InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ The Sleepovers ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4: The Sleepovers
you remember everything, right Ayame?" Sango asked after she hung the phone up from talking to Miroku. Ayame nodded, now she had two secret plans. One with Kouga, Miroku and Sango to get Kagome and InuYasha together. The other one she made earlier with Kagome and Kouga to get Sango and Miroku together. When did life get so hard?
all we do is- Kagome!" Sango cried jumping up. Ayame turned to see Kagome open Sango's door holding a yellow pack as big as her pink one. She was glad because Miroku and Kouga made fun of her for having such a big bag. Whatever, boys were stupid.
Now we can play!" Sango said. She took Kagome's pack and set it down, grabbed her portable cd player, and pushed Kagome back out of the door. Ayame followed, this plan was not going to work.
plugged in the cd player and grabbed a basket ball. She turned her Skye Sweetnam cd on loud. The three girls danced, sang and shot baskets. Ayame shot, hit the back board and the ball flew into the street. She growled and turned around to see that Kouga caught it. She gasped. She didn't care how many times she saw her boyfriend, he was gorgous. Especially in the dark. The moonlight shinned down on him, and brought out his wolfish features. Maybe normal people couldn't see that well in the dark, but her eyes were special and she could see him fine. Kouga glowed in the moonlight, literally.
we play?" Miroku asked coming up behind Kouga, shortly followed by InuYasha
pulled into Miroku's driveway, and reached behind him to grab his pillow. He jogged to Miroku's door only to find Kouga and Miroku sitting on Miroku's porch. InuYasha tossed his pillow on a chair and settled for the ground. "So what's up?" he asked. He wanted to know why he was here.
shrugged, Kouga shrugged, InuYasha shrugged, oh well.
talked about the game, and heard music come on. The girls came out of Sango's house, and InuYasha knew why he was there. They kept talking about the game, but watched the girls.
couldn't get his eyes off Kagome. She ran to Sango's cd palyer and turned it up even louder. "You wanna know more, more, more about me. Gotta know reverse psychology. I'm the reason why you can't get to sleep. I'm the girl you never get just quite what you see..." Oh damn.
Miroku yelled.
flattened his ears, "What?!" he whined.
You were like zoning." He looked to see what his friend was looking at. "Dude, you were checking out..." Then he really looked at Kagome. "Hey is she wearing your things?" InuYasha blushed and turned his head.
Kouga said.
turned to him and bared his fangs. "It's not like that." he said, grabbing Kouga's shirt collar.
alright, chill." Kouga said.
set him down and Miroku flashed a lecherous grin. "Let's go over there." Kouga nodded and InuYasha just followed. 'Why does everyone exspect me to get with Kagome? I don't even like her... that much... At all!'
basketball the girls were playing with bounced into the street. Miroku tried to grab it but it bounced over his head. Kouga jumped off the ground and grabbed the ball in midair. He landed as Ayame turned around, and stopped. Kouga's breath stopped. It was a full moon tonight, and wolf demons prospered in it. Ayame's eyes were filled with exsitment aand she looked so full of life that her soul would burst. Kouga swallowed, 'Keep your cool, keep your cool...'
looked at his friend and shook his head. Sure, Ayame looked pretty, prettier than usual, but get some dignity man, move. "Can we play?" he asked, stepping forward, followed by InuYasha.
nodded, "Sure!" They played around the world for awhile before everyone got bored with that. Kagome was sick of InuYasha showing off his soccer skills. Yeah, he was great, but she had some too. She ran to Sango's garage and looked through about every kind of ball in the world, Sango's family was big on sports, to find a soccer ball. She ran back to Sango's driveway and kicked the ball from the ground to her knee, back to the ground again.
grinned and stole the ball from her. They ran out into the street and played with the ball. Sango watched them for a little bit before putting the ball down and sitting on the driveway. She would have joined them, but the point was to let Kagome and InuYasha have alone time. Miroku, Ayame and Kouga all sat next to her.
stared at Ayame. 'Resist come on Kouga you're a man.' Ayame moved closer to him. 'Resist' But he couldn't anymore. When Ayame looked away he took the element of surprise and kissed her. She gasped in shock and Kouga used her surprise and slid his tougue into her mouth. She moaned and the kissed got more passionate. Sango grimaced, "Get a room. Come on Miroku." she grabbed Miroku's hand, and lead him to her trampoline.
god, I did not want to see that." Miroku said and kicked his shoes off and joined Sango on the tamp. After they bounced for awhile, they hit each other and fell moaning, bouncing a fewtimes before their weight moved the together. They looked at each other, and cracked up laughing.

and InuYasha stared at each other, panting. Kagome had kicked her flipflops off some where, she would have to find them in the morning. They were both trying to show the other one up, with out trying to make it look like they were trying. A car drove between the two, and they jumped back. "Wait a minute, I know that car." Kagome said, and walked to it.

and Atyame continued kissing.

and Miroku sat up, with some difficulty and their laughter slowly died down. Miroku stared at Sango. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Sango, did you ever think about, well you know."
what?" 'Why is he so vague all the time?'
it Sango, I know you know what I'm talking about!' He didn't say anything for a while. "Sango, do you think friends could ever be more?"
yeah, InuYasha and Kagome are friends, but I think they want to be more." she said.
frowned. "Don't play stupid." he said getting mad.
was instantly mad. "Don't you call me stupid Miroku Houshi!" she yelled, "You're the one who-" Miroku kissed her. Right there on her trampoline.
pulled away. "I think I want to be more too Sango."

car rolled down it's window. "Hojo, what are you doing here?" Kagome asked.
in Kagome." he said.
don't. I'm at Sango's we're not together anymore." she said.
on Kagome. You love me and I love you."
walked around the car to see if Kagome was in troble when her heard some guy talking to her. "You love me and I love you." InuYasha frowned. "Kagome, listen I gotta go home, but I'l call you tomarrow, ok love?"
Kagome said. 'I don't want you Hojo'
doesn't want him to leave.' InuYasha thought. The guy in the car drove away. InuYasha walked up to Kagome. "Hey." he said.
jumped, then noticing who it was, calmed down. "InuYasha, you scared me, that Hojo. He-"
cut her off. "Kagome you sat there and did this. Made me think that... Kagome you're nothing but a tease."
stung Kagome's eyes. Tease? "Don't be an idiot, InuYasha Hojo and I-"
InuYasha cut her off again. "Don't even go there Kagome. Screw you."
tears fell. "InuYasha, let me finish! You're a jerk! You won't even let me talk."
growled. To think he actually liked her, then he calls him a jerk. "Screw this, screw you." he said, and crossed the street to Miroku's house.
sniffled and turned on her heels and walked to Sango's house. 'Don't let him, see that he got to you. Be brave Kagome.' She choked on her sob and it all came out. She started crying hard and ran into Sango's house.
heard her start really crying, and turned to see her running. He didn't want to make her cry, but she diserved it, stringing him along like that.

looked up to see Kagome run passed her crying. She broke the kiss. "Sorry Kouga, I gotta go, she you tomarrow." she said. Kouga nodded. He was mad, but Ayame cared alot about her friends. She was so perfect. Ayame ran to the trampoline where Sango was kissing Miroku. "Sango!" she cried.
pulled back and blushed. "Ayame, this is not what it looks like." she said in her own defense.
wrong with Kagome, she's crying."
no, poor Kagome!" Sango said, and jumped off the trampoline and ran to her house.
hit his fist against the trampoline in agervation. "Sorry lover boy." Ayame said, and ran to help make Kagome feel better.
going to kill InuYasha, he probally had something to do with this." Sango, Kagome and him had been friends for along time, he wanted to help her too, but figured she wanted to have some girl time. He walked to Sango's porch to find Kouga sitting there confused, and together they walked to his house to find InuYasha sitting in his car, pissed as hell.

saying that all men were jerks, especially dog eared ones, eating icecream, and talking more trash about InuYasha, Kagome felt better. The three girls went into Sango's room, all of them crawled into her bed, with Kagome in the middle so the girls could protect her from the evilness of boys, and they talked about what happened between Sango and Miroku.

Miroku explained the truth of what happened between Kagome and Hojo, and how Hojo cheated on her, to say that InuYasha felt bad was an understatement. He looked up to Sango's room to see that her light was off. He would have to appoligize in the morning.
three guys went into Miroku's house and walked to his bedroom. Miroku took the bed. InuYasha and Kouga were on the floot, one facing the door, the other facing the opposite way. It was so gay for guys to sleep facing the same way.

hours later, InuYasha still couldn't fall asleep. He felt horrible about what happened between him and Kagome. He quietly got up, walked downstairs, put his shoes on and slipped outside. He saw Kagome's sandals in the street, and grabbed them before standing under Sango's window. He grabbed a near by pebble and threw it at Sango's window. He waited a little bit, then threw another one.
woke up after hearing a noise. She heard it again and sat up. She looked at Sango's window and saw that someone was throwing rocks at her best friend's window. She carefully got out of bed, and opened the window to see InuYasha under it. "What do you want?" She asked coldly.
got a peace offering." he called, holding up her sandals.
please I have to talk to you." he half whispered.

please! I won't stop until you come here."
looked at him. "Fine."
jumped to a high tree branch, then to the window sill where Kagome was standing. She opened her eyes in awe, "How did you do that?" she asked.
rolled his eyes and pointed to his ears. "Half demon, remember? Come here." He said, holdin g out his hand. Kagome looked at if as if wondering if she should. "We can't talk here." He said. Kagome nodded and put her hand in his. He pulled her into his arms, and held her bridal style. She squealed, but InuYasha put his index finger to her mouth. "Shh. You can trust me. I won't ever let you get hurt, just don't scream." Kagome nodded as InuYasha opened the window more and jumped out of the second story window.
felt her heart go to her throat and she gasped. InuYasha held her closer and she felt completely safe. He landed and set her down. "Are you ok?" He asked, eyes full of consern. Kagome nodded and he started again. "Kagome I'm not that good with words, so if this doesn't come out right, I'm sorry. I was a jerk. I should have let you talk, but I didn't. Who cares what that preppy boy says, what you say is the only thing that matters. Just don't be mad anymore, cause, I'm... I'm sorry." He hung his head, but Kagome put her hand under his chin, and lifted it up.
not mad InuYasha. Hojo's a minipulative jerk. Just don't listen to what he says, because all he says is bull. I'm sorry I blew up at you."
smiled, "So we're ok?"
smiled and nodded, "Better than ok."
then get over here." He pulled her into his arms again. He jumped into the air and landed in Sango's room.
he said.
They stayed there for a few moments, before InuYasha turned around and lept out of the window. Kagome stuck out the window. "InuYasha!" she half whispered.

dreams." InuYasha smiled.
he said and ran at an impossible speed to Miroku's for humans, but then again, he was half demon.

how was it? That's how i got together with my one boyfriend Dan. Just changed. There was no Hojo, and he didn't jump to my friends window, and he asked he out there, so i stole it. but hey now were no 2gether so hes a jerk. im posting this wit the last chapter b/c i feel bad about making u guys wait, but u should so b thankful b/c i spent 2 hrs and 15 mins righting this! damn i luv u guys. o and how tghe boys r sleeping, that really happens. i talked 2 my friend alex and billy and they said thats the truth. poor guys, dont they get loanly, doesn't it totally ruin the point of a sleep over? o well. review!!