InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ How could you lie to me? ❯ The truth is out ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company. I do however own the other characters and the plot.
*A month later*
Inuyasha sat in his favorite tree looking at the picture Kagome had given him. There was just something he couldn't put his finger on. It was like this child was calling to him telling him that it was his. But why would Kagome lie to him about something like that unless she really wasn't going to keep him and was going to give him away? But why would she do that? Did she say that when they were together she loved him or had that just been the heat of the moment? He'd meant it when he'd said it to her. So then why was she lying to him about this? He had to talk to Kagome and get the truth even if it meant getting in trouble with her family.
With that Inuyasha jumped from the tree and ran to the well and jumped in it. He ran up the shrine to the house and then right into Kagome's room where he sat on her bed and waited till she got home from school that day. Once she was home and she went into her room. She didn't notice Inuyasha waiting for her until she had closed the door and put her bag down on the floor then she noticed him.
She said, “What are you doing in here? If my mom finds out you're going to be in so much trouble.”
Inuyasha said, “I don't care it'll be worth it. I want to know something and no more running around the bush alright.”
She said, “What do you want to know?”
Inuyasha said, “Is this my baby?”
She said, “I told you I don't know.”
Inuyasha said, “And you're lying to me. Why are you lying to me? Why can't you just tell me the truth?”
She said, “Inuyasha I am telling you the truth.”
Inuyasha got up and went over to her and said, “No you're not Kagome. Cause if you were then I wouldn't be here. Tell me the truth now.”
She said, “Inuyasha please I am you have to believe me.”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah well then theirs your problem because I don't believe you. You know if you had slept with anyone else I would have known about it. Your scent would have given you away and it didn't. You have only slept with one person and on top of that Kagome every time I look at this picture my demon tells me he's mine. So why can't you just tell the truth? Do you think I won't care or that I won't love you two? Cause if you remember correctly Kagome I told you that night I loved you and I still do. I don't know if you meant it when you said it to me or if it was the heat of the moment but I really don't care because to tell you the truth Kagome I do love you and if you had any idea you would know that I wouldn't leave you just because you have a baby especially when I told you yesterday that I hoped it was mine. God Kagome if you weren't so dense you would have noticed that I really want this baby and I want it with you. Hell you're the first girl I ever slept with not even Kikyo can claim she slept with me. I'm 200 years old and you're the first girl I've slept with. So can you please show me a little respect and tell me the truth?”
Kagome said, “Inuyasha if this was your child and I told you I wanted him to stay here with my mom instead of coming with us what would you say?”
Inuyasha said, “Why are you worried about that? Kagome you know that answer alright. Like I want Sesshoumaru or Naraku to find out. They `d kill him without a second thought at least Naraku would Sesshoumaru would take him and say that we weren't fit to raise him.”
Kagome said, “So you really wouldn't mind him staying here with my mother?”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah because I'd want him with us but at the moment that can't happen.”
Kagome said, “Man this totally sucks.”
Inuyasha said, “Why?”
Kagome said, “Cause that's why I told you all that. I didn't want Naraku to find out about him and take him away.”
Inuyasha said, “I was right you did lie to me?”
Kagome said, “Yes I lied to you. But only because I didn't think you'd understand about me wanting to keep our son here with my mom where it was safe. But see the problem is I already told Hojo about the plan to fool you but like I told him you're way too smart for your own good.”
Inuyasha said, “Yeah well you should have known you can't lie to me Kagome. I always know when you lie to me. And anyway don't you know that even if you weren't lying to me I would have known it was my son I mean he would be the first born in my line so he would have the house crest like Sesshoumaru.”
Kagome said, “I know that but you also have to remember I can hide almost anything.”
Inuyasha said, “What does that mean you can hide almost anything? What have you hid from me?”
Kagome said, “Nothing don't worry about it.”
Inuyasha said, “Damn it Kagome can't you just talk to me like a normal person instead of all this avoiding shit.”
Kagome said, “I'm sorry it's hard to stop doing something I normally do with you. Normally you want nothing to do with me and what I have to say anymore.”
Inuyasha said, “That's not true and you know it. Now come on lets get out of here. I have been up here all day being really quiet because of your mom and I am going to go crazy if I stay up here any longer.”
Kagome said, “Alright you change and meet me outside ok. Then we can go out and hang for a while.”
Inuyasha said, “Ok I am going to assume by hang you mean go somewhere.”
Kagome said, “Yeah I do.”
Kagome left so Inuyasha changed his clothes and would wait for him outside. Kagome went into the kitchen to tell her mother that she was going out for a while when she heard her mother on the phone.
Don't worry about it Seiko.
No it's alright she isn't keeping it no matter what she says.
Seiko don't worry. Kagome will leave again after that insufferable bastard child is born and then once she does I'll give the child up for adoption saying his mother abandoned him on our doorstep or something. Don't worry Kagome will never know anything about it cause when she asks where he is I'll tell her a lie about him getting sick and the doctors not being able to save him or some shit.
Seiko listen to me love like I would allow that mongrel to live under my roof. Its bad enough I have to put up with a half breed under my roof at all times I'm not going to have some bastard offspring of one living in my house as well.
No Kagome don't know why the hell would I tell her something like that.
Because it's none of her business whether or not her father was some demon I met before I married my husband Matsu.
Yeah I know Kagome being a half breed is known to almost everyone but her but its not like it matters anyway. Her damn father was nothing more than an asshole anyway.
Yes I know I should have left her ass out in the cold but Matsu wouldn't let me he loved her too much to leave her. It's not like I ever gave a damn about her damn ass.
No I don't know where her fucking father is and it's not like I care either. As far as I am concerned the bastard can rot in hell for all I care.
Yeah I know the son of a bitch's name is. Her father was some great Taiyoukai.
Yeah I think he ruled the Western hemisphere or something.
Yeah I know it's dumb but really don't think Sesshoumaru would have wanted her either he didn't seem to care when I sent him a message saying I was pregnant and the kid was his.
Yeah so don't worry about it. The kids all taken care of.
Yeah she don't even realize that everything I have been giving her lately while she's been home was actually going to cause that damn bastard child of hers to die before it was even born. Its actually quiet funny since she seems to think that the vitamin drink I've been giving her is really a slow acting poison that will eventually kill her child and since she's been drinking it for a month I doubt that child will even be alive by the end of the month.
Yeah I know it's cruel but it had to be done since there is no way in hell I am taking care of that bitch's child. She was worthless when she was born and she will always be worthless.
That was all it took for Kagome she left and ran out the door to meet up with Inuyasha who was already there waiting for her. She went right past him and down the steps with him right behind her. He stopped her at the bottom in order to find out what was wrong.
Inuyasha said, “Kagome what's wrong?”
Kagome said, “Well one your apparently my uncle cause I just over heard my mom talking to one of her damn friends that Sesshoumaru's my real dad which makes me a half demon like you which isn't so bad. Two my mom's trying to kill our baby.”
Inuyasha said, “Kagome I highly doubt that.”
Kagome said, “My mom's been making me drink this high vitamin drink every day well I overheard her say it's actually a slow acting poison that will kill our son by the end of the month.”
Inuyasha said, “Ok so we go and find out if everything is ok with him. If its not then we tell the authorities about what she's been doing either way and we get a hold of my brother and tell him what she's been doing.”
Kagome said, “You don't get it Inuyasha it doesn't matter anymore alright if I've been drinking that stuff all month which I have then there is a very little chance we will get to keep him because I might loose him.”
Inuyasha said, “Well let's go find out before anything else goes on ok.”
Kagome said, “Alright we can do that.”
With that Kagome and Inuyasha went to the hospital to get Kagome checked out. Once at the hospital Kagome filled out all the paperwork and waited in the waiting room for the doctor to see her. Inuyasha waited right next to her in the waiting room with her hand in his. When the nurse came out with the file Kagome wondered if it was finally going to be their turn.
Nurse said, “Mrs. Higurashi.”
Kagome got up with Inuyasha and they followed the nurse back to one of the rooms where Kagome was told to put on one of those cloth gowns and wait for the doctor so Inuyasha waited outside the room until she was done. When she was Inuyasha went in and sat in the chair next to where she was sitting on the table.
Inuyasha said, “don't worry alright everything will be fine.”
Kagome said, “I hope so and anyway in light of this there is no way in hell I am leaving him here with my mom.”
Inuyasha said, “Would never ask it.”
Just then the doctor came in and he did a lot of tests by the time they were done Kagome felt like a pin cushion. It was quite annoying and it wasn't fun in the least because if there was anything wrong with her child she was going to kill her mother.
Inuyasha said, “Well at least we'll know if there is anything wrong which I don't think there is.”
Kagome said, “Well what if there is something wrong?”
Inuyasha said, “Then we'll take care of it when it comes alright. But for now relax ok.”
Kagome said, “Ok.”
It was another four hours before the doctor came back in the room. They were waiting for him to come back and when he came in Inuyasha moved from where he'd been sitting to sitting on the table behind Kagome.