InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha: A Kid on a Journey ❯ The Extermely Perverted Kid Monk, Mikomi ( Chapter 2 )
Welcome back to InuYasha: Kid on a Journey! There was only 1 review for that last chapter? Am I doing something wrong? Well hopefully, this chapter will bring in the reviews!
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. If I did I would make this into a movie, not a fan fic!
Chapter 2: The Extremely Perverted Kid Monk, Mikomi!
InuYasha was walking away from his destroyed village. He still could not believe what has just happened. "Kuso!" He said, "KUSO! I'LL GET YOU AKURYOU!" He continued to walk down the path.
In a close village a kid in a monk suit just arrived. He then went to the village head man. "Excuse me, head man, but there is an ominous cloud hanging over your village!" He says, "Let me stay and I'll exercise your village." (boy, that sounds awfully famillier!)
"Just who are you?" Askes the head man. Could he really trust some little kid?
"I'm Mikomi, the great kid monk!" Says the kid monk. He had to get a place to stay tonight! Even if it meant lying. Sure he was a great kid monk, but there was no ominous cloud! He just doesn't want to sleep in the woods!
"OK, you can stay!" Says the head man, "Just no funny stuff!" He still thinks he shouldn't trust this kid.
"YIPPY! NOW WHICH WAY TO THE TEA HOUSE?!?!?!?!" Asked Mikomi. He was just dying to see the girls.
"YOUR TO YOUNG!" Screamed the head man, "NOW EXERCISE THE VILLAGE!"
InuYasha has just walked in the village and hears the head man screaming. He then walks up to him and Mikomi. "Excuse me, why are you yelling?"
"YOUKAI!!!!!" Yells the head man, "MIKOMI, EXERCISE HIM!" The head man was so scared. Why was a demon in HIS village.
"HEY!" Yells InuYasha, "I'M ONLY A HANYOU!" Why did everyone have to treat him badly? Just because he was a hanyou, didn't mean he was evil.
"Well hanyou or not," Says Mikomi, "I'll exercise you!" He then charges at InuYasha. "HOLY POWER!" He then throws some talisman at InuYasha. (remember this is before Naraku, so he doesn't have a Kazaana)
InuYasha uses his claws to whake down the talisman. "I'M NOT EVIL!" He yells.
"YA RIGHT!" Yells Mikomi. He then starts to swing his staff. No way he would lose to a hanyou and not get to stay in the village. Why there was hundreds of girls he needed to ask to bear his child.
InuYasha dodges the staff. This kid monk was a pain in the ass! He didn't need to be exercised! He wasn't evil. "KNOCK IT OUT!" He yells as he knocks the staff outta Mikomi's hand. "I'm just hear looking for a youkai named, Akuryou!" He yells.
Mikomi gasps. "You know him too?" He asked. He could not believe someone else knew the demon he was looking for.
"Ya, he destroyed my village." Says InuYasha. How did this kid monk know him?
Later, InuYasha and Mikomi are on a hill. "So just how do you know him?" Asked InuYasha.
Mikomi sighs. "He was attacking village after village. It's my job as a monk to purify him." Says Mikomi, "Plus the Lord of Japan will pay me millions of yen if I kill him!" Mikomi smiles.
"YOU'RE A MONK DRIVEN BY GREED?!?!?!?!" Screams InuYasha. He could not believe this guy!
"Well, um ya." Says Mikomi. He then sees a girl pass. He runs up to her. "Excuse me ma-am," He says, "I was wondering if you could bear me my child?"
The girl looks shocked. "Um that's cute," She says, "But I'm married."
"Oh, I see." Says Mikomi. He the gropes her butt.
The girl then goes wide-eyed. "PERVERT!" She yells and runs away.
Mikomi sighs. "She had a really nice ass." He says. Why did she leave? He was SO nice to her! (Ya, right!)
"MIKOMI, YOU PERVET!" Yells InuYasha. He then whakes Mikomi in the back of the head.
Wasn't that exciting? Any comments? PLEASE REVIEW! And for thoughs of you reading on , I'm going to post a pic of Akuryou real soon. And I hope to get a pic of Mikomi posted!
Mikomi: Hope
Hanyou: Half-Demon
Youkai: Demon
Kuso: Damn