InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Splash ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Sesshoumaru's aura darkened considerably as this... infuriating woman swallowed her food and motioned to the seat across from her as if nothing was wrong That was, if a smug grin wasn't playing on her lips.

"Care for a seat Sesshoumaru?"

He continued glaring at her.

"What are you planning wench?" He demanded in clipped tones. Her eyes narrowed as she sipped from her drink.

"Take a seat and I'll tell you O' great master of me." She commanded with a dramatic roll of her eyes. He refused, as his claws curled around the seat, digging in to the chrome frame.

"I've had enough of your sharp tongue woman. Speak, Now."

Tennyou dug her heels in to the cement as she refrained from responding with an indecent retort to his biting words.

"Can't you at least TRY being nice?" She sighed.


Weaving her fingers together, she rested her chin on them as her expression became serious.

"You want to know what I am planning? Well, for some unfathomable reason, I want to give you a day out on the town without any worries, annoyances, or anything of the like." She punctuated each word with a count on her finger, "To save myself from the boredom of your apartment, and fulfill this idea of mine as well. So I came up with a perfect solution...!"

".... To escape, and lure me out here since you knew I would come after you." He spoke blandly, the realization finally striking him. He resisted the urge to smack him self for being so blind to the obvious. She grinned, her face becoming cheerful once again.

"Exactly. Now," She waved to the waiter and called out for her check "Will you come with me willingly or will I have to drag you along the whole way?"

"Or I could always just bring you back to my apartment and lock you up." He told her.

"I'll just escape again, and wait for you to find me and we can have this argument all over again until we are old and smell like old cheese." She challenged as she checked the tab and dropped some of yen pieces on to the table to cover it.

Sesshoumaru almost growled in annoyance. This woman too cunning for her own good sometimes. He should have just let her drown. He frowned, it seemed he had been put in to a corner on this.

Damn wench.

"If there is no other possible solution then I guess it is unavoidable." He muttered, lifting his nose haughtily in the air.

She clasped her hands together, she looked skyward and thanked the un-named god for letting the inu-youkai agree to something not on his own terms.

That truly was a miracle after all.

Standing up with a mock salute and click of her heels together in a military fashion, while quipping,

"Yes milord master. No choice at all!"

"Damn straight." He sniffed, a amused smirk on his face.

Kagome stared at him for a moment before smiling in that carefree way of hers. She shifted forward while hooking her elbow through his.

"Shall we go then?" At his curt, begrudging nod, she began pulling him jubilantly down the street.

"All right then! First stop, the candy shop!"


Kagome pushed open the door and heard the jingle of the bell overhead, signaling the arrival of customers. She grinned dreamily as she gazed at the shelf upon shelf, row upon row of sweet, delicious looking, teeth rotting candy.

A child truly is in heaven at a candy store.

Or... in her case, a college student and Yakuza member with a unquenchably large sweet tooth.

She turned to look at her 'mission' to see him shaking his head in exasperation. Probably because of all places she could have chosen to go.. she chose a candy store.

Kagome only smiled happily at him when he looked her way.

"Isn't this place great?" She questioned, chocolaty fantasies already swirling behind her azure eyes. He didn't say anything as he gave her a flat stare. Kagome shrugged while tugging his arm further inside the store. "Fine Mr. grumpy-pants, be a candy miser to all the happy little children of the world. But, just to let you know, this is my treat."

Kagome forced down a giggle as he started a very cold contention on him not being a 'grumpy pants' while still managing to make it sound like he was arguing over a new law with the President of the United States, instead of over a silly nickname.

Leaning down, she plucked up a single malt bar from an open canister to her left, completely ignoring him. She had a solution for this. Clocking her time wisely as she stood straight, waiting until right as his mouth opened wide enough, she popped it in to his trap mid-word on his part.

His mouth immediately closed and he glared at her. However, as the chocolate melting in his mouth, she saw his golden eyes start to lighten much like that of a child's delight. It was too much for the poor girl.

Kagome didn't fight the laughter down she felt welling in her throat.

Sesshoumaru growled at her, but it was only half as threatening as before. He was reaching for the canister of malt bars she had grabbed it from, and Kagome wasn't about to stop him with her new learned knowledge.

Sesshoumaru's only weakness.


Who would have guessed?

Moving throughout the store, she picked up random candies she knew Shippou would love. Suckers, gum, taffy...

Ah... life was great sometimes.

Peeking out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sesshoumaru browsing down a nearby aisle in serious contemplation, his hand already loaded with about two pounds worth of malt balls. Kagome bit her lip at the unusual sight.

A ruthless Yakuza godfather with a fetish for chocolate, spending a Sunday afternoon in a candy store with her.

Hmm... where's a camera when you need one?

Fifteen minutes later, the two left ladened down with what must have been half the store in their possession. Kagome swung all of the plastic bags back and forth as they traveled down the sidewalk. Even she wasn't so cruel as to make Sesshoumaru carry three pink bags filled with chocolate down a busy boulevard of people.

At least, for NOW she wasn't being that cruel. She wanted to actually have fun and show him a good time out on the town. Kami-sama KNOWS the man needed it.

Kagome caught sight of the large opening in a park before them, a humongous stone fountain in the center with two angels carved in the middle, clear water spouting from the tips of their wings. An idea consumed her mind and she grinned evilly.

Alright a LITTLE bit of torture couldn't hurt......... She compromised to herself.


Sesshoumaru watched as Tennyou quickened her steps and started walking backwards in front of him, grinning mischievously.

The look never meant anything good for him. Damn it.

"Sesshoumaru-sama...." She sang lowly. Her hands folded behind her back, the bags crinkling noisily in the background.

He kept his expression schooled as he answered.


"I'm so hungry," She groaned although it sounded closer to laughter. "I think I'll eat some of that chocolate you bought. You don't mind do you...?"

Horror streaked through him but he didn't show it. Some sign must have slipped somewhat because she started laughing.

Kagome turned and ran in to the forest calling behind her,

"I'll take that as a yes!"

Sesshoumaru moved after her, not about to let his candy be devoured by her. It was HIS candy!

"Give it back Tennyou." He demanded, as she hopped up on to the ledge of the fountain and walked backwards away from him atop it, slowly unwrapping a caramel turtle.

"Yum.... this looks sooooo good...!" She taunted, her eyes dancing in merriment, as her black hair was falling down around her, like the wall of water behind her form.

"Tennyou..." He growled.

"Yeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss..............?" She asked, holding the chocolate up to her mouth like she'd done with the hamburger earlier that day.

Without thinking he sprung forward in lightning speed, hopped on to the ledge beside her, and snatched her wrist holding the sweet. Tennyou dropped the other bags in her other hand in surprise and they feel to the cement. Plucking it out of her slightly shocked grasp, Sesshoumaru popped it in to his mouth.

"That would be mine." He declared.

Kagome just stared up at him with curiously surprised eyes. Why was she surprised? He wondered as he glanced her over. He stiffened.

He realized why.

She was mere inches away from him, for sometime during his 'retrieval mission' his other hand had snuck to curl around her slim waist.

He cursed mentally.


Kagome stared at him wondering what he was doing. Gulping deeply, she started shifting against him to get out of his grasp. Until unexpectedly her foot descending in to a puddle splashed on to the stone ridge and her foot slipped out from underneath her and she went flying backwards.

"Whoa...!" She gasped.

And she wasn't the only one who went under.



Hehe..! sorry, It seems my scenes are slightly overlapping, but it is working pretty well. I want to say sorry for such a delayed update too! I started working on this chapter last weekend but it seems I caught the virus going around our school and have been sick for the past week. *blanches* I hate being sick! (T-T) Anyways, who voted for the Single Spark awards for the best Sesshoumaru/Kagome fanfics? I did! And some of my favorites actually won! (>_<) Yay!

Also, to those who've read her profile, anybody know Twilight of Truth? Well she's been on the site (recently known as Go-Gaia) and I just wanted to spread the word about the site! It's awesome! (^_^) Anywho, thank you for all the reviews! (I will reply to them, but I'm starting to feel sick again (damn Tylenol is wearing off already!! (T-T)) so I'll try reply to some of the comments/questions next chapter..!

So until next time and I'm feeling good again, Ja Mata!


*Miko Angel*