InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ New Freshmen and Kykio's "Little" Secret ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: New Freshmen and Kykio's "Little" Secret
smiled and looked at her schedule. It was pretty good, well as good as it could be. Everyone was in Current Events together, next she had Language Literature and Miroku and Sango were with her. After that she had parenting with InuYasha, Kouga and Ayame. Then she went to study hall with InuYasha. Finally it was lunch with everyone again. Then English class with Miroku. Gym with InuYasha, Sango and Miroku. Earth Science with Sango. Then last period was Math with InuYasha. She was glad because she had at least one friend in every class. How often does that happen?
everyone knows, the first week of school is a total waste. (Here we start on a Wednesday, so they will too.) All you did was get supplies lists. The first day was even worse. Luckily all the teachers were nice, and let the students pick their own seats. Everyone except Kagome's English teacher. Why do you even need to learn English? Isn't Japanese enough? She never planed on traveling to America! Oh well, since both Kagome and Miroku's last names ended in a H, they still got to sit next to each other, so screw you Mr. Norris.
bell finally rang, and everyone had lunch. They met at their lockers and walked to the lunch room. It was pretty big, but considering the size of the school, it didn't seem like it was. The final bell rang as the six friends walked in and the boys went into the lunch line and the girls went to find a table as the broadcasting club put some music on. It didn't do much though, because for some reason, they only played music you can actually like when you're high.

"What's with boys always buying lunch? It's gross!" Sango said. The girls were half way done eating and the boys still didn't even come to the table yet.
shrugged and looked passed Sango to see that Kykio and Yura were coming over. "Oh god." Kagome said. Ayame and Sango looked up as the school sluts got to the table. Kykio's boobs looked a lot bigger than they did at the preseason practices, and it wasn't just because she was sticking her chest out.

"Hiya girls!" she cried with fake enthusiasm. Kagome just rolled her eyes as the boys got there. "Finally the fun arrives!" Kykio said as the boys sat down and she and Yura flipped their hair at the same time.

"What the hell are you doing here slut?" InuYasha growled, Kykio's fake squeaky voice hurt his sensitive ears, and her so called expensive perfume reeked.

"Oh Yashy, you joker!" Kykio said, and stroked his fuzzy ear.
's eyes narrowed and he grabbed Kykio's wrist in a flash.

"Don't touch my ear you whore." He said through his teeth.
frowned before she got over herself and walked behind Miroku. "Oh Mir-ir" she cooed, but before she could even finish hitting on him, Sango jumped up. "Don't even think about it!" she shrieked. Everyone just stared. "I'm mean we don't want you here. Shoo!"
smiled at her Sango before looking at Ayame. They both exchanged looks and knew they had the same thing in mind. Sleepover.
stepped back. "God Sango you don't own him, I can do what ever I want. Miroku wants me, not someone like you, a transvestite!" she started laughing in the most annoying high pitched squeak ever. Kagome and Ayame had to hold Sango back.

"Let me hit her, transvestite, I'll show her transvestite" but Sango didn't need to do anything. Just then a short little kid ran between Kykio and Sango and Kykio was so busy whipping her head back and forth laughing, she hit the kid. He just so happened to be holding a drink and it went flying, and landed on Kykio's chest. Everyone stopped, and watched as Kykio's uniform shirt absorbed the liquid.

"The quicker picker upper." Ayame said, breaking the silence and trying not to laugh.

"You stuff!" Sango exclaimed. Kykio didn't know what to do until she saw the kid that did this to her was sitting on the floor.

"You, you little I'm going to kill you, you freshman!" she screeched. Kagome stepped between Kykio and the kid before Kykio could touch him.

"You're the one who hit him, so don't touch him. Go replace you paper towels or something." She said pointing to the door. Kykio scowled at Kagome before flipping her hair and running out of the lunch room. Yura followed her calling comforting words.
turned around, and helped the kid up. "You okay?" she asked and the boy nodded. "I'm Kagome, what's you're name?" she asked.
little boy was adorable, he looked short for his age, and all freshmen are vertically challenged, but he looked more so. He had red hair that fell into his big green eyes. "Shippo. Thanks for saving me from the dragon lady."
burst out laughing. "I like you a lot Shippo." She said.
just smiled and a little girl, who must have been a freshman too, with her brown hair in a side ponytail, came up to Shippo. "Come on Shippo." She said grabbing his hand. "Those are upper classmen!" she hissed under her breath.
smiled at the girl. "Calm down Rin, they're nice." The girl, who must have been Rin, glanced at InuYasha and Kouga, who as soon as they realized were being watched flexed their muscled with out making it look like the weren't trying to and showed off their Varsity jerseys. Rin sighed like she had fallen in love with them and she and Shippo walked off.
waved and turned to InuYasha and Kouga, "You guys are pathetic." She said.
grabbed Kouga's hand, and traced his chest through his shirt. "You should only be trying to impress me." she whispered. Kouga kissed her and pulled away. "Is it working?" Ayame shuttered at his seductive voice and nodded before kissing him back.
pretended to gag. "Make me sick." He said.
bell rang and Miroku clapped his hands. "Saved by the bell."

sat in math staring at the clock, 'Ring damn it ring damn it come on just ring, please? I've been good just ring! ring ring ri-' Finally the bell rang and it took all Kagome had in her to not stand up and jump for joy. InuYasha stood up and pushed her forawrd a little bit. She turned around and smiled at him. They sat in rows here and she sat just infront of InuYasha.
you stared at that clock any harder, it would have blown up." he said
smiled, "I just wanted out." her math teacher scowled at her, but Kagome pretented she didn't see him. "I'm starving!" she cried dramatically.
InuYasha said. Before every game, InuYasha, Kagome, and their group of friends walked to the deli by their school and ate pizza or a sub or something. They walked to their lockers and stuffed their books in them before everyone else got there. They walked to the gym entrance to meet their friends and they walked to the deli.
they got there, alot of kids from their school was already there. Everyone went to the deli. InuYasha growled because they had to wait to go in. The workers were so paranoid about someone shop lifting that they only allowed five people in at a time. Finally they had their turn and Kouga, InuYasha, Miroku and Ayame went in with some other guy from the football team. Kagome and Sango talked about the game and after what felt like a million years, the five people that were in came out.
god, have you ever seen bigger pigs?" Ayame said. The boys had two large pizzas.
sharing!" Miroku cried in his own defense. They all walked to a grassy spot, and Miroku and InuYasha, who were carrying the pizza's opened them up.
kagome's dieing of starvation..." InuYasha said sliding the box to her. Kagome grinned thankfully and grabbed a piece.
she cried, taking another bite. "MH!"
stop eating." Kouga said, but Kagome shook her head. Sango rolled her eyes, and everyone else waited for the food to cool.
but InuYasha. "OW! It is hot!" InuYasha whined.
duh! Did you think she was lieing?" Miroku laughed.
shrugged. "Ow!" He cried taking another bite.
stop!" cried Ayame.
it's so good!" InuYasha whined.
God, their meant to be." Kouga said as both Kagome and InuYasha grabbed for another burning slice.

motioned to Kagome and Ayame. They followed thier friend faithfully behind the bleachers. "Is anyone else sick of this preppy stuff?" Sango asked. Ayame and Kagome nodded. If they had to listen to Jessica Simpson for one more second, they would die. "Good. Then Ayame, you distract Helen, Kagome, you help me get the AV guy to let us play this cd." Both girls nodded and Kagome watched Ayame ("Oh Helen, we have an emergecy! I can't find my pompoms!" "It's okay honey, Helen will save the day!") before climbing up the bleachers to the brodcasting booth.
Mataoe, can you do us a favor?" Kagome asked, using her sex appeal to her advantage.
Mataoe asked.
you play this cd? Please? It will get me all... exsited." Sango said, trying to look shy. It worked.
glupped and took the cd from Sango, and put it in the cd player. "Thanks!" the girls cried, and jumped out of the booth, and ran down the bleachers as the football team ran to the feild and rejoined their squad.
football team started warming up to their new warm up music, and it worked. After Shot To Pieces by Skye Sweetman, Shut Up, and Jump by Simple Plan, Thunderstruck by ACDC, Living In The Shadows, Try Honesty and Voices Of Violence by Billy Talent, and the whole JayZ Linkin Park Collison Course cd, they ended up winning the game by 3 touch downs, a touch back, 2 extra points and 3 safteys.
the game, Helen called the team over. "Who played the new music?" she asked. Ayame, Sango and Kagome looked away guiltilly.
was Kagome and Sango! I saw them!" Shrieked Kykio, happy to get them in troble.
is this true?" Helen asked. Sango and Kagome nodded.
I helped too!" Ayame cried, she couldn't let her newest, best friends take the blame alone.
smiled at the girls. "Well then both I and the football coach would like to thank you. We just played the first place team and won. It was thanks to you girls." Kykio stared in shock that they weren't getting in troble as Helen walked away. She gave her three biggest enemies death glarces, and all they could do was smile at her. Kykio and Yura "AH!"ed and Kagome, Sango and Ayame broke into laughter as they walked away.
so funny?" Miroku asked. He, Kouga and Inuyasha just joined the girls.
story." Sango said giggling.
boys shrugged and the all walked back to the school to go to the team rooms.

InuYasha asked. He and Kagome were getting into his car.
nodded, then looked up at him hopefully. "Can you do me a big, big favor" she asked.

you do that, then take me to Sango's after I shower? Please?" she asked, clasping her hands together.
cringed, that would take a long time. But he couldn't say no to Kagome, she was so, so.. well he didn't know exsactly what she was, but she sure as hell was different than any other girl he ever met. Plus, what else was he going to go? It was sad that it was a Saturday night and all he was going to do was sit home. "Whatever." he said, starting his car.
Kagome cried, throwing her arms around him. It took her a few seconds for her to register what she was doing and she pulled away, blushing. "Sorry!" she squeaked.
InuYasha said, he was blushing too. He put the car into drive, and hit the gas as someone ran infront of him.
of plans!" That someone was Miroku. InuYasha slammed on the breaks.
the hell!" InuYasha cried.
circled around to the driver's side. "Change of plans." he said again. "You and Kouga are gunna stay at my place tonight."
InuYasha asked.
glanced at Kagome before he spoke again. "Because I said so." he said and walked off. InuYasha shrugged his shoulders and hit the gas.
they were driving for a little bit InuYasha turned to Kagome, "You can take a shower at my place, it will be faster. I gotta take one too."
do have more than one shower at my house."
won't your parents think that um..."
dead." InuYasha grunted, "I live with my brother."
sorry." InuYasha just shrugged again, but Kagome could tell that it bugged him, so she half changed the subject. "Won't your brother think..."
a bastard, I don't care what he thinks." InuYasha said roughly. A little too roughly for Kagome's liking, she was quiet after that.
InuYasha pulled into his driveway, Kagome gasped. InuYasha looked at her, "Inheritance, you could say my parents were rich." He said.
you could never tell looking at you, I mean besides from you car-" but InuYasha cut her off.
I worked for this, it's mine. SesshoMaru might have used their money, but I don't want it. I use what I need, I work for the rest." he said. Kagome was shocked, but then again InuYasha did have alot of pride, he wouldn't accept charity, even if inheritance wasn't charity.

turned off the shower and went into his bed room to change. He stuffed a change of clothes into his pillowcase next to his pillow, there, he was ready. He whined when he heard Kagome's shower still running, this was probally going to take awhile.
older brother waslked into his room with out knocking, what else was new? "Well InuYasha, a girl in the shower." he said.
scowled, "She's just taking a shower, Kagome is NOT that kind of girl." he said.
shook his head, "When will you learn little brother?"
I should help her in there..."
jumped up. "If you even go near that bathroom, I will rip off you fingers and toes before I slit you throat." he said hatefully.
InuYasha, someone's in love. Besides, I'm in college, I don't want some high school whore unless I'm having fun."
not a whore!" screamed InuYasha. SesshoMaru chuckled and left. InuYasha sat back on his bed. 'Damn that SesshoMaru' But his brother left him with something to think about it. He didn't love Kagome, did he? InuYasha was so busy thinking about it, he didn't notice Kagome until she was right next to him... hair dripping wet, body wrapped in a towel.
she asked.

um... don't really have anything to wear." she said blushing.
um here." he got up and threw her a pair of his boxers and a wife beater before walking out and shuting his door behind him.
few minutes later Kagome walked out (she had a bra and underware on sickos) with the boxers rolled up a bit. "Thanks" she said and they walked down stairs.
had to walk through the kitchen where SesshoMaru was. "Really little brother?" He said slyly, seeing what Kagome was wearing.
to hell." InuYasha growled. Once they were outside, Kagome turned to him.
brother gives me the creeps." she shivered even though it was really hot out. InuYasha smiled that she had seen through his brother. Most girls thought he was perfect.

pulled into Kagome's driveway and they walked up to her door and pulled it open, and InuYasha was attacked. Souta, Kagome's little brother, hugged him. "Hey kid." InuYasha said, ruffling his hair. InuYasha met him a few times before when he had to pick Kagome up and she wasn't ready yet. The kid was obsessed with him.
you staying?" Souta asked.
sorry, I'm just the driver." InuYasha said. Souta frowned and pulled InuYasha into the livingroom as Kagome ran upstairs to pack. Ten minutes later she came down with a pillow and a huge back pack. 'you're only staying one night.' InuYasha thought, but didn't say it out loud, he didn't want to get yelled at. He would never understand girls.

InuYasha you're the best!" Kagome cried, waving to him. During their drive over, Kagome's long hair had practically dried in the wind. Personally, InuYasha thought she looked good with her hair thrown all over, but of course he wouldn't say that out loud.
strait!" InuYasha said waving too, and going across the street to Miroku's.

hey, i no this really wasn't like the other chapters and it took 4eva 2 get 2 u, but i have an reason...and the reason is u. no jk jk but really, 2 days ago was xmas eve and i was at my fav cuz's all that day, shout out 2 u nick. and on xmas i was at my stupid grandmas house and my stupid cuz amamda was there and grrr i dont like her but then i had 2 babysit my 2 lil cuzs so sry! and idk how other schools work, so i put everything in it like they do at my school is that ok? but i want 2 dedicate this chapter 2 inuyasha_lover_988764 thanx 4 reviewing i luv u!!