InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Stop molesting me in my sleep! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Kagome buried her face further in to the soft fabric surrounding her, trying to stay ensnared by the velvety comfort of darkness she resided. She inhaled deeply and her senses filled with a musky, some what familiar, scent imbedded within the pillows. Kagome cuddled it closer to her face as a contented smile curved her parted lips.

She needed these pillows for her room... she'd always sleep good then.

The tides of sleep once again blanketed her mind as she felt energy being released from her body, making her skin tingle with the sensation.


Sesshoumaru watched amused as she snuggled in to his pillow, practically molesting the feathered object.

'She must be feeling better...' He mused silently.

He felt the waves of energy being dispelled from her body, and he was beginning to suspect the pent up energy was the cause of her sudden transformation.

Sesshoumaru shifted in the chair, that was becoming more and more uncomfortable with each passing hour. He took it they were not meant to sit in for longer time periods... although he could not say the scenery didn't help ease the pain.

He had already called Bankotsu earlier that he had found Tennyou and she was resting in her apartment.

The fellow Oya-bun had been considerable pleased, although Sesshoumaru could not help but pity him since he had to inform his half brother and the wolf demon of her current situations.

Such protective attitudes couldn't be healthy.

His gold eyes danced in laughter in the darkened room as morning light shone through the glass, as he mentally made fun of the two other males. Flicks of color caught his gaze suddenly and he turned to find Kagome shifting restlessly. Her silver hair was fanned out around her, the silver strands shimmering and darkening in color to a midnight black.

He watched the transformation passively, until a human looking woman lay there breathing evenly.

She shifted to her side as her hands curled under her chin and her knees tucked in to her abdomens. The Oya-bun leaned forward and listlessly pushed a few stray locks from her face. Tennyou turned in to his fingertips, and rubbed against it for the warmth it radiated.

His eyes melted to a molten gold as he complied wondering idly how such a spirited and annoying woman could still be so innocent, peaceful, and tempting looking all in one as she lay before him. Kagome nudged her dainty nose against his palm as a small smile played on her lips.

"Mmmmmm........." She sighed in content, sinking heavily in to the pillows.

He stared at her with a raised eyebrow, right before he heard loud growling emitting from her stomach.

Sesshoumaru chuckled as he stood and pulled his grasp away from her tender face. He turned and was fully intent on heading for the kitchen to cook himself and his 'guest' something for breakfast.

The young woman whimpered at the loss of heat and scooted her form across the bed. Tennyou was nearly falling over the edge of the large futon before she snagged him... or rather his shirt, in a firm death grip.

He frowned at her for several moments before trying to pry her fingers from his person.

However, this only succeeded in her tightening her grip and yanking it towards her in sleep, using strength no sleeping person -should- possess.

Sesshoumaru was caught off balance and fell forward with barely enough time to brace his hands out in front of him... One hand resting on either side of her face.

He inhaled deeply in relief at not landing on her and glared at her innocent face mere inches below him, a satisfied smirk resting on her lips.

By gods, the woman was even evil in her sleep!!!!!!

He narrowed his eyes further to tiny slits of annoyance.

Now how to get out of this situation...?

The Oya-bun shifted slightly, easing himself towards the edge.

But obviously the demented woman didn't have the same thoughts in mind.

As soon as he had moved her other hand had crept to curl around his tail and began petting it affectionately.

A purr rumbled at the base of his throat as he practically melted against her, barely able to keep himself from falling.

Damn it..! She had found his one weakness!

He strained to keep upright as he noticed that his nose was now brushing hers.

Wave after wave of warm, tingling sensations swept through him at her touch.

He was beginning to wonder if she was -trying- to encourage him.

The inu youkai tried flicking his tail out of her reach, but found it somehow incapable of moving.

Sesshoumaru tried clearing his suddenly fogged mind as he took in what position they remained. He was practically lying on top of her hips up, and he was close enough to feel her warmth breath on his cheek.

Resisting the delightful shiver that accompanied that thought, he noticed her heartbeat began to quicken.


She was waking up...!

Several other colorful curses streamed through his mind as her brows drew together slightly and her eyelids wavered open, revealing cloudy blue eyes.

"Hmm...? What the.......?"

One, morbid thought ran through his mind as soon as he saw her eyes widened in alarm.

'I'm screwed.'


Kagome had been having the most interesting dream. She had been walking down a somehow familiar building, smiling at passer Byers whom just happened to be different kinds of youkai. She was grinning and waving at them in cheeriness, a odd warmth consuming her, when all of a sudden a black hole appeared under her and she fell through it. No scream left her throat in alarm, but all of a sudden a clawed hand reached out, keeping her from descending in to the dark crevices. She looked upwards, to gaze at her savior, only to find a blurred image there. He; she wasn't quite sure how she new it's gender but she did; pulled her up and on to the floor. She smiled and was about to thank him when his form suddenly started drifting away.

Her eyes had widened and she chased him until she finally caught part of his blurry image. She was quite sure, but she vaguely remembered crying 'Don't leave!' before hugging him close. He had not resisted her. When she felt safe enough, her fingers had brushed against something incredibly fluffy. She ran her fingers through it and she heard a odd rumbling sound, like thunder bursts around her.

His hold on her tighten and she felt the same weird warmth flow through her.

If she wasn't so sure it was dream, she would have believed it to be true.

It felt so.... real...

Kagome sighed as she was slowly dragged from her sleep. She became faintly aware of something heavy pressing on to her chest, and something soft and furry in one hand.

Her first thought was it was the family cat Buyo, but then again... when did the cat get so fat?

Curiosity poking at her mind restlessly, she cracked her eyes open and focused them.

However the first thing to greet her after a long restful nap were two golden eyes looming over here.

"What the...?"

Her eyes snapped open in shock as she cried loudly,

"WHAT THE HELL---?!?!!?! SESSHOUMARU?!!?!?!!?!"

Can't a girl even sleep without possibly being molested by one of the most dangerous and handsomest men in all the world!?!?!!?
