InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Wanted to Make a Long Title That Had No Real Connection to the Story and Here It Is ❯ Chapter 12
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
As a short and small detailing as to Kagome's personality as commented on by IcedLilith (btw, it took me forever to be able to spell your name right for I am a crappy speller), in the beginning of the story you'll notice that she was kinda uptight and stiff around the hobbits, but as she grows more comfortable around them and all the other characters of the fellowship she loosens up show her true nature. As proven in the last few chapters. And I appreciate that you're giving me feedback on my story, making me think more about what's happening, character development and such. The last couple chapters I've almost been hesitant to read your reviews…
Chapter 12
As the walk to Helm's Deep was long and extremely boring to most, Kagome, most decided to play a game. Kagome walked along side Legolas not too far back behind the rightful King of Gondor and the King of Rohan. Legolas looked at the half elf expectantly as she rubbed her chin and looked around the walking group with searching eyes.
Kagome threw her hand up in the air as she decided. “I know! Something green!”
Legolas looked at her and sighed. “My cloak.” She shook her head. “Your cloak.” No. “Gimli's cloak.” Nope. “Aragorn's cloak.” She only smiled and shook her head again. “You're branching out.”
“I know, isn't it great?” The elf only nodded and looked around the fellowship that walked with the people of Rohan. Kagome smiled knowingly and unwrapped her hand. This is going to be great, in a day or two it'll be fully healed and then I can battle a hundred Orcs like a normal person. Meanwhile Legolas was still searching for that green item that Kagome would have used for this insane idiotic game, not that he minded playing with her of course.
Suddenly the answer came to him. “Théoden's cloak.” Kagome nodded.
“He has no reason to be wearing it though. His blonde hair doesn't go well with that shade of green. It looks good on you, don't get me wrong, but he's conceited and stupid so it just doesn't work.” Kagome made sure to speak louder than she needed to so Théoden would hear her comment. Not fully appreciate it, but hear it none the less.
Théoden turned back to glare at the pair. As Legolas attempted to at least look like he wasn't in on the joke, Kagome did nothing to help her situation. “What? You know you're stupid.” The glare increased. “Oh, you must not have figured that out yet. Sorry, I'll be quiet.” She wasn't sorry at all. Everyone's heads turned to Gimli when his horse sped up and he fell off. Kagome and Legolas were in there own world laughing at the Dwarf and holding each other up as they tried not to fall down them selves.
Théoden turned to Aragorn who now rode by his side. “I haven't seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief. Then she was left alone, to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father.”
“You try better now no doubt?”
“Of course. I'm learning from my errors.”
Kagome turned to Legolas, “He cannot learn from all his mistakes. There are too many.” Kagome only smiled at Théoden when he turned to glare at her for the second time in the last ten minutes. Théoden looked away and Kagome turned towards to elf. Legolas only sighed and rubbed his temples. Glancing at the ground, he saw a large rock in the path of Kagome's feet. Returning his gaze to the female he found she was still looking at him. They both blushed slightly. Not breaking eye contact, Legolas grasped her arm to pull her closer to him as the rock came within inches to tripping her. Stumbling a bit from the quick action, Kagome placed her hands on his arms and quietly gasped as her body was pulled flush against Legolas'. A couple steps with their bodies pulled together and they slowed to a stop. Neither looked away as Legolas' hand drifted off Kagome's arm and onto her waist. The seconds ticked by as the blushes deepened and both silently relished in the sensations of their bodies touching. Unknowingly, their heads started drifting towards each others.
Aragorn looked behind him to see why his annoying sister wasn't making any comments about Théoden that would get her executed if not for the fact that she was next in line for the Throne of Gondor. Not that she wanted it anyways. Even though she hadn't passed the throne down to him, he knew that she kept it so she could have leverage in conversations against derogatory men such as Théoden and not so she would be Queen one day. She has a good right to keep the title until the business with the ring is over with; people listen to what she has to say with the title, her voice and opinions are heard. He couldn't wish for anything more than to have his sister heard in a world where males ruled, even if she was heard through force. Looking over his shoulder he saw his sister and Legolas standing so close to each other, with their bodies touching, eyes locked and blushes. Aragorn gasped seeing Legolas' hands on his sister waist and her hands on his arms.
Thinking quickly, he jumped off his horse and picked up a rock, while aiming, a wandering thought touched upon the consequences of maybe hitting his friend or his sister. His sister no doubt would throw a rock at him and not speak with him for a week. She would probably throw a rock at him even if the rock hit her or not. Legolas would give him that stare that made him feel guilty for days, no matter what he did to try and correct the situation. Shrugging, he decided that he would have to deal with the consequences as they came upon him. Nothing could be as bad as seeing Kagome and Legolas share their `first kiss', at least that's what it looked like. If they had kissed before they wouldn't be this hesitating would they? Shaking the thought away, Aragorn made triple sure that his aim was good, brought his arm back and threw the rock between their faces that seemed to keep getting closer. Making sure neither one were harmed from his short-notice-body-separating-trick, Aragorn mounted his horse and hastily got to his position next to Théoden.
Legolas jumped away slightly when the rock flew by his face, barely missing. Hands still on Kagome's waist but bodies not touching anymore, he followed the path the rock had taken to pass in front of them. Only just seeing Aragorn's horse slow down and he knew who threw the rock. With a stupid reason of course, why would he do anything more with Kagome in the middle of the day, surrounded by the entire city of Edoras, with her over protective, younger brother less than a league away? The only thing that would have come out of the now non-existent kiss would have been his proclaimed like for her, and fully knowing that she returned his feelings. He could have turned away or just not looked at all. He would definitely have to talk with Aragorn about this, what a conversation that will turn out to be.
Looking down at Kagome, Legolas saw she was looking to the side with an enormous blush covering her face. “There was a rock.” She looked up at him wondering why he was talking about a rock. “I pulled you over here because there was a rock, and I said I would help keep you clean in the Mines.”
“Oh.” Kagome whispered and looked down, avoiding his gaze. She really liked Legolas, but it seemed that he didn't quite return the feelings.
Releasing his hands from her waist, Legolas grabbed her hand in his and started to walk forward. Kagome looked up at him with questioning eyes and all he said was, “It was your brother.” But he kissed her cheek and continued walking, holding tightly onto her hand as if she'd let go. Kagome smiled and bit her lip before looking at her brother to glare at him. Whistling, HA! Like that would make him seem innocent. I should throw a rock at him…
Later at the camp…
“How could you do that?!?!?!”
“Do what?”
“You know what you did!!!”
“Can't you go bother someone else?”
“Right like I'm going to go talk with Théoden about the war strategies of Rohan.”
“You could go talk with Legolas. You two seemed comfortable this afternoon.”
“See! That's what I'm talking about!”
Eowyn cautiously approached the feuding brother and sister with her pot of stew. After offering it to several people, she was starting to wonder why everyone refused it. She cooked perfectly well; it was the ingredients that were lacking. At first she thought to try the siblings, but she was starting to think otherwise. Unfortunately, or fortunately (she wasn't sure which), Aragorn noticed her approaching and waved her over.
“Be quiet now, we have a guest.” Aragorn told his sister. She didn't like it.
“Right, like I'd stay around when someone wants to talk with you. At least I give you the privacy you want!” And she stomped off. Not to far away Legolas was standing, facing away from Aragorn, having a conversation with Gimli, quickly she ran in front the elf, eager to listen to her brothers conversation.
Gimli noticed that Aragorn took the stew from the not too good a cook Eowyn. “He's not going to like that.” Both Kagome and Legolas turned to look at him. “Well, Eowyn's not too good a cook, and after everyone else turned it away, I'm wondering why he hasn't.”
“No! Don't turn around! He'll see me!” Kagome turned Legolas when he tried to see what was happening with the Ranger. Staying put for the benefit of the female, Legolas frowned when they both started to laugh, feeling left out of the loop. “Aragorn was pouring it out when Eowyn turned away, but then she turned again to ask him a question and he spilt it all over his leg!” A small gasp and clumsy turn around to face Gimli left Kagome wrapped in Legolas' arms as he steadied her. “Gimli! Pretend you're having a conversation with Legolas, or he'll get suspicious that I'm listening to his conversation!” Gimli didn't here her request, or chose to ignore it and continued to laugh at the Ranger being forced to eat the horrid stew.
“Are you alright?” Legolas asked, worried that she might have hurt her ankle in her quick position change.
“I'm fine.” She said. “Thank you.” Blushing, Kagome pulled away from his arms and kicked Gimli so he fell over.
The next day bright and early, the people of Edoras and its guests were once again on their way to Helm's Deep. As many (Kagome) still found the walk boring, they once again decided to play a game.
Legolas and Kagome were walking ahead of the group looking for anything unusual. The only unusual thing anyone had seen all day was how connected at the hip the two elves seemed to be.
“Something blue.” Legolas said, holding Kagome's hand.
“The sky.”
“A large body of water located half a league to the west.”
“I give up. What is it?”
“Your eyes.” Legolas said this with such sincerity that Kagome stopped on top of a hill and stared at him for a minute. Waiting for another rock to fly between them, Kagome was paused for a minute. After nothing came their way, she tugged Legolas down and was about to kiss him for the second time when two horses rode around them. Backing down with a sigh, Kagome smiled apologetically at the elf who had a slight frown on his face.
Watching the men, Kagome was slightly surprised when one of the men was crushed by a Warg. Knowing there was a battle coming, the thought about her hand came up. Making a fist to see how tight she could hold her hand, she decided that she might be ok for a while if she still only used her sword in the left hand. Legolas shot the Warg with his bow and she ran up and sliced his head off as Legolas gave the report. “A scout!” A small report.
Aragorn no doubt went back behind the hill to tell the others about the upcoming battle. Meanwhile Legolas and Kagome went ahead to the next hill to watch the amazing number of Wargs coming towards them. “Think we can stop all them?”
“Not without a few casualties. It should be won though.” Legolas glanced at Kagome seeing her grab her bow and notching an arrow. She aimed at a random Warg and fired killing the animal instantly. Legolas followed her lead and kill the Orcs that were riding on the now dead Wargs. After two Wargs were dead, Legolas noticed that Kagome hadn't notched another arrow and she started walking over to the side. “Where are you going?”
Kagome turned around but continued walking backwards. “I'm not in the mood to fight with my sword,” She said, bring up her injured hand and closing it. “and I don't want to kill them while I'm on a horse. So I figure the best place for me to stand is somewhere where I'm on high ground and not in the path of all those horses that would run over me.” She finished, turning around to climb up the small patch of rock to the higher ground.
((((I'm going to forgo the entire battle scene, because like my spelling, my battle descriptions suck. Therefore world peace will come upon us when we're killed by the Mayans. No, not really. Anyways know that when Aragorn was attached to the Warg, Kagome saw and raced over there. Sadly she didn't reach him in time and he is now over the side of the cliff. And our favorite half elf is watching her brother float down the river.))))
Legolas looked around as his eyes searched for Kagome. As she had sat on the top of the hill before the battle began, and was not there now; he was slightly (extremely) worried about where she might be. Scanning the field and seeing no trace of her, Legolas was starting to head to Gimli to ask him for help. When he spotted the dwarf, and he saw the half elf, looking over the cliff, their backs turned away from him. Jogging up to stand next to the elf, he watched her face as her eyes traced the path of the icy water below. “Kagome?” he asked. Getting no reply, but hearing a dying orc behind him, he turned back around to investigate. Gimli was already questioning him.
“Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing.”
The orc coughed up blood. “He's......dead. He took a little tumble off the cliff.”
Legolas glanced towards Kagome. That would explain why she wasn't responding to anyone. “You lie.” He refused to believe it too. The orc died and the grip of his hands lessened. Glancing down at the lifeless fingers, he grabbed the white necklace that he friend wore no matter the hour. “Oh no.” Considering the circumstances, he was starting to believe the orc, and running back to Kagome's side, he wondered how this was affecting her. Thinking back to the story that she told Frodo, when her mother died she wasn't able to function properly for a week. What would she do now that her only sibling has died too?
Kagome stared down into the water, eyes blank, body shaking, mind wandering. How could this happen? What didn't I do? Why didn't I get here sooner? When will this feeling go away?
She saw Legolas lightly touch her arm which finally snapped her out of her stupor. Legolas, Théoden and Gimli jumped as Kagome curled her hands around Legolas' clothing and buried her face into his chest, quieting the sobs coming forth. “No! He's not dead. He's not dead! He can't be dead!” Legolas only held her tighter in his arms and looked over the edge searching fruitlessly for the body for his friend. Suddenly Kagome stiffened in his arms, straightening as her stricken face turned into determination. “He's not dead, and I'm going to find him.”
Legolas tightened his grip further. He knew the bond between the siblings was strong, but he didn't know she would go off in a half crazed state to find him. “No, Kagome, if he is alive he'll get himself to Helm's Deep and meet us there. He wouldn't want you running off, risking your life to find him.”
Kagome sighed and rested her chin on Legolas' neck. Knowing he was right, she didn't want to accept it. “He's my brother Legolas. He won't know where he is when he wakes up, how do I know he'll be ok?”
Wrapping his arms lightly around her waist, Legolas held her against him as she started to sink to the ground in exhaustion. “He's a ranger. He should be fine.” Kagome nodded and leaned more into him sighing more as he continued to anchor her against his body.
“I'm trusting you.”
“I know. You'll both be fine. He'll be back before you know it.” Kagome fell into a restless sleep as Legolas wrapped an arm around her back, and behind her knees to hold her up. Walking slowly towards the horse, Gimli followed eager to help the half elf who had become a great friend to him through the journey. Legolas got seated on the horse with Kagome's sleeping form in front of him, her head on his shoulder. Gimli decided that he wasn't going to fit on the horse and went to look for someone would put up with him for the remainder of the way to Helm's Deep.
Théoden turned to Legolas and shook his at the display of affection between the elves. Speaking loud enough for the elf to hear, Théoden spoke, “You should have let her go. She'll do this war no good if she goes insane.”
Time seemed to stop as Legolas turned his head to face the King, speaking lowly, but forcefully so he wouldn't wake up the female. “How dare you say that! How dare you treat her as a weapon! She could choose not to be here, not to help you, but she stays out of loyalty for her brother! You're taking her generosity for granted!” Legolas was about to ride off and leave the conversation be, but decided to speak in her favor once more. “I only stopped her, so that when Aragorn shows up in Helm's Deep, she will be there to greet him. I'm not sure if she'll still stand on this side of the war after Aragorn returns, when she learns how easily you would leave her for dead.” Théoden shrugged and walked off in the direction of his horse that Gamling had waiting for him.
When the warriors arrived at Helm's Deep, provisions were being sent to the cave, and everyone was inspecting potatoes (or whatever they're doing). Kagome was still asleep on Legolas' shoulder and he slowly moved her from the horse back into his arms. Completely ignoring Théoden, who wanted to talk to him, he made his way to Eowyn, who'd just received the news about Aragorn. “Can you show me where I can lay her down?” Eowyn nodded and lead him to a room close to the throne room and left as soon as the door was open.
Legolas kneeled down to place her upon the bed. Sighing, he pushed the bangs off of her forehead and placed a kiss there. Sitting on the floor, watching Kagome sleep for a couple minutes did a lot for Legolas. Like help him decide what to do next. Why he was going to do it, and wonder if it would affect their relationship since she wouldn't know. Leaning forward again, Legolas paused, watching her eyes for any chance of movement. Seeing none, he made his move and pressed a soft kiss to the sleeping beauty's lips. They were much softer than he would have imagined. Pulling back, he made sure she wasn't awake and left the room to go find Gimli.
The next day Kagome awoke. No one would have known if it wasn't for Legolas and surprisingly Gimli going in to check on her every few hours. Sometimes they would go in together, and Legolas would leave to bring back food and water for her while Gimli would sit and have a conversation with her (one-sided of course). He would normally talk about things that had no purpose or relevance at all; telling stories from his childhood, explaining the inner working of modern day axes, and asking questions that he knew she wouldn't answer. For the most part, Gimli was only there to try and keep her out of depression that Legolas told him to look for.
Legolas on the other hand was very worried about her condition. What she was going through seemed to be the exact same thing she went through when her mother died. He didn't mean to listen in on her conversation with Frodo that night. But he couldn't sleep, and he has exceptional hearing, so it was near impossible for him not to listen in.
Either way, Kagome was fine physically, but mentally seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. The day she woke up, Legolas had told Gimli to watch over the half elf when he wasn't in the room, to try and have her participate in a conversation, to try and get her to insult someone. No matter how hard they were trying for the last five days (time flies by when you're helping a victim of depression recover, doesn't it?), the only thing that could possibly bring her back would be Aragorn's return, which was already being waited on by many.
The sixth day at Helm's Deep everything was the same as it was one day ago, or two. Gimli would attempt to bait Kagome into conversation while Legolas sat and watched her stare at the wall. Some time after noon, both Legolas and Gimli were called away from Kagome's side. When both of them left, nothing was helping keep Kagome out of her miserable state. She sunk down into her pad, and rolled into a ball. Shutting her eyes tightly and covering her ears to keep the nonexistent sounds out of her mind.
Seconds passed like hours, minutes passed like days. The more time passed, the more silence enclosed around her, trapping her inside her mind. It was all she could do to hope for Legolas or Gimli to come back, to break the silence that enclosed around her, surround her. It felt like years passed in the time it took for Gimli to come rushing into the room up to Kagome's side.
“Kagome! You have to get up! He's here!” Kagome uncurled at the sound of Gimli's voice, listening to the noise, not the words, relishing in the sound that was surrounding her. “Kagome, Aragorn is here! He's going to see Théoden, and he wants to see you!”
Gimli was getting frustrated that the elf wasn't paying attention to him. As a quick fix of things, he roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her up. She stumbled as she stood, and Gimli took advantage of the momentum, and lead her towards the door. Luckily the door swung away from them and tugged her through the opening.
Kagome's hand flew to her eyes, as she struggled to stand on her feet, her legs feeling like jelly after a couple days with no use. Wondering why Gimli brought her out of the room, she rubbed her eyes, clearing her vision. Looking down at the dwarf Kagome followed to where his finger was pointed, only to see Legolas pointing her out to Aragorn.
Dropping her hand from her eyes, Kagome gasped. Aragorn started walking towards her, but he didn't get very far because Kagome was already in his arms hugging him as tightly as she could. Aragorn smiled and wrapped his arms around her returning the hug, not as firmly. Tears were shed between the siblings as they were happy to be back in each others presence.
“I didn't know if you'd be alright.” Kagome sobbed into Aragorn's chest. He only held her tighter.
“I'm fine now. How have you been?” Aragorn looked down at his sister when she didn't answer, only tried to hug him tighter than she already was. “Come on, I need to go talk with Théoden. You can hug me in the throne room.” Kagome wiped her eyes and grabbed her brothers hand, loyally following him into the throne room.
Legolas and Gimli smiled at each other and followed the siblings into the throne room. The next several minutes were spent as Aragorn told the story of how he found his way to Helm's Deep, and what he saw. Kagome didn't pay attention to much of anything that was being said. She chose instead to stand in front of Aragorn with her arms around her waist hugging him until she decided that she needed to become clean. Aragorn patted Kagome's back as she gave him one more quick squeeze before letting go and walking out of the room.
Not more than twenty minutes later Kagome entered the hall again, face clean, new bandages and a small smile on her face. Legolas watched her sneak into the room, and close the door quietly behind her. He automatically expected her to walk over to Aragorn and hug him until he told her it was enough and pushed her away; she did not, she instead walked over to stand next to him. She didn't look at him, or make any move that seemed she wanted to talk with him, so he returned his attention to her brother.
Legolas was even more surprised about her behavior when she started softly speaking, not seeming to direct her conversation towards anyone in particular, only talking. When she moved closer to him where only two steps were left between them, it surprised him when he started listening to what she was saying. “I know I haven't been in the best mind of late, but I appreciate that you defended me against Théoden and that means so much.”
Kagome lightly grabbed his arm and turned him so he was facing her, chest to chest. When he looked into her eyes, the half elf leaned up to place a light kiss on his lips. Pulling back before Legolas had a chance to return to gesture, Kagome pulled away with a blush on her cheeks, and quickly walked out the door after Aragorn and Théoden.
The group walked out to front gate. Gamling had been given the order to get every man that could fight ready, so only the five were left to survey the area. Kagome was still sticking close to Aragorn, even though she and Legolas had a growing relationship to look after, Aragorn was though to be dead for several days, so she felt the need to stay by his side.
“We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall......or set foot inside the Hornburg!” Théoden sounded proud that the stone structure had with stood the many battles placed before it. Only, Kagome was sure that with its age, it could give out this time.
Gimli was the only one who saw need to tell the King different. “This is no rabble of mindless Orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad.”
“I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep.” Théoden glared at the dwarf, and then walked past him into the Keep.
Gimli just shook his head at the King and Aragorn walked past, patting his shoulder; followed be Legolas. Kagome stayed behind to console the dwarf. “It's ok, Gimli, I don't like him either.” She smiled and Gimli nodded. They both then followed their companions into the stone stronghold.
“They will break upon this fortress like water on rock.” Théoden said walking across the wall, “Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before. Crops can be resown... homes rebuilt. Within these walls… we will outlast them.”
“They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people......down to the last child.” Aragorn followed the King down the steps. Théoden turned around and grabbed the rangers arm.
“What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an to be worthy of remembrance.”
“Send out riders my lord. You must call for aid.”
“And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead.”
Kagome swiftly turned when she heard Théoden speak. She understood that maybe he thought no one would get there in time to help, but the fact that Legolas and Gimli and her were willing to help was saying something. “He has to know we're standing right here.”
Aragorn glared at Kagome before talking to the King again. “Gondor will answer.”
“Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?! Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon--? No, my Lord Aragorn......we are alone.” Théoden turned to walk away.
“You don't seem to understand, My Great Lord Théoden,” Kagome started sarcastically walking up next to Aragorn. “That we are facing Uruk-hai, and they are much harder to kill than your everyday jump out of the bush Orc. Your men, not even your men, your people don't stand a chance without aid.” Théoden only looked angrily at her before speaking to Gambling who had come and joined them.
“Get the women and children into the caves.” Gambling nodded made a move to leave but Théoden grabbed his arm to pull him back, closer, to deliver orders that he didn't want anyone else to hear.
The four stood in the armory, watching as weapons are passed out to the young and the elderly. Aragorn had been inspecting swords as they were release. “Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers.”
“Most have seen too many winters.”
“Or too few.”
“Have you noticed that none of them are our age?” Aragorn stopped inspecting and looked at the female with his brow set in confusion. “I mean, none of them are good looking.” Most of the men turned to stare at her too now. And that added with the gaze of her brother were extremely hard to work with. “That came out wrong! I'm suggesting that near everyone in this room is past their prime. Crap!” Quickly thinking as to not be scorned by the men anymore, she decided to switch to Elvish, so she could fumble in a different language and not have anyone question her word choice. “I meant to say…how nonewould seem…to be as young as us…if we weren't getting close to a century, and instead were in our prime?” Everyone was still looking at her. “Sorry.”
“We're still in our prime, Kagome.”
“That's not what I meant and you know it.”
The general clamor resumed, and the four quieted down to watch the elderly and young. No one commented, but there was an unspoken tension that was speaking loudly about what everyone knew to be an extremely possible out come. Every person felt the strain of the situation and were doing there best to try and reassure the others around them.
Even the pressure had started to wear down on Kagome, who was a cheerful person at heart. You could see the circles dancing around her eyes showing she needed sleep, and she spent a large amount of time hunched over with her head in her hand with her eyes closed fooling many people. While most would be spending the time thinking about their quite possibly impending death, she instead sat contemplating how Théoden was an idiot and ways to kill him and make it look like an Uruk-hai did it.
He should know that we have connections that would help him win this battle, but instead of being civilized and asking for he's stupid and refuses to ask for help from a woman! He could ask Legolas, and he could have gotten in touch with his father or someone who could have gotten here, in more time that he wanted, but we could have helped! I should hang around him during the battle so when an Uruk-hai dies I can use their weapon and stab him in the back. That's what he'll get for not being smart. Ha ha.
Legolas shook Kagome's shoulder, knowing that she wasn't asleep he didn't think it would be this hard to get a response from her. Then again there was a smile on her face, not her normal smile, no, that weird evil smile that comes when she thinks up an evil plan. While the elf pondered over whether or not to continue and try and get her attention, Kagome opened her eyes to find Legolas staring at the wall with his hand on her shoulder.
“Legolas? Legolas!” She shouted to get his attention. Legolas fell out of his musings and saw Kagome stand up and his hand fall to his side.
“Um, Aragorn sent me to have you get ready.” Kagome nodded and started walking out of the room. A horn sounded; she stopped abruptly causing Legolas to crash into her back.
“I know that horn.” A broad smile came across her face and she grabbed Legolas' hand pulling him out of the room after her. They torn through the crowd with the speed Kagome had set for them. Pretty soon they had made their way through half of Helm's Deep where they met up with a rushing Aragorn.
“Who is it?” Aragorn asked only a few feet behind Legolas.
“I have no idea. She just grabbed my hand and started dragging me.” Legolas shrugged and turned his attention to the ground so he wouldn't end up tripping.
Aragorn narrowed his eyes as he glanced down at their joined hands. Barely jumping over a rock, they finally stopped, still watching their hands until Kagome let go.
Legolas looked behind him when Aragorn didn't rush forward like sister. Looking into the Ranger's eyes he couldn't decide if it was a mistake or not. “We're going to talk about this.” The elf only nodded and broke the gaze to watch the scene before him.
“Haldir! What are you doing here?!” Kagome was almost screaming in Haldir's arms hugging him to death.
Haldir smiled and released the smaller elf from his arms. Giving recognition to both the other elf and ranger. “An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We have come to honor that allegiance.”
Kagome hugged him again. “I'm so glad you're here! How did you know?”
“A wizard informed Elrond, Elrond sent word to Galadriel.” Kagome rolled her eyes.
“As glad as I am to see you, I have to go get ready, formations are being set up and I want to have a good spot.” Aragorn walked up and put his hand on Kagome's back to get her attention.
“We'll be on the wall after we get Haldir's men set up.” Kagome kissed Aragorn's cheek, then Haldir's. Turning around to kiss Legolas' cheek too.
Legolas smiled. “See you soon.” He whispered into his ear.
As Kagome walked off, Aragorn glared at Legolas. Legolas shrugged and walked with Gimli off to their place on the wall.
The 10,000 were drawing closer, and Gimli continued to complain about his vantage point. “You could have picked a better spot.” He grumbled to the elf. Legolas only smiled and glanced around them. When Aragorn got to them, he asked the only question on his mind.
“Where's Kagome?”
“I don't know, haven't seen from her since she left us at the gate.” Aragorn turned to look for Haldir who was somewhere behind him. “Haldir, have you seen Kagome?”
“No!” Haldir called back. “I thought she was coming to you?”
“She hasn't gotten here yet!” Aragorn turned back to Legolas. “Let me know when she gets here.” Aragorn watched him nod, and walked away to give orders.
Five minutes ago, somewhere else…
Kagome walked leisurely from the armory. Her back was equipped with her sword and her bow. On her side was another blade, a board sword, for closer combat then her large sword could supply her with. On her way to the stairs to reach the wall, Gambling stood in her way.
“Gambling.” She said in greeting.
“My Lady.” Kagome moved to step around him, but he got back in her way.
“What are you doing?” She questioned, continuing to try and get around him.
“I have orders from my King.”
“Which are?”
“I'm to escort you to the caves.”
So what'd you think? Good enough cliff hanger? I thought so, I've had this planned way back from when I started writing his story, and just so you know, I don't plan on updating for a little while because I have to figure out what's going to happen in the next chapter of the story.
This is the longest chapter I've written yet, I'm proud, but I'm worried that I'm drifting from what I original did with the setup of the story. First chapters I kept it in Kag's POV, but I've been branching in the last couple chaps. I don't know if this is changing the story in a bad way or a good, but it's what I really feed back on. Let me know.
Bruce n' Charlie