InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll Be There For You ❯ Insanity ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 15: Insanity
The house seemed unnaturally quiet as the three friends waited for the phone to ring. The only sounds were those of Miroku and Sango playing a card game accompanied by the occasional slap and hissed “Hentai!” and the sound of Inuyasha methodically shredding paper into tiny pieces.
The phone rang, causing the three to jump. “Inuyasha here. You have the information Sess? Okay, let me put you on the speaker.” (A/N: I know that cell phones don't have speaker phone attachment (I don't think) but in my story, Inuyasha's does.) Inuyasha pushed a button. “Okay, give us what you got.”
Sesshomaru's emotionless voice came over the speaker loud and clear. “Shippo Kitsune; Male, age 18. 5'9”, red hair, green eyes, 138 lbs. Last known residence: Medical Lake Rehabilitation Center (This is the name of a “mental” hospital a couple of hours from where I live).”
“Medical Lake? Why was he there?” Miroku asked.
The sound of shuffling papers was heard over the speaker. “Kitsune had been admitted off and on since 1992 for mental instability, depression, and unhealthy obsessions stemming from witnessing his parents' murders at the age of 4. His last admittance was in 1999 where he resided until he checked himself out AMA (Against Medical Advice) when he turned 18. It appears that prior to leaving the facility, Kitsune was exhibiting an obsession with Kagome.”
Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango stared at each other. “Sesshomaru, is there anything you found that may indicate violent tendencies?” Sango asked, worry coloring her voice.
Sesshomaru hesitated before answering. “Yes. The chart stated that the possibility of violence was present, but had not manifested at that time.”
“Shit! Any idea where he may have taken her?”
“There have been reports of him entering and leaving a condemned apartment complex on the outskirts of town. He would probably have taken her there.”
“Thanks Sess. Give me the address and I'll take care of that bastard and get my Kagome back.” Sesshomaru rattled off the address while Inuyasha scribbled it down.
“Be careful, Inuyasha. You don't know how this Shippo will react when confronted. I would feel better if you left this for the police; but knowing you, that won't happen. Call me when you've finished and Kagome is okay.”
“Thank-you Sesshomaru for the info. We'll keep an eye on Inuyasha and keep him from getting into too much trouble.” Miroku looked at Sango, raising an eyebrow. She ignored him. Inuyasha growled a goodbye and hung up the phone.
“Well, let's go find Kagome.” Miroku stood up and headed for the door.
“I'm going alone.” Sango looked at Inuyasha while Miroku stood with one hand on the knob.
“I'm sorry; I must have heard you wrong. I thought you said you were going alone.” Inuyasha refused to meet Sango's glare. “You can just forget that stupid idea! Kagome is our friend too! We will not sit here worrying about her while you run off and try to play hero. Didn't you hear what your brother said about Shippo's instability? He almost killed you last time and you want to confront him alone?” Sango's voice had risen with each word, anger flaring in her eyes. She stood towering over Inuyasha, who was trying hard not to cower before her wrath.
“You dumb ass! We are coming with you, so get your butt in gear and get down to the car!” She turned and pushed past Miroku and headed out the door. The two men looked at each other; Miroku shrugged his shoulders and followed. Inuyasha sat stunned for a moment longer before rising with a “Keh!” and hurried after them.
Kagome had rubbed her wrists raw trying to slip them from the ropes that bound her to the chair. Getting nowhere fast, Kagome studied the room, looking for anything that might help her escape. She found a nail poking up from a floorboard near the TV. Jumping the chair carefully, she found herself close enough to tip the chair over.
“Ow! Damn it! I'm going to have a major bruise on my shoulder from that.” Kagome found herself talking aloud to dispel the eerie silence. Wiggling around, Kagome finally found the nail and started to rub the ropes across it. “Please don't come back, stay away, come on stupid rope…” It became a sort of litany.
Kagome froze at every sound, praying her captor wasn't returning. Each time, she found herself releasing a breath when the sounds failed to evolve into footsteps. She didn't know when Shippo would return, but Kagome hoped that she'd be gone before then.
“Honey, I am home.” Shippo came into the room giggling. He frowned when he saw Kagome on the floor.
“What are you doing over there? I thought I told you not to go anywhere! Now I have to punish you.” He went about righting the chair with Kagome still tied to it as he spoke. Kagome sat trembling.
“I am sorry Shippo, I was only trying to turn on the TV so I wouldn't be so bored, and the chair tipped over.” Shippo gave her a strange glance. Kagome tried not to let him see how frightened she was. Shippo smiled at her.
“I guess we can't have my destined mate be bored, now can we? I bet I can find some entertainment for us.” Shippo pulled out a butterfly knife from his pocket and flipped it open. Kagome's eyes widened and she swallowed a scream.
“Wha…what are you g...g...going to do me?” she stuttered.
“Oh, don't worry. I don't plan on killing you yet. I just got you after all. You're not supposed to break your new toys.” He leaned over and cut the bindings from her legs. Kagome winced as stiff muscles protested their new found freedom. Shippo moved behind her and started to cut the ropes on her wrists. She looked towards the door, wondering if she could make her escape. The opportunity was lost when Shippo grabbed Kagome's wrist as the ropes fell and dragged her over to the mattress on the floor.
“Shippo, what are you doing? Please let me go.” Kagome begged in a small voice. She was getting scared. The look that he gave her…. he was going to ….. no, he couldn't! Kagome started to struggle causing Shippo to grab her arms in a bone-crushing grip and shake her.
“Now, now. We can't have that going on my dear Kagome. I told you that you are mine and I plan on taking what is mine!” He forced a bruising kiss upon her mouth. Kagome stood still in shock before renewing her struggles. She felt his tongue prodding her lips. Ceasing a frantic idea, she opened her mouth, allowing him access. When Shippo's tongue entered her mouth, she bit down as hard as she could, drawing blood.
Shippo stepped back and slapped Kagome to the floor. “You bitch!” he screamed, blood flowing down his chin. “After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me!?” He started kicking her as she lay curled on her side. Kagome was afraid that she had gone too far, that Shippo would kill her.
A particularly vicious kick to the back of her head caused her vision to dim. Mustering her remaining strength, she gave one desperate cry “INUYASHA!!” before falling into darkness.