InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inside a water bubble ❯ Yasha's house ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


~By Laura-chan~


WOW! I'm sooo happy^^
I've just seen 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' in the original version in English (remember that I'm italian, so I first saw the film in italian, then I went to see it in English) and I'm proud of myself because I understood almost everything the actors said!

They speak a perfect English, my father agree with me. ^^


There was a problem with chapter 2, and I had to cancel the story, so I lost every review. (me desperate!! T_T)


I feel so loved =)


JAC (I made the POV clear this time ^^)








Disclaimer: Inuyasha&co. don't belong to me but to the GREAT Rumiko Takahashi

!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!

I'm not english or american: I'm italian and my english isn't perfect.

Please understand and thank you for reading my story


Hentai: pervert

Konnichi wa: good morning

CHAPTER II: YASHA'S HOUSE (if you like to call it like that)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~KAGOME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Yasha returned every day for two weeks: he often stayed with me, but spoke with my parents as well.

He was really gentle and a bit overprotective: but he even could be so arrogant!

But I was happy about this: if he was perfect, I'd have thought that he was faking.

One day Yasha came into my room, while I was taking off my pajamas; I threw him out of the room and then I pinned on my room's door a piece of paper: 'HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

When I was ready, I went to the kitchen, still red-faced, and there I found Yasha eating with my family. Yasha turned and grinned "Konnichi wa." I ignored him.

After breakfast I went to my room, I still had some homework to do. 'Dico eum clarus esse…' {'I say that he's famous' = this is Latin. I study Latin and Greek. Laura} she read.

Yasha's head peeked out from the door: "Are you still angry?" I turned my head, still embarassed.

He kneeled before me with his hands on my thighs: this made me blush.

"Ok, you won, I'm sorry…are we still friends like before?" I sighed and then nodded, knowing that I couldn't stay mad at him for long.

He smiled and stood up, sitting down on my bed.

"So…my parents would love to know you…Would you like to go to my home?" I stared at him, taken aback: then I thought about it and nodded again.

Suddenly Yasha grabbed my hand and led me out of my house. Down in the street there was a black limo. 'A limo?' I thought. Then I remembered: I kept forgetting that Yasha's family was very, very rich.

The driver opened the doors for us. "Konnichi wa Yasha-sama, konnichi wa miss." The seats were very soft and comfortable. The trip was quiet, but long: I was still sleepy and this, added with the comfortable seats and the silence…made me even more sleepy…so I fell asleep. On Yasha's shoulder. But he didn't seem mind: when I woke up, he'd wrapped an arm around my waist.

We were arrived, and my mouth was hanging open: Yasha's home was a big and beautiful building that was just like a palace; it had also an enourmous garden, with a lots of trees and two or three fountains.

Yasha gently patted me on my shoulder and asked me if I would have liked to entry.

Inside, his house was just so wonderful!

"Kagome-san!" someone called me, and I lifted my stare: a beautiful woman and a very good-looking man were coming down the stairs. The woman, who had short black hair and green eyes, hugged me. "My name's Miyu {Mee-iu}: I'm Yasha's mother." The man bowed before me and introduced himself as Yasha's father. Yasha's mother was very friendly and talked to me happily, but I felt a bit uncomfortable to answer her with notes…"Yasha, show her the garden: I think she'll like it! Lunch will be ready in 30 minutes." And then they vanished.

Yasha took my hand and led me into the garden. We walked silently, enjoying each other's company. 'Do you really live here?' I wrote on the note-book. Yasha read and laughed. "Sure." When we arrived to a fountain I rushed to it, watching my reflection.

A warm arm wrapped itself around my waist and put me back in a strong chest; I turned my head and saw Yasha staring down at me with a smile on his face. He stroked his cheek onto my head and I blushed. Then I relaxed and felt at ease with him.

He just sighed softly.



I tightened my hold on Kagome and breathed in the special profume of her hair, sighing again.

I learned to like, maybe even love, this sweet girl…if only she could speak…

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and led her towards home.

When she fell asleep, when we were in the limo, I was very happy to hold her near to me: she was so relaxed, she seemed like an angel.

I was always calmer when she was around.

"YOU GO, BROTHER!!!" yelled a familiar voice.

I turned and felt Kagome do the same.

"Sesshoumaru!""So, dear little brother, I see that you have a sweet companion…I didn't want to interrupt you." My big brother smiled slyly; I hate him when he do that.

I looked at Kagome and saw that she was confused. "Sesshoumaru, this is Kagome. Kagome, this is my brother Sesshoumaru."

Sesshoumaru smiled, bowed and took her hand, kissing it and whispering "Enchanté…" {'enchanted' in French- Laura}

My blood boiled, even more when I saw Kagome smile a bit.

"Feh! What do you want?" I asked rudely, jealous. "Lunch is ready. There's also Kagura, so be gentle, ok?" Kagura was his fiancée "Sure, brother. You know I'm a gentleman." I grinned.

He just shrugged, then whispered in my ear. "I don't want to steal her from you…" then he ran away, laughing like a mad man.


I saw a note-book before my eyes. "Your brother is a bit strange…", I grinned and laughed, wrapping an arm around Kagome's shoulders.

"He's not strange…" I said "He's an idiot."

~To be continued~

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