InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Home ❯ A New Face ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 5: A New Face
Kagome and Souta had been on the streets for a couple of weeks now. They had enough money to stay in a motel until now so now they were on the streets. Kagome didn't know what was going to happen. Where were they supposed to stay? How were they going to get food?
They sat in the park watching the sunset. “What's going to happen to us sis?” Souta asked.
“I don't know Souta, we don't have any more money to stay in that motel anymore and we only have enough money for a couple more meals,” Kagome confessed.
“So where are we going to sleep tonight?” Souta asked.
“How about we camp out under this tree? It's the perfect hideout from the police when they patrol the park at night and we should be able to stay here a couple of days,” Kagome said.
“Sounds like fun!” Souta smiled.
Kagome had been looking real hard to find a job anywhere and even if the paycheck didn't come for a few weeks they could get by until then, but no jobs were open anywhere. Why was this happening to them? Bad luck seemed to be following her everywhere she went!
Kagome laid back and put her arm around Souta. “Get some sleep little bro,” she smiled as Souta lay his head on her stomach.
It was going to be a long night. The park went completely dark and all Kagome could see was horrible memories of that night. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't forget it. She wanted to forget it so she could be strong for Souta, but in the dark she just couldn't.
It seemed in the dark she could see the whole thing get played through her mind over and over again. She hardly ever slept because of these horrible memories. She felt tears fill her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
“I love you, Mom. Please watch over Souta,” she whispered and closed her eyes to get a little bit of sleep if any.
The next morning Kagome awoke to the birds chirping and the sun in her eyes. She sat up and looked around. Souta was nowhere to be found. Kagome panicked and stood up.
“Souta! Where are you?” she called out getting worried.
“What's up sis? That nice ice cream man gave me some ice cream cones for free!” Souta said from behind Kagome.
She sighed in relief and hugged her little brother.
“I was only gone for a minute not a year!” Souta exclaimed.
“Why did he give you free ice cream?” Kagome asked.
“I told him I had no money and you were sick so you needed a little pick-me-up. I asked if he could give me one, but he gave me two,” Souta smiled.
“Thank you Souta,” Kagome smiled back and took the second ice cream cone.
“What are little brothers for?” Souta asked.
A group of teenagers in uniforms walked by staring at Kagome and her brother curiously. Kagome felt like she was an outcast, as if she were an alien to this place or something. She didn't like this feeling one bit. She glared at the teenagers that walked by and they grew scared and ran away.
She was a horrible person. She couldn't even take care of her little brother, much less herself. She didn't know what she could do.
“Souta, I'm sorry,” Kagome whispered.
“For what? You didn't do anything,” Souta said.
“I just don't know what to do anymore,” Kagome sighed.
“Don't worry Kagome! We can find a shelter somewhere and stay there for a while,” Souta said.
“Okay, after we finish these cones we'll go look for some shelters,” Kagome smiled.
Five shelters… They had been to five shelters and they were all supposedly full. How could they be full? How many homeless people were out there?
Kagome looked down in there hand. Only change. They had no more money for anything. Where did all their money go?
They were back at the park sitting on a bench. Kagome watched all the people walk by. They were all happy…
One person caught her eye and she stood up. “Stay here, Souta. I'll be right back,” she said and walked in the direction of the person.
He looked rich. Nice brand name clothes, expensive phone, Rolex watch. If Kagome could bump into him she could try to pick his pocket.
He was on his cell phone and he was walking toward Kagome. Her heart started to pound at the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She was extremely nervous. Finally he was right next to her. She bumped his shoulder with hers and picked his wallet out of his back pocket.
She just kept walking until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see the boy who had saved her all those weeks ago.
“You,” the boy said shocked.
Kagome turned and ran. How stupid was she?
“Wait!” the boy called and ran after her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a stop.
“Let me go!” Kagome shouted.
“I kind of need my wallet back,” the boy said.
Kagome blushed and sighed. She was caught so no use in fighting it. “Please don't turn me in. I have to take care of my little brother,” Kagome said.
“Why were to trying to steal in the first place? Do you need money that badly?” the boy asked.
“Why do you care? Just let me go, I need to find my little brother,” Kagome said.
“Tell me why first,” the boy ordered.
“We're homeless okay? The day you saved me was the day my mother died and we got put up for adoption. They did something horrible, so I ran away with my little brother,” Kagome explained vaguely.
“What did they do to you?” the boy asked.
“That's none of your business, so let me go!” Kagome yelled.
The boy let her go and watched her walk away. He decided to follow her and saw her walk up to what her assumed was her little brother.
“Don't follow me!” Kagome called back to him.
“I want to help you,” he answered.
Kagome turned to look at the boy curiously. Did he really want to help? Was he just going to use her like Kenji and Nameo did?
“Why would you want to help us?” Kagome asked.
“I don't know you just seem different from the first time I saw you. There's something missing from your eyes,” he said.
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“Before, when we met, you had a glint in your eyes, but now I don't see it,” he stated.
“That's no reason to help me,” she said.
“Just stay with me for a week and if you don't like it then I'll give you some money so you can start your life over again and you can leave,” he said.
“Come on sis, let's go with him. We'll get to sleep in a bed for a week,” Souta said.
“Fine, we'll go with you,” Kagome said giving in.
“Great! I'm Inuyasha,” he smiled.
“I'm Kagome and this is Souta,” Kagome introduced.
“This is it! Home sweet home,” Inuyasha smiled as he opened the front door to a gigantic house.
“How did you get all this money?” Kagome asked.
“Inheritance. And my brother is a huge businessman. He lives here to,” Inuyasha said.
“Will we get to meet him?” Kagome asked.
“Maybe, if you're lucky,” Inuyasha said.
“Kagome! I have to use the restroom,” Souta whispered to his sister.
“Where's the bathroom?” Kagome asked.
“Down the hall, first door on the right,” Inuyasha directed.
Souta ran to the restroom and slammed the door shut. Kagome flinched at the noise getting reminded of the basement. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her head.
“Would you like to have a drink or food or anything?” Inuyasha asked.
“A drink would be nice at the moment. Can I have water?” Kagome asked.
“Sure just follow me,” he smiled grabbing her hand and pulling her to the kitchen. He got her a glass of water and Kagome chugged it down.
Inuyasha sat down and watched her carefully. `Sesshomaru is going to kill me for bringing a human in here,' Inuyasha thought as he ran a hand through is black hair.
“Is there something wrong?” Kagome asked.
“No, why would anything be wrong?” Inuyasha asked.
“I don't know, you just seem worried about something,” Kagome said.
“Actually I'm worried about my brother,” Inuyasha sighed.
“What's there to be worried about? He's your brother,” Kagome said.
“We don't have the same kind of relationship as you and Souta. If he had a choice he would've kicked me out the day my mother died,” Inuyasha said.
“That's horrible! Why would he do that?” Kagome asked.
“He hates me for what I am,” Inuyasha said.
“For what you are?” Kagome repeated confused.
Inuyasha snapped out of his daze after realizing what he just said. “Just forget what I said. I'll show you your room,” he smiled.
“Okay,” Kagome said shrugging it off.
What she didn't know was that they were about to be thrown into a world she never knew existed…
A/N: Sounds like everyone likes it so far! I'm really glad and I'm doing my best to update everyday for you guys! Now that I finished my other story I can concentrate on this one. I think it might turn out to be pretty good! Thanks for the reviews! Love ya guys!