InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Days ❯ Her first day of school...meeting the gang ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.
She walked downstairs and sat at the table. "Now Kagome, make sure you have all your things, I don't want you calling me and telling me you forgot something." "Yeah, whatever." Kagome grabbed some toast and headed for the door.
"See ya' after school mom.'' She closed the door and walked to school.
Her new school was only a few blocks away and it only took her 20 mins. to get there. She walked to the front office and walked to the secretary. "Um...miss, Im here to get my schedule for my classes...I'm new here." The lady looked up and smiled.
"Of course...hold on a bit. Let me print it out for you." The lady clicked on her computer mouse a few times and a sec. later a paper was coming out of the printer. She took the paper and handed it ot Kagome.
"Here you go, the classes are pretty easy to find here, you won't have a problem." Kagome thanked the lady and stepped out of the office. She looked at her schedule.
1. History Rm. 31
2. science Rm. 102
3. P.E Rm. 600
4. computers Rm. 27
5. art Rm. 5
6. lunch .cafeteria
7. math Rm. 25
8. english/reading Rm. 14
'Great, I have fucking P.E I am so freaking gonna fail that god damn class.' She went to the back of the school and sat down on one of the empty benches.She looked around at all the students having their fun and talking ot eachother. Then a group of people came to her and sat down beside her.
"Hey I see that you're new here what's your name?"
"Kagome, and yours?"
"Kikyo. These are my friends, Kagura, Sango, and Bankotsu." Kikyo said pointing to her friends.
"Hey, nice to meet you."
"Where did you come from Kagome?" Kikyo asked.
"I came from Kyoto a month ago."
"Yeah i've been to Kyoto before, its' really nice over there, but I perfer it here." Bankotsu said.
"Why did you move here?" Kagura asked.
"My father is a business man and he had to do a business project here so we had to move."
"Is he like a rich guy?" Bankotsu asked.
"Well, you can say that. I get almost anything I want."
"Yeah my daddy's like that too." Kikyo said.
"Yeah my dad's rich too, but he doesn't buy me anything that I really like. Like guns and knives and swords and other kinds of weapons." Bankotsu said.
"I can see why not. Last time you had a knife you stabbed a guy for talking mess about your brother." Sango said.
"Well, no one messes with Jakotsu. They'll have to get through me first." Kagome giggled.
"You guys are fun to hang with."
"Wait till you meet the rest of the gang." Sango said with a smirk.
They walked to the parking lot and to a black escalade with the music cranked up to full volume.
"Hey Inuyasha, turn down the fucking volume down before I rip your damn speakers up!" Kikyo was yelling at the guy inside the truck.
"Oh, hey Kikyo, Sango, Kagura, Bankotsu...Who's the girl?" Inuyasha said looking at Kagome.
"This is Kagome, she came from Kyoto. Kagome, this is Inuyasha, the brainless bonehead of the group." Inuyasha growled at what Kikyo said, but ignored it. "Hey Inuyasha, have you seen Sesshomaru?" Kagura asked Inuyasha.
"He should be here any 3, 2, 1, he comes." A black lamborghini pulled into the parking lot with loud music and tinted windows so Kagome couldn't see inside.
A tall guy with long silver hair and cold golden eyes stepped out of the car.
"Hey guys...hey babe." He walked to Kagura and wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a big kiss in the mouth.
"Oh get a room." Bankotsu said sticking his tounge out.
"Maybe later." The guy said. Kagura looked at Kagome.
"Kagome this is Sesshomaru, my boyfriend."
"I think she can see that Kagura, you just kissed in public with everyone looking. I think she can see that you guys go out." Sango said.
"Nice to meet you Sesshomaru"
"Same here."
The bell rang and Inuyasha turned his truck off. They walked their seperate ways to get to class and Kagome found herself following Sesshomaru.
He turned around and looked at Kagome."Do you have history first?"
"Cool, then you'll be with me and Koga. You can sit with us. Me and Koga always sit together and nobody else, so you'll be the first girl that we hang with in history class." Kagome nodded and followed Sesshomaru into the classroom and to the back to sit.
A guy with long black hair pulled into a high ponytail and blue eyes walked into the classroom and smiled at Kagome and Sesshomaru. "Hey Sesshomaru, who's the girl?"He sat down beside Sesshomaru and behind Kagome.
"This is Kagome. She's new to our group and we have to help her out if we have a class with her, so it's our turn." Koga smiled.
"Nice to meet you Kagome, my name's Koga."
"Nice to meet you Koga."
All of a sudden a guy with long red hair stepped up to where they were sitting.
"Hey, you're the new girl. Why are you hanging with these shitheads instead of us? You have made a bad choice on who to hang with girl." Koga stood up and walked to the guy.
"Are you going somewhere with this asshole?"
"Oh, bad Koga wants to beat me up. You have nothing on me boy."
"You want to bet on that?" Koga was about to punch Kyora, but Sesshomaru stood between them.
"Not here. If you wanna fight him, do it after school. That way we can run from the cops." Koga nodded.
"You heard that bitch? after school, we'll see who has the balls."Koga yelled at Kyora.
"And if you bring your brother, I'll take care of that sack of shit."Kyora growled and went to the front of the classroom.
They sat down and looked at Kagome's surprised expreassion.
"You guys are bad...But that was so freaking cool." They smiled and carried on with their conversation.
Half an hour passed and it was time to go to second period.
She walked into the science room and sat down bedside a girl with silver hair and jet black eyes.
"Hey Kanna you wanna hook up with me after school and do something?" A guy came up to the girl sitting next to Kagome.
"Back off bitch before I get my brother on you." The guy laughed nervously and walked back to his seat.
'this girl has an attitude and she looks kinda like Kagura.'
"Hey are you related to Kagura?" The girl looked at Kagome and smiled.
"Yeah, she's my big sister. Do you know her?"
"Yeah I met her this morning. Im new here, my name's Kagome what's your's?"
"My name's Kanna. Nice to meet you Kagome." Class started and the teacher started talking about the experiment they were gonna do for the week.
"Now everyone please pick your partners and get started." Kanna looked at Kagome.
"You can be my partner for the project." Kagome nodded.
"Alright." They opened their science books and started studying.
Suddenly a knock was heard at the door and a guy with long black wavy hair stepped into the room.
"Ms. Saisho, I need to talk to my sister really quick."
"Alright, but make it quick Naraku." The guy walked towards where Kagome and Kanna were at and sat down infront of them.
"Hey sis, what are you doing?"
"Are you skippign class again?" Kanna said and Kagome looked at them confusedly.
"Yeah, I was getting bored so I stopped by. Who's this?" He looked at Kagome.
"Oh, this is Kagome. She sais she already met Kagura this morning."
"Nice to meet you Kagome. My name's Naraku."
"Hey." That's all Kagome said adn the guy stood up.
"Well, I guess I'll go mess with Inuyasha now. See ya sis." Naraku said and stepped out of the room.
Class was over and Kagome was headign to P.E
''This is crazy. I don't wanna go to P.E.''
She walked into the gym and sat down on the benches. The teacher walked to Kagome and looked at his clipboard.
"You're Kagome Higurashi right?"
"Okay, you're gonna need work out clothes. I assume you're a size small?"
"I'll get you some clothes and a locker right away." The teacher walked away into the girls dressing rooms and came back with a white T-shirt and some black shorts.
"Here you go. Now go get dressed." Kagome took the clothes and went into the dressign rooms.
She put her clothes on and stepped out into the gym to see Inuyasha sitting on the benches with two other guys picking on some nerdy looking guy.
"Your so weak Nimeru. You can't even do a damn push up without dropping dead after. And your name sounds so girly. Are you sure you're not a girl?" Inuyasha was saying to the guy when he looked up and smiled at Kagome.
"Hey Kagome over here!" He yelled across the gym and pushed the guy he was picking on over.
"Move nerd, let the girl take a seat." Kagome sat down by Inuyasha and the two other guys and looked at them.
"Hey Inuyasha."
"Oh, these are some of my friends, Jakotsu, Bankotsu's brother, and Hakudoshi, Kagura's brother." The two guys smiled.
"Hey, my name's Kagome."
"Hey Kagome." They said in unision.
"Okay class, today were gonna play dodgeball. Inuyasha, Kimura, you're team captains, pick your teams." They both stood up and looked toward the class.
"I go first." Inuyasha said.
"Hakudoshi." Hakudoshi stood up and walked to Inuyasha's side.
"Pick Jakotsu and I'll rip your eyes out." Inuyasha whispered to Kimura.
"Jamiri." A girl stood up and walked to kimura's side.
"Jakotsu." Jakotsu stood up and walked to Inuyasha's side.
"Nimeru." Nimeru stood up and walked to Kimura's side.
"Kagome." Kagome stood up and walked to Inuyasha's side.
"Raiden" A guy stood up and walked to Kimura's side....
By the time they were done picking teams, there was 10 people in each team. The balls were set up in the middle and everyone was in their positions.
"Ready...go!" Inuyasha's team had 10 balls while Kimura's team had only 6.
Inuyasha threw his ball hard enough to make Nimeru fly against the wall like being hit by a crazy motorcycle driver.
"Yeah!'' Inuyasha yelled and quickly caught a ball that was thrown at full speed by Raiden.
"Yeah that's right Raiden, go sit down you're out."
Kagome was desperately dodgeing every ball thrown at her. Suddenly Kimura throws a ball strait at Kagome without her noticing.
Kagome turned around to see a big round ball headed strait for her and she shrieked.
She closed her eyes for impact, but felt nothing. She looked up to see Inuyasha's long silver hair.
He caught Kimura's ball and he was out. "Thanks Inuyasha."
"No sweat. I like playing this and I know hwo hard these people throw. You would of problably been nocked out cold if that ball would've hit you."
Suddenly a ball hit Inuyasha right on the back and he fell to the ground.
"Inuyasha" Kagome got on her knees beside him.
"Are you okay?" Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly.
"Why are you talking like that? You weren't even hit that hard."
"Shut's for dramatic effect...Now go along with it."
"Okayy."Kagome took Inuyasha's hand.
"Kagome be strong...don't get hit." Jakotsu ran to Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Inuyashaaa!!!!...Don't worry I'll avenge you." Jakotsu grabbed a ball from the floor and threw it at the guy who hit Inuyasha.
Then he went crazy and hit everyone else standing on the other side of the court until no one was left.
"I..can in peace." Inuyasha said and closed his eyes.
The teacher walked to him and sighed.
"Get up Inuyasha, you won the game." Suddenly Inuyasha opened his eyes and got up on his feet.
"Yeah, who's the man?!"
"You're the man!" Jakotsu yelled, pointing at Inuyasha.
"Who's the man?!"
"You the man!" Hakudoshi yelled.
They went on with that for a couple of minutes before going back into the dressing rooms.
The bell rang to go to the next class and Kagome went ot the computer room to see Kikyo and some girls.
"Hey Kikyo." Kikyo turned around and smiled.
"Hey Kagome. Everything going well?"
"Yeah, I met Kanna, Naraku, Hakudoshi, Jakotsu, and Koga."
"Good, these are some more of our friends, Ayame, and Yura." They looked at Kagome and smiled.
"Hello Kagome."
"Hey girls." Inuyasha entered the classroom and smiled.
"Hey you have this class too Kagome." Kagome nodded.
They all sat down and logged on their computers.
It was a free day so they did whatever they pleased on the computers and finally class was over.
Kagome walked to her next class and sat down.
The reast of the class time went by well and it was time for lunch.
Kikyo, Kagome, Sango, and Yura walked into the cafeteria and sat down in their table.
Inuyasha and the rest of the group including the girls, walked into the cafeteria and sat on the same table.
"Kagome, meet Miroku. He is a pervert so watch yourself with him" Kagome smiled at the guy and he took her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet such a beauty like you today. My name's Miroku." He was about ot kiss her hand went Sango comes to the rescue and slapps the back of his head.
"Leave her alone you perv." Miroku rubbed his head and sat down on the table.
Everyone was there at the table and Kagome noticed it was everybody she met.
"Kagome, this is our group. We always hang together and have eachothers backs." Kagome looked around at everybody and smiled. "Cool."
"And now, you're a part of our group." Kagura said.
"Cool." That's all Kagome could think of at the time.
They all got in line and got their food.
They all sat down and started eating, when Sesshomaru stopped and put his fork down.
"Hey guys, did ya'll know that Koga's getting in a fight today after school?"
Everyone looked at Koga.
"Really? With who?" Inuyasha asked.
"With Kyora." Koga said.
"Man, I always wanted to get my hand on that bitch. Guess you beat me to him." Inuyasha said eating his food.
"Bullshit, that bastard problably gets his brother on you." Miroku said.
"If he jumps in, I jump in." Sesshomaru said.
It was finally the end of the school day and Koga was ready to fight.
Koga and his gang were walkign to the back of the school and so was Kyora's gang.
They met halfway and Ayame stepped up to say something.
"Kyora, when Koga's done with you you would of wished you never stepped up to him." Kyora looked at Ayame then at Koga.
"So now you have this bitch backign you up for your fights?" Hari, one of Kyora's friends said.
"Calm down Ayame, just stay back." Koga said to Ayame.
"Hell no, she just called me a bitch!" Ayame said.
All of a sudden Ayame jumps on top of Hari and starts to punch her face.
Koga rushes to Ayame and wrapps his arms around her shoulders to pull her up off Hari. He finally pulls her off and hands her to Kikyo to calm her down.
Then the real fight began.
Koga punches Kyora and he puts his arms up to protect his face.
This goes on for a few seconds till Kyora's brother, Ryura figures out his brother is losing. He gets his boys to try to jump Koga, but all of the boys in Koga's gang jump in too. They took Kyora back to their group with a busted lip, and a big gash on his arm from protecting his face.
Ryura tells Koga it's not over and leaves with his gang following.
"That was bullshit. Miroku was right, they did Kyora can't stand up for himself."
Koga snickered with no scratch on him. "Yeah."
"Damn Ayame, I didn't know you could fight." Inuyasha said.
"Inuyasha nobody enters this gang unless they know how to fight. You said so yourself." Kikyo said. Then everybody turned to Kagome.
"What?" Kagome said.
"Do you know how to fight?" Yura asked.
"Well, I guess I can."
"Prove it." Kanna suggested.
"Well, I dont know who to fight. Besides I don't fight unless I get mad."
"You can fight me." Inuyasha said.
"What did you say?" Kagome said.
"Bi.." Inuyasha couldn't finish his words when Kagome land a fist right on his shoulder, making him stumble back a few stepps.
"Owww....That fucking hurt. You have one heck of a right hook." Inuyasha said lifting his sleeve to see a big red mark on his shoulder.
"Wow Kagome, Inuyasha doesn't bruise easily and you just bruised him there." Miroku said.
"Now we know that you do fight." Kikyo said.
"How?" Kagome asked.
"No one can just be that strong without training first." Kagura said.
"Well, My grandpa used to own a martial arts place back in Kyoto and I trained there." Everyone nodded.
"Well, we should all get going now so see yall later people."
They all said their goodbyes and headed home.
Kagome was walking home when a honk was heard. She didn't bother turning, it was problably some pervert looking at her.
"Kagome!" She turned around to see Inuyasha in his truck driving by her.
"Inuyasha, what are you doign around here?"
"I always pass by here when I go home and I saw you walking. Do you need a ride?"
"Um...Okay." Inuyasha stopped the truck to let Kagome in.
She got in and put her seat belt on.
"So, where do you live?"
"Um...five blocks from here around the corner." Inuyasha nodded and started driving.
" you have a guy back in Kyoto?" Inuyasha asked.
"I had one, but I found out he was cheating on me with several other girls and I dumped him."
"Well, If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't of done that. You're to cute to cheat on." Inuyasha looked at Kagome with a smirk on his face and then turned back to the road. Kagome turned away to hide the blush that was forming on her face.
"Oh, stop here, this is where I live." Inuyasha stopped the truck and looked at Kagome.
"Are your parents expecting you home anytime soon?" Inuyasha asked.
"Well, yeah I guess. Why?"
"I was gonna invite you out to eat with me."
"I can go ask my mom if I can go."
"Yeah." Kagome got off the truck and went inside her house to ask her mother.
Inuyasha watched her go and smiled. 'Score.' He thought to himself and waited for her to get back.
Kagome came out of the house running and Inuyasha lowered his window.
"She sadi yes."
"Good, get in." Inuyasha said and Kagome went inside the truck and Inuyasha drove off.
A/N: I had to stop there. First I was tiered and it was 2:41 in the morning and if i get caught I won't get a cellphone. I will finish my other fic with the 12th chapter because I can't think of anything else, sorry.I hope this fic goes better than the others I've written.There may be some mispelled words but I didn't have time to spellcheck.
R/R please.
Chapter 1
Her first day of school...meeting the gang
''Damn Kagome wake up or you'll be late for your first day of school.'' Shouted Sota, bangging on Kagome's bedroom door. Kagome opened her eyes with an angry look on her face. She let out a low growl and got out of bed. Today she had to face her fear of moving to Tokyo and going to a new school. 'Damn, I hate moving. I left all my frineds and now I have to make new ones. This is going to be the worst day ever.' She took a quick shower to wake herself up, got dressed and grabbed her bookbag.Her first day of school...meeting the gang
She walked downstairs and sat at the table. "Now Kagome, make sure you have all your things, I don't want you calling me and telling me you forgot something." "Yeah, whatever." Kagome grabbed some toast and headed for the door.
"See ya' after school mom.'' She closed the door and walked to school.
Her new school was only a few blocks away and it only took her 20 mins. to get there. She walked to the front office and walked to the secretary. "Um...miss, Im here to get my schedule for my classes...I'm new here." The lady looked up and smiled.
"Of course...hold on a bit. Let me print it out for you." The lady clicked on her computer mouse a few times and a sec. later a paper was coming out of the printer. She took the paper and handed it ot Kagome.
"Here you go, the classes are pretty easy to find here, you won't have a problem." Kagome thanked the lady and stepped out of the office. She looked at her schedule.
1. History Rm. 31
2. science Rm. 102
3. P.E Rm. 600
4. computers Rm. 27
5. art Rm. 5
6. lunch .cafeteria
7. math Rm. 25
8. english/reading Rm. 14
'Great, I have fucking P.E I am so freaking gonna fail that god damn class.' She went to the back of the school and sat down on one of the empty benches.She looked around at all the students having their fun and talking ot eachother. Then a group of people came to her and sat down beside her.
"Hey I see that you're new here what's your name?"
"Kagome, and yours?"
"Kikyo. These are my friends, Kagura, Sango, and Bankotsu." Kikyo said pointing to her friends.
"Hey, nice to meet you."
"Where did you come from Kagome?" Kikyo asked.
"I came from Kyoto a month ago."
"Yeah i've been to Kyoto before, its' really nice over there, but I perfer it here." Bankotsu said.
"Why did you move here?" Kagura asked.
"My father is a business man and he had to do a business project here so we had to move."
"Is he like a rich guy?" Bankotsu asked.
"Well, you can say that. I get almost anything I want."
"Yeah my daddy's like that too." Kikyo said.
"Yeah my dad's rich too, but he doesn't buy me anything that I really like. Like guns and knives and swords and other kinds of weapons." Bankotsu said.
"I can see why not. Last time you had a knife you stabbed a guy for talking mess about your brother." Sango said.
"Well, no one messes with Jakotsu. They'll have to get through me first." Kagome giggled.
"You guys are fun to hang with."
"Wait till you meet the rest of the gang." Sango said with a smirk.
They walked to the parking lot and to a black escalade with the music cranked up to full volume.
"Hey Inuyasha, turn down the fucking volume down before I rip your damn speakers up!" Kikyo was yelling at the guy inside the truck.
"Oh, hey Kikyo, Sango, Kagura, Bankotsu...Who's the girl?" Inuyasha said looking at Kagome.
"This is Kagome, she came from Kyoto. Kagome, this is Inuyasha, the brainless bonehead of the group." Inuyasha growled at what Kikyo said, but ignored it. "Hey Inuyasha, have you seen Sesshomaru?" Kagura asked Inuyasha.
"He should be here any 3, 2, 1, he comes." A black lamborghini pulled into the parking lot with loud music and tinted windows so Kagome couldn't see inside.
A tall guy with long silver hair and cold golden eyes stepped out of the car.
"Hey guys...hey babe." He walked to Kagura and wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a big kiss in the mouth.
"Oh get a room." Bankotsu said sticking his tounge out.
"Maybe later." The guy said. Kagura looked at Kagome.
"Kagome this is Sesshomaru, my boyfriend."
"I think she can see that Kagura, you just kissed in public with everyone looking. I think she can see that you guys go out." Sango said.
"Nice to meet you Sesshomaru"
"Same here."
The bell rang and Inuyasha turned his truck off. They walked their seperate ways to get to class and Kagome found herself following Sesshomaru.
He turned around and looked at Kagome."Do you have history first?"
"Cool, then you'll be with me and Koga. You can sit with us. Me and Koga always sit together and nobody else, so you'll be the first girl that we hang with in history class." Kagome nodded and followed Sesshomaru into the classroom and to the back to sit.
A guy with long black hair pulled into a high ponytail and blue eyes walked into the classroom and smiled at Kagome and Sesshomaru. "Hey Sesshomaru, who's the girl?"He sat down beside Sesshomaru and behind Kagome.
"This is Kagome. She's new to our group and we have to help her out if we have a class with her, so it's our turn." Koga smiled.
"Nice to meet you Kagome, my name's Koga."
"Nice to meet you Koga."
All of a sudden a guy with long red hair stepped up to where they were sitting.
"Hey, you're the new girl. Why are you hanging with these shitheads instead of us? You have made a bad choice on who to hang with girl." Koga stood up and walked to the guy.
"Are you going somewhere with this asshole?"
"Oh, bad Koga wants to beat me up. You have nothing on me boy."
"You want to bet on that?" Koga was about to punch Kyora, but Sesshomaru stood between them.
"Not here. If you wanna fight him, do it after school. That way we can run from the cops." Koga nodded.
"You heard that bitch? after school, we'll see who has the balls."Koga yelled at Kyora.
"And if you bring your brother, I'll take care of that sack of shit."Kyora growled and went to the front of the classroom.
They sat down and looked at Kagome's surprised expreassion.
"You guys are bad...But that was so freaking cool." They smiled and carried on with their conversation.
Half an hour passed and it was time to go to second period.
She walked into the science room and sat down bedside a girl with silver hair and jet black eyes.
"Hey Kanna you wanna hook up with me after school and do something?" A guy came up to the girl sitting next to Kagome.
"Back off bitch before I get my brother on you." The guy laughed nervously and walked back to his seat.
'this girl has an attitude and she looks kinda like Kagura.'
"Hey are you related to Kagura?" The girl looked at Kagome and smiled.
"Yeah, she's my big sister. Do you know her?"
"Yeah I met her this morning. Im new here, my name's Kagome what's your's?"
"My name's Kanna. Nice to meet you Kagome." Class started and the teacher started talking about the experiment they were gonna do for the week.
"Now everyone please pick your partners and get started." Kanna looked at Kagome.
"You can be my partner for the project." Kagome nodded.
"Alright." They opened their science books and started studying.
Suddenly a knock was heard at the door and a guy with long black wavy hair stepped into the room.
"Ms. Saisho, I need to talk to my sister really quick."
"Alright, but make it quick Naraku." The guy walked towards where Kagome and Kanna were at and sat down infront of them.
"Hey sis, what are you doing?"
"Are you skippign class again?" Kanna said and Kagome looked at them confusedly.
"Yeah, I was getting bored so I stopped by. Who's this?" He looked at Kagome.
"Oh, this is Kagome. She sais she already met Kagura this morning."
"Nice to meet you Kagome. My name's Naraku."
"Hey." That's all Kagome said adn the guy stood up.
"Well, I guess I'll go mess with Inuyasha now. See ya sis." Naraku said and stepped out of the room.
Class was over and Kagome was headign to P.E
''This is crazy. I don't wanna go to P.E.''
She walked into the gym and sat down on the benches. The teacher walked to Kagome and looked at his clipboard.
"You're Kagome Higurashi right?"
"Okay, you're gonna need work out clothes. I assume you're a size small?"
"I'll get you some clothes and a locker right away." The teacher walked away into the girls dressing rooms and came back with a white T-shirt and some black shorts.
"Here you go. Now go get dressed." Kagome took the clothes and went into the dressign rooms.
She put her clothes on and stepped out into the gym to see Inuyasha sitting on the benches with two other guys picking on some nerdy looking guy.
"Your so weak Nimeru. You can't even do a damn push up without dropping dead after. And your name sounds so girly. Are you sure you're not a girl?" Inuyasha was saying to the guy when he looked up and smiled at Kagome.
"Hey Kagome over here!" He yelled across the gym and pushed the guy he was picking on over.
"Move nerd, let the girl take a seat." Kagome sat down by Inuyasha and the two other guys and looked at them.
"Hey Inuyasha."
"Oh, these are some of my friends, Jakotsu, Bankotsu's brother, and Hakudoshi, Kagura's brother." The two guys smiled.
"Hey, my name's Kagome."
"Hey Kagome." They said in unision.
"Okay class, today were gonna play dodgeball. Inuyasha, Kimura, you're team captains, pick your teams." They both stood up and looked toward the class.
"I go first." Inuyasha said.
"Hakudoshi." Hakudoshi stood up and walked to Inuyasha's side.
"Pick Jakotsu and I'll rip your eyes out." Inuyasha whispered to Kimura.
"Jamiri." A girl stood up and walked to kimura's side.
"Jakotsu." Jakotsu stood up and walked to Inuyasha's side.
"Nimeru." Nimeru stood up and walked to Kimura's side.
"Kagome." Kagome stood up and walked to Inuyasha's side.
"Raiden" A guy stood up and walked to Kimura's side....
By the time they were done picking teams, there was 10 people in each team. The balls were set up in the middle and everyone was in their positions.
"Ready...go!" Inuyasha's team had 10 balls while Kimura's team had only 6.
Inuyasha threw his ball hard enough to make Nimeru fly against the wall like being hit by a crazy motorcycle driver.
"Yeah!'' Inuyasha yelled and quickly caught a ball that was thrown at full speed by Raiden.
"Yeah that's right Raiden, go sit down you're out."
Kagome was desperately dodgeing every ball thrown at her. Suddenly Kimura throws a ball strait at Kagome without her noticing.
Kagome turned around to see a big round ball headed strait for her and she shrieked.
She closed her eyes for impact, but felt nothing. She looked up to see Inuyasha's long silver hair.
He caught Kimura's ball and he was out. "Thanks Inuyasha."
"No sweat. I like playing this and I know hwo hard these people throw. You would of problably been nocked out cold if that ball would've hit you."
Suddenly a ball hit Inuyasha right on the back and he fell to the ground.
"Inuyasha" Kagome got on her knees beside him.
"Are you okay?" Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly.
"Why are you talking like that? You weren't even hit that hard."
"Shut's for dramatic effect...Now go along with it."
"Okayy."Kagome took Inuyasha's hand.
"Kagome be strong...don't get hit." Jakotsu ran to Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Inuyashaaa!!!!...Don't worry I'll avenge you." Jakotsu grabbed a ball from the floor and threw it at the guy who hit Inuyasha.
Then he went crazy and hit everyone else standing on the other side of the court until no one was left.
"I..can in peace." Inuyasha said and closed his eyes.
The teacher walked to him and sighed.
"Get up Inuyasha, you won the game." Suddenly Inuyasha opened his eyes and got up on his feet.
"Yeah, who's the man?!"
"You're the man!" Jakotsu yelled, pointing at Inuyasha.
"Who's the man?!"
"You the man!" Hakudoshi yelled.
They went on with that for a couple of minutes before going back into the dressing rooms.
The bell rang to go to the next class and Kagome went ot the computer room to see Kikyo and some girls.
"Hey Kikyo." Kikyo turned around and smiled.
"Hey Kagome. Everything going well?"
"Yeah, I met Kanna, Naraku, Hakudoshi, Jakotsu, and Koga."
"Good, these are some more of our friends, Ayame, and Yura." They looked at Kagome and smiled.
"Hello Kagome."
"Hey girls." Inuyasha entered the classroom and smiled.
"Hey you have this class too Kagome." Kagome nodded.
They all sat down and logged on their computers.
It was a free day so they did whatever they pleased on the computers and finally class was over.
Kagome walked to her next class and sat down.
The reast of the class time went by well and it was time for lunch.
Kikyo, Kagome, Sango, and Yura walked into the cafeteria and sat down in their table.
Inuyasha and the rest of the group including the girls, walked into the cafeteria and sat on the same table.
"Kagome, meet Miroku. He is a pervert so watch yourself with him" Kagome smiled at the guy and he took her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet such a beauty like you today. My name's Miroku." He was about ot kiss her hand went Sango comes to the rescue and slapps the back of his head.
"Leave her alone you perv." Miroku rubbed his head and sat down on the table.
Everyone was there at the table and Kagome noticed it was everybody she met.
"Kagome, this is our group. We always hang together and have eachothers backs." Kagome looked around at everybody and smiled. "Cool."
"And now, you're a part of our group." Kagura said.
"Cool." That's all Kagome could think of at the time.
They all got in line and got their food.
They all sat down and started eating, when Sesshomaru stopped and put his fork down.
"Hey guys, did ya'll know that Koga's getting in a fight today after school?"
Everyone looked at Koga.
"Really? With who?" Inuyasha asked.
"With Kyora." Koga said.
"Man, I always wanted to get my hand on that bitch. Guess you beat me to him." Inuyasha said eating his food.
"Bullshit, that bastard problably gets his brother on you." Miroku said.
"If he jumps in, I jump in." Sesshomaru said.
It was finally the end of the school day and Koga was ready to fight.
Koga and his gang were walkign to the back of the school and so was Kyora's gang.
They met halfway and Ayame stepped up to say something.
"Kyora, when Koga's done with you you would of wished you never stepped up to him." Kyora looked at Ayame then at Koga.
"So now you have this bitch backign you up for your fights?" Hari, one of Kyora's friends said.
"Calm down Ayame, just stay back." Koga said to Ayame.
"Hell no, she just called me a bitch!" Ayame said.
All of a sudden Ayame jumps on top of Hari and starts to punch her face.
Koga rushes to Ayame and wrapps his arms around her shoulders to pull her up off Hari. He finally pulls her off and hands her to Kikyo to calm her down.
Then the real fight began.
Koga punches Kyora and he puts his arms up to protect his face.
This goes on for a few seconds till Kyora's brother, Ryura figures out his brother is losing. He gets his boys to try to jump Koga, but all of the boys in Koga's gang jump in too. They took Kyora back to their group with a busted lip, and a big gash on his arm from protecting his face.
Ryura tells Koga it's not over and leaves with his gang following.
"That was bullshit. Miroku was right, they did Kyora can't stand up for himself."
Koga snickered with no scratch on him. "Yeah."
"Damn Ayame, I didn't know you could fight." Inuyasha said.
"Inuyasha nobody enters this gang unless they know how to fight. You said so yourself." Kikyo said. Then everybody turned to Kagome.
"What?" Kagome said.
"Do you know how to fight?" Yura asked.
"Well, I guess I can."
"Prove it." Kanna suggested.
"Well, I dont know who to fight. Besides I don't fight unless I get mad."
"You can fight me." Inuyasha said.
"What did you say?" Kagome said.
"Bi.." Inuyasha couldn't finish his words when Kagome land a fist right on his shoulder, making him stumble back a few stepps.
"Owww....That fucking hurt. You have one heck of a right hook." Inuyasha said lifting his sleeve to see a big red mark on his shoulder.
"Wow Kagome, Inuyasha doesn't bruise easily and you just bruised him there." Miroku said.
"Now we know that you do fight." Kikyo said.
"How?" Kagome asked.
"No one can just be that strong without training first." Kagura said.
"Well, My grandpa used to own a martial arts place back in Kyoto and I trained there." Everyone nodded.
"Well, we should all get going now so see yall later people."
They all said their goodbyes and headed home.
Kagome was walking home when a honk was heard. She didn't bother turning, it was problably some pervert looking at her.
"Kagome!" She turned around to see Inuyasha in his truck driving by her.
"Inuyasha, what are you doign around here?"
"I always pass by here when I go home and I saw you walking. Do you need a ride?"
"Um...Okay." Inuyasha stopped the truck to let Kagome in.
She got in and put her seat belt on.
"So, where do you live?"
"Um...five blocks from here around the corner." Inuyasha nodded and started driving.
" you have a guy back in Kyoto?" Inuyasha asked.
"I had one, but I found out he was cheating on me with several other girls and I dumped him."
"Well, If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't of done that. You're to cute to cheat on." Inuyasha looked at Kagome with a smirk on his face and then turned back to the road. Kagome turned away to hide the blush that was forming on her face.
"Oh, stop here, this is where I live." Inuyasha stopped the truck and looked at Kagome.
"Are your parents expecting you home anytime soon?" Inuyasha asked.
"Well, yeah I guess. Why?"
"I was gonna invite you out to eat with me."
"I can go ask my mom if I can go."
"Yeah." Kagome got off the truck and went inside her house to ask her mother.
Inuyasha watched her go and smiled. 'Score.' He thought to himself and waited for her to get back.
Kagome came out of the house running and Inuyasha lowered his window.
"She sadi yes."
"Good, get in." Inuyasha said and Kagome went inside the truck and Inuyasha drove off.
A/N: I had to stop there. First I was tiered and it was 2:41 in the morning and if i get caught I won't get a cellphone. I will finish my other fic with the 12th chapter because I can't think of anything else, sorry.I hope this fic goes better than the others I've written.There may be some mispelled words but I didn't have time to spellcheck.
R/R please.