably don't allow girls to play on their teams." She said with a hint of disdain in her voice.

Miroku smirked.

"Are you sure thats it? You're just afriad I'll beat you."

Kagome grinned.

"Oh? Is that a challenge?"

"Of course."

"Well then suit up, loser buys dinner!"

"Deal!" Miroku said.

Heading over to the wall he picked out two sturdy wood kataanas.

Kagome set her bags down on the sides of the tatami mats, she walked on to the center of them were Miroku awaited her.

"Are you sure you want to do this with out armor Miroku? You might get hurt.." She teased.

He tossed her the kaatana.

"I'm sure. Ready Kagome?" He said.

"Yep. I'll give you a good warmup before the meetings start." She said.

He just snorted and gave her the 'yeah right' look.

They bowed to each other as was routine before all matches.

Kagome was barely aware a crowd was gathering to watch them.

As soon she rose from the bow Miroku immediately tried to aim for her, but she leapt to the side and aimed for his unprotected side. He parried her and then went for her leg.

She twirled in a half spin blocking it.

The wood clashed as they leapt apart then sprinted at each other again. They parried trading back and forth of who was winning or losing at a fast pace few onlookers could keep up with their movements.

Kagome finally deciding to end it did her signiture move.

Clashing her sword against his one last time she slid back a few feet and squated slightly and launched herself in to air.

Bringing her kaatana down with the blow of her weight he barely blocked it above his head, his knees bent under pressure, she grinned.

Twisting her body in a flip she landed behind him and before he could turn around she kneeled and hooked her sword around his ankle and yanked it out from under him. He tumbled on to his back and Kagome rested the tip of her sword in his chest, kneeling beside him ready to apply more pressure if needed, grinning madly as she took deep breaths.

He shook his head moaning in low tones

"I should have known. Your flying angel technique.. How you got your nickname Tennyou...."

She smirked.

"So when do you want to treat me and Sango to dinner?" She said her blue eyes glinting as she stood up holding out a hand to help him up.

He accepted saying

"Since when did I have to treat Sango too?"

"Since I won.." Kagome snickered giving him back the sword.

He snorted.

Suddenly a shrilly shout of.

"All students wishing to join Kendo sit in the stands, everyone else can leave!!"

"Well thats my cue, see ya later Miroku and good luck!" She said as she picked up her bag.

"Thanks. Bye Kagome.." He said.

Kagome turned around and headed to the door only to see a figure leaning against the wall beside it watching her.

She immediately noticed the long silver hair and handsome face.


She frowned.

'great this is all I need... he looks like his brother.. geesh...'

Kagome stopped in front of him, hands on hips, saying

"How long have you been there Sesshoumaru?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" He asked.

She glared at him, although she bet he couldn't see her eyes thorugh the thick glasses.

"Friends taught me. Now answer my question."

"Long enough."

There was an uneasy silence between them as he continued to glare at her out of cold eyes.

Desperate for conversation Kagome said.

"Let me guess, you're trying out for Kendo?"

He snorted and pushed off the wall, walking torwards her. Kagome was scared for a minute but scolding herself the next. He walked up to her leaning close and sneered.

"I would not act so familiar with me girl. You know nothing of me. Compared to me.. YOU are ablsoulutely nothing.. "

Kagome glared at him as he walked past her, then said

"Sesshoumaru, you are such a jerk!! If you actually let some one close to you for once then they WOULD know something, and you wouldn't have to be so cold to everyone!!"

He spun around but Kagome had already dissapeared as she stomped out of the dojo with out a second glance.

'and I thought if I changed my looks I wouldn't have guy problems!' She thought angrily.

Looking at her watch she realized she still had about thirty minutes before archery club started.

'maybe they will let me shoot targets ahead of time...'

Turning down a hall she made it to the second dojo and went inside. A boy already stood there and seemed to be checking the bows out she walked up to him and tapped him gently on the shoulder.

He turned around a startled grin on his face.

She gasped.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in... may I help you?"

"Masaya...?" She whispered.

He looked startled.

"I'm sorry, have I met you before?"

Kagome gulped regaining her composure. She bowed quickly.

"No. no you haven't, but my cousin told me about you.. her name is Suzume Taeki? She said she met you at some... party..." Kagome led off, quite proud of her lie.

She saw his brown eyes brighten.

"Suzume? I haven't seen her since that night... is she well?"

"Yes, only later the next day she got a call from her family in America and had to go home... I don't know how long until she gets back..."

"Oh... I see..." He face seemed down cast. But then he smile saying "Oh how rude of me. May I ask your name?"

"It's Kagome. Kagome Kekkai."

"So what brought you to this dojo?"

"Oh, I jut finished wishing my friend good luck in Kendo.. when a rather rude boy I know set my nerves on end. I was hoping I could get some practice in before archery club actually started..." She said a twinge of hope in her voice.

Masaya smiled.

"I don't see why not. Do you have any previous experience with the bow?"

"Yes.. My grandfather taught me when I was three and ever since then I've love doing it.."

"I see.. well go change in to a haori and hakama.. they're in the storage room over there.." He pointed to a door.

She nodded, standing up.

Masaya watched her leave curiously as she grabbed the white and red outfit and headed to go change.

'What a strange girl..' Was his last thoguth before returning to his work.

Five minutes later Kagome walked in to the dojo again, dressed and brimming with excitement. She was wearing her hair back in a low horsetail and in the traditional miko outfit of white top and red leggings, an outfit she got well used to wearing living at a shrine all her life. Ever since she was young enough to learn she had studied the arts of becoming a miko. Her grandfather had said. 'A great power lies within you Kagome. But only you can decide to use it for good or bad. There is a legend about this..'

She shook the thoughts from her head. And smiled up through her glasses at Masaya.

He nodded handing her a bow and quiver of arrows saying

"Kagome you look like a real warrior wearing that."

"Thanks Masaya..." She said,a faint pink hue coloring her cheeks.

"Welcome. Now the targets are at the far end of the dojo, aim for the center alright?" He instructed.

She nodded walking to the mark to which she was to stand. Pulling out an arrow she notched it in her bow and held it staight before her pulling the bowstring taunt.

Closing one eye she took aim, and took deep calming breaths.

Focusing on the one point she pulled the string tight taking one last breath then released it.

Instantly bringing the bow to her side she watched it sail through the air.

Straight.. stright.... *thunk* hit.

She grinned in self satisfaction.

"Still haven't lost my touch......" She whispered to herself as she looked at Masaya who was grinning broadly.

"You weren't lying when you said you had experience. That was good!"

"I'd say...!!" A voice said from the doorway.

They turned to look. Greeted by the sight of two other upperclassman guys.

The one speaking had a charming smile on, one that all to reminded her of Miroku's smirks; and the other was watching her quietly.

"Masaya where did you find this girl? She's awesome!"

Kagome blushed.

"Li this is Kagome Kekkai.. a freshman.."

Kagome bowed, and they did likewise.

"Kagome this is Li Himiku, and Akito Kanaai. Members from last year. president and vice president actually.."

"Nice to meet you.." Kagome said.

"Same here. Are you trying out for Archery club?" Akito asked.


"Good!" Li said smiling charmingly again.

If Kagome hadn't known better... she would have said he was hitting on her.

But considering she had on glasses that covered half her face and where about two inches thick.. she doubted that.

"Kagome do you want to help us set up? It's not that hard.."


He motioned her over as they started carring out more bows and arrows. As she was sent to check the targets and finish setting up the rest of them.

Half an hour later when the people first starting rolling in, Kagome leaned against the wall sighing and catching her breath.

Li walked over to her asking

"You alright?"

"yeah I'm fine.. just a little tired..."

She took off her glasses so she could wipe the sweat off her face.

After settling her glasses on her nose again she looked up at him.

Li was looking down at her quizically.

"Kagome why don't you just wear contacts?"

She gulped.

"Well, I like glasses.. less work and problems.."

He looked confused but nodded.


"Hey Li, Kagome!! Get over here!!" Akito called.

"Alright, Alright! we're coming..!!" Li yelled back.

Kagome shrugged heading over to them as the meeting begun.


Sesshoumaru sent the final blow with his kataana as his oppenent hit the mats in surrender.

The teacher yelled stop, as he bowed.

Taking off his mask, he headed over to the doors leading to the locker room. Pulling off his practice clothes (A/N: no drooling!!) he quickly took a shower and got dressed.

Throwing his bag over his shoulder he headed over to the hallway he saw the girl leave through.

That girl....

He growled. Her words still ringing in his ears. Everything about her was a mystery and he was determined to figure it out.

Heading down the hall silently he was passing by the door to the second dojo when he heard faint tinkling laughter reach his ears. It sounded light and carefree and he couldn't restrain himself before he opened the door a crack to look in.

Several people were standing around in a circle talking and chatting while few tried to get the original goal at hand again.

Right in his line of veiw was a woman in a miko's garb, her hair pulled back gracefully, laughing with a guy to her right. From his veiw he could tell she had a nice figure and she was the one laughing that beautiful sound.

He stopped himself right there, pulling himself straight and continued walking down the hall.

He did not lower himself to spying on people or acting on wiles.

Now to find that wretched girl....