InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll Be There For You ❯ Prom ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9: Prom
Inuyasha pulled into a parking space at the hotel where the prom was taking place. Stepping around to the passenger side, he opened the door and helped Kagome from the car. With a dazzling smile, she took his arm and allowed him to lead her inside. They managed to find Miroku and Sango just inside the door.
Miroku glanced at Kagome's hand and smiled. “Congratulations you two!” He shook Inuyasha's hand and went to hug Kagome. Inuyasha growled as Miroku's hands started to wander. Kagome laughed and stepped away.
Sango looked at the three in confusion. All of a sudden, a sparkle caught her eye and she grabbed Kagome's hand and squealed in delight. “Is that what I think it is?”
Kagome nodded happily. “Yes. Inuyasha asked me tonight at dinner. We are engaged!” The two girls embraced, both of them with tears in their eyes.
Sango looked over at Inuyasha. “You better take care of my best friend, or I'll hunt you down!” He found himself gulping as he nodded in understanding. Miroku stood smirking (after all, he knew first hand how scary Sango could be). “Come on, Kagome! We need to go show it off!” The two young men watched as Sango dragged the laughing girl to the other side of the room.
Miroku tried to talk to Inuyasha, but his mind and eyes were on his fiancée. From time to time, Kagome's eyes would meet his and she would grace him with her heart-stopping smile. Finally realizing that Inuyasha wasn't listening to him, Miroku slugged him in the shoulder and chuckled. “Go get her and enjoy the evening.” Giving his friend a grateful look, Inuyasha made his way over to the small crowd surrounding his Kagome.
“Excuse me, may I have this dance?” Kagome smiled and nodded her head. Inuyasha drew her out to the dance floor; the DJ was just starting a slow song. Tucking her petite body tightly against his, Inuyasha allowed himself to relax and truly realize that Kagome was really his.
Everyone who saw the happy couple commented how good they looked together. Most were happy for the newly engaged couple; quite a few were envious; but one was furious.
He had been among the group that had surrounded Kagome as she told about Inuyasha's proposal. He saw the ring that seemed to mock him. He saw the looks that passed across the room between the two. When Inuyasha led Kagome away to dance, he couldn't watch any longer.
“I told you that you were mine! But you didn't listen. Now I will have to take you and make you mine!” He made his way to a table where he could keep an eye on the two, waiting for a chance to get Kagome alone and then make his move.
Oblivious to the hostile watcher amongst the crowd, Inuyasha and Kagome enjoyed each other's company all evening. Many of Kagome's classmates came up asking to dance with either Inuyasha or herself, but Inuyasha was being possessive; only allowing her to dance one song with Miroku ( with a death threat looming over him if his hands should wander) while he danced with Sango.
The watcher growled softly to himself. That bastard, Inuyasha, hadn't left Kagome's side all evening. He had even tried to ask her to dance, only to be turned away. Even when she went to the restroom, her friend Sango had stayed close to her side. Getting frustrated, he decided to take a different approach. Standing, the watcher made his way out to the parking lot.
The night had flown past; the prom was winding down. People started to head out, either going home or to other parties around town. Miroku and Sango had already taken their leave promising to call the next afternoon.
“Are you ready, my angel?” Inuyasha asked as he gently kissed her forehead.
Kagome nodded her head. “As much as I don't want this night to end, I am exhausted.” Inuyasha chuckled softly and put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer to him as they walked out to his car.
“We'll have every night of our future together. This is only the beginning.” Kagome slid into the passenger seat and waited for Inuyasha to get in. She leaned over and gave him a kiss as he started the car.
“What for?”
“Thank-you for coming down to see me; thank-you for the soul connection; thank-you for being friends with Miroku and Sango; thank-you for taking me to dinner and prom tonight; thank-you for asking me to marry you. But most of all, thank-you for always being there for me.”
Inuyasha put his arm around her shoulder and gave it a tender squeeze. “You're more than welcome, my Kagome.”
Inuyasha turned his focus onto the road in front of him. As the car neared the shrine, Inuyasha caught a glimpse of a car coming towards them, swerving into his lane. He put his foot to the brake pedal only to feel it go to the floor. “OH SHIT! Hang on Kagome!” Inuyasha tried to swerve out of the way, but the steering wasn't responding properly. The other car was racing towards them. Inuyasha tried to get the wheel to turn; the car responding sluggishly. He heard Kagome scream as the oncoming car swerved at the last minute and hit their vehicle a glancing blow, causing their car to flip over a couple of times before coming to rest on the roof.
“Kagome….” He whispered before succumbing to the beckoning darkness. White rose petals flecked with the crimson of blood lay scattered on the roof of the car.
I am leaving you with another cliffy. Please review and let me know what you think. I would also like to know who you think the watcher is. Thanks to all who have reviewed to date, please continue to do so.