InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ How could you lie to me? ❯ Finding out ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company. I do however own the other characters and the plot.
Kagome sat in the hospital waiting room with her mother. Who didn't look very happy but that was because of something totally unexpected.
Kun-Loon said, “You know this is possibly the stupidest thing you have ever done. Do you know that Kagome?”
Kagome said, “Yes mother. I know.”
Kun-Loon said, “Have you told Inuyasha yet?”
Kagome said, “No but I don't think telling him is such a good idea anyway mom.”
Kun-Loon looked at Kagome and said, “And the reason behind that is why?”
Kagome said, “Inuyasha doesn't love me mom. He's in love with Kikyo and what happened between us was not something we would normally do you know. We just sort of happened. He can't know about this because if he does then there will be a whole lot of yelling and it won't be me doing it. Inuyasha's said before he didn't want children from anyone so its not a good idea to tell him.”
Kun-Loon said, “Then why do you want to keep it if he don't want it?”
Kagome said, “Because even if he doesn't I do mother. I know that I am only 16 mom but I love Inuyasha even if he don't love me and this child is a part of him. A part I get to keep. A part that I don't have to fight someone in order to have.”
Kun-Loon said, “I think I understand and I don't mind you keeping it Kagome. What I want to know is how do you plan on keeping it a secret from him? Won't he notice when you start showing.”
Kagome said, “I'll just have to make him so pissed off at me that he won't dare come get me. I'll even throw the damn jewel shards at him but I'll keep one for myself so when I'm able to I can go apologize to him.”
Kun-Loon said, “So you plan on keeping up your usual schedual after your child's born?”
Kagome said, “I have to mom. Its my fault the jewel broke in the first place and if I don't then it won't be safe here either. But if I help then it will be. It'll be alright you'll see.”
Kun-Loon said, “I'm the one who's supposed to tell you that not the other way around.”
When the nurse called her name both Kagome and her mom walked back to the room where they were to wait for the doctor. Kagome had changed into the gown and was waiting on the table. After the doctor's appointment Kagome sat in her room thinking of a way to get Inuyasha do mad at her that he wouldn't think to come get her. Then it came to her. She got up and walked to the well house.
Inuyasha said, “Damn Wench I was wondering when you were going to come back. I was just about to go get you.”
Kagome said, “I have something to tell you and you might not be happy with me about it.”
Inuyasha said, “What now?”
Kagome said, “Well I'm pregnant.”
Inuyasha said, “WHAT!?”
Kagome said, “I'm pregnant.”
Inuyasha said, “Then get rid of it how hard it that.”
Kagome said, “I can't and anyway I wouldn't anyway.”
Inuyasha said, “Well then how do you plan on hunting for shards and fighting Naraku?”
Kagome said, “I can't at least not until he's born in any case.”
Inuyasha said, “How do you know it's a boy and not a girl?”
Kagome stood up and turned sideways and lifted her sweater. To show him just how pregnant she was.
Inuyasha said, “You've been that pregnant and fighting. Are you insane Kagome?”
Kagome said, “I really didn't have a choice now did I. Every time I said I had to go home you told me no. So how was I supposed to stay out of the fights when you constantly dragged me into it?”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah I guess I should have noticed that you were pregnant. I mean I know what it smells like but I never thought it would happen to you at least.”
Kagome said, “So is it ok if I stay home until he's old enough to be on his own with my mom?”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah but I have one question first.”
Kagome said, “What is it?”
Inuyasha said, “Well one you never answered my question on how you know it's a boy? And second who's is it? I mean I know we slept together once.”
Kagome said, “I know it's a boy because there is a machine in my time called an ultrasound machine and it lets you see inside your stomach. So I've already seen him. You can see him if you want I have one of the pictures with me. But as for your other one I'm not really sure who's it is.”
Inuyasha said, “How could you not know?”
Kagome said, “What you think you're the only one I've slept with? I slept with Hojo two days after I came home from sleeping with you after that huge fight we had about it. So he could be yours or Hojo's though I am more inclined to think he's Hojo's than yours since it was him that was closest to my time of the month.”
Inuyasha said, “Oh ok just wondering.”
Kagome handed him the ultrasound picture and he took it. He saw the small baby in the picture and something in him snapped into place. He could hear his youki saying it was his child not this Hojo guys but he couldn't argue with Kagome. She would know better than he would but it was the fact that looking at this small child was something he couldn't help but feel was his responsibility. He went to hand it back only to have Kagome stop him.
Kagome said, “Why don't you keep that one? I have others. I mean like I said I don't know who's it is and it's a very small chance that he might be yours so if he is yours then you have a picture.”
Inuyasha said, “Ok.”
Kagome smiled and said, “Come here a minute.”
Inuyasha went over to her and waited to see what she wanted. Kagome reached out and took his hand and put it on her swollen belly as she sat their on the well. He felt the kid kick his hand and noticed just how strong he really was. He was proud that if it was his son then he was strong even for a baby that wasn't born yet. He knelt down in front of her and she smiled at him.
She said, “I thought you said you didn't want any children Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah I did but…”
Kagome said, “Your starting to rethink that idea.”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah I am actually. No offense Kagome but I honestly hope he's mine and not Hojo's.”
Kagome smiled and hugged Inuyasha cause she already knew it was his child because she'd lied about sleeping with Hojo but she still couldn't tell him it was his son because then their would be problems like where he was going to live and who would take care of him. So in the end she was going to tell him it was Hojo's child even when it was his son.
Kagome said, “Inuyasha I need to get home. My mom wants me home when she tells my grandfather and Souta.”
Inuyasha said, “Alright. I'll come see you if you want?”
Kagome said, “Actually Inuyasha with my mom being as pissed off as she is I think it would be better if you stayed here. I already discussed it with her and she says if you so much as show your face at the shrine she's going to kill you so I think it would be better for your own safety if you stayed here and waited until I come back here to resume our mission. Do you want the shards we have so far?”
Inuyasha said, “No you keep them and if we get anymore I'll make a special trip here just to put them in the well house back on your shrine for you ok. That way Naraku can't get them Okay.”
Kagome said, “Alright just make sure you don't leave the well house ok. Hey you know I might even leave you new pictures of him too ok. So you have a new one.”
Inuyasha smiled and said, “Ok. Come on I'll take you back so you don't get hurt.”
Inuyasha picked Kagome up and jumped into the well and then back out of the well once in the well house in her time. He smiled at her and placed a small kiss on her cheek and let his clawed hand drag across her stomach and then jumped back into the well and left. Kagome watched as Inuyasha left them for the last time. She thought, please Kami don't let this turn out to be a huge mistake. I still can't believe he let me leave without a fight. Well I guess I should get back into the house and face my family. I love you Inuyasha stay safe until I can be with you again and I am sorry I am lying to you but its for the better.