InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In My Brother's Place ❯ While Searching for a Solution ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters in that anime/manga, (but you already knew that).

Been juggling around with writing and schoolwork lately. I bet you ppl were getting inpatient right? I'm sorry. It's actually been longer than a month for me to update this fic. Oh and I changed my pen name to Fenikkusu Ice. Wohoo! Now I don't have to use three pen names and I think this name is much cooler. Unfortunately I may have lost some of those great reviews in and Sesshoumaru the Killing Perfection due to getting a new account. By the way from now on the responses for the reviews will be at the end of the story. I know how anxious you people are so story first.

The same note again: I refer to the REAL person when I say their name. So if I say Sesshoumaru I meant the REAL Sesshoumaru okay? And if I put quotation marks before and after that name it means the body as in "Inuyasha" would mean Sesshoumaru in Inuyasha's body.

For those who are wondering why Sesshoumaru didn't crush Kagome. . . You know that Inuyasha always leaves a crater when Kagome sits him right? Well Sesshoumaru, being the stubborn arrogant taiyoukai that he is, was able to resist the power of the rosary better than Inuyasha. Not to mention that he has some powers of his own. Remember that the cloud he calls before he flies? I believe that his powers come from knowledge not his strength necessarily. So yeah that's it. I didn't even think about that until Lunatic Pandora1 kindly pointed that out. Thanks!

`In My Brother's Place'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 3: While Searching for a Solution


Kagome could not believe what had just happened. First she had meant to subdue Inuyasha but had forgotten about Sesshoumaru. She didn't even know that he was directly above her when she had said the `s' word. Needless to say, she was not amused when she felt sore all over, thanks to Sesshoumaru slamming into her. At this moment however she was more shocked and surprised than hurt.

She slowly opened her eyes, letting out a groan from her mouth but finding it muffled somehow. Her blue eyes met with golden ones which for the first time in decades was showing as much shock and surprise as her own eyes. They continued to stare at each other, both motionless with Sesshoumaru on top of Kagome.

`His lips are so soft,' Kagome couldn't help thinking and her cheeks suddenly felt like they were on fire.

Sesshoumaru, on the other hand, was fighting his own embarrassment from thinking about how sweet Kagome's scent was, how cute she looked with flushed cheeks and how he could even think about a human that way. He had never been so humiliated in his entire life. This is a human after all. He despised humans.

So then why wasn't he getting off?

The answer was simple; he couldn't get off. The spell was still in effect. So he was stuck in this position for the time being.

As soon as the spell wore off however, Sesshoumaru regained his composure and calmly got off of Kagome at the same time as Inuyasha lifted himself from the ground. Neither one of the brothers was amused to say the least for one was fighting a raging battle in his head and the other was spitting out dirt that somehow gotten into his mouth.

Sesshoumaru felt like he was having a personality disorder or something in his mind. Two voices were fighting like there was no tomorrow. One of the voices was saying how he was actually attracted to a human and the other was protesting, absolutely disgusted by this fact. If Sesshoumaru were to show his confused emotions on his face, it would have been hilarious. One moment he would have had a dreamy expression on his face, the next he would have a frown or a scowl. It would have been shown back and forth, back and forth.

When Kagome had Sesshoumaru on top of her, for a second there she thought it was Inuyasha who had accidentally stolen her first kiss. But then she remembered that incident involving the brothers switching bodies. `Of course.' Her fantasies were dashed even though she didn't fully regret on what took place. If it were possible, her cheeks reddened a bit more. `Well it wasn't TECHNICALLY a real kiss.'

Inuyasha fortunately did not witness this event but he did notice the change in Kagome's scent. At first he was confused when her scent changed again to one of sweat mixed with her own unique smell. It was almost as if she was embarrassed about something.. `Huh?' He was about to question her when he spotted Miroku, Sango, Kaede and the others standing not far away. Seeing Kaede he suddenly remembered the cursed rosary around his neck and his anger came back at full force.

"Hey what did you do that for, you old hag?" he shouted threateningly at the old priestess.

As with the very first time the rosary got on his neck, Kaede simply shrugged and said to Kagome, "Kagome, the word please."

Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru apologetically then glanced at Inuyasha and muttered, "Sit boy."

Both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were pulled down towards the ground once again. When the spell's effect vanished, Inuyasha let out a string of curses that caused Sesshoumaru to raise an eyebrow. Sure he too was humiliated from having a human control him like that but it would be more embarrassing if his enemies happen to see him swearing like there's no tomorrow. Had not for the rosary around his neck and for not their current predicament, he would have either bashed Inuyasha on the head or leave right at this second. He had neither the time nor the patience to deal with his pathetic half-brother.

Sesshoumaru rose from ground and his eyes met those angry pools of amber from his brother. He inwardly smirked at the crater beneath Inuyasha. Apparently he was not as strong as he thought he was if the rosary had been about to cause such damage to him. Sesshoumaru himself had been about to resist the spell of the rosary somewhat for there were only small craters where his hands were, preventing his body from being crushed against the ground.

For a long time, nobody said anything for there seemed to be nothing that they could say to ease the tension. Finally Kaede sighed then said, "I'm going to search for a spell to contradict this spell. Any of you may come if you want." With that, she walked back to the village.

Everybody else stood stiff as they thought about their situation. How WERE they going to get Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha back in their own bodies? What if they weren't able to switch them back?

Frowning, Sango, Miroku took off after Kaede with Shippo and Kirara following. They were in deep thought.

Kagome turned towards the half-brothers who were glaring at each other for a while now. Inuyasha's angry eyes pierced through Sesshoumaru's calm molten gaze, seemingly having no effect. Kagome shrugged and asked, "Hey aren't you too coming?"

While still glaring at Sesshoumaru, the hanyou nodded and trailed after her.

Sesshoumaru thought for a moment then he too followed. It was pointless to go back to his castle to search for an antidote of some kind since he was sure that he had never read about a spell like the one Kagome performed on his half-brother and him.


That night after dinner, Miroku, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were outside of Kaede's hut, sitting near a campfire while Kagome and Sango went to a nearby lake to bathe. Shippo was helping Kaede who was still leafing through spellbooks. Kirara was sleeping.

Miroku and Inuyasha sat on one side of the campfire while the taiyoukai sat on the other. It was obvious that Inuyasha did not trust his half-brother while Miroku was simply uncomfortable with his presense. It was not everyday that a vicious killer of a taiyoukai was sitting with them. Hell this was the first time Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were in the same place and not fighting. Well physically at least. There was still verbal abuse. Insults were exchanged more than a few times.

Miroku sighed as Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were once again grossly concentrated on putdowns.


"Arrogant bastard."

"Filthy baka of a hanyou."

"Conceited jerk."

Since they were not killing each other, spilling blood, it was easy to see how childish their fights can be.

The monk decided that he would much rather be doing something else right now. ANYTHING ELSE. `Hmm.' A lecherous smile suddenly made its way to his face as he sneaked off towards the direction of the lake, unnoticed by both of the inu youkai.

A few moments later, Sesshoumaru finally thought that something or someone was missing. `Where did the hoshi gone off to?'

It took longer for Inuyasha to realize that Miroku was gone but when he did… `Shit.' He sped off to the same direction.

Sesshoumaru merely raised an eyebrow to his brother's behaviour.


Meanwhile Miroku just made it to the lake. Hiding behind a bush, he couldn't believe his luck that neither of the inu youkai had noticed him sneak off like that. Now he had a good view of the girls. Oh yes a very good view. This was what he could be doing rather than listen to their childish bickering.

He felt a breeze but he knew it was not from the wind. Slowly turning his head around, he saw the fierce angry eyes that belonged to one pissed off hanyou.


Kagome and Sango were talking about how to deal with their current situation though neither had much to say about that. Suddenly Sango heard a small noise that sounded suspiciously like metal clanging together. Metal rings clanging together. Metal rings that were connected with a staff. A staff that belonged to a certain lecherous monk.

With a vein popping on her head, Sango grabbed her boomerang and smashed in the bush.


With that Miroku fell on the bush, right in front of Sango's naked body.

Kagome's eyes twitched when she caught a glimpse of a dog-like ear from the top of a bush.


Inuyasha let out a grunt when he was forced right on top of the bush onto the ground.

When the spell wore off, Inuyasha could see that both Kagome and Sango had veins popping on their heads.


Even from his position near the campfire, Sesshoumaru could clearly hear the screams, the cracks of heads, and the shouts of profanity and pathetic explanations coming from the lake.

The taiyoukai turned his gaze heavenly as he realized something. He let out a groan.

`Just how much am I going to be humiliated before that baka and I switch our bodies back?'


Hey people how did you like that chapter? Read and review as always. Here are the responses.

Sesshoumaru the Killing Perfection

Kashene: More comedy to come.

lala: Hey thanks for telling me what that meant. I seriously didn't know it before.

BC, INUGRL, Akaneko: Thanks for your reviews! You really seem to like this fic! ^_^

Sundragon: Well it was my aim to make this fic funny. :) Thank you!

aishiteru_inu: Thanks so much! Glad you decided to check this fic out.

Amethyst: Glad to know that my fic lives up to its comedy genre.

ShinkanNeko85: No comment? Oh well you gave me great ratings anyway. ^_^

Youkai Yume: Hey you read my fic! I wasn't so sure if the last minute thing in the last chapter actually qualified as `fluff', but you'll have to wait to see when the fluff stuff comes! And thanks!

Yuki San: Subduing Scrolls? Hmm I thought they were ofudas. Anyway thanks. Oh thanks for the great ratings too. :)

Sam_Death_Sama: Hey another full rating! Cool! Thanks I'm flattered. You're not the first person to complain about my short chapters, but I just find it hard to write so much all at once. My chapters are actually getting longer in fact but the improving process is slow that's all.

Inu-Libby: Oh gee thanks for rubbing it in. lol. Thanks for the great rating!

Sara1664, Sliver-Blue-eyes, KL, AkaiMiaka-chan, Kitsune_Sesshomaru, Rabid-Inu-Girl, Namiko-Daughter of Sekhmet, Isis Katz, KougasMyMan, Dark Topaz, narXie-marie, Damsel-Of-Distress, Inuluvher151, UnlovedBandNerd, leafz, Midnight-Blue-Wolves, MoonlightPrincess, cecilia: Thanks for reviewing! I couldn't write this without your support.

crystal: You're a very dramatic person if you don't mind me saying so. ^_^. I didn't realize how my fic affects people.

Jade Garden & Yura of The Hair: I don't think I've ever seen so many `please''s in one review. I don't think this qualifies as `soon' but this is the quickest I can get this chapter out. Happy reading!

Lunatic Pandora1: I actually haven't thought about that before. Thanks for pointing that out.

Email: Thanks for your support!

I'm not sure which fic I'm gonna update next but it's gonna but before next week. When will this fic be updated? Hopefully it wouldn't take as long as last time. Lol.

Anyway see ya,

Fenikkusu Ice