InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inside a water bubble ❯ Breaking Hearts ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

********~INSIDE A WATER BUBBLE~********


Sorry for the long wait! I've been very busy with the school!

I had to do:

an english test (my mark was 9/10!! 9 is a very, very good mark! It's like 'excellent');

a greek test;

a latin test.

But now I'm here with the 4th chapter!




*LOVER* (no writer's block. I've already had all my stories written in italian… I have to translate.)




Inuyasha&co aren't mine... only in my dreams!

!!!!!* WARNING *!!!!!

I'm not english: I'm italian, so please, forgive my mistakes^^

***LIME*** warning


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~KAGOME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

When I opened my eyes I immediately understood that I wasn't in my room.

I tried to move a bit, but an arm around my waist stopped me; I turned my head and saw Yasha lied near me, sleeping.

So I was in his room.

After seeing the starts on the roof, Yasha had led me to his room and we were falled asleep in each other arms… Oi! You etchi! We only slept! We didn't do nothing!

I smiled, staring at Yasha's puppy face, and hugged him: he was so relaxed, so sweet in his sleep… and he was *MY* puppy!

My smile widened at this thought.

In that moment my puppy dog decided it was time to wake up: his beautiful violet eyes opened slowly and looked at me, a little smile forming on his soft lips.

I kissed him on the nose and nuzzled his neck, lying my head on his shoulder.

Yasha then blinked, the arm around my waist tightening, and kissed me sweetly on the cheek.

We stayed like that for a few moments, then Yasha stood up, taking my hand, and said. "Come on, we should go downstairs… I'm hungry… " I stretched and got out of the bed.

I looked in his eyes, losing myself again in their depths… I loved Yasha, and I loved his eyes.

I heard a music and stared at Yasha with a demanding espression on my face. He looked around the room and then spotted a cd-player. A soft music came from it, a calm and romantic music. It was surely japanese and it had something magic. I blocked Yasha when he was about to stop it and listened to it, somewhat feeling my love for him increasing.

Then it finished and Yasha led me out of the room.

We finally went downstairs, where we saw Yasha's parents and Sesshoumaru: they greeted us and I saw their eyes went to our entwined hands.

It's beautiful to be in love, especially if the person you love, love you too.

After breakfast Yasha took me home and my mother and my grandfather were shocked when they saw us kissing.


We dated everyday for a month, kissing and making out a little: in the beginning we were shy (Yasha confessed he didn't date anybody before me, even if he had many fans), but then for us began normal go out together.

Yasha introduced to me Sango and Miroku, two good friends of his, who were dating too.

Sango was a very sweet girl who didn't mind my 'problem' and Miroku, even if he was nice, was a LECHER! He tried to grope me twice in two minutes (and Yasha looked like he was going to kill him).

Then a day… Yasha seemed nervous and taut… I saw clearly that there was something wrong but decided to wait for him to spill whatever was making him like that.

We went to the park and sat on a bench, eating an ice-cream.

"Kagome… I have to say something to you." Yasha said after a moment of silence. My heart nearly stopped: I was scared that he wanted to dump me … but reality was worse.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving for the USA."

. . . . . . . .

Then I fainted.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YASHA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

She took it very bad…

That morning my parents told me that they wanted to send me to USA for *ONLY* five *LITTLE* years (like they called them), where I was going to attend the University to became a manager.

I disagreed totally, making them notice *they* wanted me to marry Kagome.

So they answered. "You'll see her after the University."

I never wanted to kill them like I wanted to that time.

Five years without see Kagome, five years without kiss her … I couldn't bear it.

My heart was broken.

I yelled it wasn't fair, that they couldn't do it to me… nothing succeeded… I felt like crying.

{ATTENTION!!! **LIME** warning}

I took Kagome in my arms, bride-style, and brought her to her house (luckily her relatives were out, staying also for the night at someone's house).

I lied Kagome onto her bed, hoping she wouldn't hate me as I stroked her hair.

A few minutes later she woke up and, remembering what I'd said to her at the park, she began to cry, while I hugged her.

I explained everything to her and we kissed, trying to forget what had happened to us.

But that kiss was different from the others… it was full of lust.

We continued to kiss, now blind to everything but our passions.

She moaned when I kissed her neck and her collarbone, and I gasped when she rubbed against me. I felt the lust riding my instincts, while I laid down the bed with her, still kissing.

She arched her hips into mine and I screamed, feeling her heat near my manhood. I took off her shirt, staring at her full breast. I sucked on her erect nipples while I massaged the nest of curls between her legs. I looked in her eyes lustfully and kissed her again.

That night we finally became one, screaming as our climax took us.

However the morning came and I had to go to the airport, feeling very depressed. My girlfriend was crying, hugging me frantically: I hugged her too, never wanting to let go.

Then, gently, I parted from her, kissing her. For the last time I turned back, staring in her eyes. Then I went towards the gate.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~KAGOME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

I saw him disappear from my life, a part of me was going away with him. I wanted to cry and yell that it wasn't fair… but I didn't do it.

I had to be strong… for him: for Yasha.

Finally I turned and got out the airport.

~To be continued~

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