InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Came to Read, I Stayed to Write ❯ Bokuseno ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this drabble… especially for the chatty tree youkai who knows how to spin a good yarn when given the opportunity.
This drabble was originally posted to Live Journal on April 2, 2007.
Bokuseno preferred this hermit's domain, hidden from the vagaries of humans and their uncertain awe. His seclusion was an illusion; the forgotten grove merely the focal point from which he extended his considerable awareness—testing the air, tasting the earth. Time touched him lightly in passing, serving only to increase and strengthen. Little escaped his notice, for he was by nature a gatherer. Knowledge was his delight, and he stored it up, layer upon layer, like rings. Human or youkai, it made little difference—he knew all their ballads, battles, bravery, and brevity. Lore and legends were his memories, and those who knew of him sought the ancient magnolia out when they needed answers. The taiyoukai's son was such a person—an infrequent supplicant. The elder son inadvertently brought the uncertain steps of his hanyou brother into this sanctuary, the younger chasing after an old scent trail into the forest deeps.
“Welcome, son of Taisho.”
Ears flickered wildly as a low, rolling laugh resonated up through the ground underfoot. “You know me?”
“You, as your father before you… Inuyasha.”
Brandished sword and bared teeth and brusque words were cast aside with a question that broke with hope, “You… knew my old man?”
Beginning that day, Bokuseno learned that while the possession of knowledge was satisfying, the sharing of it could be sweet. The hanyou returned often just to sit, rapt., and time slowed to encompass the connection they forged and the pleasure they derived from the retelling of old tales.
End Note: This drabble was written for Live Journal's iyfic contest community's theme for Week 91—Tree. 250 words.