InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In My Brother's Place ❯ Two Birds... ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co.

After nearly three months later, I finally update. I apologize for this. But I'm sure you'll understand about school, etc that really like to make things hell for authors like me. However, since I've finished with `This is Me', this is the next story, along with `Mission: Assassination - Terminated' that I'm gonna focus on for the time being. Thanks to those who've stayed with me.

And a BIG THANK YOU to those who've voted and nominated this story for `A Single Spark'. I was surprised that somebody cares enough and like this enough to nominate this.

Enjoy the fourth chapter! R&R!

Responses to reviews:

Rabid-Inu-Girl, KougasMyMan, Tenma Koneko, Woodelf193, Sliver-Blue-eyes, Tsuki Yume, HFaith, Isis Katz, MoonlightPrincess, Eating Kogepan, Kagome17: Thanks so much for your comments! I hope you haven't abandoned me yet. ^_^

Kitsune: To answer your question, yes Inuyasha does like Kagome. This is NOT an AU fic. I've just added stuff to it. Err sure, I'll email you. I would prefer that you'll look out for my story since I'm heh a tad forgetful.

Lunatic Pandora1: I know, I'm sorry for that. I won't afterwards. Thanks for pointing that out.

LovelyLioness57: Yeah I know. But that's what makes this fun to write. Oh and I'll explain about Rin in this chapter. But then again, Rin is usually not with Sesshoumaru when he's fighting Inuyasha now is she? I've thought of that idea before and I might use it. :)

stacie, DreamFox WindWolf, lil_angel: Yeah I'm continuing. Thanks for not screaming at me.

A Single Spark:

ra: I've continued. ^_^

Jeneane Law: No I'm not stopping, not by a long shot. And yes there will be a love interest between sess and kag, this is a sess/kag fic after all. I'm not gonna answer the next question though. You'll just have to find out. ^.~

`In My Brother's Place'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 4: Two Birds . . .


After the screams (from Kagome and Sango), the cracks of heads (delivered to Miroku and Inuyasha), and the shouts of profanity (from Inuyasha) and pathetic explanations (from Miroku), followed by a restless night, the situation regarding the spell did not seem to be lighting up.

Kagome and the others were still getting used to the fact that the brothers were in each other's shoes, literally. The first thing Kagome saw when she woke up was the sight of `Sesshoumaru' sleeping on the branch of a tree just above her. She had let out a scream for that was the LAST thing she had expected to see when she woke up. That in turn woke everybody else -those who were asleep anyway-, and caused Inuyasha to fall right on top of her.

"Yo, bitch! What was THAT for?" Inuyasha grunted as he got up.

Kagome's face scrunched up a bit. "Well the sight of `Sesshoumaru' wasn't the first thing I thought I would see when I woke up."

"No reason to scream and startle the HELL out of the rest of us."

`Yeah right. You wouldn't mind falling on Kagome any day if it didn't hurt her,' a voice in his head taunted.

`Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!' Inuyasha argued with that annoying voice.

Kagome crossed her arms. "This is silly. I'm going to make breakfast." She turned to retrieve her yellow backpack.

"Hey, wench! I'm not done talking to you." He was about to put a hand on her shoulder when-

"You are now. SIT!"


Both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru found their faces smashed on the ground.

Kagome's eyes widened. "Oh I'm so sorry Sesshoumaru! I totally forgot."

An audible growl was heard.

Shippo rubbed his green eyes and yawned. "When is Inuyasha gonna learn?"

By now the rest of the group was wide awake. Miroku and Sango simply shook their heads at Inuyasha. For them this was nothing new. They were however slightly scared of Sesshoumaru's reaction to that sit. Sure Kagome could subdue him now, but would he let that stop him from attacking her along with everyone else?

To their surprise, the demon prince in Inuyasha's body simply sat up and crossed his arms, looking passive. Well, that expression eased their worry a little. At least his eyes weren't bleeding red and he wasn't demanding blood to be spilled.

Inuyasha's mumbled curses however were expected as he lifted himself up for the second time that morning.


Kagome struggled to keep her laughter contained as were Sango, Shippo and Miroku as Inuyasha ate. Now normally Inuyasha's eating habits were not surprising nor were they something to pay too much attention to when this occurred practically every day. However, given the fact that he was in Sesshoumaru's body, well just imagine Sesshoumaru's widened eyes, Sesshoumaru slurping and eating like a slob, stuffing as much ramen as possible all at once in his mouth and getting some ramen on his hair, face and tail and you'll get the picture.

Quite an amusing sight indeed.

The Sesshoumaru in his half-brother's body however was trying desperately to keep his anger, embarrassment and humiliation inside, keeping his expression as passive as possible. He was one step away from killing Inuyasha but then he growled low when he remembered that it was his own body that he'll be attacking. His attempts did not fully work for a noticeable vein was popping from his head, his eyebrows were drawn in a V shape, and he was growling.

Kagome shook her head and turned her attention to the demon lord, trying to keep her mind off of the funny image. A sweat drop appeared on her head when `Inuyasha' looked like he could kill. Maybe she should take the ramen from the real Inuyasha but then. . . she didn't even want to think of the consequences. No, it'll be much better just to let him finish the ramen as quickly as possible.


Sesshoumaru fixed his eyes on Kagome's to let her know that she got his attention, but now his face was back to the stoic expression.

She handed him a bowl of ramen.

"Here. I thought you might be hungry."

Sesshoumaru stared with a seemingly bored expression at the bowl of noodles. What did she call it when she told his half-brother what she was going to make? Ramen, was it?

He turned his head away.

"I do not eat human food."

He noticed that Kagome's expression changed into a sad one. `Why should that bother me?' he asked himself.

"Oh ok then. If you change your mind," she set the bowl down in front of him, "I'll leave it here."

Just when Kagome turned to leave-


A little girl of eight years in a yellow and orange kimono dashed out of the bushes and ran up to `Sesshoumaru', and latched onto the surprised `Sesshoumaru's' leg. A moment later, a toad demon with a staff emerged from the same direction and ran up to `Sesshoumaru'.

"Forgive this Jaken, Sesshoumaru-sama! But this ungrateful girl did not pay any heed to what I say!" Jaken bowed towards his `master', repeatedly lifting and lowering his head while on his hands and knees.


The toad looked up at `Inuyasha', surprised that his master's half-brother would be the one to answer first. Not to mention that `Inuyasha' sounded exactly like his master's tone of voice but in a different voice.

"Are you too incompetent to do this simple task?" `Inuyasha' stood up and walked over to the toad demon.

The toad demon was confused. Why would Inuyasha ask such a question? Jaken looked at `Sesshoumaru' and nearly fainted at the half smirk that rested on his `master's' face.

"I'm not Sesshoumaru you baka." Inuyasha then turned to the girl who was still attached to him, looking at him with a confused expression. "Hey kid, let go of me."

Rin let go and then with widened eyes, stared at `Inuyasha'. "Sesshoumaru-sama?"

Sesshoumaru nodded slightly. Rin smiled and grabbed his leg. "Sesshoumaru-sama! I was so worried that you wouldn't come back when you said that you'll be back after you took care of something."

The others, except Jaken, stared dumbfounded as Sesshoumaru patted Rin's head.

"I told you to stay with Jaken."

Rin's lips rested at a flat line. "Rin was worried about Sesshoumaru-sama." She let go of his leg.

"Don't do that again."

Rin nodded with a smile on her face.

Jaken kneeled down in front of him and then repeated the same actions. "Sesshoumaru-sama, forgive this lowly Jaken for making such a mistake! Please forgive me!"

Sesshoumaru merely turned away from his retainer and sat down again.

Kagome made her way to the little girl. "Hi, I'm Kagome. It's nice to meet you."

Rin gave a toothy smile. "Hi Kagome! Rin is Rin!"

Kagome giggled. This girl was just adorable. "Would like some ramen?" She showed her her bowl of noodles.

Rin nodded. Kagome gave her another bowl of ramen and sat down next to her. Rin and Shippo exchanged greetings and then they sat happily slurping up their breakfast.

Sesshoumaru's eyes wondered over from his ward to the older girl. He pondered over her strange behavior. Why was she not afraid of him? All humans, hell most demons would have run away from him by now and yet this strange girl had the courage to not only offer him a bowl of those strange human food but was also able to subdue him.

A delicate eyebrow arched at the sight of the food that was unfamiliar to him. The smell alone was tempting him to have a taste and all precautions were erased when his nose detected no hint of poison whatsoever.

With two hands -yes two hands since he was in Inuyasha's body now- he picked up the bowl. He could feel Kagome's eyes on him, staring at him expectantly, probably hoping that he'll like the human food she had presented to him. He took the chopsticks and picked up the noodles with it. Then plopped some in his mouth and chewed.

The taste surprised him. No wonder Inuyasha was practically swallowing the ramen without chewing. Who would have thought that humans could make such a delicious meal! Certainly not he.

Sesshoumaru continued eating, gentlemanly of course, and Kagome took this as an approval so she gave him a smile. He tried to dismiss the sudden strange fluttering of his stomach but failed miserably.

As if on cue, Inuyasha lifted his head from the ramen and sniffed.

"I can smell a demon approaching." A moment later, Sesshoumaru smelled the same scent as the others got their weapons ready and prepared for battle.

Not too long after, a giant leech demon emerged from the trees. It was black and had sharp teeth on one end and it was drooling.

"Eww," Kagome and Shippo couldn't help saying.

"Ha! It's no problem. It's just a disgusting worm," Inuyasha said as he leapt into the air and used the yellow whip with his one hand.

To his surprise, the leech demon was able to dodge it easily and whipped around it to launch its own attack.

Before it could however-


The wind scar was directed at the demon but it had sensed it so it dodged that attack.

"Hey watch it!" Inuyasha glared at his half brother who returned that glare.

Suddenly three bright lights caught Kagome's attention.

"Watch out! It has three shards embedded on its head!"

At that exact moment, the leech decided to fight the inu youkai with the large sword. Sesshoumaru jumped just as it dove towards him, sending it sprawled on the ground. Sesshoumaru used the Kaze no Kizu again on the leech youkai. The leech youkai was sliced into pieces and disintegrated, leaving behind the Shikon shards.

Kagome picked up and shards and instantly purified them.

Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at Sesshoumaru. "I did not need your help! Why did you interfere?"

Sesshoumaru fixed him with a cold exterior. "You obviously cannot handle such a simple task. Besides it would most humiliating if you were to fail since you ARE in MY body."

Inuyasha growled. "Oh yeah? Do you dare to put that to the test? Why don't you fight me and find out?"

The inu youkai prepared to fight as they ran towards each other, each with their grip on their own respective swords, the Tetsusaiga and the Tokijin.


Inuyasha winced, already knowing what was coming next when Kagome used that tone of voice on him. Sesshoumaru's eyebrow twitched, having an idea of what she was going to do.


Again both of the inu brothers slammed onto the ground, creating two large craters with a-


and a-


Kagome rubbed her temples with her index and middle fingers while the taijiya, the houshi and the kitsune sighed.

Already the inu youkai have caused such a disruption in the forest. And it was only morning!

How will they -they being everybody except the two demons whose faces were implanted in dirt- survive?


Well there you go! The fourth chapter! It's a bit longer than usual I think. Remember to READ and REVIEW!

Fenikkusu Ice