InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ His Gift of Protection ❯ The Hunt ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. In other words, I don't own and I make no money from this.
Originally posted to Inuyasha Fanfiction on June 18, 2012 for drabble #31 Scent.
Title: The Hunt
Author: ananova
Word Count: 357
Prompt: Scent
Genre: General
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Characters: Inuyasha
Summary: Inuyasha hunts down some fire-rats. Follows Where There's Smoke.
Inuyasha sniffed, smirking as he caught the scent of his prey. Stealthily, he crept through the foliage, eyes searching for the flash of red. There! He leaped, claws out and slashing. There was a slight squeal, then silence.
Inuyasha grimaced as he added the latest catch to the handful of dead fire-rats that dangled from his hand. Damn did they stink. He couldn't wait until he brought them to the tanner Myouga had told him about. He would be able to turn their hides into a garment like his haori. He gave the carcasses another look as he tried not to breath in their scent too deeply. And he must be able to do something about the smell. After all, his haori didn't smell anything like these things. He smiled faintly as he took a whiff of it. It smelled like Kagome.
Inuyasha sighed. That was something he would regret. Having a fire-rat garment of her own would mean that she would no longer have to borrow his, and thus, his would no longer carry her scent. At least, not as strongly.
“Stubborn wench. She couldn't just wear my haori all the time, could she?” He shook his head. She wouldn't take his 'armor' because she felt he would be injured without it. “Doesn't she get that it doesn't matter if I get hurt, just as long as she isn't? Feh!”
He shook his head again, glancing at the fire-rats once more. “Still worth it,” he mumbled to himself as he began running toward where the tanner was supposed to live. As long as Kagome was safe he would put up with the smell. As much as he had enjoyed it, he knew he couldn't keep holding her through the night, not and be able to remain alert enough for watch duty. Her scent was just too relaxing when it was so close.
He had to break off his musings as the cave Myouga-jiji had told him about came into view. Glancing around warily, every fiber of his being alert and tensed for the first sign of danger, he walked through the dark entry.