InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Time Travel and Kagura ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha don't belong to me. I'm just a fanatic who loves writing and reading fanfics.

Title: Inu Switch

Note: Reviews make me happy. Making me happy means I update more!

Now for the Story.

(Story starts out with Inuyasha as a kid)

BANG, BANG, BANG! Was heard outside of the hut. Inuyasha and his mother sat beside each other hugging tightly, both scared for the others' life. Taisho, Inuyasha's twin sister was sleeping on the futon. The banging eventually stopped, and hours later, Inuyasha and his mother were on the futon sleeping.

Inuyasha shot up awake quickly because he smelt something. Fire! He looked around the small hut and saw that the only exit, the front door was a blaze. "Mother!" he exclaimed. His mom stirred. "Fire, we have to leave now or else!" The fire started to spread.

"Come on Inuyasha, through the window!" his mother said. They broke the window open and quickly got out. But then they remembered Taisho.

"Oh, no! Taisho!" Inuyasha/Taisho's mother exclaimed. Inuyasha quickly stuck his head through the window to see if he could get to Taisho, but Taisho disappeared. She was not seen.

"Mom, she's gone," Inuyasha said.

"Do not be alarmed, child, I am going to make your life a whole lot easier than destined to, you already know of the attacks you can do and how to survive, now I'm sending you to another world, another time to live and be safer, your differences will be noticed but you'll be safer and more welcomed, you will be coming back but that's later on in your life, bye," a good miko said and Taisho disappeared from the grassy village and appeared on a well paved sidewalk of a city like place. She tried to remember what happened, but then realized that the conversation happened many years ago. She had memories of going to school, living with a human family, being picked on because of her looks and getting glasses. Now she remembers that she's on her way to school and it's early in the morning. She looked down and realized that she was now wearing a very short green skirt and a white shirt. She remembered that it was a uniform and she had to wear one. But then she smelt the scent of a demon. She ran through the sidewalks and followed the scent to an alley. It was a baboon pelt clothed demon with a huge dark aura around it. It was attacking a human girl.

"Hey, you damned demon, leave the human alone!" Taisho yelled.

"And what's a weak little half breed like you going to do about that!" it replied. Taisho was going to pull out her sword but realized she didn't know how to use it properly so she used her claws, "Soul Shattering Iron Claw!" she yelled and he became a stick with a piece of hair on it.

"Th-thanks," she stuttered.

"What would a very strong demon like that want with you?" Taisho asked picking up the hair on the stick.

"I don't know?" she said and ran off.

"So Inuyasha is in this time too, though he is not as skilled in this time, perhaps he's a reincarnation of the real Inuyasha," Naraku said. "But he is a she, this will be fun killing her. Kagura, go keep an eye on her, go through the well and find her and keep an eye on her,"

"Fine," she said and walked off.

"Taisho, come on let's go we're going to be late for school!" a girl exclaimed. Taisho looked towards the girl. "Hey, here, you must have dropped your headband, here put this on," she handed her a headband.

"Who are you?" Taisho asked taking the headband. "And what's this for?"

"Satya, your friend. You told me this was going to happen, well anyway, you told me your secret about being a half demon and all, and you were going to loose your memory because of some miko who sent you here. You told me to keep this just in case you loose one, you don't want those ears to be seen, and here, let me fix your wig," Satya rambled.

`So she's a human I can trust,' Taisho thought. `Very well then,' Satya fixed Taisho's black haired wig over her white hair. "Thanks, Satya," Taisho said.

"Hey, can I paint your nails later on, they'd look so nice because they're so long," Satya said.

"Feh, okay," Taisho replied. They ran off to school. Taisho's memory seemed to be coming back and school was normal. Then after school when she was on her way home, she realized that she didn't know where `home' was. Satya walked her home and said that her guardian was on a business trip. Taisho ran to her room and put on her fire rat haori outfit that her mother got made for her and her brother. Her one was much more feminine but closely identical to Inuyasha's. She took off her wig and headband and let her ears go up. She then jumped down from the window and climbed onto a tree in the backyard with her schoolbooks. She studied for a while and fell asleep when she awakened to the scent of a youkia similar to the baboon pelt clothed demon she saw earlier. She looked down at the dim back yard; the sun was already setting. She saw a woman with red eyes and a fan at the bottom of the tree. Taisho jumped down from the tree and landed in front of her.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!" Taisho demanded.