InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ Uniforms Equal Tension ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter 2: Uniforms Equal Tension




Miroku grunted as he ran into a heavy bag with all his might. He was at football practice. It has been 3 weeks since the last day of tryouts, and they had been long. He hated tryouts because all you did was show the coaches what you already knew, you didn't learn anything. A whole week was set aside for tryouts since the school was so much bigger now. That meant more kids, which was good because it meant more girls. Not that any girl was as pretty as Sango.


He smirked as he hit the bag again. Football tryouts ended the same time as cheerleading tryouts ended. The whole way home he and InuYasha had to listen to Sango and Kagome complain about Kykio making the team as well. Girls' problems were so easy. A girl you don't like was on your team, big deal. Boys had real problems. Take InuYasha for example. He brought his car into the shop the day tryouts started. First the mechanics slacked off, then they painted it the wrong color. Now InuYasha was without a car until the first day of school. Now that's a real problem. Of course Sango had no idea what that was like, she didn't even have a car. He had to drive her every where, when ever she wanted. Not that he minded that much…


"Miroku! Where's your head? I want to see your best or you're off the starting line up. Now take 2 laps!" the offence coach shouted. Miroku groaned. This is where thinking about Sango got you, running.




"Alright girls, good practice! Come over here now!" Kagome smiled as her team of bases threw her up and caught her once more to bring her down. They were all really enthusiastic. She was glad too, because they stood in the middle during most the routines. Everyone piled around Helen.


"Now since we joined schools, we got new school colors. We are now the Falcons, colors blue red and black. Since we are Varsity, and one of the most watched sports, we are one of the fist teams to get new uniforms. When I call your name, get your uniform, then leave. You must wear it to school tomorrow or you whole mini team will get benched, no exceptions. You should be proud and have faith in your team. Now let's see… Ayame!"




"Wow, these look great!" Miroku said for what seemed like the hundredth time.


"You aren't suppose to wear them until tomorrow, dumb ass." InuYasha growled.


"I wanted to see how they look, they're new!" Miroku cried, as if that explained it all.


When they got to Miroku's car, InuYasha growled again. "Where are they?" he whined.


"You always say that. When they aren't here you whine that they take to long and when they are here you say that cheerleaders are wusses and don't practice enough." Miroku said, waving to the girls as the came up. "See they're here now."


"It is a wussy sport, hell it shouldn't even be called a sport!" InuYasha said and pulled his seat back so the girls could climb in behind him.


Kagome threw a bag that InuYasha guessed was her uniform onto the seat between her and Sango. "I totally agree InuYasha. All these girls complain that cheerleading is so exhausting, try a real sport, then lets see how you act. We only play to keep in shape for later season sports. Plus, flying's fun." InuYasha was shocked, he expected Kagome to get mad and yell at him. Then again, that wasn't like Kagome, he liked her. No wait! What was he thinking? Kagome was nothing but a little girl, sure he only had a few months on her, but he was way more mature than her.


Sango nodded in agreement to Kagome, then pointed to Miroku, "New jerseys? Us too. But you do realize you don't need them on now, don't you?"


Miroku turned around and grinned, "Falcon's spirit!" he cried, throwing his arms up in the classic cheerleader pose.


"Oh shut up." Sango groaned.




Miroku grinned as he looked into the mirror and rolled his jersey sleeves up. Sure it was a let down that school started today, but there was a game tonight! He couldn't wait. Satisfied with how he looked, he grabbed his keys and ran down the stairs. He didn't bother with breakfast, Sango always brought his something extra because she complained that if he ate, he took to long. He got into his car, put it into reverse and backed it across the street right into Sango drive way. Oh the advantages to living across the street from her. Especially in the summer, when Kagome slept over. He could see from his window into hers, they had a lot of pillow fights, and how anyone slept in such tight clothes was beyond him. Both girls wore tank tops and shorts. It wasn't as fun to watch in the winter though. They wore big sweatshirts over their tank tops. He shook his head and tried to get the image of Sango in a tank top out of his head, he couldn't afford to think about that now.


He honked his horn and turned around to see Sango come out of her house. Apparently, Sango in a tank top was at the least of his worries. The new uniforms were hot. The skirt was slit every few inches from the bottom all the way to the top, leaving a few inches of fabric to hold the skimpy thing together. The top was short too. It started half way up her stomach, and seemed to end at the back. But when she turned around to pull her door shut, he saw that two straps went from the corners of the bottom, criss-crossed, then met the corners of the top. It was all red. The bottom of the skirt was blue, the shirt straps had a blue stripe between the red and over Sango's lovely chest, were the letters FHS.


Miroku swallowed. Sango ran to the car before jumping up and over, clearing the door and landing in the back seat. It wasn't the fist time she did this, but the first time she did it in something so revealing. He groaned. As Sango climbed into the front with Miroku, leaving red and blue pompoms in the back, he lifted an eyebrow to her.


"Yeah I know, how could they make us wear this?" She said.


Miroku had a different meaning to the look, but left it alone. He didn't want to get hit so early in the morning. Sango stuffed a piece of toast into his mouth and reached for her seat belt.


Miroku took the toast out of his mouth, and turned to Sango, "This is all I get?" he whined.


Sango nodded. "I couldn't get my hair right so I didn't have time to get anything else. Sorry." She smiled at his disheartened face. "You'll get over it. Now drive boy!"


Miroku put the car into drive and pulled out of her driveway. "I like it when you take charge." Sango just shook her head.


Next they picked up InuYasha and Sango got kicked in the back. It didn't make her mad though, now she and Kagome could complain about this trashy uniform easier.


When they got to Kagome's house, she was outside already with her arms crossed, pompoms in hand and tapping her foot. Miroku looked at the clock, they weren't late, as a matter of fact, they were early, so why was she mad?


Kagome walked to the car and threw her pompoms on the seat. She took a step back and twirled around, the skirt lifted up and the slits gained different altitudes. What you couldn't see before was now visible.


InuYasha flexed his claw. How could the school do this to him? As if he didn't have enough problems concentrating already.


"I'm going to get raped in something like this. How slutty can you get?" Kagome said. She put her hands on the side of the car. "Sango, we might as well go naked." She picked her feet off the ground and using her hands, flipped herself into the car, feet landing in Sango's lap. "Sango, I'm desperate. You have to do my hair for me." she said, holding up a blue ribbon and sitting up.


Sango climbed over and strattled Kagome with her legs. She pulled Kagome's hair back and started tying a bow in her hair. "If you guys kissed that would be so hot. I think you should start exploring new ideas before collage." Miroku said, looking back.


"You are such a perv." The girls said as Sango got off Kagome once her hair was in a high ponytail like her own. Miroku smiled and turned out of Kagome's driveway.


InuYasha looked back as Kagome turned her back to him so he and Sango could talk easier. He swallowed when he saw her exposed back. Why did she have to be so hot?


Sango looked up from Kagome and glanced at the road that Miroku just turned down. "This isn't the right way? Where are we going?"


Miroku looked in the rear-view mirror before answering. "I'm kidnapping you all to fulfill my sex fantasies."


Kagome pointed to InuYasha, "What about InuYasha, how are you going to have fun with him?"


Sango giggled as InuYasha gagged. "Damn woman, why did you have to put that in my mind?"


Miroku coughed like he was going to die, "I'm taking him to get his car. Oh my god I think I'm going to be sick." Kagome and Sango laughed all the way to the car shop.




InuYasha got out of the car once they got to the place where he left his car. Kagome leaned on the open window. "Want me to come?"


InuYasha was taken by surprise, "Why?"


Kagome smiled, "You never know how long these things can take." InuYasha shrugged and Kagome got out. "Plus I want to see this famous car that you never stop bragging about." She got out and slammed the car door, "See you guys in school!" she called as Sango climbed to the front and Miroku drove off.


Kagome turned to InuYasha to find that he was already walking to the building. "Hey wait up!" she cried and ran up to him. InuYasha rolled his eyes. Kagome ignored it even though it hurt her feelings. "What kind of car is it?" she asked.


InuYasha opened the door for himself and let it close on Kagome. Kagome stared at the door before opening it again, `why was he so rude?'


"What kind of car is it?" She asked again.


"That's a surprise." InuYasha said as he signed some papers. The guy at the counter said they would have to wait about ten minutes. InuYasha growled angrily. "Damn. At least I can catch up on some sleep." He walked to a couch and stretched out on it. He felt Kagome staring at him, but tried to ignore it.


"Where am I supposed to sit?" she asked finally.


InuYasha opened one eye and lazily pointed to a chair that was practically falling apart.


Kagome looked at the chair then back at InuYasha again. He snickered, he knew she wouldn't sit there, he was just waiting for her to push his feet on the ground and sit on the couch next to him. Then he smelt salty water with his sensitive nose. He was confused for a minute, until Kagome spoke up. "Why do you hate me so much?" she whispered. InuYasha jerked himself up, this was not the reaction he was expecting, how to deal with this?


He took Kagome's hand and pulled her down on the couch with him. "Don't cry." He said.


"I'm not!" Kagome said angrily.


"Yes you are."


"No I'm not!"


InuYasha turned Kagome's face to his. "Please don't cry." He whispered.


"Why not?"


"Because I hate it when you cry."


Kagome instantly stopped. "But why do you hate me so much?" she asked.


"I don't. It's the exact opposite actually." He said, wiping away her tears. Kagome stared at him, what was he saying? Kagome had no idea what he meant but she never realized just how silvery white his hair was, or just how golden his eyes were. They were beautiful. He was beautiful.


Someone cleared their throat and InuYasha and Kagome jumped up to see a greasy man looking at them. "Car's ready." He grunted, and waited for the two to follow him to the parking lot. InuYasha was the first to speak, "We better go, or we'll be late for school." He said and Kagome nodded. He followed the old man and Kagome followed him.


InuYasha hit his head in the most least obvious was. `What the hell happened? I almost kissed her! Damn what the hell does she think about me now?'


Kagome bit her lip. `Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I think I like InuYasha! Oh my god! Oh my god!... He has such beautiful eyes, and those little doggie ears! I just want to… Oh my god! What am I thinking? I think I like InuYasha! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!...'




Once InuYasha and Kagome were outside, they walked to a car covered in a white sheet. The old man tossed InuYasha his keys and walked back to the building. InuYasha grinned at Kagome and put his hands on the sheet. "Ready for this?" he asked. Kagome grinned too and nodded enthusiastically. InuYasha ripped the sheet away to reveal a shiny red two seater convertible.


Kagome squealed and clapped her hands. "InuYasha! It's beautiful!" she cried.


InuYasha smiled even wider, she was right, it did look good. "It used to be silver, but that was a girly color. You like it better?"


Kagome nodded like her head was going to fall off. "Yeah! Can we ride it now?"


InuYasha unlocked the doors and got in, putting down the top. "Hell yeah!" he cried and Kagome got in. InuYasha put the keys in the ignition and turned the volume up on his favorite rap station. He put his car in drive and peeled out of the car shop.


Kagome's face lit up and InuYasha smiled, he made her do that. Well actually, his car did, but it was his car, so he did that. Kagome reached for her seat belt and turned to her friend driving. "InuYasha you're the best!" she cried.


InuYasha smiled, his ego growing. "Yes I am. And you should say it more often." Kagome shook her head InuYasha was way to full of himself. They were at the school parking lot in no time. InuYasha sped into a parking spot and him and Kagome walked into school. They walked to the lockers they picked out the week before. They had their lockers near Sango, Miroku, the girls' friend Ayame, who was a demon, and her boyfriend Kouga who was a demon too. InuYasha thought Ayame was fine, but Kouga thought he was just a little too cool. InuYasha knew he was way cooler than him.


The others were already at their lockers and Kagome ran up to Sango. "Here you left these in Miroku's car." She said tossing Kagome her pompoms. "How was it?" she asked.


Kagome grinned even larger, if that was possible. "It was amazing! You should have been there! Oh my god wait til you see his car it's crazy!" she cried.


Miroku was sick of being ignored, and stood in front of Kagome. "Here's you schedule Kagome, and yours too InuYasha." He said, and handed them over. "We all have first period together." He said, motioning to Ayame and Kouga as well. Kagome threw her pompoms in her locker as the bell rang. The six friends all walked to current events together and talked about their schedules.




A/N~ hey just wanted 2 let u no… u all should so b reviewing! I was gunna stop riting after they left practice, but im nicer than that so I rote more. B happy. and u no wat else? Im sick 2day wit a fever. I should b at skool and then going 2 holiday valley 4 ski club but I cant b/c im sick and u should all feel good cuz im riting w/out ne reviews and it so wont happen again so review review review! O and idk how other school cheerleading uniforms look, but that's wat our varsity's look like. But different colors.