InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Defiance is always good ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]






"Y~e~s..! Just admit it!"


"In denial then?"






"Are you really a transsexual women acting like a macho jackass so no one will suspect what you really are?" She asked sweetly, propping her chin in her hand.

He sent her a dry look, a faint frown on his lips.


"Definitely in denial..." She concluded, with a slight bob of her head. He just rolled his eyes from behind the newspaper.

The two of them were sitting at a large Western style oak table inside his humongous apartment. He was sitting at one far end, reading a newspaper and sipping some coffee.

In sickingly perfect grace and manners, she might add. It would seem like he was eating in front of the pope or something.


Truly, truly disgusting.

Tennyou tsked inside her head.

She, however, was sitting slumped in her plush chair, elbows resting on the table and making fun of him unabashed. Dressed in HIS clothing, and looking like she just got of bed.

Which she actually just did.

HIS bed. In HIS apartment.

Well.. it wasn't exactly her choice so she wasn't feeling embarrassed.

Too much.

Kagome bit the inside of her lip as her brows drew together in sudden thought.


Sesshoumaru sighed in exasperation, setting his paper down on the table. He couldn't get any peace or quiet with this annoying woman around. He pinned her with a fixed stare, his golden eyes boring in to hers.

"What is it -now- woman?"

She looked at him, her face filled with confusion.

"What were we arguing about again?"

He would have fell out of his chair had he been anyone else for that remark.


Kagome sighed in boredom as she flopped down on to the soft mattress and stared up at the ceiling.

"Bastard.." She muttered annoyed.

The bastard being the one and only--

--"Great" Sesshoumaru-sama.

His -highness- wasn't allowing her to go home yet. Saying something along the lines of "Fulfilling the deals made."

He was such a sardonic jerk, making her suffer like this even though she was -perfectly- fine!

What a joy killer!

Besides that, he had left for some "important" meeting, leaving her here alone with that grouchy toad demon..

Jaben or something..

How dare Sesshoumaru!

He couldn't keep her locked up like this! With poor company at that! She thought defiantly.

It... It was just illogically!

She was Tennyou, for Kami-sama's sake!

Yakuza's angel of the night! Deadly assassin for the Higurashi clan!

Hell---she was Kagome Higurashi! A Yakuza-hime for that matter! Trained by the best, a very powerful demoness, AND she has mysterious powers unknown to anyone, even the elders!

And he thought she would dutifully stay here and wait bored OUT OF HER MIND for the rest of her weekend when she could be out having fun???

Ah---NO WAY!!

Kagome sat up in the bed, sparks of fire in her eyes, body taught with adrenaline.

Glancing around the room for any possible resources for her escape, she grinned evilly.

Clenching her hand in to a fist of resolution, she laughed lowly.

"No more Miss nice Yakuza-hime.."

Poor Jaken never had a chance.


Sesshoumaru pushed open the door in to his apartment, expecting a enraged female to pounce him and try to castrate him for making her stay here against her will.

Nothing happened.

Curious, and ever cautious for surprise attacks, he called out monotonously,


No reply, on a slight muffle and scuffing inside the closet.

Thoroughly baffled he walked over to it and pulled it open.

A bound, gagged, and quite abused green toad demon came tumbling out.

Only one explanation for the perpetrator.


Crouching down he removed the gag with a raised eyebrow. The toad immediately began squawking in outrage.

"That little-! I beg for forgiveness Sesshoumaru-sama! I was guarding the door exactly like you commanded me, when she jumped me, beating this poor Jaken and throwing him in to this closet! She is even worse then that human child Rin! I'll teach that woman a lesson next time I see her!"

Sesshoumaru frowned, but refrained from adding some more bruises to the loyal retainer's form. Instead he stood and went in to his room where Tennyou was most likely to be.

She wasn't there lounging on his bed like he vainly hoped.

But a note was.

Snatching it up he read it in growing irritation.


Dear Fluffy,

If your reading this, then you know I'm not here. You should know better then to leave me alone with weak opponents you know, not very smart of you. Anyways, I went to go get some fresh air and have some fun! You should really try it sometime you old grouchy man! Live a little...!!



He felt his eye twitch in annoyance as he crumbled the note in his hand and dropped it to the ground.

Damn impertinent wench...

Inhaling deeply, he took in her wonderful scent and followed it to the window. Raising a eyebrow, he stared at the sheets from his bed knotted together, tied securely to the heavy table they ate breakfast at in the morning.

Wonderful. His bedding was out in the open for everyone in the world with eyes to see.


The very tip of the makeshift rope was hanging about five feet from the sidewalk passing by his building. So that's how she escaped. Tennyou must no have wanted to raise suspicion from the staff here. Smart move for her part. Many workers here were part of his clan and he had already alerted them if they saw her try to leave, to apprehend her immediately and take her back to his room.

'Very smart,' his gaze switched back to the "rope" with a bland expression, 'and resourceful too.'

Too bad she left a trail for him to follow, and we got his hands on her...

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed.

.... was she going to wish she HAD listened.


"Here you go miss. Enjoy." The waitress said to her before walking away to get the orders from another table. Kagome grinned is ecstasy as she stared at the mouth watering, double Decker hamburger before her, with a side order of fries. Nothing had ever looked so delectable before in all her life.

Well, except for that one time, she had gone a whole day without eating and had saw that cake in the window. Miroku had tried to stop her from buying it but... Ah, to make a long story short, let's just say she came out the victor of THAT battle.

Although after a day of pure boredom and frustration, the hamburger was beginning to equal the worth of the holy grail to King Arthur from that English folklore.

Kagome was currently sitting at small outdoor cafe not to far away from Sesshoumaru's place. Oh yes, she KNEW he'd follow her but she had a plan. She was going to show her pompous, condescending 'friend' a good time.

To live... outside... the box.

She laughed, getting the mental image of the stoic Sesshoumaru standing with his arms crossed over his chest, a cardboard box over his head, saying the famous lines,

"We are NOT amused."

Kagome took a sip from her straw, grinning.

Now THAT... She would pay to see.

Chuckling she clasped the hamburger in her hands while propping her elbows on the red and white checkered tablecloth.

Gazing over her prize, she noticed a regal white figure heading straight for her.


Her grin widened, the perfect idea coming to her, as he stopped on the opposite side of her table, glaring heatedly at her.

She did nothing beside raise her eyebrow questioningly at him, not moving.

His manicured nails clicked against her table, as if waiting for her to start stuttering out apologizes for her obvious disobedience.

She, however, had the exact opposite in mind.

Kagome moved the hamburger to her lips, letting it hover there for a second. His eyes narrowed as if saying 'You wouldn't dare.'

She would.

And did.

Kagome swiftly took a large bite of the juicy morsel, chewing in deliberate slowness, never removing her eyes from his, as they practically glowed with masked fury.

'Has anything ever tasted better in my whole life?' She pondered, laughing inside at him.

Sesshoumaru regained his composure and asked tightly,

"What do you have to say for yourself this time Tennyou?"

Kagome was cackling evilly inside her mind, knowing she was digging her own grave.

But it sure as hell would be worth it to see his face


A grin spread across her face as she taunted the Campbell soup song with pleasure.

"Umh-mmm-uhm-mm-mmm... good."

She was not disappointed.


*laughs* Ah that was good..(^_^) I've been planning this particular scenario in my head since I first started this story.. and I finally found a place to put it! *cheers* and many many many MANY thanks to everyone! I now have*checking* 218 reviews on! I feel so very loved! It makes feel all the better, since I enjoy writing this story very much..! Also at I found I've had over 900 visits to this fanfic! (0_0) amazing huh? So as thanks, I tried making this chapter a little longer then usual!

Oh, and as many of you have stated in your reviews, I'll try to make Kagome's 'transforming theory' and little more understandable throughout the next few chapters, so no worries! ^_^

Thanks again to everyone else and I hope you enjoyed this chappie!(I was laughing extremely hard while writing it)

Ja mata everyone!

R & R!


*Miko Angel*