InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Switch ❯ Inuyasha's back ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"I called her that my mistake, she looks like someone I know," Satya said.


"Okay Inuyasha, now that schools over, you can go back to what you were wearing before and you can take off that makeup and wig, and we'll study,"

"Hell no, woman, I'm going back after this shit is off," Inuyasha replied.

"How about we at least go to the store so you can get those gifts," Satya suggested. "Wal-Mart,"

"Fine," Inuyasha said.

"It's in walking distance, so we'll walk there,"

"Whatever, let's go," Inuyasha said, walking up the stairs into the room to change his clothes. He washed off the makeup and came back downstairs in his fire rat outfit.

"Uh, Inuyasha, the mascara is smudged all over your face," Satya said, getting a wet tissue and wiping it off his face. "Okay, lets go." Inuyasha and Satya walked to Wall-mart.

"Inuyasha, did you find what you want to get them?"

"Yeah, Kagome a necklace, Miroku, sneakers, Sango, brush, Shippou candy, Kirara, catnip and myself, a matching necklace of Kagome's,"

"Good, I'll go pay for them,"

"Yeah, wait, hold on, video games are fun," Inuyasha said.

"My cousin, Souta, has this game, you can play it at his house," Satya said.

"Fine," Inuyasha said. And they walked to the line.

"What is this?" Inuyasha asked pointing to the candy.

"Other types of candy, do you want to try one?" Satya asked.

"Yes, I want this," Inuyasha said picking up the Starbursts. "They have a nice scent,"

"Taisho liked those too, I'll get her one and myself one," Satya said. Getting two.

"Hey, It's Inuyasha!" Souta said running to him.

"Hey, kid," Inuyasha said.

"Wanna play video games?" Souta offered.

"Hey, Aunty (Kagome's mom)" Satya said.

"Hey, Satya, how do you know about Inuyasha?"

"His twin sister, is my friend, they're switching places for a day," Satya said.



"Haha, I'm winning," Inuyasha exclaimed.

"Inuyasha I think it's time to go," Satya exclaimed.

"Hey, Kagome, I'm back," Kouga said.

"Hey, dog turd…wah, you ain't dog turd!"

"That's right, and I don't appreciate you calling my brother a dog turd, I don't have a quarrel with you and I don't want one, okay?" Taisho said.

"Wah? Fine, whatever," Kouga asked.

"Kouga! What the hell are you doing here!" Inuyasha ran towards him with his tetsusaiga.