InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Days ❯ Caught in the act ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does.
"It's your to him about it, or dump him." Kagome loooked down at her feet.
"I don't want to face him...But I know he will come to me soon." Inuyasha wrapped his arm around Kagome's shoulders.
"It will all be alright because, I'll be there with you when the time comes." Kagome looked up at Inuyasha and smiled.
"Thanks." Inuyasha smiled back at her, but his smile was soon gone when he looked at who came up behind Kagome.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha confused at his change of expression, then suddenly, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and was pulled away from Inuyasha.
"What the hell are you doing here with him?" Kimura asked her with a furious expression on his face.
"I...I was just..." He cut her off.
"We're leaving." He pulled her away and she looked over to Inuyasha.
"Please stop him...Kimura I don't want to go with you." Inuyasha walked over to Kimura and blocked his path.
"Didn't you hear her? She doesn't want to go with you...and you have some explaining to do about last night at the party." Kimura didn't look him in the eye and shoved his way through him.
"Kimura, leave me alone. I don't want to go with you." Kagome said struggling to break free of his grasp.
They got to the car and he shoved her in." I forbid you of seeing him again." He said and shut the door. Tears were falling down Kagome's cheeks, but when she looked out the window, Inuyasha's truck had parked next to the car and Inuyasha stepped out and opened the door to let Kagome out.
"C'mon." Kagome stepped out and looked at Kimura.
"You cheated on me...don't deny it...we're over." She said and ran to Inuyasha's truck and climbed in. Inuyasha looked at Kimura with a disgusted look and climbed into the truck as well. They sped off, leaving a very angry Kimura in the mall parking lot.
Kimura climbed into his car and secretly followed Inuyasha to his home. He parked at a distance from the mansion and walked the rest of the way to the mansion. He saw that nobody was in sight and decided to sneek into the driveway.
He saw that no one was watching Inuyasha's truck and he took out his car key and dug deep into Inuyasha's truck.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha was trying to confort Kagome by padding her back.
"You didn't do anything wrong Kagome...He deserved it." Kagome nodded.
"I still think he isn't gonna leave me alone any time soon." Inuyasha sighed.
"Don't worry about him anymore...He won't be coming anywhere near you anymore because I'll be there to protect you." Kagome nodded.
"Thanks Inuyasha...Do you think we can leave our relationship as friends for a while....I need time alone for a while." Inuyasha frowned, but didn't complain.
"Okay...whatever you want." He said and left the room. Kagome layed her head on Inuyasha's bed and stared into the ceiling. 'It's for the best...I shouldn't be with Inuyasha for a while...we should just keep our relationship as friends until things get settled down.'
Inuyasha walked over to Sesshomaru's room and sat on his chair. Sesshomaru looked up from his book and sighed.
"What is it now?" Sesshomaru said recognizing the look on Inuyasha's face.
"Well, she broke up with Kimura, but she only wants to be friends." Sesshomaru closed his book and set it on his nightstand.
"Give her some time...She just got out of a bad relationship, and she needs time to think things over." Inuyasha sighed.
"I thought she wanted to be with me...She doesn't need to think about it...she knows I love her and im pretty sure she feels the same, why should she think about it?" Sesshomaru sat up.
"You can't just rush her into a relationship, it won't work out like that...Give her some time and she'll know when she's ready to take you." Inuyasha nodded.
"Fine." He stood up and walked downstairs into the kitchen. He searched for some pain relief pills to calm his growing headache. Suddenly he heard a strange scratching noise coming from the driveway. He looked out the window, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary...still, it wouldn't hurt to check it out.
Inuyasha walked out into the driveway and spotted something on his truck. He walked closer to it and noticed tough scratches in his beloved escalade. Inuyasha practically turned as white as his hair. He slowly turned around and walked back into the mansion.
Sesshomaru was sitting silently on his recliner reading his book, when suddenly, he heard Inuyasha's loud screams from downstairs. He closed his book and walked out followed by Kagome, who burst out into the hallway.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Apparently something bad, considering Inuyasha's screams." Sesshomaru said.
They made it downstairs and saw a wimpering Inuyasha with his legs pulled up to his chest and rocking himself on the couch.
"'" Inuyasha said looking up at Kagome and Sesshomaru.
"What?" Sesshomaru asked. Inuyasha pointed towards the driveway. Sesshomaru and Kagome ran to the driveway and saw Inuyasha's ruined truck.
"Wow...that's pretty fucked up." Kagome nodded.
"Who did this?" Kagome said running her fingers through the deep gashes.
"Who else? Kimura...obvious." Kagome gasped and ran back inside to Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, are you okay?" Inuyasha looked up at Kagome and shook his head.
"My truck Kagome." Kagome sighed.
"It'll be okay...Im sure Sesshomaru can fix it." Sesshomaru walked in and nodded.
"Yeah...we have the money to fix it. You're just overreacting." Inuyasha shook his head.
''Overreacting? overreacting? I'll show you overreacting....Sesshomaru my truck it's's...ruined.''Sesshomaru just stood there looking at his brother disappointed.
''Is he always like this?''Kagome asked.
''Well..only when something special to him goes missing or it's ruined.Like when he was a little boy, I accidently riped his teddybear and he went crazy and threatened to run away...He grabbed a stick and wrapped a few snacks into a cloth and wrapped them around the stick. He walked out into the back yard for about ten minutes and came back saying, 'I bet you were scared that I ran away...You didn't know what to tell mom and dad.'..." Sesshomaru said making a little squeaky voice. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru strangely and back at Inuyasha.
"The real reason he came back was because the neighbor's dog found its way through the fence into our yard." Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru fiercely.
"What was I supposed to do? Let him rip me to pieces like you did to mr. cuddles?" Kagome looked at Inuyasha in amazement.
"Mr. Cuddles?" Inuyasha nodded.
"What?...don't say you never named your toys when you were young." Kagome quickly shook her head.
"Inuyasha, you're such a wimp...I know you still have that stupid bear under your bed, and you take it out each night before you go to bed." Inuyasha eyes widened.
"No I don't...Leave me alone!" He said getting up and running up the stairs. Kagome watched him leave in amazement.
"He's gonna go find another hiding place for the stupid stuffed animal." Sesshomaru said.
"NO IM NOT!!!" Inuyasha yelled from upstairs. Kagome just bursted into huge fits of laughter.
She walked upstairs and stopped by Inuyasha's door hearing him talking to something or someone.
"It's okay Mr. Cuddles...Sesshomaru is just a stupid jerk. You are my best friend no matter how old I am. I trust you the most." Kagome covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from bursting into laughter. After Inuyasha stopped talking to Mr. Cuddles, she slowly opened the door and heard Inuyasha shiffting on his bed.
When she walked completely in, she saw Inuyasha hiding the bear under his pillow.
" okay?" Inuyasha huffed.
"What do you care?...You laughed at me." Kagome sat by him and looked at him apolagetically.
"Im that Mr. Cuddles under your pillow?" Inuyasha stiffened.
"Why do you ask?" Kagome put her hand on the pillow.
"Can I see him?" Inuyasha looked up at Kagome suspiciously.
"You'll laugh." He said looking away.
"No I won't...I promise." Inuyasha looked at Kagome for a few seconds before lifting his pillow and revealing the bear to Kagome.
"How adorable." Kagome said taking the bear in her hands. He was brown with red buttons for eyes. He had a little cotton black jacket on that made him look extra adorable.
"My mom got it for me when I was little." Kagome smiled.
"I told you I wasn't gonna laugh." Inuyasha took the bear and put it under his bed.
"Why'd you put it away?" Inuyasha looked at her.
"Why?" Kagome reached under the bed and took the bear out.
"Sit here." Inuyasha did as he was told. Kagome sat next to him and sat the bear in between them.
She then took out her cell phone and faced it towards them. A flashing sound was heard and Kagome turned the phone around and looked at the picture she took.
"Cuuute." She said in a baby voice. Inuyasha looked at the picture and smiled.
"Hold on." Kagome clicked a few buttons on her phone and soon after Inuyasha's phone started vibrating. He opened it and saw a picture message. It was obviously Kagome's message, so he simply saved it as his wallpaper and fliped his phone shut. Kagome did the same and fliped her phone shut and set it on the nightstand.
They sat there staring into the ceiling for minutes, when Kagome broke the silence.
"You do know it was Kimura who did that to your truck." Inuyasha nodded.
"Yeah." Kagome looked up at him.
"What do you plan on doing about it?" Inuyasha shrugged.
"I really don't know right now." Kagome sighed.
"Just don't do anything to harsh." Inuyasha looked at her confused.
"Why shouldn't I? He deserves every single bad thing that has happened to him all his life." Inuyasha said crossing his hands over his chest.
"Okay...whatever." Kagome said.
Sesshomaru had made arrangements to take Inuyasha's truck to get fixed and that satisfied Inuyasha a little bit.
"I should problably go home now...It's getting late." Kagome said. Inuyasha nodded.
"Alright...I'll drive you." They walked outside and climbed into Inuyasha's ferrari. Inuyasha started the car and backed up into the street. It was a silent drive home, and very short. Inuyasha seemed to be speeding his way to Kagome's house.
"I'll go by your house tomorrow for a while okay?" Kagome said. Inuyasha nodded.
"Alright, Kagura will be there too. We can all go out, so wear something pretty." Inuyasha said. Kagome was offended by his choice of words.
"Are you trying to say I don't dress pretty?" Kagome retorted. Inuyasha held his hands up in defense.
"That's not what I meant...You dress pretty...I just want you to dress extra pretty tomorrow." Kagome eyed him suspiciously.
"Yeah...well, see ya' tomorrow." She said opening the door. Before she could even step foot on the pavement, Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into the car. Kagome gasped as Inuyasha's lips landed on hers. He gave her a sweet kiss and pulled away.
"See you tomorrow." Kagome blushed.
"Okay." She said and stepped out of the car. She closed the door and watched as Inuyasha sped off.
Kagome walked into her room and sat on her bed. 'I wonder what his plans are for tomorrow.' She got up and took a quick shower before going off to bed. Before she went to sleep, she looked at her cellphone wallpaper of her, Inuyasha, and Mr. Cuddles. They looked happy together, even though she was the only one smiling.
A/N: Im sorry for the huge delays...I tried to finish this chapter as fast as I could, but my cousin came and I got distracted. Anyways, Im finished and I think this was a pretty good chapter in my opinion, but who knows. Sorry for any mispelled words, I type pretty fast and my fingers get 'tangled' up. Thank you and please review.
Love: @nime_B@by
Chapter 6
Caught in the act
Inuyasha and Kagome were walking around the mall looking at different stores. "Inuyasha, what will I do about Kimura?" Inuyasha sighed.Caught in the act
"It's your to him about it, or dump him." Kagome loooked down at her feet.
"I don't want to face him...But I know he will come to me soon." Inuyasha wrapped his arm around Kagome's shoulders.
"It will all be alright because, I'll be there with you when the time comes." Kagome looked up at Inuyasha and smiled.
"Thanks." Inuyasha smiled back at her, but his smile was soon gone when he looked at who came up behind Kagome.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha confused at his change of expression, then suddenly, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and was pulled away from Inuyasha.
"What the hell are you doing here with him?" Kimura asked her with a furious expression on his face.
"I...I was just..." He cut her off.
"We're leaving." He pulled her away and she looked over to Inuyasha.
"Please stop him...Kimura I don't want to go with you." Inuyasha walked over to Kimura and blocked his path.
"Didn't you hear her? She doesn't want to go with you...and you have some explaining to do about last night at the party." Kimura didn't look him in the eye and shoved his way through him.
"Kimura, leave me alone. I don't want to go with you." Kagome said struggling to break free of his grasp.
They got to the car and he shoved her in." I forbid you of seeing him again." He said and shut the door. Tears were falling down Kagome's cheeks, but when she looked out the window, Inuyasha's truck had parked next to the car and Inuyasha stepped out and opened the door to let Kagome out.
"C'mon." Kagome stepped out and looked at Kimura.
"You cheated on me...don't deny it...we're over." She said and ran to Inuyasha's truck and climbed in. Inuyasha looked at Kimura with a disgusted look and climbed into the truck as well. They sped off, leaving a very angry Kimura in the mall parking lot.
Kimura climbed into his car and secretly followed Inuyasha to his home. He parked at a distance from the mansion and walked the rest of the way to the mansion. He saw that nobody was in sight and decided to sneek into the driveway.
He saw that no one was watching Inuyasha's truck and he took out his car key and dug deep into Inuyasha's truck.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha was trying to confort Kagome by padding her back.
"You didn't do anything wrong Kagome...He deserved it." Kagome nodded.
"I still think he isn't gonna leave me alone any time soon." Inuyasha sighed.
"Don't worry about him anymore...He won't be coming anywhere near you anymore because I'll be there to protect you." Kagome nodded.
"Thanks Inuyasha...Do you think we can leave our relationship as friends for a while....I need time alone for a while." Inuyasha frowned, but didn't complain.
"Okay...whatever you want." He said and left the room. Kagome layed her head on Inuyasha's bed and stared into the ceiling. 'It's for the best...I shouldn't be with Inuyasha for a while...we should just keep our relationship as friends until things get settled down.'
Inuyasha walked over to Sesshomaru's room and sat on his chair. Sesshomaru looked up from his book and sighed.
"What is it now?" Sesshomaru said recognizing the look on Inuyasha's face.
"Well, she broke up with Kimura, but she only wants to be friends." Sesshomaru closed his book and set it on his nightstand.
"Give her some time...She just got out of a bad relationship, and she needs time to think things over." Inuyasha sighed.
"I thought she wanted to be with me...She doesn't need to think about it...she knows I love her and im pretty sure she feels the same, why should she think about it?" Sesshomaru sat up.
"You can't just rush her into a relationship, it won't work out like that...Give her some time and she'll know when she's ready to take you." Inuyasha nodded.
"Fine." He stood up and walked downstairs into the kitchen. He searched for some pain relief pills to calm his growing headache. Suddenly he heard a strange scratching noise coming from the driveway. He looked out the window, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary...still, it wouldn't hurt to check it out.
Inuyasha walked out into the driveway and spotted something on his truck. He walked closer to it and noticed tough scratches in his beloved escalade. Inuyasha practically turned as white as his hair. He slowly turned around and walked back into the mansion.
Sesshomaru was sitting silently on his recliner reading his book, when suddenly, he heard Inuyasha's loud screams from downstairs. He closed his book and walked out followed by Kagome, who burst out into the hallway.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Apparently something bad, considering Inuyasha's screams." Sesshomaru said.
They made it downstairs and saw a wimpering Inuyasha with his legs pulled up to his chest and rocking himself on the couch.
"'" Inuyasha said looking up at Kagome and Sesshomaru.
"What?" Sesshomaru asked. Inuyasha pointed towards the driveway. Sesshomaru and Kagome ran to the driveway and saw Inuyasha's ruined truck.
"Wow...that's pretty fucked up." Kagome nodded.
"Who did this?" Kagome said running her fingers through the deep gashes.
"Who else? Kimura...obvious." Kagome gasped and ran back inside to Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, are you okay?" Inuyasha looked up at Kagome and shook his head.
"My truck Kagome." Kagome sighed.
"It'll be okay...Im sure Sesshomaru can fix it." Sesshomaru walked in and nodded.
"Yeah...we have the money to fix it. You're just overreacting." Inuyasha shook his head.
''Overreacting? overreacting? I'll show you overreacting....Sesshomaru my truck it's's...ruined.''Sesshomaru just stood there looking at his brother disappointed.
''Is he always like this?''Kagome asked.
''Well..only when something special to him goes missing or it's ruined.Like when he was a little boy, I accidently riped his teddybear and he went crazy and threatened to run away...He grabbed a stick and wrapped a few snacks into a cloth and wrapped them around the stick. He walked out into the back yard for about ten minutes and came back saying, 'I bet you were scared that I ran away...You didn't know what to tell mom and dad.'..." Sesshomaru said making a little squeaky voice. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru strangely and back at Inuyasha.
"The real reason he came back was because the neighbor's dog found its way through the fence into our yard." Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru fiercely.
"What was I supposed to do? Let him rip me to pieces like you did to mr. cuddles?" Kagome looked at Inuyasha in amazement.
"Mr. Cuddles?" Inuyasha nodded.
"What?...don't say you never named your toys when you were young." Kagome quickly shook her head.
"Inuyasha, you're such a wimp...I know you still have that stupid bear under your bed, and you take it out each night before you go to bed." Inuyasha eyes widened.
"No I don't...Leave me alone!" He said getting up and running up the stairs. Kagome watched him leave in amazement.
"He's gonna go find another hiding place for the stupid stuffed animal." Sesshomaru said.
"NO IM NOT!!!" Inuyasha yelled from upstairs. Kagome just bursted into huge fits of laughter.
She walked upstairs and stopped by Inuyasha's door hearing him talking to something or someone.
"It's okay Mr. Cuddles...Sesshomaru is just a stupid jerk. You are my best friend no matter how old I am. I trust you the most." Kagome covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from bursting into laughter. After Inuyasha stopped talking to Mr. Cuddles, she slowly opened the door and heard Inuyasha shiffting on his bed.
When she walked completely in, she saw Inuyasha hiding the bear under his pillow.
" okay?" Inuyasha huffed.
"What do you care?...You laughed at me." Kagome sat by him and looked at him apolagetically.
"Im that Mr. Cuddles under your pillow?" Inuyasha stiffened.
"Why do you ask?" Kagome put her hand on the pillow.
"Can I see him?" Inuyasha looked up at Kagome suspiciously.
"You'll laugh." He said looking away.
"No I won't...I promise." Inuyasha looked at Kagome for a few seconds before lifting his pillow and revealing the bear to Kagome.
"How adorable." Kagome said taking the bear in her hands. He was brown with red buttons for eyes. He had a little cotton black jacket on that made him look extra adorable.
"My mom got it for me when I was little." Kagome smiled.
"I told you I wasn't gonna laugh." Inuyasha took the bear and put it under his bed.
"Why'd you put it away?" Inuyasha looked at her.
"Why?" Kagome reached under the bed and took the bear out.
"Sit here." Inuyasha did as he was told. Kagome sat next to him and sat the bear in between them.
She then took out her cell phone and faced it towards them. A flashing sound was heard and Kagome turned the phone around and looked at the picture she took.
"Cuuute." She said in a baby voice. Inuyasha looked at the picture and smiled.
"Hold on." Kagome clicked a few buttons on her phone and soon after Inuyasha's phone started vibrating. He opened it and saw a picture message. It was obviously Kagome's message, so he simply saved it as his wallpaper and fliped his phone shut. Kagome did the same and fliped her phone shut and set it on the nightstand.
They sat there staring into the ceiling for minutes, when Kagome broke the silence.
"You do know it was Kimura who did that to your truck." Inuyasha nodded.
"Yeah." Kagome looked up at him.
"What do you plan on doing about it?" Inuyasha shrugged.
"I really don't know right now." Kagome sighed.
"Just don't do anything to harsh." Inuyasha looked at her confused.
"Why shouldn't I? He deserves every single bad thing that has happened to him all his life." Inuyasha said crossing his hands over his chest.
"Okay...whatever." Kagome said.
Sesshomaru had made arrangements to take Inuyasha's truck to get fixed and that satisfied Inuyasha a little bit.
"I should problably go home now...It's getting late." Kagome said. Inuyasha nodded.
"Alright...I'll drive you." They walked outside and climbed into Inuyasha's ferrari. Inuyasha started the car and backed up into the street. It was a silent drive home, and very short. Inuyasha seemed to be speeding his way to Kagome's house.
"I'll go by your house tomorrow for a while okay?" Kagome said. Inuyasha nodded.
"Alright, Kagura will be there too. We can all go out, so wear something pretty." Inuyasha said. Kagome was offended by his choice of words.
"Are you trying to say I don't dress pretty?" Kagome retorted. Inuyasha held his hands up in defense.
"That's not what I meant...You dress pretty...I just want you to dress extra pretty tomorrow." Kagome eyed him suspiciously.
"Yeah...well, see ya' tomorrow." She said opening the door. Before she could even step foot on the pavement, Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into the car. Kagome gasped as Inuyasha's lips landed on hers. He gave her a sweet kiss and pulled away.
"See you tomorrow." Kagome blushed.
"Okay." She said and stepped out of the car. She closed the door and watched as Inuyasha sped off.
Kagome walked into her room and sat on her bed. 'I wonder what his plans are for tomorrow.' She got up and took a quick shower before going off to bed. Before she went to sleep, she looked at her cellphone wallpaper of her, Inuyasha, and Mr. Cuddles. They looked happy together, even though she was the only one smiling.
A/N: Im sorry for the huge delays...I tried to finish this chapter as fast as I could, but my cousin came and I got distracted. Anyways, Im finished and I think this was a pretty good chapter in my opinion, but who knows. Sorry for any mispelled words, I type pretty fast and my fingers get 'tangled' up. Thank you and please review.
Love: @nime_B@by