InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Came to Read, I Stayed to Write ❯ Gotcha! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this wee little drabble… especially for two mischief-minded girls who are out for a giggle. The entire Inutachi belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
Author's Note: This perfect drabble (exactly 100 words) was written for Forthright's Foolish Mortals April Fool's Day Drabble Challenge, in the `Perfect Prank' category.
Originally posted to Live Journal on March 29, 2007.
Deep in discussion, the boys hardly noticed when the girls returned from the river, giggling and whispering. Inuyasha didn't bat an eye when Kagome's short skirt swished past his line of sight. When Sango's pink and green kimono settled by Miroku, he automatically inched towards a familiar curve. A small eep! brought him up short, and Inuyasha tensed, momentarily disoriented. The hanyou sniffed, turning towards `Kagome' only to leap backwards comically. Miroku's jaw dropped as it registered that the laughing eyes beside him did not belong to Sango. The girls dissolved into gales of laughter, “You should see your faces!”