InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Wanted to Make a Long Title That Had No Real Connection to the Story and Here It Is ❯ Chapter 11

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 11
Aragorn was rewrapping his sister's hand for the sixth time that day. As her usual persona, after discovering that she could close the hand, decided that it didn't need to be wrapped anymore and over used it doing the most stupid tasks. Cutting a biscuit in half, changing her shirt, playing tag with Legolas (which seemed extremely odd to him, they usually only sat around and talked about Gimli lately. First order of business was to pay more attention to what she and Legolas did together, tis only proper for a brother…) stealing Gandalf's staff and jumping over Gimli, twice.
It was rather amazing that she could find time to do this all in the expanse of three hours. What was even more amazing was that she found time to do this while she kept being called away to help setting up for Théodred's funeral.
Gimli had handed her the biscuit shortly after Théoden realized that his son was no where to be found. Aragorn suspected that Gimli was simply trying to make amends with Kagome, but she had to go and make the situation funny by holding the biscuit in an awkward angle so that when she was cutting it open she slightly cut herself with her dagger, dropping the biscuit on the ground. Being the great brother that he was, he ran up and helped her redo the bandages, of course once he finished, she reached back down and grabbed the biscuit to finish opening to now dirty bread and ate it. No one looked at her for several minutes.
When she dropped the biscuit on the ground crumbs got all over her shirt. The crumbs didn't just brush off considering that half of them were dirt, so Kagome decided to change her clothing. Several minutes after she left, Aragorn was called inside to help her again. She refuses to tell how she reopened to wound.
After the biscuit was eaten, and a new shirt was dawned, she was called to help with the funeral by placing Théodred's body in the casket. On the way out of the Great Hall, Legolas pushed her and she pushed back and that soon turned into a game of tag. Like everyone expected, she tagged him (roughly) with her right hand and it began to bleed again. But come to think of it, Legolas bandaged her up that time.
It was at least another hour before she needed to be rewound. This time it was because Gandalf left his staff leaning on a building, Kagome came across this building. She stole it. Who knew that Gandalf didn't need his staff to get his staff back? Apparently everyone but Kagome, the wizard only grabbed her hand and she fell to her knees in pain. That wizard is still one step ahead of everyone. Looking back on it, he only watched his sister fall, and didn't bandage her. It must have been that elf; he seriously needs to keep a watch on those two.
Not even twenty minutes ago, Gimli kneeled down to pick some flowers for the funeral. Kagome decided to play leap frog, put all her weight on the wrong hand and wow, no one was expecting what happened next. He didn't bandage that one either… Well as soon as she was good again, and Gimli had leaned over, not expecting Kagome to be alright so soon, was jumped over again. And her hand reopened. Again.
So this is where they sat now, just inside the doors of the Great Hall. Aragorn sitting on the other side of the table from his slightly idiotic sister, wrapping her hand, tightly. The half elf flinched. “This wouldn't hurt so badly if you'd leave your hand alone.” Aragorn wrapped the gauze tighter than the last time.
“Yeah? Well maybe I don't want to. I want to do something, not pretend that I'm disabled.” Kagome tried to jerk her hand away, it didn't work.
Aragorn grabbed onto her wrist tighter and finished tying off the bandage. “You're not disabled, you hand is injured and the only way it will heal is if you leave it alone. You can't play around so much, at least not with this hand. The funeral should keep you out of trouble for a little while at least, you won't have the chance to goof off, standing still and all.” He let go of her hand watched her rub her wrist and glare at him. He could definitely tell she didn't like him very much right now. Oh well, it's all for her own good anyways.
“I still don't see why I have to go, I'm not a part of that family, and I'm only here because Gandalf asked me to do him a favor. If I would have known it was going to take this long I probably wouldn't have said yes.”
“You have to go because the entire village is going. Besides with everyone else at the funeral, you'll have nothing to do.” Aragorn grabbed the strap on her back and pulled her off the bench. She fell on her butt, but got up anyways and wiped the dust off of her clothes.
Kagome snatched the pipe out of Aragorn's pouch and stuffed some Long-Bottom leaf in it. Grabbing the candle off the nearest table, she tipped it over to light the leaves. “When you say I'd have nothing to do, you are sorely mistaken. The fact that Elladan, and Elrohir aren't here doesn't mean that I can't come up with something.”
Aragorn merely shook his head and pushed her out the door so they could follow the king and the trail of the body.
Théodred's body was taken from the main city, being carried by six royal guards. Kagome had had the pipe taken away from her by Gandalf when everyone met up in front of the Great Hall and now shuffled behind Gandalf and next to Gimli deciding whether or not to trip the dwarf and let him ruin the ceremony for Théoden. A pinch from Legolas was all it took to stop those thoughts.
All of Edoras was standing along the sides of the path to the tomb. When the body passed in front of Eowyn she sang, Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended - giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende - on Meduselde þæt he ma no wære - his dryhtne dyrest and mæga deorost. - Bealo...
When the tomb was closed and Kagome stepped forward slightly to steal the pipe back from Gandalf. The wizard let the piece of wood go and Kagome turned around quietly to avoid ruining the moment for everyone else. Passing by the elf, Legolas grabbed her wrist and gave her a look. Kagome leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “I'm going to go smoke. Truthfully, the thing is over, but Théoden wants to stand around and stare at the tomb for a while longer.” Legolas let go of her wrist and looked around seeing if anyone was watching them, before following her out of the gathering.
Just after entering the gates of Edoras, Kagome decided to strike up a conversation. There was no point in mourning for someone none of them knew. “How do you think Théodred died? No one's actually told us, and I have half the mind to suspect Saruman.”
Legolas shrugged, “I don't know. From what I've gathered, he was injured. And it could have been cured, but somehow he got worse. I think Grima was doing Saruman's deed by taking away the strong point that Edoras had left and poisoning him. If Théoden and Théodred were out of the way, he could control another part of Middle Earth.”
Kagome turned as the gates opened behind them. Looks like the ceremony is done. Now we get to have a party in the Great Hall. “Sounds like a good enough answer to me. If I was evil, which I'm not, I would probably come up with that strategy too, which I'm not. I'm on the good side, I swear. Beside everyone on the dark side is extremely ugly, but they seem to have excellent manicures. Have you seen Saruman's nails lately? But then again Galadriel has great nails too, so that can't be right.” The pair had reached to Great Hall and just sat on the steps until Aragorn came and stole back the pipe. Kagome only glared at her brother, “Come on Legolas, let's go get a good seat in the Hall, I can tell something's going to happen soon. And I don't want to be around someone whose name starts with `A', and ends with `ragorn'.” Legolas chuckled and stood up with the half elf.
To make her exit more affective, Kagome continued to glare at her brother until she ran into the doors. Where Aragorn started laughing so hard he almost fell over, Legolas was there to hold him up.
Kagome watched the two children eat the soup, starting to want some soup of her own. She wouldn't ask for it of course, that would be rude. But it seems that Gimli lacks all manners, and drink what ever alcoholic substance he could find.
“They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree.” Eowyn stood up and looked at her uncle and Gandalf who were sitting at the throne.
“Where is mama?” The little girl asks whose name was recently discovered as Freda. Eowyn shushed to girl and put a blanket around her shoulders.
Gandalf looked at Théoden who had his head in his hand. “This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash.” Théoden removed his hand to listen to the old Wizard. “All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight.”
Aragorn sat smoking his pipe at the table across from Gimli. “You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king.”
Théoden stood up and walked towards the ranger, “They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me......but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war.”
“Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not.” Said Aragorn.
Théoden looked insulted, “When last I look… Théoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan.”
Kagome straightened up from her place on the pillar next to Legolas. “Well it seems like you've been doing a great job.”
“You insult me?” Théoden turned to her.
“The look in your eyes says you're going to do something that you know will further hurt your people. And you feel threatened when someone else suggests something, you are bringing about your own downfall.” She pushed herself to stand in front of Théoden.
“Who are you to question me?”
Kagome turned her head a bit with a smile on her face, “Ah, next in line for a throne. And I have seniority between us. ” There was a silence as the two sized each other up.
Gandalf shook his head and decided to intervene before Kagome got herself exiled, again. “So what is the King's decision?” Théoden stepped back and Kagome made a face at him. Legolas grabbed her shoulder and tugged her back a bit.
“We'll go to Helm's Deep.”
“Why'd you do that?” Aragorn pinched his sister as they followed Gandalf through the city as Hama called out to the people about collecting supplies.
Kagome poked Aragorn back and rubbed her side. “He has no right to insult you. Yes, I know you're not going to be King of Rohan, but you will be King of Gondor, and so far you've led us around without getting us killed. He's making one wrong move and a lot of his people are going to die. He knows this; I can see it in his eyes.”
“He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past.” Aragorn answered her. After several for seconds of walking they reached the stables. Aragorn continued walking with Gandalf to Shadowfax. Kagome stood next to Legolas at the doors showing him how far she could bend her hand without making it bleed.
There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Théoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan.” Gandalf turned to face Aragorn.
“That's what I've been trying to tell him!” Kagome commented, loudly.
“He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold.”
“They will hold.”
Gandalf started to stroke Shadowfax and let out a sigh, “The Grey Pilgrim. That's what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of Men I've walked this earth, and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain.” He mounted his horse and Aragorn stood to the side. Legolas seeing was going to ride out pulled the female to the side. “Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east.”
Aragorn nodded, “Go.” And Gandalf went, without riding over any half brained half elves in the process.
“How many times do you think he's going to disappear like that?”
“Only a couple more if we're lucky.”
Kagome was walking by the stables when Aragorn talking to Eowyn caught her eye. Oh! Maybe I'll get some juicy gossip. But I don't think Arwen would like this very much… Sneaking closer, Kagome was unable to hear anything that was being said. Even though she had great hearing, they were talking too quietly and there was too much background noise. Good thing she was trained to listen to everything magnified, or she would be on the ground covering her ears, which would probably be bleeding. Soon Aragorn walked away grabbing his saddle and walking towards his horse. Kagome met him there.
“If I didn't know you better, I would have thought you have something going on with Eowyn.” Kagome helping him tighten the saddle on their horse.
“You know I wouldn't do that to Arwen. Even though we can't be together. I will stay loyal.” Aragorn patted the horse's head, with a lonely look on his face.
Kagome frowned, it wouldn't do any good to have him thinking he and Arwen wouldn't be together again. They'd get back together, she was sure of it. “Think what you'd like, but you and Arwen will be together. After the ring is destroyed and you reclaim Dad's throne, you can be together, Elrond can't refuse your love then.” Aragorn nodded, but still didn't believe his sister. Kagome decided to leave him to his thoughts.
Shortly after leaving the stables, Kagome entered to Great Hall looking for Gimli so she could trick him or poison him, or something. Instead of finding the dwarf, she found the Lady of Edoras. Deciding that they needed to talk, she approached to the blonde haired maiden. Eowyn was practicing with her blade, and Kagome walked up behind her only to have to dodge when she swung it around.
“My apologies, Kagome.” Eowyn put the sword back into its sheath.
“Oh, you're fine.”
“What can I do for you?” Eowyn asked as she stood up to look at her.
Kagome looked at her for another second. “I've only come to give you some advice.”
Eowyn furrowed her brow, “What about, milady?”
“Regarding my brother, all I have to say is that you're setting your self up.”
“What does that mean?” Eowyn asked.
“There is nothing more I can tell you. What happens now is between you and him. Just remember my warning.” Kagome nodded to her and walked away. Eowyn continued to stand there wondering how that really fit into her plans with Aragorn. She shrugged and started packing again.
Well I think I've taken long enough to write another chapter. No nothing is wrong with my computer or anything else, just hadn't had the spark of imagination to write anything lately. Still working on revising ADKOL, work is slow.
Regarding this story, I'm really excited about writing the next couple of chapters, Helm's Deep is coming up and I'm working on throwing everybody for a loop! And I'm having a blast getting the hostile relationship between Kagome and Théoden going. Which means I might be more motivated to write faster. We shall see what the snow brings in.
Bruce n' Charlie