InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Explain NOW ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Sesshoumaru visually cringed at her loud decibel scream.

"Do you mind woman? Your killing my ears." He said coolly.

Not his smartest move ever made.

Her eyes blazed in fury as he face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Do I MIND?!?!! WHO was just molesting WHO, exactly?!!?!"

"I was not 'molesting' you..." He pointed out dryly "I was merely complying to your wishes."

"My wishes..? For one, Mr. Condescending jackass.. I was SLEEPing... I can't make wishes while I'm doing that...! Two, when did you ever listen to anyone besides your own egotistical self?!" She cried, although it was unconsciously lower then before.

He narrowed his eyes at her, his expression bland as he idly wondered where the sleeping angel went, and this fiery.. female came from.

Nicer vocabulary inserted of course.

"Resorting to name calling now Tennyou?"

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"If it will get you off of me, then YES!!"

He pushed down the urge to sigh as he easily slipped off the bed. He took a step away only to feel a pull on his body weight towards her.

The Oya-bun turned and followed his tail to where it was still firmly in Kagome's grasp.

Kagome followed his line of vision and gasped, releasing the appendage immediately with a large blush staining her cheeks.


He merely gave a small snort and moved back to his chair and descended gracefully against the wooden object.

"How are you feeling...?" He queried patiently, giving her a unblinking stare.

She shot him a confused look and said suscpiociously,

"I'm... Fine. Why..?"

"You don't remember?" He asked quizzically.

Kagome closed her eyes and rested and palm against her brow, trying to remember the last events her mind could scavenge.

She fought the assassin in the bathroom, she found Rin, then was battling with the other assassin when...

Her eyes snapped open in horror as she turned to him,

"I didn't hurt anyone did I?! When I-I was like that..?!"

Kagome saw amusement flicker in his gold eyes, as a smirk tilted his lips.

"Only the assassin... no one else."

Kagome sighed with relief and fell back on to her pillow.

But Sesshoumaru wasn't finished yet.

"That I know of, however. What happened last night Tennyou." He voiced steadily, as if he was commanding her like a servant.

Kagome gave him a flat stare from her reclined position.

"I don't have to tell you anything Sesshoumaru..."

His eyes narrowed and opened his mouth to speak when she held up a hand to silence him,

"BUT--- I will. Even if I DO find you repulsive." She sent him a cheeky grin as he frowned distastefully.

"You can turn anything in to a insult can't you?" He observed.

"One of my many talents." She replied with a satisfied grin.

He snorted in annoyance at hearing the insult before, as he stated,


She grumbled some obscenities under her breath that he chose to ignore.

"Grouch.." She admonished louder, as she cleared her throat. "If your trying to get information, it would motivate the speaker better if you treated them with respect instead of like dogs.."

"We are dogs." He indicated pointedly.

She bobbed her head slightly in compromise.

"Yeah, I guess you right.. but that doesn't mean you can order me around.."

"Your delaying the inevitable." He said dryly.

"But giving me time nonetheless."

"It's still is going to happen."

"So? It doesn't mean I can't annoy you to the brink of insanity first with my prattle."

"You are the most annoying chit I know of besides Kekkai."

Kagome grinned with a prideful, secretive air. A devote hand rested out her chest, her finger splayed against the shirt she wore, her eyes misted over in mock fulfillment.

"My life has been fulfilled. We have annoyed the GREAT Sesshoumaru-sama."

"Your enjoying this aren't you?"

"Of course I am!"

"Just tell me you ornery bitch."

"Well that was cruel.."

"Not as cruel as it will get if you don't stop your nonsense and answer."

Her lips pulled down in a pout.

"Fine you sardonic bastard...."

He raised a elegant brow but didn't respond, knowing it would only provoke her to more arguing.

Kagome exhale loudly as she shifted in the bed to a more comfortable position.

"Hmm.... where to begin..."

"The beginning." He suggested.

"The universe began with--"

"Not THAT beginning."

"Oh. You know, you should really be more pacific on what you want to ask..." She said nonchalantly, enjoying herself greatly just annoying the Taiyoukai.

Life was simply smashing sometimes.

"In any case, what you saw last night.. that was the result of the building up of too much power over a extended span of time without any release. My power is odd; it grows stronger when my emotions are feircer, and almost nonexistent when I'm calmed. If I don't use it for a few months, especially a rather stressful few months, it heightens until I have no control over what it does. It happens when I don't discharge for a while, usually while I'm undercover... or I forget to.." She laughed nervously at the end as Sesshoumaru nearly fell over.

"You merely.. forget something this important?"

"Yes. it's actually very easy too." She sulked.

"So when this `discharge' happens, why do you transform in to a inu youkai?"

Kagome's lips tipped upwards as she spoke lithely,

"That's the preferable demon I turn in to.. I mean, it -IS- my family's species after all. Just, I was born with special abilities that I hold a human appearance, instead of a demon one."

"What kind of abilities do you withhold?"

"To be vague; Miko and youkai skills."

"Continue." He beckoned her, earning a snort of disapproval.

"...When I overtax myself like I did last night, my miko powers sort of..." She paused a moment, trying to find a decent way to convey her point "...Fade. So my demonic form surfaces more clearly. To the silver-haired chick you saw last night." Tennyou concluded with a mischievous tint to her eyes.

Sesshoumaru leaned back in his chair and absorbed the information.

"Is that it?"

"Pretty much." Se offered with a shrug. "Is the interrogation over?"

He rolled his eyes slightly, with a nod.

"Good!" She cheered. After such a well rested night she was feeling quite energetic for some odd reason. She was burning to ask him what actually happened last night, since when her demon side was in charge she had no control over what happened.

She chuckled as the old saying repeated in her thoughts,

`Out of sight, out of mind.'

and I'm definitely out of my mind. I'm in a room giving Sesshoumaru a personal interview of myself, while in his bed and in large, comfy clothes that---

Kagome's body went rigid as her trail of thought finished in crystal clear clarity. Her mind doing connect the dots.

---That aren't mine.

That belong to a man.

A lean, tall, handsome man.

With silver hair and piercing golden eyes and a sardonic attitude...

Kagome groaned.

Aw.... Fuck.

A blush spread rapidly across her cheeks.

Not a good word to use at the moment! NOT a good word to use at moment!

She shook her head rapidly side to side before pinning Sesshoumaru with a angry stare.

"Sesshoumaru.." She began in a tersely, grinding her teeth together "..Why the HELL am I wearing your clothes?"

He raised a eyebrow and said as casually as telling someone what the weather was like,

"I dressed you in them last night when we got to my apartment."

Kagome felt her face become enflamed, and her eyes to sparkle in battle-ready anger. Her lips twisted in to a deadly frown right before she screamed at him,


His eye twitched at her loud cry, but didn't cover his aching ears. It would show weakness.

"You were drenched and you could not return to you proper body temperature if I didn't change you in to different clothing. Now, if you don`t mind cease your horrid shrieking this instant."

Kagome chewed the inside of her cheek in a desperate attempt to qualm her sudden embarrassment and anger for the demon.

It wasn't working.

"Why in the world was I soaked ANYWAYS?!"

"You fell in to the bay. If I hadn't of saved you, you would have probably drowned last night."

Kagome practically deflated immediately at his words.

"You... You saved me...?" She whispered lowly.

He snorted, looking away from her penetrating blue eyes. It was affecting him oddly, as if he wanted to grin at her boyishly, and see her act like she did with young Rin last night.

It was absurd.

"Yes. We're even now." He replied thinking back to the first time he'd met her at the warehouse.

Kagome smiled warmly, her lively blue eyes softening as she gazed at his profile in a new light. She had thought he was a cold hearted killer, calculating jerk, and a condescending fool.

However, now... all she could see were his good qualities.

He was a man who demanded respect, and protected the ones he cared for with fierce determination. He gave no mercy to killers but was weary to open his hurt to anyone in dread of being hurt.

And he had saved her.

Kagome reached out a deft hand and rested it on his shoulder. He turned his molten gold eyes on to her, set like frozen fire in his stoic mask.

"What?" He asked briskly.

"I wanted to say..." She cocked her hand slightly to the side, the smile still glowing on her face. All her anger depleted, replaced by an odd... warm sensation trickling through her body at all her new realizations of the Oya-bun. "...Thank you. Sesshoumaru-sama."

Oh no, she thought with humour, she was beginning to respect him.

As a man.. and a friend.

What was the world coming to..?

A end probably.

Yet... she didn't mind a bit.

She had befriended him, and that was all she cared about right now.


Aww...........! Kawaii! I love this story! *huggles computer screen* I have been drawing a few fan arts for this fan fiction but I can't post them yet on my account. Because they are of later scenes, and I don't want to spoil it for you guys..! ^_^

Oh.. yeah! I forgot to mention this! I opened an account at as per requested! My username is Miko Angel (No surprise there huh?) also (same username) at the sess/kag website a single spark... but anyways.. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter..! >.<

Arigatou for all the reviews as well! ^_________^ Greatly appreciated!( and graciously accepted ^_~)

Well till I update again!



*Miko Angel*