InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Impurity of Selfishness ❯ Not Your Usual Reunion... pt 1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm back! This chapter ended up longer than I thought. The other stuff just jumped in there. I decided not to end the story here for reasons that will become clearer as the story continues. Now I have figured out that I am about halfway done- or maybe less than that. I have the story extensively mapped out to chapter 24- some of them I might combine, but we shall see. But since I am at this point, I wonder if I should change the genre from angst/romance and what I should say in the summary. Anyway, random questions…. I would again like to thank my amazing and faithful couple of reviewers- Angelstars and Classic Cowboy. You two are the best! <gets a little teary-eyed, but brushes away the tears> Ok, enough of that- I'm just appreciative. On to the story!!!
Pt 9: Not Your Usual Reunion…
“And then, there was her voice again, in his mind, carrying her thoughts to him like a dove finding its home. I, too, would never say good-bye, Imzadi. Relief washed over him. He should have known that she would understand, and that there was indeed going to be a basis on which to build a relationship. He wasn't sure where that relationship would go, or what its ultimate fate would be… but at least whatever happened in the future, they would be facing it together.”
- William T. Riker about his Imzadi, Deanna Troi… from Peter David's book Imzadi
Cumulus clouds hang over the whole world, or so it appears since the sun still hangs below the horizon. Still moving with the quiet restful pace of nighttime, the world slowly begins to awaken. Those who no longer sleep feel the energy crackling in the humid air with the passing of each gentle air current. After all, this is no ordinary dawn, not that they know that or know why that is so. Most ignore their anxiety and begin the day- why should they do otherwise? The cause of the restlessness- it could not affect the natural balance or their lives, now could it? They brush off the feeling with a slight prayer to the mikos who protect the village- the miko and her reincarnated sister.
Of course, it still feels a little strange that the person, the miko, that they mean is me, simple Higurashi Kagome. They do not know the truth about where I come from; they only know that it is now my duty to protect the Shikon no Tama just as Kikyo had during her lifetime. Well, I am what I am and I will do my best. The townspeople place their hopes and trust in us and continue to go about their normal lives. No, it's my life that is always being disrupted instead…
Although it is early, we are already stirring within Kaede's hut due to the fact that we had both experienced disturbing dreams. Neither of us wished to explain beyond that simple overview because all we want is companionship at this point. I look outside and shiver slightly as I sip my cup of miso soup. I am quite grateful for all the care Kaede-baa-chan has given to me and I just hope that I don't let her down with this quest. Technically, I am not a miko, only the reincarnated soul of a particularly powerful one. On the other side of the fire, I can see the older miko with her eyes closed. She seems lost in her private thoughts. I don't want to disturb her, but I do wish to thank her for breakfast, well, more accurately for everything. Maybe I should wait until she opens her eyes. I gently put the cup down and quietly take the rice bowl and chopsticks. Her eyes open and I frown.
“Oh Kaede-baa-chan, I'm sorry that I bothered you. I did try to be quiet.” I bite my lip a bit in frustration.
She looks at me and shakes her head. “No, Kagome-chan. I'm sorry that I left you alone with your thoughts. I am actually quite pleased that you are awake; you are a great comfort to me.” She glances toward the door and remains quiet, lost in her assessment of the day. Without turning to face me again, she speaks as if from slightly far away. “I get the feeling that something is brewing but it is illusive. I am not quite sure how to react.”
I look at her with a smile. “Thank you for everything Kaede-baa-chan. You have already done so much for me.” I nod at her and smile, although I know she isn't looking at me. “I understand what you mean about something going on- I feel it too. I also know that…” I strain to remember and sigh. Then my face relaxes as the words come out on their own. “I'm sure you will have the strength to act when the time comes.”
The older woman leans forward and studies me in surprise. “That's wonderful advice, Kagome-chan. You said it beautifully too, did you know that? Where did you hear that?”
“Well, I think it was something I used to tell myself about something- I don't remember. Well by that, we can safely assume that I'm not cured yet.” I scowl slightly. “I hate not remembering!”
She sympathetically nods and changes the subject. “So what happened last night when you started talking to everyone?”
I run my fingers through my soft black hair. Ugh, my hair is sticky with sweat and is full of tangles. I really want to go take a bath as soon as I can. Be that as it may, think about what happened. She asked you a question- don't just sit here like a dolt and act vain. “Well they seemed a little anxious when I first showed up but that went away for the most part. Sango and I talked for little while about love- meanwhile Miroku tried to spy on us, but he fell asleep instead.” I giggle. She looks at me with her eyebrow raised. “Oh yeah, I remembered a little more about my boyfriend.” I continue speaking to tell her about my first romantic moment with my boyfriend. As hard to read as always, Kaede sits there watching me- if I wasn't somewhat used to it, it might be making me nervous. As I finish my story, Sango, Miroku and Shippo enter. Shippo drools at the scent of breakfast and Sango whacks him on the head for being rude and ignoring Kaede and I. He rubs his head and greets us. He leaps into my arms for a good morning hug. Sango just shakes her head and quietly laughs. As for the monk, Miroku breathes in deeply to savor the aroma of the soup.
“Good morning, Kaede-sama, Kagome-sama. We awoke to the delicious aroma of breakfast, for which I am greatly appreciative. Did you both sleep quite well?” I shrug and mutter a fine for him to hear. Kaede simply greets him and says no more about his question.
In response, Sango bristles in indignation. “Aren't going to ask me how I slept, houshi-sama?” She beautifully crosses her arms over her chest.
He sweatdrops and scratches his head with a sheepish look on his face. “Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I already asked you; I was sure of it. If I do ask, will you please refrain from calling me a pervert and slapping me?”
She rolls her eyes. “Well, I will if you refrain from grabbing me! I slept fine just so you know.” He tries to nod somewhat solemnly, but swallows hard so that his Adam's apple bobs up and down for a few seconds.
I hide a slight giggle. I may have forgotten a few things, but I have not forgotten Miroku and Sango. I gaze at them with a covered smile. Still, someday- yes someday, they might get past the impediments to their relationship. If only Miroku didn't handle his stress by being lecherous… But apart of from that, of all of us, I am the only one who is not fighting for revenge. Inuyasha fights for Kikyo, Sango fights for the memory of her family and Kohaku and Miroku fights for his life and the lives of his potential descendants. Well I can't leave out Shippo, now can I? I guess he is fighting for the memory of his father and trying to find a way to pay back Inuyasha, for what he did to Hiten and Manten.
I sigh as I look out the window. Here I am, simple Higurashi Kagome from Tokyo. Although I am a miko and I can sense the Shikon no Kakera, I do not fully possess the powers of a miko. My job is to find the Shikon no Kakera and to protect them, but I have no personal quarrel with Naraku besides the fact that he has most of the Shikon no Kakera. Certainly, I fight for what he has done to my friends. I smile to myself and push a migrating lock of hair out of my face. What are you thinking, Kagome? Alright, you're correct… Most of the time I'm used against them- someone kidnaps me because I'm not as strong as the rest but since they are my friends and since only I… and Kikyo… can sense the shards, they come to rescue me. I wish I was stronger than this! Do I really help them as much as I think or am I more of a liability? Gently, my other half whispers gently to heal my heart. Kagome, shouldn't you let them decide that for you? If they didn't want to help you, then they simply would not do so. Besides, Kikyo isn't interested in helping Miroku, Sango and Shippo; she doesn't seem to see them at all, or you for that matter. If you want to be stronger, why not embrace your miko powers more fully and ask Kaede-baa-chan to train you a bit. Maybe then you can help them better. Wouldn't it be nice if it was more difficult for enemies to kidnap you?
“Kagome-chan, I will be right back. Can you hear me, dear?” Kaede looks at me worriedly. I stir from my reverie with a jump. My brain registers and breaks out of introspection mode.
I nod in earnest and give everyone a sheepish grin. “Oh yes, I can hear you. I apologize- I was thinking and just tuned everything out for a moment. Where are you going?”
“Oh, just out to treat someone. I will be back soon, so don't worry.”
I bite my lip and nod. “Oh good. I am going to take a bath and Kaede-baa-chan, I have something to ask you when you get back.” She nods at me and hurries out the door to go see her patient. I slap my knees and stand up carefully. Time for a bath- even if it is cold water! Ahh to be clean again… how wonderful! I walk over to the corner to grab a couple of towels. As I open the door, I breathe in the fresh morning air. Yes, another beautiful morning in this era. I wonder what the weather is like back in my own time. Without another important thought, I head off in the direction of the small lake, which is a relatively short distance from the village but of course no longer exists in my time.
Back in the hut, Kaede tends to Inuyasha. She examines the cuts on his ear and his chest without much comment then starts putting a new poultice and fresh bandages around his wounds. Meanwhile, he taps his fingers impatiently on the floor. Miroku, Sango and Shippo are watching him with annoyed looks on their faces. Totally oblivious to the actions of the others around him, he continues his nervous and frustrated actions.
Suddenly overflowing with energy, Inuyasha snarls. “Hey- are you done poking me? I want out now- or do you have some damned foolish idea of drugging me up again?”
Undaunted by his manner, Kaede continues her examination quickly, as she was almost finished before the outburst. “Well, you are improving, Inuyasha. You were lucky; none of the wounds were too deep.” Everyone blinks and considers her explanation with curiosity.
“What do you mean, you old hag? You trapped me in here by myself when I wasn't that hurt!?!”
Kaede quickly and calmly responds, “You were in danger, Inuyasha. We did not know what would happen…”
He interrupts, “No one can hurt me, least of all a little human girl with no powers.”
Miroku looks at him with questioning eyes. “But you do have a soft spot when it comes to Kagome-sama, no matter what you say.”
Sango nods. “You do care about her. Besides, if no one can hurt you, why were you covered in slashes- unless you enjoy pain? If she means nothing to you, can we start slashing you every time you get on our nerves?”
“Keh, you just don't understand. I can hear you thinking that I love Kagome but that's ridiculous. I chose Kikyo, remember? Kagome was the one who started acting weird towards me this past week.” Miroku and Sango give him an exasperated look as they sigh and walk out the door. Shippo shakes his head and catches Inuyasha's eye. “Don't look at me like that, you little kitsune brat! I know you want me to go make up with Kagome and ditch Kikyo. I should have ditched you long ago- I helped you get revenge and allowed you to come with me and how do you repay me? You are always second-guessing me. Get this straight- I don't answer to you or anyone else.”
Shippo runs back behind Kaede, but continues to yell at Inuyasha. “I'm not following you- I'm following Kagome, so you cannot ditch me. No, you don't answer to me or to the rest of us, but you do have to answer to yourself and you would never forgive yourself if something bad happened to Kagome. I would never forgive you either!” The young cub runs quickly out of the hut and obviously heads off to find Kagome.
Kaede shakes her head. “Well, ready or not, you are well enough to leave.”
“I thought that you said that I was in here to be protected from Kagome!”
“That's true.”
A nerve in his head starts to pop. “So how can I leave? What happened with Kagome? Is she ok? Is she normal now?”
“Are you worried about her- or yourself?”
“I just wanna know, alright?”
Kaede shrugs and gets up to walk out. “Why don't you ask her yourself? I'm sure you both have a lot to talk about considering.” Gathering her belongings, she moves out the door.
Inuyasha realizes that they forgot something. “Wait, Kaede-ba-baa, let me out of here! The seal is still in place!” She stops and turns. After a moment, she raises an eyebrow. “Alright, please remove the seal…” She continues to look at him. “Oh yeah and thank you for your help.” She smiles and removes the seal as he asked. He stumbles out with a sigh and runs towards his favorite tree.
The old miko wistfully looks after him. Throwing away a quick prayer, she almost shakes her head with a slight movement that is almost unperceivable. “Now the time of testing has come about and all I can do is wait. There are no warnings to give, for I do not know what to expect. I know neither the form of the test nor the outcome. Prepare yourselves, children. This is not an enemy to be fought with swords or arrows. This is the battlefield of the heart and of the mind. Meanwhile, I will sit and wait, just outside the main action, as it has always been for me. I will do everything I can, so please hear my warning in your hearts and hold on to the friendships you have endeavored to create.”