InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ How could you lie to me? ❯ School and the talk ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company. I do however own the other characters and the plot.
Kagome had just gotten off the stairs of her shrine and walked to school. She had decided since her school uniform didn't fit anymore she'd wear a pair of stretch pants that were black with a top that was black with red roses on it. She was walking when she heard her three friends call her. So she waited for them.
Ayumi said, “Kagome you're in civvies.”
Kagome said, “Yeah well I don't exactly have a choice my uniform don't fit anymore hasn't for the past six months.”
Yuka said, “Why not? You couldn't have gained that much weight while you were out sick.”
Kagome sighed and turned around. Her friends saw how much she showed and were shocked.
Eri said, “Are you pregnant?”
Kagome said, “Well if I'm not then someone should tell the six month old fetus in my stomach.”
Ayumi said, “Kagome, how can you joke about this?”
Kagome said, “Because I don't see anything wrong with it that's how.”
Yuka said, “It's that boyfriends of yours isn't it?”
Kagome said, “I would hope so Yuka.”
Eri said, “This isn't funny Kagome, do you have any idea how much your life's just been messed up?”
Kagome said, “For your information Eri I don't think my life's been messed up. I love Inuyasha and our son. If you can't except that then you can go to one of the nine hells because like I told my granddad last night I don't care what you think or say its my baby and if you don't like it you can stay the hell away from us cause I'm keeping him.”
With that Kagome turned and walked away but was stopped by her three friends again. She was still pissed at them for what they said but she stopped and waited anyway.
Eri said, “Look Kagome I'm sorry about what I just said.”
Kagome said, “Its alright it's mostly hormones right now.”
Yuka said, “Wonder how Hojo's going to take this news?”
Kagome said, “Don't know.”
Ayumi said, “How'd your guy take it when he found out?”
Kagome said, “He doesn't know.”
Yuka said, “You didn't tell him?”
Kagome said, “Oh I told him. He just doesn't know it's his.”
Eri said, “Whose does he think it is?”
Kagome said, “You guys can't say anything until I get a chance to talk to him alright but Inuyasha thinks that the baby is Hojo's.”
The other three laughed and Yuka said, “Why did you tell him that instead of the truth?”
Kagome said, “I told him it was Hojo's because Inuyasha travels a lot and I want my son to stay here but he'd never allow it and since he's seen Hojo and me together at times it was easy to tell him it was Hojo's child even when its not. But see you can't say anything because I need to talk to him first.”
Ayumi said, “Cause Inuyasha's going to be coming round and you need Hojo to make your story believable.”
Kagome said, “Yeah so can you guys not say anything?”
They said, “Yeah promise.”
Once at school everyone stared at Kagome because she was visibly pregnant. The girls noticed Hojo and told Kagome to go to a place that was secluded they'd bring Hojo there.
Hojo said, “Hey Kagome. Felling better?”
Kagome said, “Yeah for the most part. I need to talk to you and ask you a huge favor to which you can certainly say no too if you wish.”
Hojo said, “Alright what about?”
Kagome turned around and said, “Well for one as you can see I'm pregnant.”
Hojo said, “Yeah I can see that. What's the favor and the talk?”
Kagome said, “Well one I have a boyfriend and have had for months now but he travels so much that I don't see him so much. Now he knows I'm pregnant but see he doesn't know it's his.”
Hojo said, “Let me guess he thinks its mine.”
Kagome said, “Yeah sorry. My family knows about all of it. I only told him that because he's traveling so much and I want our son to stay here with my mom but he'll want him to come with us and it's not a good idea.”
Hojo said, “Ok I can understand that. Now what's the favor?”
Kagome said, “Now you can tell me no on this ok. Cause I don't have any right to ask it of you. But in order to make it believable to him, because he's pretty smart and I think he suspects it's his baby and I lied to him, I kind of need you to pretend he's yours when Inuyasha's around.”
Hojo smiled and said, “I would be honored.”
Kagome said, “Yeah but see here's where the problem lies he's always watching me even if I don't notice it. He's even been watching me while I'm here. See Inuyasha's a half demon so he can get up to where our classroom is no problem.”
Hojo said, “I get what you mean. Me pretending that your child is mine is a full time job. I still don't mind Kagome. I just have to let my family in on it so they don't freak out. But I can almost guarantee them playing along as well.”
Kagome said, “Thank you so much Hojo.”
Hojo said, “Your welcome. Now let's get inside before we are late to class.”
He took Kagome's backpack and her hand. Then they went inside the school and too their class. Where everyone saw her and Hojo and figured the child she was carrying was his since he was acting as such.