InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ Meet The New Kids ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everyone, Ley-san here and I haven't written a story in soooo long. But I'm making it up to you now. I'm going for a different approach this time so I hope you like it!


Chapter 1: Meet the New Kids


Miroku drove down the road in his black convertible that sat four. The girls were in the back wondering how the new change the school was going through would affect the up coming school year.


"I can't believe they ran out of funds! How does something like that happen?" Kagome asked.


"I don't know but all I wanna know is what the hell `others' mean." Sango replied. Kagome nodded. "Hey I won't mind who or what they are, as long as they are nothing like Kykio."


Miroku smiled and looked at his best friends in the rear-view mirror. They had never gotten along with Kykio, not that he blamed them Kykio was a bitch. It was as simple as that. "That slut has another thing coming! Did you hear what she said in the mall yesterday? She actually thinks she can get captain! I mean hello! You're only a junior! If anyone gets it, it would be a senior. Or me." she added.


"Sango you're a junior too." Miroku pointed out, "We all are." Sango stuck her tongue out at the boy driving. "Yeah it feels so nice to be an upper classmen now!" Kagome cheered with Sango and Miroku had to smile. He loved these girls, they had been friends forever. They were both beautiful, especially Sango if only he had the nerve to… but it didn't matter it would never happen.


Miroku looked back at the girls to see them relaxed against the seat. Big mistake. You don't relax near Miroku Houshi. As he saw the school parking lot in the distance he gently increased his speed little by little so the girls wouldn't notice until he jerked the wheel and hit the breaks at the same time, skidding into the parking lot. The girls screamed and Miroku laughed hysterically as he pulled into a parking space.


"Miroku!" Sango screeched, "What were you thinking?"


"My dear Sango, what are you talking about?" He asked.


"That's the problem, he can't think." Kagome said as she pushed the boy's seat up to let herself out of the two door car, squishing Miroku with all she had, which was a lot. She jumped out of the car and let Miroku's seat fall back roughly and waited for Sango to get out as well. Once she did the same to Miroku, he got out himself. "Not so hard ladies. I know you like it rough, but not here where everyone can see." He said rubbing his head.


The girls shook their heads and watched as Miroku locked the car and reached over the door to grab his shoulder pads. "Miroku, why did you lock it?" Sango asked.


"You can never be to safe my dear." Miroku said.


"But the top is open, won't someone just… oh never mind." She said shaking her head. "Come on Kagome or we'll be late."


Kagome nodded and they walked of together. "Good luck at cheerleading tryouts!" called Miroku before heading the other way to the football practice field.




"Alright girls, I want flyers on this side, and bases on that one!" Called Helen, the cheerleading coach. Sango and Kagome walked to the flyers side and were soon joined, to their dislike, Kykio and her faithful side-kick, Yura, some familiar faces, and then a few girls they never seen before.


"We will have two sets of tryouts, flyers and bases. We will keep 5 flyers and a set of 4 bases for each flyer, got that?" Helen asked, looking around to see if there were any questions. "Now, since we had the joining of the schools, and the move from JV to Varsity, there are a lot of people I don't know, and there are also a few familiar faces." She smiled at Kagome and Sango, who were both on the Varsity team last year, even though they were only sophomores. "So I want you to get to know the people in the same position as you. We will get to know each other today, so it will be easy, but don't expect it like this tomorrow." She turned to her bag and pulled out some papers, meaning "Do what I said now or get cut."


Kagome looked around, all the flyers seemed really nice, well most of them. Kykio stuck out her chest and looked around to make sure everyone was looking at her. "You should ALL know me, I'm Kykio. I will be getting captain this year, so don't make me mad. You should all want to be my friend because I have connections with the football players." She stuck her chest out even more to make her boobs look bigger. "But I won't be everyone's friend because some of you are ugly." She glanced around at the other girls and smirked.


Kagome and Sango tried to stifle their laughs. A girl they had never seen before walked up to them and pointed at Kykio. "Who's she trying to impress? Cause I sure don't swing that way." She said. Kagome and Sango burst into quiet laughter. "I'm Ayame from CHSDC I take it you're from the other school." The girl had long red, green eyes, and was really pretty. Kagome nodded. "Yeah, I'm Kagome and this is Sango."


Sango looked at Ayame, "What does CHSDC stand for?"


Ayame looked down before looking Sango strait in the eyes. "Central High School for Demonic Creatures. And we all are." She said proudly, waiting for a reaction. She didn't know how this school would act towards demons and magical creatures.


"That's so cool!" Sango cried


"Really?" Ayame asked.


Kagome nodded, "Yeah! So um, what are you?"


Ayame looked confused for a minute before getting what Kagome meant. "Full wolf demon." She said proudly.


"Alright girls! Practice is over for today I know it was short but we can't do anything physical until I get all of you health cards so make sure everyone has them for tomorrow!" Helen called. Kagome, Sango and Ayame turned to walk away but Helen called Kagome and Sango to stay back. Ayame went ahead as Helen made her way to the girls.


"I wanted to thank you guys for accepting students from the other school so quickly, it means a lot to me. This will really improve your chances for making the team, not that you guys would need it." She said winking. The girls smiled at their coach, she could really be sweet.


"Let's go see if Miroku's done yet." Sango said and together they walked down the path to the football field.


"Hey!" Ayame cried, she was coming the opposite way. "I guess they have another hour or so left." She said pointing to the guys with shoulder pads and helmets on.


"Who were you waiting for?" Sango asked slyly.


"Kouga, my boyfriend. What about you guys, anyone out there for you?" she said exactly like Sango.


"Yeah, my ride." Kagome said, "And now we have to wait." She said scowling.


"Whatever, we'll embarrass him." Sango said grinning. "Wanna help, Ayame?"


"No, I need to get home." She said as the three of them walked back to the parking lot. "I just live a few houses away from here bye!" she waved before running off.


Sango walked behind Miroku's car and bent down, feeling underneath the bumper. "What are you looking for?" Kagome asked. Sango felt around for a minute more before standing up. "This!" she cried, holding up a key.


"How did you know it was there?" Kagome asked.


"I watched him put it under here like a month ago." Sango said simply, not realizing what she walked into.


"You watched him? Sango you stalker! You love Miroku!" Kagome cried out pointing at her.


Sango blushed. "I do not! He lives across the street, it wasn't my fault." She said.


"Sure, you couldn't help but stare at him." Kagome whispered.


"Whatever, get in." Sango said as she ran up the trunk and jumped into the back seat.


"Miroku would kill you if he saw that." Kagome said as she walked to the side of the car and put her hands on the side to volt herself over the side next to Sango in the back.


"What he doesn't know won't kill him." She said as she leaned over the front seat to start the car. She found a radio station she liked and turned the volume up all the way. "Now we have fun until he comes." Sango said evilly, sliding back next to Kagome.




"What the hell is that? I thought stupid cheerleading was supposed to end early!" the boy next to Miroku complained.


Miroku nodded, "It did InuYasha, so what could that music be from?" he asked, looking around. "Shit, I know what it is." InuYasha waited for his new friend to explain, but he just walked faster into the parking lot. Then InuYasha knew. There were two girls sitting on the part of a black convertible where the top folds into with their feet dangling in the back seats. The music was blaring on some peppy radio station and the girls were singing along. Miroku walked up to the car and pushed the girls into the back seat.


They scowled as "Naughty Girl" went on with out them. "Hey!" they cried. Miroku leaned in the driver's seat and turned down the radio. "You guys are such losers." He said. Sango threw her shoe at him. "Are you hinting at something Sango? Do you want to strip for me?"


"In your dreams, Lech." Sango said, using her favorite nickname for him. "Who's that?" she asked, pointing at the guy with the long silver hair in a bandana.


"InuYasha, we're taking him home, so you get this." Miroku said throwing his sweaty helmet, pads and shirt at the girls.


"Ewww! You're so gross Miroku!" Kagome cried throwing his clothes out of the car.


"And yet you still want me so bad it hurts." He said grinning as he picked up his stuff, popped the trunk and threw it in. He slammed it shut once InuYasha put his stuff in too. (But he kept his shirt on) "Sango you bitch, you jumped on my trunk again!" Miroku cried.


"I don't know what you're talking about." Sango said, looking away.


"Your foot print is right here!" He said


"Must be a coincidence." She said.


"As if, you'll pay later. I expect you to wash my car." Sango shrugged. "Car wash uniform required." He said smiling.


"What?" Sango asked.


"You should be in a white shirt, no bra needed." She said, eyes glazing over.


"Miroku! You are such a lecher!" Sango cried, hitting him in the back of the head. Miroku just laughed as he pulled out of the parking lot, and InuYasha wondered if he should pick new friends.




Well how did you like it? I'm planning on this being a long one. I never in a million years thought I would have Kagome and Sango being cheerleaders. First of all, that is so not Sango and Kagome. Second of all, most cheerleaders piss me off. Omg! U had to run a lap around the track! Big deal, try a real sport, then see how hard practice is. But if u cheer and play a real sport, cuz cheering is so not a sport, then u don't piss me off. In case u couldn't tell, I don't cheer. But yea in this story, Kykio is a slut and so is Yura. And Kouga wont like Kagome like he usually does, just as a friend, and InuYasha wont hate him. At least I don't think so but u never no wat will come out of this head. Lol! Review and new chapter coming soon!
