InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I'll put a spell on you (Strange and Beautiful) ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'll put a Spell on You part 2
Writer's notes: Thank you soo much for the reviews! This is my very first story that I've done on and I didn't think that anyone would find it! (I had problems at first...:S) Anyways, Enjoy!
But before we get to our cute and fluffy Sesshy-Kun, let's see what the other group is doing...
(from part one...)
He then began to dash silently behind her and waited to finally pounce on his love-to-be. Not known to Kagome, she didn't know that the Lord of the Western Lands was running at full speed to sweep her off her feet. She suddenly heard rustling of bushes, but thought of it as a passing bird. She then heard a small whisper from far away,
“My Koi, don't worry. This Sesshomaru will not hurt you...”
She gasped at what she heard and thought, Oh my gosh! What did I just hear?!?! Sesshomaru is following me? I better run back and get Inuyasha! But as she turned to run, she ran into the strong arms of a particular demon. Sesshomaru looked apon the grace that had come to him. He then drizzled the powder in the satchet on his claws and made a small cut on her neck. She slightly moaned in pain and then slumped into him. The powder was a light sleeping medicine and would keep her out until they were at the right destination.
Sesshomaru then smiled to himself for a succesful capture and summoned his Demon cloud to fly to his castle.
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
Inuyasha and the others awoke the next day when mornings dew drops fell onto their cheeks. Inuyasha stumbled back onto the ground from his sturdy tree and quickly scratched himself. He then went to walk over to find the others and realized that Kagome was missing. Strange, Kagome is usually here by now...He thought to himself. Shippo was the second to wake up and screamed when he found Inuyasha looking at him.
“Inuyasha! What are you doing?” The young fox demon cried.
“Well, I was just seeing if you were up! That's all...”Inuyasha growled. “Where's Kagome?”
“I dunno, maybe she's late, but I swear I heard screaming last night...”
“KAGOME!!!” Inuyasha bellowed and suddenly smelled the scent of a particular Youkai. “How dare he! Sesshomaru has Kagome! I smell his arousal in the air! That bastard!”
“Well, let's go get her already!” The sleepy Sango complained.
They all quickly leaped onto Kilala and Inuyasha broke chase before them to get to Sesshomaru's castle.
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the frist thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
Well, that got everything off of my chest, at first I didn't know how to continue, but all will be said for Chapter 3! Please don't be mad at me! I still have to think how I'm going to write it but it should be good! I'm sorry about how this chapter was soo short but it's just a continuation of the story and how Inuyasha will feel when he finds out that...Well, just wait and I'll tell you!