InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ Meet The Family ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9: Meet the family

felt pretty bad about the whole InuYasha thing, but she forgot about it fast, not because she wanted to, but because she was busy! The girls made Miroku take them to a craft store, where they bought things to make posters out of, them they made Miroku drop them off at Sango's. They planned to make the posters outside because it was probally going to get messy and it was probally was one of the last nice days they would have before winter, but the wind ruined that idea. They were over joyed when Souta called wanting Kohaku to come over to play. He was a great kid and everything, but his "helping" wasn't exsactly doing so. Miroku even said he would take him so Sango didn't have to leave. They only took a break to order and eat pizza, then they went back to work. Finally at 9:00, they had made 100 posters, or at least it felt like that. Each one explained what to wear each day coming up to the pep ralley, and things like that, and each one was different. The girls cleaned up the mess before walking to the train station. They said goodbyes to each other, Ayame taking one train twords her house, and Sango and Kagome taking one to Kagome's house so Sango could pick up her brother, who still wasn't alowed to take a train by himself.
did her homework, and crawled into bed, too exsasted to even think about InuYasha.

next morning, surprisingly, there was no game. But the gang still didn't get to pick out their own clothes, they had to wear their uniforms. The boys scowled as the put their all red jumpsuits and black dress shoes. The girls groaned as the pulled their white sweater with red trim over their head, pulled up their blue skirts, and put their white shoes on over their red knee high socks. Nothing was worse than school uniforms, exsept maybe gym uniforms. And as bad as it was, Inuyasha, Miroku, Kagome and Sango all had gym today.
day flew by, and it was time for gym. Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha and Kagome all met at their lockers and grabbed their gym uniforms. The girls said goodbye to the boys and made a turn to their locker room and the boys contiuned to their's.
school is filled with pervertated teachers." Kagome said, and Sango, who was doing her hair nodded. The girls faced each other and laughed.
really can't be self-consious at this school." Sango said. The uniforms the girls were given were more likely to be worn walking home from a beach. They had a sweater, almost like the one for their school uniform, but all red. Then their bottoms, because the was no other word for it, were nothing more than blue boy-cut underwear. The school "generously" let the girls wear the same socks and tennis shoes they had to wear with their school uniform.
they know that we're not 18 yet?" Kagome said through her giggles. The girls laughed some more, and walked to their attendance lines.

was technically the first acual gym class. All the other ones were spent fixing scheduals, picking your activity, and handing out the uniforms. Which the boys were not happy about. The had to wear blue shorts tht went above their knees , and the same color cotton t-shirt. And they were ugly. After the teacher did attentdance, they walked to the other side of the gym to meet up with Sango and Kagome.
the boys saw the girls, they were speachless. Miroku and InuYasha had never in their wildest dreams, well maybe Miroku, had thought they would see so much leg in school. "Hey!" Kagome said waving to them.
knew he had to say something. "Um... What are we doing today?" He asked when he found his voice.
grinned. "Forwards."
just what InuYasha needed, a physical sport with Kagome, the school really was out to get him.

yea, not ending the chapter here, just skipping ahead a bit. And 4 all u ppl who dont no wat forwards is, ill explain. at good old frontier, every1 is really agressive, and they take their anger out in gym. kids got hurt, parents complained, and they banned certain sports. Kids got mad, started skipping gym, so the gym teachers found away around it. Simply change the name. So forwards is takle football. There r other sports they changed 2 and the group will b playing it l8r on, called mat ball, which is dodge ball. i no i no but at fronteir, kids get hurt, and the group is pretty hard core if u ask me. and wat i say is law b/c im riting the story.

it was the last period of the day. Finally Kagome got to hang up her posters. The bell rang, and Kagome waved her pass in InuYasha's face, her toungue sticking out. "What? No don't leave me here all alone! I can't face math by myself!" InuYasha whined.
laughed, sure she didn't want to leave InuYasha, but she wanted out too. "Sorry, the pass says Kagome, there's nothing I can do." She said.
there is, fix it!"it?"just write my name too."
looked at her pass, "I don't know." She said, what if Helen caught them?
on Kagome, you know I would do the same for you!"alright fine. I'll do it." She said, and after her name, in her best Helen-look-alike-writing, she wrote InuYasha's name too.
class, today we will be... Yes Miss. Higurashi?" The teacher said.
and I have to go hang posters." She said, holding up her pass.

"Come up here, you two." The teacher said. They walked to the front of the class, and the teacher took the pass and after what felt like 10 years, it passed his inspection.
and Kagome walked out of class, and swiched their books for posters at their locker. "You really are going to help me." Kagome told her friend.
shrugged, "It's better than math." Kagome smiled and for the next 30 minutes, the two put up posters and just goofed around. And to top it off, they only got yelled at twice. They even finished hanging up posters early, and instead of going back to class, the walked to their lockers and got their things. Kagome put a note inside Sango's locker saying that she and InuYasha left, and they walked to InuYasha's car and drove to InuYasha's house.
were both happy to find that InuYasha's older brother wasn't home, and raided the kitchen. After finding nothing good to eat, Kagome called her mother to tell her she was going to stay at InuYasha's for dinner. After they went back into the kitchen and looked through it again, the desided to make the said meal out of melted marshmellows, chips, candy, and chocolate syrup. And you can just guess what kind of mess that made.
they ate, they truely looked around, and were shocked. "I didn't think it was even possible to make this big of a mess with out a little brother." Kagome said in awe.
am a little brother." InuYasha said proudly as he picked up a half melted marshmellow and tried to throw it in his mouth. It stuck to his fingers, and Kagome watched him, mesmorized, until he growled and scraped the food off his finger with his teeth.
that that's acomplished we better get cleaning." Kagome said, looking around.
brothers don't clean." InuYasha said, mad that she even brought up the idea of cleaning.
will or they will get grounded and won't be able to play." Kagome said.
"Feh"ed, but helped clean anyways. If you could call it that. While Kagome was attempting to wash the floor under the table, InuYasha stood above her, and knocked everything that was on the table to the ground, right on Kagome's head. She shrieked, and InuYasha bent down next to her.
thought it would make everything go by faster!" he said quickly.
better get a rag, and clean this floor." She said through her teeth. InuYasha knew better than to laugh at the melted marshmellows, chips and chocolate syrup that was now stuck in her hair, so he wet a rag and joined her under the table. It was smart that Kagome made InuYasha help, because it took all the strength he had to scrub the melted mess off the floor. "What kind of marshmellows do you buy?" Kagome moaned.
InuYasha asked, and picked his head up, smashing it against hers.
They both cried, and tried to pull away from each other. They found that that idea didn't work.
the hell?" InuYasha murrmered, to find that his head was now stuck to Kagome's with a gooey mess they made. "Oh shit."
shit? Oh shit what?" Kagome cried.
Shit I'm stuck to a peppy cheerleader!"
What do you mean stuck? InuYasha!"
whiney, peppy cheerleader!"
not whiney you jerk!" Kagome tugged away from InuYasha. "OW!" They both cried.
so that won't work."
have an idea."
a first." Inuyasha scowled, but took Kagome's hand. Kagome blushed and tried to pull away, but InuYasha only laced thier fingers. He was dragging her somewhere, but Kagome had no idea where, she was too busy watching the beautiful half demon.
now all we have to do is jump in." He said proudly.
in, jump in what?" Kagome asked.
funny, there usally isn't an echo in this room."
that won't work!"
worth a try, if SesshoMaru comes home and sees us like this, I'll never live it down." He grabbed Kagome, and held her up. "Hold your breathe."
InuYasha don't I don't have any..." but InuYasha chose not to listen, and jumped into the water, with Kagome in his arms. When they came up for air, Kagome spit water at InuYasha. "Dry clothes." she finished. "And we're still stuck!"
know how to fix that." InuYasha said, and after going under the water a bunch of times, they were finally free from one another. "What did I tell ya?" InuYasha asked proudly.
hero." Kagome said without any emotion. "Why is it that when ever I'm with you alone, I get messy?" She asked.
can I say, I bring out your inner child." InuYasha told her.
Well my inner child tells me to say hi." Kagome said, splashing him. Soon they had an all out war, and Kagome felt soaked to the bone. "I'm going to drown!" She cried after splashing InuYasha.
woman, do you think I would let that happen? You're not drowning"
would you know if I was in troble if you don't believe me?"
you we unconsious at the bottom of the pool, I'd rescue you."
and a romantic too." Kagome said, and splashed him once more.
know, if you're tired, we could get out."
not tired if you're not."
looking out for you, you're tired."
you are." Not wanting to admit to the other that they were tired, InuYasha and Kagome both dragged themselves out of the pool. They layed on the groung breathing hard, when a voice disturbed them.
well, it seems that my brother has beaten us to it." Kagome and InuYasha jerked their heads to the door to see InuYasha's brother and some girl standing next to it.
out." InuYasha growled.
where are your manners, don't make me tell the social worker you've been a bad boy and make me have you taken away." The older boy said.
face went from anger to fear in an instant. "You wouldn't."
you giving me orders now?"
this is my older brother SesshoMaru, and his skank Kagura." InuYasha said.
rolled from her back to a sitting position. "InuYasha, don't call her that." She hissed.
brother, my woman isn't the one who was in a pool in her uniform doing god knows what with a worthless half-breed."
jumped up, and looked at Kagome, who was currently looking at the ground in shame. "Take it back!"
what back? Calling you a worthless half-breed? Beacuse that's what you are, nothing but a freak." InuYasha growled. "Oh, you must mean what I said about her. I am so sorry, I forgot, She is NOT that kind of girl." SesshoMaru said, mimicking his brother from when Kagome came to their house for the first time.
on Sess, we can just use the shower." Kagura said.
my shower!" InuYasha called to the older kids' retreating backs before rushing to Kagome, who was still looking at the ground.
right you know?" she whispered.
my god, I'm in my uniform for crying out loud!" Kagome said, she didn't know why, but whenever she saw that man, her self-esteem went down, and now there were tears brimming her eyes.
up." InuYasha said.
looked up so fast, a few tears fell. "Wha?"
up, SesshoMaru is a jerk, that's all. He's jelous he couldn't get anyone as good as you. Look what he has. They've been going out for 2 weeks, and they're already doing that? Kagome, he couldn't get someone like you, even if he was dreaming." InuYasha said, and whiped her face with his sleeve, which was wet from the pool. "Well that kinda made it worse, didn't it?" He took off is wet shirt, and Kagome's eyes grew big at his body, he was perfect. "Kagome, listen to me. You are not a slut, you are gorgous, never let what anyone says to you get you down, especially him. You better than that. Hear me?" InuYasha said.
nodded fiersly, and threw herself at InuYasha, hugging him with all she had. "I'm sorry."
didn't know what to do, so he just hugged her back, that's all he wanted to do.
Kagome pulled away. "I should probally get home, it must be late."
looked at his watch, "Passed 11" Kagome nodded and stood up. "I'll get you something dry to wear." They walked to InuYasha's room, and he gave he a pair of his shorts and a hoodie. He turned around while she changed, and when she started giggling, he looked back at her. "What?"
turned to him, "I look like a thugg." she said, the clothes were 3 or 4 times too big on her. InuYasha smiled and grabbed a baseball cap and put it on her head on an angle. Kagome nodded to him, "Yeah boi" she said, but broke the mood by giggling.
laughed too, and put his arm around her and they started walkin gout to his car. "Come on, I'll take you home before your mom worries." He said.
fase me." Kagome said using a tough voice. InuYasha laughed and pulled her close
priceless." He whispered, and opened the door for her before walking to the other side and getting in. Kagome stod there for a moment before smiling and jumping into the car.

awwwww sess is so mean, but inu is sooooooooo nice. I love inu and kag!